Will Edge be considered a fluke champion?


Where it at doe?
As the title says, will Edge be known as a fluke champion? Lets look at the facts we have.

Edge d Cena at NYR 2006. Only to loose it in 3 weeks at the Royal Rumble.

Yes he defeated Cena at NYR in what people consider the biggest moment in his career. If some of you don't know how he won it i will explain it. Cena was the first person in the Elimination Chamber and he spent 25+ minutes in the facing HBK, Kane, Carlito, Chris Masters and Kurt Angle. After eliminating Kane, HBK and Kurt Angle he has getting double teamed by Masters and Carlito and Cena used all his strength to win that Chamber match. The night was not over as Vince McMahon came out and announced Edge is cashing in his MITB briefcase. Every one was shocked and as Edge was trying to knock Cena out he speared him for the 1.2.... Kick out. Edge was shocked and disheartend thus making him spear him again to win his first WWE Championship. Then 3 weeks later at the Royal Rumble he faced John Cena to defend his WWE championship only to loose. That making one of his "fluke" championship runs were he cant defend it on a fair one on one match.

Edge D RVD and Cena in a triple threat match on Raw 2006. Only to loose it in 3 and a half months

The feud started when RVD cashed in his MITB briefcase and opted to vs Cena at ONS 2006. In the match the crowd got really worked up about it and stuff. During the end Cena was about to win until Edge came in and speared Cena through the table making RVD to do the 5 Star Frog Splash for the 1.2.3.Edge got a match with RVD at Vengeance but failed to win it there. Then Edge walked out disappointed he didn't get a title shot and threatening to leave the WWE if he didn't . Then the next week on Raw it was a triple threat match for the WWE championship. It was a good solid match with Edge coming out on top for his second WWE championship. Cena then got his Match at Summer Slam were Edge was not allowed to get disqualified or he would loose the WWE championship. While cheating to win he retained it after hitting Cena with brass knuckles to get the pin tho. This ended up making a TLC match in Edges home town were if Cena lost he would have to go to SD for 3 years. But in the end in one of the best TLC matches ever Cena got the win. Thus making Edge loosing in 2 one on ones for the title and him cheating to win one, one on one. But he got his championship in a triple threat match which is somewhat not a good way to really say your a real champion.

Edge D Undertaker on SD after cashing in his MITB case to win the WHC Only to loose 2 and a half months later

After beating Kennedy to win his second MITB briefcase Edge decided to save it to a little. Now we go to Takers first half of the year which was great , one of his best half years ever. After winning the Rumble and beating Batista at WrestleMania 23 in what was match of the year Taker continued to feud with Batista. At Backlash 2007 Taker had a match with Batista in a Last Man Standing match. Although he did not win the match he came a draw thus making him not loose the title. He then faced Batista in a steel cage match on a episode of SmackDown. But again he falied to win or loose , coming a draw again after one hell of a match Mark Henry came out and beat the hell out of Taker. Then Edge the " Ultimate Opportunist" cashed in his MITB briefcase and winning the World Championship again with a spear to the all ready beat up Taker. While Taker was taking time off due to injuries Edge had a feud with Batista. This seat up a number of matches with Batista. 1 at Judgement Day were Edge won via roll up. The second being at ONS where Edge only just one by a toe ( but if batista put his feet out first he would of won) then finally at NOC in a match were Batista had to win or he would not get a another shot while Edge was the champion. But Batista won the match by DQ until Teddy Long came out and said Edge cant loose by DQ or countout or he would loose the title. This making the match restart and Edge then won by countout. Things for Edge looked up he had the title for 2 and a half months and was about to feud with Kane. But in the weeks leading upto GAB Edge got injured making him vacate the title. See Edge one 3 times here but they were all "fluke wins" were Batista was going to win all 3 until Edge got lucky.

