Will history repeat itself at Mania??


Dark Match Winner
so i was reading the post about randy/HHH ending their feud in a Hell In A Cell Match.. yeah that could happen, but i was thinking their match at mania can't possibly be 1 on 1 with no sorta gimmick to it.

well.. think back to the last time wrestlemania was held in the reliant astrodome.. wrestlemania 17..

whoever has seen that historic event would remember the handshake between the boss and steve austin. right before the match was set to take place it was announced as a NO DQ match after everyone thought it would remain 1 on 1.

now with a sledgehammer being involved pretty much every week now, this match can't remain 1 on 1.. so with that being said, do you think it's possible this match will be changed to a NO DQ match right before the opening bell and have vince screw HHH, thus having history repeat itself at the astrodome.

we haven't seen vince since he got punted in the head, so is it the perfect time for him to come back and screw the game over.. thoughts??
i was thinkin the same thing once the match was made official. orton is this era's stone cold. all i know is a wm a mcmahon will screw triple h nd orton will leave wm wwe champion. i guess the question is which mcmahon?
i don't really give a shit what type of match they have. any match or any thing that randy is a part of is always good. as long as rko walks out of mania the wwe champion and has a long title reign, i'm happy. vince needs to keep hhh away from the wwe title. they're not going to, but they need to. and besides, i think the whole hhh beating ric flair's title record is over rated. who gives a shit how many title reigns someone has. when i hear that edge is an 8 time world champion, i say the same thing "so what?" and than i ask, out of those 8 reigns, how long has he been champion? my guess is not very long. that's the statistic i pay attention to. having 8, 13, or even 16 little bullshit reigns doesn't really impress me. sorry.
First off bro WrestleMania X-7 was held in the Astrodome but WrestleMania 25 is going to be in Reliant Stadium not the Astrodome. So history won't "repeat" its self but history might be made.
in all honesty it sounds very possible just imo it would be LINDA screwing tripple h, think about it she could say it. It was always about Vince and never about em and so on
I think if a McMahon is going to screw Triple H then it's going to be Shane McMahon.

Can you guys remember when Stephanie slapped Shane on the stage and said Raw were her show. I can imagine that Shane will bring this back up and cost the game the title.

It could set up for some interesting HHH vs Shane McMahon matches possibly after WM?

Gives Orton the chance to start defending the belt rather than having the usual Wrestlemania rematches at Backlash?

Your thoughts...?
umm imo bad idea cos getting revenge on your sisters husband becouse she slapped you... thus helping the guy that booted you in the head and your father in the head sounds dumb.
umm imo bad idea cos getting revenge on your sisters husband becouse she slapped you... thus helping the guy that booted you in the head and your father in the head sounds dumb.

So does Stone Cold shaking the bosses hand after all the hell he put him through, but he did that, didn't he? Dumb or not, WWE does shit however they want to.
umm imo bad idea cos getting revenge on your sisters husband becouse she slapped you... thus helping the guy that booted you in the head and your father in the head sounds dumb.

Yeah i know what you mean. But then again half of the storylines with the McMahons haven't made sense...

Would stephanie turn on HHH? doubt it seeing as it wouldn't make much sense to do HHH vs Steph all over again (WM18).

It could be Vince but not sure what direction they could take if Vince screwed HHH out of the title... i dont see him being a member of legacy or anything like that...

sorry im just typing as a think... lol
I would love to see the WWE title change hand but not to Orton he just not WWE championship worthily I mean his dad is a better wrestler then he is, But sadly I see Orton winning at WM25 to finally put a Nial in these Horrible and boring feud
To be honest. It has been way too long since Trips has won at Mania, its been about six years. Well, of course there is the possibility he loses again but REALLY? 7 times in a row at Wrestlemania? i just think that it is toooo many times.
wow i never thought about WM ending that way, now im even more excited lol

but i do think that COULD happen, im not sure that it will because Orton has "destroyed" the whole family already, and why would Vince come back to help randy when randy just DDT'ed his daughter and kissed her in front of the games face! (amazing segment) im kind of ify about this possibility, but i def think it would be a head turner to see vince screw over triple h, that would be an amazing way to end WM25 (25th anniversary, something BIG needs to happen)
i could see a gimmick being added at the last minute, mayb at wm or maybe on this weeks raw, however i would prefer to just see them wrestle one on one, rather than add gimmicks. the only gimmick i would like to see is an iron man match, and let them go at it for an hour, it would be epic. however; that is unlikely, but i hope the match gets a good 20-30+ minutes
i could see a gimmick being added at the last minute, mayb at wm or maybe on this weeks raw, however i would prefer to just see them wrestle one on one, rather than add gimmicks. the only gimmick i would like to see is an iron man match, and let them go at it for an hour, it would be epic. however; that is unlikely, but i hope the match gets a good 20-30+ minutes

Main event of WM will always get a decent length of time on the card. Although i do like the idea of an Ironman match...

