Will it work??


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With the resigning of Lesnar and the talks of turning him face, question would be if they turn Heyman face. Would it work with having Heyman doing promos as a face? As long as I can remember he has always been a heel unless someone else knows of a time prior that he was a face. Maybe in the ECW days? So question is if they turn Lesnar face should they do the same with Heyman or give Heyman some guys to go after Lesnar?
I think Brock is always gonna be a tweener.
Physically dominating bad ass that will be the same character whether his opponent is a heel or face thus allowing the fans to dictate what he is. Your post did get me thinking though....if they somehow pulled off a double turn in the main event Sunday I'd be flabbergasted, shocked, and more than all ENTERTAINED
What ifs...

paul turn on lesnar by siding with reigns? Brock the face, reign w/ paul the heel.
paul become the moutpiece for roman.

just a thought.
It can easily work... I mean, most of the crowd cheers Paul Heyman nowadays anyway, but I don't know if it would be logical. For all the talk of what a "prototypical" heel is, people rarely mention Paul Heyman. Just look at the guy for christ's sake! He's a small, pudgy, greasy man who attains his arrogance from hanging out with physical beasts. He's like that loser in high school with the cocky attitude... the kid with an ego that really didn't deserve one that everyone wanted to kick the shit out of.

I think Heyman is invaluable as a heel mouthpiece and more talent can benefit from a heel Heyman than a face Heyman.
It won't work, atleast for me. Union of a heel and a face doesn't work. We have seen how the pairing of face Natalya and heel Tyson Kidd. At the end of the day, Natalya executed a turn. She went heel and now its working. Union of a face and a heel can't work. You think, the mentality of heel is different and that of face is different. That said, a face mouthpiece for heel can't work. They can go with either both of them heel or both of them face IF they are aligned together. A face and a heel can't be on the same side. It would produce conflicts (kayfabe) between them. On the other note, none of them are either heel or face. Both of them are tweeners. They are cheered heavily despite being heel.
So question is if they turn Lesnar face should they do the same with Heyman or give Heyman some guys to go after Lesnar?

I'd choose the latter. Paul Heyman's best destiny is to portray a heel and the notion of him working against Brock Lesnar after having spent the past couple years fawning all over him is too good to pass up.

However, Heyman could play a face manager if the storyline called for it. You know how Randy Orton can play a good guy, yet will never completely come off as one? In his previous outings as a face, he could never be called "nice," could he? Even though he was fighting on the side of truth & justice, you could never count on him to side with the other good guys. Good or bad, he's for himself, first & always.

Same for Heyman. Even as a face manager, the persona we would see is largely what he's always given us. Yes, he'd be directing his guys on the side of good, yet he would still be the same devious, calculating mastermind he's always been.

Actually, this is something I'd like to see. As with Randy Orton, Heyman might be a good guy, but he'll never be a nice guy.
I think the problem with splitting Heyman and BL is that Brock is going to have to do his own talking when the fued continues.

Some of the best in the business can't hang with Heyman on the mic, can you imagine what a disaster Brock could be against him?

I think you need to keep Heyman with BL as long as he is with the company. Face or Heel, Heyman needs to do his talking.
Someone already said it but I do feel the need to reinforce the point. The crowd absolutely loves Paul Heyman. I love his work, you love his work... Lets face it, the man is an utter genius. When it comes to getting a reaction from the crowd, not many people in the history of wrestling have done it better than Paul Heyman. The fans just love to love him, regardless of what he is doing. If the idea was to turn Lesnar face, which I seriously doubt it is, then Paul Heyman will make it work. He's made things work in the past and he would make this work. No doubt about it.
Paul Heyman as a tweener would work, but a traditional babyface? Eh, I'm not so sure about that. Paul Heyman just has that ability to just naturally be able to ooze sleaze from every pore or from every word that he says. When Heyman comes out in character, there just seems to be something extremely shady about the man; he's like a guy that works in a funeral home and sells you the cheapest grade coffin for the most expensive price, then digs grandma up after she's been planted so he can steal her jewelry.