Edge D Batista and Undertaker at Armageddon to win the WHC four months later
When Edge vacated the title Khali ended up winning it and then lost it to Batista. SO Batista was World Champ again. But then Taker returned and wanted what was his . At Cyber Sunday he was in the World Championship match with Batista with Stone Cold as guest referee. Taker failed to win and ended up getting pinned after getting a Batista Bomb. This made them have there final match at Survivor Series where Edge interfered and hit Taker with the camera making Taker loose when he was clearly going to win. Batista retained and this amde a triple threat at Armageddon with Edge emerging as the winner. Edge held the title for 4 months in having successful defences against Mysterio at RR and NWO. Then Taker the winner of the Elimination Chamber faced Edge at WrestleMania 24 and beating him to make his record 16-0. In what many people considered as MOTY Taker won after his Hell hold finisher. But here you see again he had to win in a triple threat match after the "Edge Heads" interfered. See not another proper win for Edge. And his title defences with Mysterio were ifish because He cheated to win the first won and he faced Mysterio when he had a torn bicep at NWO ( yes i know Mysterio was not going to win but i am just stating the facts).

Edge defeated Taker at ONS in a TLC match to win the World Championship. Only to loose it a month and a half later.
Edge went on to continue to feud with Taker . He had a match with Taker at Backlash were he lost to the Hell hold again. Vickie then announced on SmackDown that Undertaker can not use the hell hold to win any matches as it is now classed as DQ. Taker then lost the title after using this hold and it made the title vacted. Anyways Edge then continued to chase the Championship at Judgement day. But he lost due to countout and Vickie then came out again saying that it can not be won via countout or DQ so the title was still vacated. So it was announced at ONS there will be a TLC match for the World Championship. The stipulation being if Taker lost he will be "vanished" from the WWE forever. In the end Edge won and Taker was no more. Edge ended up going into NOC as the champion facing Batista were Batista looked like winning again until Edge hit him with the belt to win again. The next Raw CM Punk cashed in his MITB briefcase to beat Edge after getting manhandled by Batista to win the Championship. Edge again not winning cleanly in both his wins . Where he got Hawkins and Ryder to interferer in the TLC match.

Edge d Koslov and HHH at Survivor Series to win the WWE championship . only to loose it 1 month later.
It was hyped up that Jeff Hardy was getting his final WWE title match. BUt 1 night beofre the Survivor Series event he was knocked out in his hotel room by a mysterious person. Everyone thinking it was HHH or Koslov. It was then announced that Jeff HArdy would not compete at Surivior Series due to injury. So it was HHH vs Koslov until Vickie came out and said "he is here" Crowd thinking it was Jeff Hardy were yelling like crazy until... Edge came out. Edge ran down and speared HHH and then Hardy runs down attackes Edge and hits HHH with a chair. Then getting himself speared Edge goes on to cover HHH for the win. Winning his 3 WWE Championship. But it was not over because at Armageddon it was announced that Edge would not only vs HHH but he would also vs Hardy as well. This turned ut to be a great match and Hardy ended up winning his first WWE Championship here. So do I need to say something here about Edge?

So what are your thoughts on Edge. Is he a fluke champion or not?
Well its been rumored for Edge to win the title again at the Royal Rumble or NWO which most likely Christian will interfere in the match and give Edge another "fluke" title reign, which very well could last until WM 25.

I think what we are getting from Edge is the ultimate transition champion even though he may end up with double digit reigns as champ with at most a 3 month reign.
I would find it hard to call him a fluke, considering it is all scripted :)

However, i believe the way they have it booked is what helps make Edge one of the top heels. We all hated the Honky Tonk Man as a heel because he always seemed to come out on top with fluke wins to retain. Edge is no exception, plus he is pretty good on the mic. We all love to see Edge get the hell beat out of him, whether he loses or not.

