Will somebody please lend their testicles to TNA!

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Dark Match Winner
Ok, there is always constant debate whether TNA is better than WWE, vice versa. IMO TNA at times has way better booking than WWE but just like the WWE they have terrible times as well. TNA NEEDS TO QUIT BEING THE SECOND BEST PROFFESIONAL WRESTLING COMPANY IN THE WORLD! TNA has a motto, they are diffenrent to WWE and are not in competition, WHAT? They are both proffessional wrestling companys and the sooner TNA realises that it needs to start bragging and one upping WWE it will always be the #2 wrestling company, seriously you have guys like hulk hogan who can get on any mainstream network and brag about TNA, you have money for advertising, yes the market is saturated with WWE advertising, but TNA borrow some testicles and start a fight, go to WWE live events and hand out free DVDs, crash WWE PPVs, intimidate and slander WWE, take the fight to the WWE and show the WWE fans that you are not afraid of the big leagues and convince us loyal WWE fans to watch your programming!
Hulk hogan, go on GMA and tell the viewers that Vince McMahon and WWE can take it up the ass cause TNA is the best wrestling in the world, media is power and hulk one slander and your on TMZ, etc
So readers, do you agree that TNA needs to start a fight? yes they may get killed and run out of business as the WWE could and probably would crush them, but ECW did it, WCW did it, TNA NEEDS TO START A FIGHT AND GAIN ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!
LOL in before locked and closed.

... well, in case it doesn't get locked and closed, TNA's problem isn't growing a pair. Their problem is that their product and storylines suck. If they can improve their core product, they will challenge WWE eventually.
send a few tna cameras to follow the whole tna roster in ambushing wrestlemania, they would get locked out but hey it would create a big stir for all the fans, mostly the IWC
think about it what would you do if you were watching wrestlemania and saw kurt angle front row with a tna world title next to dixie carter with tna signs they put up during the main event?
but seriously the worst that can happen is TNA fails miserably, so what they have a large audience over in the UK, they just relocate and rebuild as Europes #1 wrestling company
This thread is hilarious. I don't know how to respond, it's absolutely hysterical.

They tried to stand-up, they tried to compete. Jan. 4, 2010. Hogan. Bischoff. Hardy.

And they got mutilated. They will always be second-rate. They have second-rate production, writing, and booking. Will someone with authority please delete this thread?
This thread is hilarious. I don't know how to respond, it's absolutely hysterical.

They tried to stand-up, they tried to compete. Jan. 4, 2010. Hogan. Bischoff. Hardy.

And they got mutilated. They will always be second-rate. They have second-rate production, writing, and booking. Will someone with authority please delete this thread?

Ooh, they tried one time. Maybe twice. Can't quite remember, they need to start pushing it some more. Every so often they should do a live show on Mondays against Raw. Who cares if the ratings are horrible, it just means people are stuck in the WWE bubble and refuse to watch anything else. I still believe that TNA is better than WWE and hopefully one day can get ratings to rival theirs. I mean, seriously, everyone says that TNA's storylines suck blah blah blah, but at least they don't have a midget winning a damn battle royal against guys that should be able to just kick his ass, just to win the ability to speak. That was the dumbest thing I've ever seen. And i watched an old woman give birth to a hand.
Um they were already "taking" it to WWE and it lasted less then a month.
and they spent the better part of 3 yrs telling people about WWE.

ECW didn't take a shot at WWE they did a cross promotion with WWE when ECW was going bellyup and Lawler had gone over there when he was sacked from WWE for a brief period. Unless you mean they went against the grain and did there own thing which got a cult following, but it still wasn't in the least bit profitable, sure they lasted several years but they were always broke. In that case it was both WCW and WWF but once again they didn't take it to the other companies, they just did there own thing that was more adult orientated wheras WWF and WCW were still doing family orientated.

They took shots at WCW more then they ever took a shot at WWF who were atleast providing them with some talent with no strings attached as opposed to WCW they just raped there roster and gave almost nothing in return. Then we went to Austin being fired by WCW and he went to ECW, they payed WCW out all the time then
Um they were already "taking" it to WWE and it lasted less then a month.
and they spent the better part of 3 yrs telling people about WWE.

ECW didn't take a shot at WWE they did a cross promotion with WWE when ECW was going bellyup and Lawler had gone over there when he was sacked from WWE for a brief period. Unless you mean they went against the grain and did there own thing which got a cult following, but it still wasn't in the least bit profitable, sure they lasted several years but they were always broke. In that case it was both WCW and WWF but once again they didn't take it to the other companies, they just did there own thing that was more adult orientated wheras WWF and WCW were still doing family orientated.

They took shots at WCW more then they ever took a shot at WWF who were atleast providing them with some talent with no strings attached as opposed to WCW they just raped there roster and gave almost nothing in return. Then we went to Austin being fired by WCW and he went to ECW, they payed WCW out all the time then
So readers, do you agree that TNA needs to start a fight? yes they may get killed and run out of business as the WWE could and probably would crush them, but ECW did it, WCW did it, TNA NEEDS TO START A FIGHT AND GAIN ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!

I'm sorry, didn't WWE run both those companies out of business? Dude, this thread is ridiculous. You realize TNA ratings hover around 1 or so? Usually less. The fact that their name isn't TNA anymore and their title says TNA and half their stuff says TNA shows they are not ready to be big leagues. They can't even handle their own company. I've watched TNA for years and I watch it every week. I like it, but damn it's nowhere close to WWE. Not even close.