It would be a different idea because they have already got a few matches that are going to be No-DQ and i am worried they won't be enough actual wrestling on the card apart from HBK-Taker. Although i cannot see Orton and HHH being a pure wrestling match i could see HHH going down a fall getting disqualified just because he beats the hell out of him with a chair, but then regains the fall by pinning him after the shot etc. He did this when he faced The Rock and thought it was quite clever...
I would really love the idea of Vinnie-mac screw HHH and give Orton the win. I think it would really be the start of a good run of the Orton Mcmahon era. Every good heel stable that ever made it for a lengthy bit of time had an older, rich or great voice at their head. What better way than Vince to be at the head and paying the Corporate Legacy. Member Vince is a second generation wrestling business person too...
although highly unlikely somethings tellin me that trips is gna destroy orton for 80 percent of the match at WM and at the last second stephanie is going to turn on trips and as a consequence orton will win the title. as i said this is highly unlikely because of their real life marriage, but what an awesome shock that would be if it would actually happen? idk about you guys but i loved the previous edition of raw, the overall show was terrible but it was all contradicted by the end of the night when orton kissed stephanie in front of a conscious HHH. it would only be respectful to the fans to have steph turn on him @ mania
Y2M said:
I would love to see the WWE title change hand but not to Orton he just not WWE championship worthily
Then who do you suggest is "worthily"of the WWE title? Jeff Hardy? CM Punk? Hornswoggle?
I mean his dad is a better wrestler then he is,/
Yeah, If you like boring mat style wrestling. If Bob Orton was good why did he do basically nothing his entire WWF run? Randy is better than his Dad, there's no denying that.
But sadly I see Orton winning at WM25 to finally put a Nial in these Horrible and boring feud
Yeah, Randy beating the living shit out of the owners of the WWE is really boring. I almost fell asleep when Triple H tossed Orton through that window. Last Monday's beat down was just ugh.
Timmy872 said:
To be honest. It has been way too long since Trips has won at Mania, its been about six years. Well, of course there is the possibility he loses again but REALLY? 7 times in a row at Wrestlemania? i just think that it is toooo many times.
True, but he's been in at least the co-mainevent of all of those Wrestlemanias.

Wrestlemania 19 - He beat Booker T.
Wrestlemania 20 - He lost the title to Benoit. Having a classic match and creating an all time classic moment.
Wrestlemania 21 - He lost the title to his friend Batista. The build up to the match was really good. I was very hyped for it.
Wrestlemania 22 - He put over John Cena. Good match and the crowd was awesome.
Wrestlemania 23 - Injured
Wrestlemania 24 - He was in the co-mainevent. But he didnt really do nothing but almost win.

So I really dont think that Triple H has nothing to complain about after you look at his track record. He has a history of putting younger guys over clean at Mania. So hopefully he'll finally do the same for Orton this year.
I would really love the idea of Vinnie-mac screw HHH and give Orton the win. I think it would really be the start of a good run of the Orton Mcmahon era. Every good heel stable that ever made it for a lengthy bit of time had an older, rich or great voice at their head. What better way than Vince to be at the head and paying the Corporate Legacy. Member Vince is a second generation wrestling business person too...

actually he is a 3rd generation superstar because shane is always claiming to be a 4th generation superstar.

as for wrestlemania main event, i would love to see a good ol' fashioned iron-man match but i think it will be highly unlikely, the card is already bigger than most PPVs: MITB will go on for about 20-30 minutes, a 25 diva battle royal won't exactly be short, the tag team match should be about 10-15 minutes, intercontinental champ match will be about 10 minutes, taker vs shawn i expect to be really long, triple threat match, another 20 minute match, so after all of that, not forgetting there is still 2 weeks till mania, JBLs going to "make history" we don't know what that is yet, i reckon the furthest they will go will be no DQ match, with 2 stipulations, either legacy get involved and shane and vince come down to even the odds and it ends with vince punting randy in the head or shane o mac gets involved and takes out HHH for some reason and becomes joint leader of legacy being a 4th generation superstar.
so i was reading the post about randy/HHH ending their feud in a Hell In A Cell Match.. yeah that could happen, but i was thinking their match at mania can't possibly be 1 on 1 with no sorta gimmick to it.

well.. think back to the last time wrestlemania was held in the reliant astrodome.. wrestlemania 17..

whoever has seen that historic event would remember the handshake between the boss and steve austin. right before the match was set to take place it was announced as a NO DQ match after everyone thought it would remain 1 on 1.

now with a sledgehammer being involved pretty much every week now, this match can't remain 1 on 1.. so with that being said, do you think it's possible this match will be changed to a NO DQ match right before the opening bell and have vince screw HHH, thus having history repeat itself at the astrodome.

we haven't seen vince since he got punted in the head, so is it the perfect time for him to come back and screw the game over.. thoughts??

