Will Peyton Manning return for another season?


Getting Noticed By Management

According to Yahoo, Peyton Manning's fate isn't contingent on how this postseason ends. He could win it all, or he could lose this week and it may not even matter in the end. What it comes down to is a neck exam that he'll be taking over the off-season.

Now I'm not sure it may just be Yahoo and other media outlets blowing smoke like they always do, but Manning is getting up there in age. He's turning 38 years old in March. Of course we've seen guys like Brett Favre or even Doug Flutie play all the way past 40, but Flutie wasn't even starting by the end of his career and Favre wasn't going through the same injuries Manning has.

With his neck, it's very possible, doctors will tell him to hang up the cleats, but at the same time Manning seems fine now so I don't see why he wouldn't be fine next season.

Do you guys think Manning could be potentially done regardless of whether he wins the Superbowl or loses it? Personally, I think if he wins, he'll hang it up, but if he loses he comes back. Fair enough...but either way I don't think he has more than next season left.
They may say it doesn't matter how the postseason ends but I could see Peyton being like Favre was with Minnesota. He didn't want to end his career on a bad note and felt he could come back the following season and rectify that. He didn't but he tried. Then he accepted that and left.

If the Broncos win the SuperBowl this year and with the season he's had it would be a great way to end a career.

However he could use his high level of play this season as reasoning to come back. Why would he think he couldn't continue to play at a high level?

If I were to make a guess right now if I think he will come back next year barring advice from doctors not to I would say yeah I think he will come back next year.

Assuming he doesn't suffer anymore injuries I'd say he still has another season or two in him.
.... barring advice from doctors not to I would say yeah I think he will come back next year.

Sure, he will. This is a question only because of the medical uncertainty; it has nothing to do with desire to play the game. Not only is the guy not burnt out.....he loves it.

He easily could have quit after his neck surgery. Who would have blamed him if he did? I doubt he came back because he needs the money.

The guy loves to play. If he doesn't win the Super Bowl, he'll return because he wants another crack at it. If he does win it, he'll come back because he wants another one.

Peyton is a gamer, if ever there was one.
Yes and I give him credit for that, it's one of the good things I could say about him. The only reason I dislike him is because of how people talk like he's the best to ever play. Meanwhile his postseason play has not been anywhere near as good.

I'm kind of glad that they are playing New England though, because if he's going to go and win it he should have to go through Brady first. At the same time I still really hope he loses because one I think Seattle/49ers have a better chance to beat New England, and two we'll all never hear the end of Peyton Manning.

Though if I was told no matter what the AFC team would win in the Super Bowl, I would rather it be Manning than Brady. I'd hate to see Brady with four rings.

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