Will Jeff Hardy Win at BFG?


Reinventing Pro Wrestling || c.1993
Presuming RVD gets a title shot against the winner at Bound For Glory whenever he does return...

I know I'm possibly looking a bit to far into this, but it's obvious that Mr. Anderson and RVD have nothing to feud about. Kurt Angle may need to face RVD to prove that he is the best wrestler on the roster, but isn't it Jeff Hardy who has dedicated his performance in the tournament to RVD? IMO, that makes Jeff Hardy the favorite to win the match at Bound For Glory.

IF Jeff Hardy wins at Bound For Glory, I will be seriously disappointed with TNA as a whole. First off, not only do you let someone who doesn't just have on-screen troubles (weight issues, slacking ring work [outside of No Surrender]) but also off-screen troubles win your companies biggest prize. Sure, having Angle win will create that feel good moment, but isn't Mr. Anderson getting the fall on Angle what will make fans remember this event? Anderson can carry the whole main event division on his back, but if they don't give him the chance, he'll fall to the back of the pack. Angle and Hardy? They'll always be upper mid-carders.

So my question is:

Will Jeff Hardy win the TNA World Heavyweight Championship at Bound For Glory, and if so what are your feelings on that? If not, who do you think will win and why?
Anderson could feud with RVD if he is associated with "They". Remember, "They" is not Fortune or EV2. If "They" is some group looking to take over TNA, they could write it so that either Anderson or Angle is they guy they've chosen to back, the guy the will build their operation around. It could work with Angle as well-Angle has been critical of EV2 in the past. Anderson could easily turn heel to work with "They" & feud with RVD over the TNA title.

But, to answer your question, I don't think there is any way Hardy wins the title as long as his legal issues are unresolved. What if you give him the title, & a month later he's sentenced to a year in prison? TNA just can't risk it.
I think Angle definitely wins at BFG.

TNA is trying to establish themselves. What better way to do that than to have basically, the best wrestler in the world representing them as their champion.

Angle hasn't been champion in quite a while and he is due...

If Hardy keeps looking like he cares and is interested, (like he did at No Surrender) I see a feud with RVD without the title involved, coming soon. Maybe with RVD as a Heel. Or maybe Hardy screws RVD in his title shot against Angle, after BFG! Either way I don't see them both as Faces, feuding with each other.

But, after Angle has a run, and an RVD feud runs it's course, I can see Jeff Hardy capturing The TNA Title a few months down the road.
If Jeff Hardy wins, he's going to get a token reign of at most a few weeks. Why? Because of newspaper articles that read like this:

"TNA World Heavyweight Champion Jeff Hardy appeared in court today to respond to charges including drug distribution, possession of...."

TNA needs press right now, but all press is not good press. This would be ugly. Before you think that that kind of detail wouldn't be important to newspapers, think again; the media works to construct their stories just like any writer, they've got papers to sell. If it's true, and it grabs attention, print it! This kind of connection to a medium-sized organization is exactly the kind of item that can be developed into another story later.

Making Jeff Hardy the TNA champ is just a completely unnecessary risk right now. Angle seems to be the obvious favorite to win, which is why I think it will be Anderson. I'd still so rather see him as a heel (his face run has sucked- yes, we get it, you're an asshole and proud of it), but he does have the juice to carry the strap as a recognizable champion who can hold his own on the phone. If he's booked right, which I have no faith in TNA to do, but, hey.

This also sets us up for a couple months of retirement vignettes. Please- Kurt Angle isn't retiring from TNA. He might need time off to heal up. Having a wrestler be 'retired' then come back is one of the oldest wrestling plotlines there is; I'm a little embarrassed that so many people seem to think Angle can't lose because of that "win or else" stipulation.

Jeff Hardy is the outside contender; because I see him having the least ability to carry the belt at this time, as well as him being a media risk should he carry it.
Jeff Hardy won't win. I don't know when his court appearance is, but no doubt it'll be put back again. Would TNA really put the title on somebody who could possibly be going to jail within the next couple of months? Personally I don't think even TNA would do that.