Can hardly wait until Christian returns!!
I wouldn't say he was a fluke champion. A fluke champion is someone who wins the title but doesn't have a credence of credibility to hold on to it. When we look at him, we think, how is this guy champion. Case in point, CM Punk and Rey Mysterio. Granted, Punk could be a good champion, it was just to early for him. Mysterio on the other hand was your prototypical fluke champion. Edge, while he does win his titles in devious ways, is a credible champion. The way to look at this is by examining his losses. He has lost his title in a number of very great matches, which shows that the contender needs their best to beat him. He is not a fluke, he is an opportunist. I don't see the difference in winning the title in a hard fought match or winning the title because you take advantage of a situation, a title win is a title win.

Also, that second time he cashed in mitb, that was a necessity. At the time, if you recall, Kennedy had gone down with an injury (which was belived at the time to keep him out past the year that the case could be used) so Edge was needed to win the case in order for the match at WM to not be a waste. Very shortly after this, it was learned that Taker was injured and he needed to leave. So instead of giving the title to Batista where he would have no one to defend against, they gave it to Edge, so that the feud between Edge and Batista can begin.
Edge will be remembered much as the same was Foley was when he was champ (remember, Every reign foley had was under a month). Because Foley truly earned the title, he is not remembered as a fluke champion, just a guy who didn't hold onto the belt that long. Edge has been one of the (if not the) top heel for the last 3 years and deserved to have his day in the sun. The length of a title reign doesn't really matter anymore as 1 month title reigns are common in this day and age . With Edge's current position in the company, he will be remembered as a classic heel champ who did what he had to do to become champ (Hence the nickname "The ultimate opportunist") and did whatever he could to keep that title. How you carry yourself as champ means much more than the length of a title reign or in which way it was won .
These belts are just ground work for greater things to come. Triple H had similar reigns before he became recognized as a main event staple. It's a rite of passage that some wrestlers are forced to take before being considered 'main event'. Fact is, we've paid to see Edge getting the title taken from him, on numerous occasions I'm sure, ie. Royal Rumble 06, SS 06, Unforgiven 06, RR 07, Wrestlemania 24, etc...
I'd argue that he's a champion that can draw (but first I'd have to compare buyrates).
At this point, as a viewer, I see Edge as a horrible WWE Champion, but a decent World Heavyweight Champion. That doesn't mean he's bad at what he does. No, it means that the way he's booked as a transitional WWE Champion makes him look worthless as WWE Champion. It's just too predictable that he'll lose his title after one month. Like, for example, giving Edge the WWE Championship only for him to lose it to Jeff Hardy at Armageddon had me scratching my head and saying "why bother?" Edge is a top heel, no arguments there, but he should have a lengthier run with the most coveted prize because it helps his status. Remember when JBL held the WWE Championship? Who expected him to hold onto the title for that long? It worked great for him 'cause people wanted the title off of him and no one could do it. He just kept getting by like a worm.
While his very first Heavyweight Championship reign was and could be considered a huge fluke, his overall value as a World Heavyweight Champion is anything but.

Edge is the type of wrestler that's now carrying Brands. He's the guy that is on top, regardless of holding a Championship or not and when he has the title, it only gives that title more value. He doesn't hold it longer than a few monthes at a time because simply put.. he doesn't have to.

Edge's job is to help raise those around him. I'd say he's done a tremendous job at that, especially considering he single handedly helped C.M. Punk look like anything of a credible World Champion in basically going 100% limp for Punk to put him in the G.T.S. and pin him. Edge put Punk over huge in doing nothing at all, and it's all because of how big Edge is as a Superstar.

The one Championship reign you can't truly take into consideration is the reign after cashing in against the Undertaker. Why can't you use it? Because he would've likely held that Championship until either Survivor Series when Undertaker returned, or WrestleMania of the following year. Due to an injury, he had to forfeit the title though.

