Will Lindsay Lohan ever come back?

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I can do whatever I want

Lindsay Lohan got her big break in the disney movie Parent Trap. The movie was a big hit, and help put Lohan on the map. A few years later her move Freak Friday got good reviews and was a box office hit. Lohan's star rose after that movie but it wasn't until the box office #1 hit Mean Girls that Lindsay became a star.

After that movie she got sponsorship deals, magazine covers, and fame galore. After Herbie Fully Loaded was released and didn't do so swell, Lindsay began to change. She was seen at bars, drunk as fuck, paparazzi boob pics and undie pics began to cover magazines.


Her public image slowly went down the drain. And her movies suffered aswell. Her next 4 big movies all flopped(A prarie home companion, Bobby, Georgia RUle, I know what killed me). She even got blasted by one of her directors who claimed she was showing up to shooting, late, drunk, hungover, and a hot mess.

It came to a point where people couldn't hire her, because the production insurance wouldn't cover her antics and she became a high risk. So now she's pretty much gone from the spotlight minus the paparazzi pics, TMZ videos, and the occasional guest starring role on TV(Ugly Betty, Project Runway).

So do you think Lindsanity(what the media calls her)can come back? Will she ever be a "big" name again, or is she bound to become a has-been, never-was? Is she even worth the hassel?

Personally I'd love to see her make a comeback. America in general loves a good comeback(Britney, Mariah, Whitney), and if she could get her life together I could see her being a bankable actress, or at least have a on going career.

Will Lohan ever make a come back? Or will you be seeing her at a McDonalds near you?
She is in the upcoming movie 'Machette', based on the mock preview before the Planet Terror and Death Proof Movies. She looks like hell. Which is sad because I used to love her. But sadly she looks bad, if she stood sideways and stuck out her tongue she may be confused with a zipper.
If she ever wants to be a star agin she needs to stop the drug use and get her head out of her ass. And maybe eat a bowl of ice cream so we can't see her vertabrae through her stomach.
She is in the upcoming movie 'Machette', based on the mock preview before the Planet Terror and Death Proof Movies.

I was just about to mention this before I read your post. But even being a part of something as tremendous as Machette is obviously going to be, I still don't think it'll rejuvenate her career.

I actually had the biggest crush on her when Mean Girls came out. She was smokin' hot in that movie. But since then... God, I don't know what the fuck happened. And it's strange too because not only has her looks HIGHLY diminished, but so has her talent as well. I don't give a fuck what anyone says, the Freaky Friday remake was damn good and Lindsay was damn good in it. Seriously, that performance was spectacular. And she was good in Mean Girls, too. But literally everything she's done since then has been absolute crap. I remember watching Georgia Rule (why... I don't know), and being blown away at just how terrible it was (Garrett Hedlund is one of the worst actors out there right now; I cannot stand that motherfucker, hell he's worse than Lindsay as far as I'm concerned). I Know Who Killed Me was also a piece of shit. And she was damn horrendous in Bobby, which was for the most part a decent movie. Oh, and Chapter 27... another terrible flick.

I really don't think she'll rebound. I remember seeing her last movie was a made for TV film for ABC Family, and if that's not the bottom of the totem pole, then what is?
Well, given that she's now stooped to being a party girl for hire on Eurotrash yachts, I'd say that, no, Lohan is not going to make a comeback. In fact, I'm so confident in my prediction that I'm moving this thread to the archives. If Lohan ever becomes relevant again, then I'll leave Wrestlezone for good.
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