Heyman as a tweener, as I said, I think would work because he can keep some of those sleazy, sociopathic tendencies in tact. I also just don't buy into Brock Lesnar as a traditional babyface, he's someone that strikes me as a heel or a tweener. Neither of them strike me as someone who can convincingly pull off "nice guy" characters, but I'd at least be willing to give it a shot.
Live crowds do whatever the hell Paul Heyman wants them to, that's the genius of him as a speaker and performer. He essentially is a tweener and so is Brock, which is right where they need to be. If he retains after Mania, the possibilities of programs are endless for the year whether he faces heels or faces and his resigning gives me confidence that he can/will retain at Mania, which he should. He's not the kind of performer who is at his best chasing a title. He is best being chased.

Now, should they go the swerve route and have him go with Reigns it could work for the shock factor and create the Mania Moment everyone covets but long term it doesn't do it for me. Brock will still be on a limited schedule so when he comes back I don't want him hyping his own matches. Paul Heyman has elevated Roman Reigns in the last two months without being his guy, no need to cross the line in the sand now.

Prediction: Lesnar beats Reigns in a good contest, Rollins attempts to cash-in and fails! Next night on RAW, you'd think Heyman and Lesnar were the biggest faces in the company.
Both of these guys transcend the usual heel / face personas. They are both so immensely talented that they don't need such labels to get crowd reaction or for help getting over. Currently, Brock is a heel that behaves more like a face. He doesn't take cheap shots, doesn't cheat, and he doesn't even insult his opponents. He just goes out there and whips ass like a strong face, he's like Goldberg with more street cred.

The Heyman gimmick will never change, he's always gonna be a mouthy little prick with a huge body guard client. And he does it so well that crowds actually like being insulted by him because it is so funny or entertaining. He goes out every week and serves up traditional dialogue like has never been done before. You might say he is serving us the sports entertainment red meat on a weekly basis.

So if he does switch at Mania, not much will change Brock will keep silently annihilating his opponents, only the crowd won't feel the need to boo, and Heyman will continue to deliver his rhetoric. A change would be good, just to keep things fresh and let Heyman help other talent.
Ambrose should win the IC Title

Heyman should "try to screw Brock" only to have Brock win the match.

Reigns should attack Brock post match and have Rollins and Ambrose come down to help so Rollins can cash in and win the title.

Mania ends with Heyman standing tall with a reunited Shield who has the IC title, World title and have Reigns beat Cena on Raw to win the US Title.

Heyman is on TV every week with The Shield which is a win!

The Authority loses authroity because they have no power because Heyman controls the belts and The Shield.

The Authroity kicks Big Show and Kane out and bring up Kevin Owens and Sheamus as the face of the Authority.

Cena, Lesner, Brock, Ziggler, Bryan, Orton and others can feud with The Shield and The Authority while The Authority and The Shield feud with each other for dominance.
Heyman as a straight up face manager, or "Advocate", would not work. Heyman is the best none wrestler heel on the mic in WWE, and in my opinion, ever. He can go into a town like Philly where he is beloved as the mastermind of ECW, and within 45 seconds of his promo have the crowd booing him, he is an evil genius! He could easily be more face like and get the crowd behind him when he talks, and do it better than many babyfaces in WWE right now. But, at the end of the day you wouldn't trust it, it would feel unnatural, you would be waiting for the manipulative, snake-like Heyman to turn and make the whole WWE universe look like fools.
Now as for Lesnar, as a face I think it can totally work. As long as WWE does one thing, leaves him alone! Lesnar as a face should be almost the same as heel Lesnar. Show up, talk little, and kick a lot of ass. The only difference, he destroys more heels than faces. Lesnar as face, is a perfect example of what I hoped Roman Reigns would become, yet WWE get a hold of him and tried to turn him into the John Cena kind of Babyface.
As for Roman Reigns part int he equation, yea he could work as a heel, but I find that to predictable. There is a long lists of former young babyfaces in WWE who struggled out of the gate, and turned. For some it worked out great in the long run, The Rock, and for some it nearly killed their career, and all I'll say for the latter is...Feed Me More.

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