Will John Cean turn heel at survivor series?

Will cena turn heel at survivor series and attack the rock?

  • Yes at survivor series

  • No not at survivor series. But eventually

  • Yes but on another night WM etc..

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OK. so some people have had this discussion some havent really thought of it alot because survivor series isnt until November. But do u think the John cena heel turn will be at survivor series of this year?
I mean i think we all have a feeling it's just a matter of time bfore the WWE lets John cena turn heel. It's been discussed before like last year with nexus and at this years summer slam. But if he turns on the rock he will be the biggest heel in the WWE. All he has to to is attack the rock with cena and rock left on there team and like on guy on the other team lets just say its del rio or Miz or somethin. Have cena and rock work together on that person in the ring and then BANG cena cloths line the rock and AA's him thru the announce table. I mean cena has nothing to lose right now. Especially with CM punk leading in merch sales and punks not even getting the big push he had before right now(but will be soon). So gimme ur thought and if u think they will turn cena heel at MSG survivor series.
No i do not think they will turn him heel at all.They have to much stock in him.Everyone wants him heel so bad because half of the fans always boo him.But as long as the kids love him and buy his stuff he will always stay a face.Now if anyone is gonna turn on the other at s.s. look for it to be the rock.I see him attacking cena and leaving him for the other team.but to answer your question no john cena will not be turned heel at s.s. or no time soon
Honestly, it's highly plausible with CM Punk getting the push as the number one guy as has been heard on various sites (by me anyway, feel free to get your own confirmation.) Punk leads WWE in merchandise sales right now, which gives them a bit more leeway with Cena and how he acts to the crowd (heel/face.)
If there ever was a time to turn John Cena heel, I think it would be at Survivor Series. Its the WWEs Big 4 PPVs of the year, not to mention its a MSG. I do have to agree that its not very likely to have Cena turn heel because of his merchadise sales and popularity with the younger generation. However, there is no denying the fact that most people want to see Cena go in a whole new direction, but I think his heel turn would ultimately depend on where his feud with the Rock is heading after Wrestlemania because there not gonna keep him heel in the long run (if at all at this point). Just my opinion
have you not paid attention to the tweets and blogs? cena wont be turned heel. seriously cant we all drop it? cena is the face of the company. and that most likely is not changing any time soon. the wwe wont risk the main guy being a heel.
Its unlikely that Cena will turn heel at Survivor Series. The reson being that no matter what happens he will either get cheered or booed. He's one of those people in the buisness that you cant change. As for The Rock turning heel. That wont happen either. If he attacks Cena, without a doubt he will get cheered. If he were. He'd have to attack someone else, other than Cena.
This would be the perfect time to turn Cena Heel. This conspiracy line looks alot like the NWO build up. You have plenty of time until S.S. to build up the anti-WWE team. The smart thing to do is have that team have only four members and who mwill be the fifth guy similar to BATB of who was the third man. WWE want to have Punk's character as a sympathetic character so a swerve at S.S. would make sense unless SCSA makes a turn. The biggest cry is what about Cena's heel turn for the "PG" style of the audience. Same question was asked of the build up to BATB and Hogan's sales were stronger in the NWO then when he was "Immortal" with WWF!
1. WWE reportedly wants to cater to the IWC - check!
2. They're ripping the hell out of the nWo storyline - check!
3. They really really really really need something fancy to get the fans going - check!
4. Cena's throne as the number one merchandise stand with legs is in jeopardy due to a scruffy lookin' dude with X's on his hands - check!

... yeah, if there was EVER a time when a Cena heel turn seemed possible it's now. Either way, like I've said many times before - it's the WWE. It'll be good at first and then you'll blink and wonder how the hell they managed to fuck it all up this time.

