Will John Cena go the route of Hulk Hogan in terms of Vince McMahon?

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mods please move this if it is in the wrong spot but it is a simple question...will John Cena go the route of Hulk Hogan in terms of his relationship with Vince McMahon?

We all know that Hulk Hogan and Vince McMahon were once tight (in terms of a good boss-employee relationship) Hulk Hogan was making Vince money in the 80s and early 90s and Hogan was the biggest draw. It was safe to say that Hogan was Vince's right hand man...until things went sour (I dont need to mention what happened as almost all of u know what happened between Vince and Hogan...ex: steroid scandal, WCW, ect ect)

So now in today's age, John Cena is Vince McMahon's favroite person.....his go to guy, the maon event....do you think Cena's ego will inflate and collide with Vince's ego eventually and he (like Hogan) will end up being bitter against Vince in the later part of his life?

At the moment, I dont think it could happen but it is possible because Cena has been speaking out lately (well against the Rock)....so maybe he is starting to realize that he is Vince's guy...what do you all think?
Didnt Hogan try and be an actor? I remember watching him on an old ep of Baywatch?
Didnt Hogan try and be an actor? I remember watching him on an old ep of Baywatch?

Yep he was in such classics as Suburban Commando, Mr. Nanny, and the Thunder in Paradise series...I could see Cena following that route and making a bunch more horriable movies, I mean I know about everybody else but I can't wait for The Marine 5:rolleyes:
The difference between Cena and Hogan is that during Hogan's time everyone cheered for him, which is certainly not he case with Cena. Cena will never be as big as Hogan so theres no reason for his ego to become that big. Vince was never content to let Hogan wrestle part-time near the end of his career and wanted more from him, which caused another rift between them. Nowadays Hogan spends his time bad mouthing WWE and this years Wrestlemania, probably because they don't need him to make an appearence anymore. I can't see Cena and Vince going this way due to Cena's popularity. Vince's attitude towards people like Cena is they're a dime a dozan and another one will come along eventually or he can simply make a star out of someone else.

I wonder did anyone ever ask this question with regards to The Rock or Steve Austin? They were considered far better the Cena but neither ended up on Vince's bad side (for the moment anyway).
Because Austin and Rock are not comparable to Hogan in the fact that they were both top guys...Hogan and cena are similar because they always win.....Rock and Austin did actually lose at least once a month or prolly more...thats why....but Cena seems like a good employee right now...lets see if that continues.
I'm a huge Hulkamaniac, but the guy is kind of a prick. I understand what he did for Professional Wrestling, but I find it hard to respect someone that feels they are entitled to anything they want and unfortunately that has been Hogan over the last decade or so. I think this is why there is so much heat between Hogan and most of WWE, not just Vince.

Cena on the other hand, as far as I've seen and read, doesn't act like he's entitled to anything, which many would say he's not, but that's a different topic. He just seems like a genuinely respectful and thankful guy, which is why I say he and Vince will never have a falling out. Obviously you can never say never, but I think this is a pretty safe bet.
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