I think Angle should win, but really it should be Anderson. Kurt Angle has won that title numerous times before, so big deal if he wins it again. If this is supposed to be TNA's WrestleMania then they should try to start a new era by having somebody fresh win it.
jeff wont win at bound for glory, simply because of the court case and tna would be very silly to giv him the title. i do think however angle is the favourite in the match but i would love to see anderson win the title. tht could definately turn into a chris benoit like moment tht happened at wrestlemania 20
No way will Hardy, if he wasn't in court different story, he is probably the biggest star in TNA and was over as fuck in the WWE and all that. However no way in hell does he win, for all TNA knows he could be in jail in a months time and that would reflect extremly badly on the company it is just too big of a risk. Besides that he has done shit all in TNA so far, to be fair he hasn't been given much to work with as he hasnt actually had a fued yet but that is a different issue entirely, he has been sloppy in the ring bad on the mic and he is looking a bit fat, in no way does that warrant the companies biggest prize.
i dont think about Hardy and his court case wen i think about BFG, because as soon as Kurt Angle told us he would beat the whole top 10 and then capture the WHC i thought "well thats the outcome of bound for glory spoiled for me"

The only suprise so far is that Angle is going to make two wrestlers look amazing instead of just one.
No...I don't see hardy winning...Angle will win it..his return has been all about the world title, his mission to get back at the top of the company..and he has made it this far..therefore, TNA wil give Angle the title..it was part of the storyline since he returned..
I don't think that Hardy is winning. My guess, and this is a long shot, is that they wanted to see the Hardy/Angle match, to determine whether Hardy can go in a big match situation or not. If the case was "not", then they would've ended the match with Angle winning and Angle-Anderson at BFG. The ref could've told them during one of the many extra five minutes, they would've done the finish and whamo.

But as it turned out, Hardy put on a fucking great performance and now it's a three way.

Theories aside, Jeff's got court issues, they could send him straight to the clink any moment now, plus, I'm not taking anything away from the guy but Angle and Anderson are light years ahead of him in every department.

My predicition for B.F.G is Anderson turning heel in some way during the match against Angle and winning the belt. Maybe even cheating to win it and retire Kurt, even though I think that would disappoint many people as this match would probably be the B.F.G Main Event, plus a lot of people love Angle. But isn't that the point? He'd get major heat for it, and nobody works a heat better than Anderson.

Plus, don't forget how retirement stipulations work in wrestling. Didn't Tara retire two times already? Angle will be back in a few months, he'll heal up and be ready for some ass whipping.

Either way, Angle or Anderson, I don't really care. They're both awesome and all I request at B.F.G is a kick-ass awesome match and I'll be a happy camper.
Anderson can carry the whole main event division on his back, but if they don't give him the chance, he'll fall to the back of the pack. Angle and Hardy? They'll always be upper mid-carders.


Um....man.... Did you really just call Angle an upper mid-carder? Really? Kurt Angle is one of the true (DAMN TRUE) superstars in TNA. He can carry an entire company. He wrestles his freaking heart out with no reguard for his body. We all know he is aging, hurt, and prolly eating pain killers like jolly ranchers... But that statement is madness.

Anderson has not proven his ability to carry the main event division yet. He can cut a good promo, but his in ring ability is not in the same hemisphere as Angle's.

Angle wins. The past few months have been about Angle working his way thru the top guys to number one. Crazier things have happened... but Kurt Angle wins.

And, I am sorry man, but there probably isn't six people in the world that think Kurt Angle is an "upper mid-card guy".

And, there you have it.
The odds of Jeff Hardy winning at BFG aren't good. Or, I guess I should say, they aren't good if you're someone that has a shred of common sense. Like a lot of people, I believe that one reason TNA hasn't really done very much with Jeff Hardy is because of his legal problems. There's no telling ultimately when these charges hanging over Hardy's head are going to be settled one way or the other. I know that Hardy is due back in court today and his next date back in court might be one month from today, a week, this Monday, etc.

IF Hardy does win at BFG, then I think it'll ultimately be something of a token vanity run that'll last a couple of weeks. Nobody would be foolish enough to book Jeff Hardy with a lengthy title run while he's facing the possibility of spending the next few decades in a North Carolina state prison. Just imagine the ridicule TNA would get from journalists and fans alike if Hardy gets convicted if he were TNA World Heavyweight Champion. I can already see the jokes forming and that in and of itself would give Mark Madden enough ammo to bash TNA for a good 6 months.
It's not as stupid as it sounds...

Angle in TNA IS an upper mid-card guy... Angle in the WWE was top 4 in the world... TNA's model works on bringing in a new "top guy" from WWE or elsewhere, while de-pushing the previous one at their expense... All come in hot, then someone else does and takes the spotlight cos they over expose them too quickly... its why RVD is off screen, they used him too much already and would have to pay a lot more if they continued...