Angle and Dixie at Wrestlemania? What will that do? Half the audience will think Angle has a new wife and is holding a fake title. The casual wrestling fan knows almost nothing about TNA. WWE has absolutely no fear of them. Look at whenever it was that McMahon was about to fire Cena and Cena said he'll just walk on someone else's show "brother". You think WWE would let that line happen if they had any worry about TNA? No, it won't happen.

And the biggest thing of course is that TNA booking is outrageous. I'm not saying WWE is amazing, but they're still better than TNA, and that's just sad. As it has been said many times, they wasted 6 months of good TV in 2 weeks with Roode and Storm. I don't even understand what goes on with Pope and Devon. Who is Christopher Daniels fueding with? It changes every week. They are inconsistent and overall disoriented. You hear way more about TNA stars being upset with things happening in the company than you do WWE stars.

Again, I have been a TNA fan for a long time and enjoy the show. There is some great wrestling on there and wonderful talent. But as a whole, TNA does not have what it takes to reach the next level. When Garret Bischoff is being pushed over AJ Styles, you know you have a problem. WWE is a machine and if they challenge them at this moment, they will be taken down and destroyed. No chance at all.
TNA needs someone with balls, to refocus the booking to strive to be the best wrestling company in the world, right now they dont care that the booking sucks cause they have the mindset that they will never be number one, if they aimed for that top spot and had someone to direct the booking in a logical way, they could take wwe down
ECW was being bankrolled by Vince to an extent by the time its stars were appearing on WWE shows, so they didn't really "take it to him", rather than "took from him". ECW did however get noticed under its radar and prove you could build a promotion that could compete for fans.

TNA is so broken its sad. Its like a cheap own brand cola trying to be Pepsi to compete with Coke!
TNA needs someone with balls, to refocus the booking to strive to be the best wrestling company in the world, right now they dont care that the booking sucks cause they have the mindset that they will never be number one, if they aimed for that top spot and had someone to direct the booking in a logical way, they could take wwe down

No they don't need to focus on the booking. TNA needs to do the following which by the way is exactly what WCW did to be successful:

1. Look at their talent pool
2. Find a way to differentiate themselves from the WWE.
For example at the time WWF was doing cartoonish gimmicks WCW decided to do real type gimmicks where it appeared real. The Nash/Hall invasion was well done. They made it seem like the WWF was invading WCW. Of course back then the internet wasn't as heavily used as it is today so people didn't KNOW it was part of the act.

Another example...WCW gave the fans a bit of everything. We got cruiserweights, actual ladies (yes folks remember women actually did wrestle at one point) wrestling and they had multiple main event talent draws. They had Hogan, Sting, Savage, Flair, Luger, Nash, Hall etc etc they had actual stables (4 Horsemen, dungeon of doom to name a few). WCW set itself apart from WWF and made a noise/impact that drew WWF fans away from WWF and towards WCW.

3. Spread their fanbase. If TNA can bring in mega international recognition and get some major stuff going on in places like The United Kingdom, JAPAN, Europe, Ireland etc etc they could then acquire some more revenue streams which would allow for a better arena as well as expanding their promotion across the USA. They need to get their name out there more. They are doing something right because I work at a retail company and a couple guys came in about the time Fortune turned face and they were discussing it. But then they said "fortune is better than the 4 horsemen" and i realized those guys were morons..anyways back on track

4. Stop trying to beat WWE. Yes you heard me right. That was one of WCW's biggest downfalls was they relied a lot on the ratings. Yes they are important but they need to stop focusing on their ratings. They need to focus on getting a BIG core group of fans that will follow them where ever they go. If TNA can acquire said group things will look better. Hell WWE has/had their own sign guy (I haven't really been watching so I'm not sure what happened to him or if he is still around) but the fact that they could keep someone around like that shows they are doing something right.

5. Hire a few decent CREDIBLE legends to help put over younger guys that are ready to be moved to the next level they just need that one slight push.

6. Don't worry about that Monday time slot failure until you are bigger. Yeah you tried to go head to head and failed miserably but so what? Not like it hasn't happened before. There is always a winner and a loser in the ratings wars. All TNA needs to do is pick themselves up and keep firing on all cylinders.
If TNA followed some, if not all of these ideas they could have a successful program going on.
Reads thread title.
Wonders why the hell is there a TNA-titled thread in the WWE section.
Reads the OP's posts.


If I recall correctly, TNA already did try to compete with the WWE on Monday Nights. I've read on few occasions that they managed to "steal" some viewers but they never got the lead nor got close AT ALL.

I don't watch the actual product itself(Mainly because it's not televised on the cable we have here on the Philippines) but I do read reviews from time to time and I've read quite a number of unflattering comments/reviews about their product.

Side note:Oh wait a minute.... I believed it's not even called TNA now... It's Impact Wrestling.

I think TNA/IW, can really be competitive with the WWE. They've got quality wrestlers and even some ex-WWE stars that are quite the big names. As I don't watch the product, I don't exactly have the right to say that "Ohhh they should improve on this, that and there!" but from what I've read from reviews, storylines are quite awful. Best of wishes to them though.

As for your idea of TNA/IW wrestlers showing up Wrestlemania.......
They don't need to think about WWE and should mind their own business.
My bad, this shit slipped by me for a while. No idea what's going on but I know it's in the wrong section and IDR would probably be pissed if I sent it his way.

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