Well thought out. Great job. Heres where I have problems. Its Vince McMahon. We could be seeing them dressed up like Bareny and Baby bob when Wrestlemania comes around.

That being said, I don't know if this will be a no DQ or not. I think it will not be. Its became personal, yes. Sledgehammers involved, yes. Right now. The title doesn't even matter according to the fued. Orton's getting under the skin of HHH, and HHH is defending his family, business, wife. =\\ I can see HHH coming out just next week and say "My queen, My wife, My love!!!" Then just obliveration The Legacy to fifteen thousand smitherines. Oh, back on topic here. Sorry. :p I don't see this becoming a no DQ match. I see it becoming something more until Backlash so on and so forth.
good post. First off i would just like to say that Wrestlemania x-seven was held at the Houston Astrodome aka. Reliant Astrodome. Wrestlemania XXV is being held at The Reliant Stadium. Two different areans. However, they are pretty much right next to each other. It's a football stadium like last years Wrestlemania was when it was held at The Citrus Bowl. However, Reliant Stadium has a retractable roof so I would assume WWE would have that closed.

On to your post. I would love to see HHH get screwed by a McMahon. Shane or Linda wouldn't do it for me. It would have to be Steph or Vince. Hopefully Vince because he is just a natural heel. Plus Steph already went again HHH when she was teamed with Y2J. Anyway regardless of what is going to happen it's gonna be an amazing match. I'm def ordering this PPV.
good post. First off i would just like to say that Wrestlemania x-seven was held at the Houston Astrodome aka. Reliant Astrodome. Wrestlemania XXV is being held at The Reliant Stadium. Two different areans. However, they are pretty much right next to each other. It's a football stadium like last years Wrestlemania was when it was held at The Citrus Bowl. However, Reliant Stadium has a retractable roof so I would assume WWE would have that closed.

We all know this, why are you telling us? Preaching to the croud bud.

On to your post.


I would love to see HHH get screwed by a McMahon. Shane or Linda wouldn't do it for me. It would have to be Steph or Vince. Hopefully Vince because he is just a natural heel. Plus Steph already went again HHH when she was teamed with Y2J. Anyway regardless of what is going to happen it's gonna be an amazing match. I'm def ordering this PPV.

To start, I don't think it will be McMahon. More like Linda. Randy said "only she can save you now." Steph came out, she got DDT'd, and then HHH STILL got Sledgehammer'd. So that leaves one person. Linda McMahon. The person being the families glue for years. Can no longer hold up. McMahon family hell, is about to break loose folks.

Oh by the way, his name is Chris Jericho. Watch RAW sometime please?
I can definitely see Vince turning on Trips in the main event and costing him the WWE Championship. It's gotta be time for Vince to dust off the old black jeans and little vest and have a match with Triple H. Vince being with Legacy could also lead to other second generation stars joining the group, like Carlito and Primo, or maybe even Harry Smith.

But anyway, back to the point. I definitely see some kind of screw job involving Vince or Shane, and Orton walking out of Wrestlemania as WWE Champion.
Its funny that this thread was started because I forgot that WM was in Houston when Austin won the title but I also envisioned the same thing happening at this years Mania because no one would see it coming. I mean, while I love Triple-H, I believe that it would make his character more hungry than he is and it would give him a nice feud with McMahon. Whereas the Rock was suspended and never really got his revenge, (I dont count McMahon kissing Rikishi's ass revenge or the Rock Bottom as revenge) It would make for a great storyline to have Trips vs Vince or Shane again with no HBK involved. Plus, now it would be a family affair so all the more merry. Plus, it would truly solidify Orton as he would have beaten Trips at two Mania's in a row.
i honestly think that JBL will make history. has anyone else thought about him lately? i think hismatch will be first and he will win then later on that night the MITB match starts and JBL somehow gets involved and wins. THEN finally cena edge or show wins their match and he cashes in and WINS! i dont like JBL but hes damn tough and this wrestlemania is in texas.. his home state. after all said and done he retires that night as WHC and IC. that could maybe create a KOTR to crown a champ. anyone agree??

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