By that logic you'd have :-

1: RVD
2: Jeff Hardy
3: Hogan
4: Kennedy
5: Pope
6: Styles
7: Angle... he may move up after BFG but for a while now he has been way down the card... Hardy's law problems mean Kennedy is likely to get his title... Angle has suffered from the Jarrett/Karen stuff sadly...
Maybe the fact that TNA made this a threeway is to enable someone other than Angle to win the title without Angle technically losing, thus not having to retire. If he's not the one who gets pinned, he hasn't technically lost a match and perhaps this is their way around that. I think Jeff is set up as the fall guy so Anderson can make a heel turn and steal the title that way.
No way. Why have a World Champ that could get locked up in prison any day? TNA is doing a good job keeping him relevant without being able to put titles on him or put him in any relevant feuds/programs.

This match comes down to Anderson/Angle. Either Anderson pins Hardy and Angle doesn't retire because he technically didn't "lose" per say. Or Angle wins the match and Anderson turns, out of pure frustration.
Jeff has a snowballs chance in hell when getting the title with his current legal troubles. It's not happening.
The only way I could see Jeff winning is if he is going heel. Since that seems like a pretty questionable idea I'll assume he is not winning. As far as Hardy being in the main event, that seems like a good spot for him. The three way creates a lot of alternative scenarios that make the outcome trickier to predict. Plus, there is no one else for Hardy to face that we would care about and at the big PPV it makes sense to get the biggest names in the biggest match.
Back when RVD beat Styles for the belt the original plan was for Hardy to beat AJ, but because of his legal issues they went with RVD instead. I don't see how that can change since as of right now he still doesn't know what his future holds. IMO it is more than obvious Mr. Anderson is getting the belt. He just came off main eventing this past PPV and they let him have 5 minutes after his match to close the PPV and send the fans home happy. He is young, has a look, is above average in the ring, and is one hell of a talker.
First you can't give your title to someone who's in court, but what message do you send if you give your title to someone who is fat, lazy and not passionnate about his work. Sure he delivered an awesome match with Kurt but my opinion of Jeff won't change anytime soon.

For who I think will win, it should be Anderson and he should cheat Angle out of his career to get REALLY big heel heat and thus turning heel. I've been vocal about TNA needing a real heel and I think this scenario could create one and they would be stupid to miss this opportunity imo.
I really hope not. Look at the people in the match.

Hardy - If your an above average wrestling fan you think Crazy stunts and drugs. Its been said many times that Hardy is nothing without the WWE machine and I believe that. The day TNA gives the world title to someone who currently has drug charges against them that are extremely public IMO would make TNA a joke.

Anderson - Great on the mic, sub par wrestler.

Angle - Do I really need to describe Kurt?

The way I see it TNA will just put the belt on someone based on their fan base. In that case Hardy will probably win. Anderson is decent in ring, very good on the mic. Angle, despite his age is the best clearly. But I see Angle retiring. So I would go with Anderson.
Hardy could win the match not neccesarily the title. He could win the match but it's restarted for some reason (interference etc) and he then loses due to intereference. He could then fued with the person who cost him the match, keeping Hardy relevant and a main-event player, but out of the title picture
I really don't see Hardy winning at BFG. Never mind the court case, the slackness in the ring, or other reasons. The main reason is that Hardy is looking more and more like Samoa Joe (or his brother, but at least Matt tries) every week.
Maybe the fact that TNA made this a threeway is to enable someone other than Angle to win the title without Angle technically losing, thus not having to retire. If he's not the one who gets pinned, he hasn't technically lost a match and perhaps this is their way around that. I think Jeff is set up as the fall guy so Anderson can make a heel turn and steal the title that way.

Yup, I've been thinking the samething ever since No Surrender. I'm hoping he won't beat him clean neither. That way they kill 2 birds with 1 stone...1.Angle doesn't get pinned so he stays. 2.Anderson "turns" on his "buddy" Jeff to win the title(low blow or something like that) turning Anderson back heel.
As far as someone who could win and have great matches on the next few PPVs... I'd say, the best option is Anderson as a heel...

It would be great to have him screw over Angle and cost him his career... That would make it really easy for the booking team... I mean, they could build up for a Anderson versus Angle rematch for months... Have Angle wanting to come back and Anderson telling him that he needs to be a man of his word and retire... Until Anderson finally pushes Angle too far and he comes back to face Anderson...

During all that... You could have Hardy versus Anderson headline a PPV, Anderson versus RVD, Pope... There's a lot you can do with a heel Anderson...

If Anderson doesn't turn then I hope Angle wins...
If you watch the opening promo to the BFG preview show below, it clearly states that only one man can face Mr. Anderson for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.


If that's the way it must be, then it's obviously going to be Kurt Angle to face Anderson. That leaves us with another question though. What will Jeff Hardy be doing at BFG?

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