Hope he goes heel, though. Dude needs a reboot like Angelina Love needs food.
It wont happen until Cena Falls out of the top 5 in merch sales!! We all know heels dont typically sell merch that well Cena will continue to be adored by all the kiddies and women!! Until Cena says To the fans "You can all kiss my ass" he wont be turned heel. Cena is what number 2 in merch sales top athlete in make a wish foundation him going heel while it be cool it wont happen
No he won't, and probably won't for a very long time. With the amount of stock WWE has put into Cena, they wouldn't turn him. Plus they will lose sales with the kids not buying his merch and all that junk. It doesn't matter if he's number two in the merch sales. Plus, have you noticed the abundance of main event faces on Raw? We got Punk, Cena....and that is pretty much it. So to answer your question, just a simple no.
The best chance that he could turn heel is at Survivor Series. He is teaming with The Rock at the elimination tag match. When only the two of them are left he could just walk out or give The Rock a sucker punch. I believe this John Cena vs. The Rock match would be epic if one is a face and one is a heel. This is the perfect time for Cena to turn heel, although I don't disregard the idea that the one that might turn heel could be The Rock.
I don't really think he will. That would mean he is the heel going into the match with Rock at WM. Unless they turn him during that match I can't see a heel winning that match. If anything Rock will turn heel. That way a face Cena can go over at WM.
Yes John Cena will eventually turn heel. He was a GREAT mid card heel so could only imagine he would be a GREAT main event heel. The turn needs to be done perfectly for it to have any impact in this day and age. Everybody who follows wrestling knows its only a metter of time, so they reason for the turn needs to be calculated and explained properly so the fans buy into it. With CM Punk the obvious guy taking the numer one face spot on Raw and The Rock returning at Survivor Series to team with Cenas side, it is inevitable that Cena vs Rock will be a 5 month program leading to their match at Mania. Thats 22 weeks of television, so turning Cena heel straight away, the feud will be dead long before Mania. Id expect the Royal Rumble or the night after is where we will see the eventual heel turn. All the mutual respect and teaming will only last for so long, so the turn needs to be done so they can capitilize on it as best possible
1. WWE reportedly wants to cater to the IWC - check!
2. They're ripping the hell out of the nWo storyline - check!
3. They really really really really need something fancy to get the fans going - check!
4. Cena's throne as the number one merchandise stand with legs is in jeopardy due to a scruffy lookin' dude with X's on his hands - check!

... yeah, if there was EVER a time when a Cena heel turn seemed possible it's now. Either way, like I've said many times before - it's the WWE. It'll be good at first and then you'll blink and wonder how the hell they managed to fuck it all up this time.

Hope he goes heel, though. Dude needs a reboot like Angelina Love needs food.

1.As I said in response to that post, completely bogus. Laughable, really. The IWC is a bunch of fickle, ignorant crybabies who have no idea what they want...every episode of WWE would be a Vince Russo style clusterfuck with storylines changing mid show and no direction if the WWE tried to cater to the IWC, because they're going to complain no matter what the WWE does.
2.How so? There's really little to no similarities between the NWO and what the WWE is doing now.
3.Eh, I guess. But it's not like a Cena heel turn qualifies as something fancy to get the fans going. What they're doing now, without a Cena heel turn, is getting the fans going.
4.True, although a slip to #2 is hardly worth mentioning. Cena's been the top guy for half a decade now. They'll need to see Punk show he can last at the top before they throw away what they have in Cena.

Either way, you are right that it's more possible now than it's ever been. That still hardly makes it likely. And at this point in time, it's the LAST thing Cena needs. Cena needs a reboot like Velvet Skye needs to act more ****ty.

I know the IWC HATES doing this, but let's think this thing through for once. Cena turns heel by attacking The Rock, CM Punk, and Stone Cold Steve Austin. The kids and women all start booing and/or crying. What do you think the guys in the audience are going to do? What do you think the IWC is going to do? They're going to cheer the fuck out of him, that's what! He'll still get the same mixed reaction he's getting now, only in reverse. What's the point of that? At least the way it is now, he sells merch and gets his Make A Wish on. They already have CM Punk to make the IWC happy. He's their top face, and Cena is the kids top face. It's a great situation and the WWE would be idiots to screw with it - which is why they haven't done it.

Now, a Rock heel turn at Survivor Series or sometime after? THAT makes sense. Especially if we're talking about a WWE vs. an Anti-WWE stable.

I think we might see a scenario where the team of Triple H, Cena, Punk, Rock, and Austin or Undertaker going against Miz, Truth, Nash, and two other guys that have been fired between now and then(Del Rio, Ziggler, Rhodes, etc) with the latter team getting their jobs back if they win. Now, you do long term damage to Cena(or anybody else on the team besides Rock), his character, and his credibility if he turns.(look at how look it took guys to recover when they joined the Alliance during the Invasion.) But Rock...he's not around now, and he's not going to be around after this storyline, so there's nothing to stop you from turning him against the WWE. And he wouldn't just be turning on Cena, which would only make him a bigger face, but he'd be turning on all the biggest faces in the company, and the company itsself. Put him in a stable with Miz, Truth, Nash, etc afterwards, have him cutting promos about how much he hates the company and the fans and can't wait to leave after WrestleMania...he'll be a huge heel, and you might not even have the mixed crowd reaction you'd expect in a Cena match at WrestleMania.

Plus, let's be honest. The face (if there's just one) should win Cena vs. Rock, and Cena has to win.(despite what the IWC will try to tell you.)

And if Austin agrees to wrestle Punk at WM, you could use the same storyline to turn him heel, because aligning him with Rock is natural and logical.

A WrestleMania card with Cena vs. Rock, Punk vs. Austin, Miz vs. Undertaker, Triple H vs. Kevin Nash...not too shabby. And that's not even mentioning the world title matches, which could be Mark Henry vs. Sheamus and Del Rio vs. Randy Orton(after Orton wins the Royal Rumble).
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