His first set of reigns really didn't pan out, but not because of anything Edge did.. more because the company felt Cena would do better with the title on him, than on Edge. Edge got over purely off being a jackass and a great heel. While I wouldn't discount Cena's ability to get over naturally anymore.. the fact is, obviously back then they felt he needed the title more than Edge. Likely to see to the kids, as obviously a guy with the nickname "Rated R Superstar" wouldn't of went over well with Parents.

If you look at his other reigns, similar to putting Punk over, Edge single handedly pretty much finally put Jeff Hardy over as a World Champion because point blank.. Triple H. wouldn't.

All of that combined doesn't make Edge a fluke Champion, it makes him a very respectable Wrestler for doing what you truly should be doing in this industry and that's helping to get your other fellow Wrestlers over. And to finally put an end to this.. I'd hardly say 6 World Heavyweight Championship reigns makes anyone a fluke.
Yeah i will have to say no here aswell. Not because everyone else has said it but because I think I am more intellegent than the fans that actually go to the shows ( but people from here are good , like Norcal and that) and actually know that he isn't a fluke. His title reigns might be short but they weren't really meant to be any longer than what they are suppose to be ( except the one were he got injured). He is meant to just hold the title and then give it to the guy that needs it most. Unlike some faces were they just drop it to the best heel so then the heel can drop it to the face that needs it again.

I believe that his first reign couldn't be called that flukey. But if people think Punks was flukey then people must think it was a fluke. I know what Edge has to do but some of the fans out there probably think that he's a fluke and probably some of the people in here. All I can say is that i know he isn't a fluke champion and he was just doing his job.
I have to agree with Will here. While his reigns have been transitional in length. He has not felt like a transitional champion. He goes out there and does what hes supposed to do and makes you hate him. Makes the other person in the ring look good and also makes himself look good as well. That doesnt sound like a transitional champ to me. That sounds like a true champ.
Six time champions simply are not "fluke" champions. Steve Austin never had that long of a reign ... all six of them combined were less than two years ... and I don't think anyone would call him a fluke champion would they?
Sure Edge has had some short reigns ... but part of his character is he always finds a way to get it back. Definitely not a fluke ... simply one of the best.
Edge could be considered a transitional champion, But not a fluke champion. He has proven time, And time again, That when he has the title people watch.

When Edge won the title against Cena at New year's revolution everyone was shocked, He had been chasing a title shot all year in 2005, And got his shot after winning the Money in the bank match. The Raw after got a rating of 5.2 ish, And they stayed high until he lost the belt to Cena at the Royal Rumble.

The after his fued with Mick Foley, He went on to win the championship again, This time pinning Van Dam after hitting Cena with the belt, And pinning RVD, During this reign, Edge produced a great fued with Cena (Possible fued of the year), Which started after Edge got DQ'ed and Cena put him through a table at SNME, Which led to the SummerSlam match where if Edge was DQ'ed he would also lose the title, So he smacked Cena in the back of the head with Nuck's (great match, Perfect heel ending). He went on the destroy the "spinner belt", And debuted the "Rated R belt", This led upto the TLC at Unforgiven (Match of the year candidate), After being choked unconscious by the STFU, Recovering, putting Cena through tables at ring side, He finally loss via a FU through two tables off a ladder.

After a Steel cage match between The Undertaker and Batista and a assault to The Undertaker by Mark Henry, Edge took advantage and defeated Undertaker with two Spears to win theWorld Heavyweight Championship, My belief of the reason he won this title was becaue The undertaker was injured, Also, As a result of this victory, Edge became the first man to become a dual triple crown champion, as he was the first man to win both the RAW and Smackdown Heavyweight titles, both the RAW and Smackdown tag titles and both the Intercontinental and United States titles. He went on to fued with Batista in a trifector of great matches, After this his reign was cut short, As Kane was made number one contender, He attacked Edge in the process Edge tore a pectoral muscle.

Edge regained the World Heavyweight Championship, after giving The Undertaker two chair shots, and pinning the defending champion Batista (who had been Tombstoned by Undertaker prior) in a Triple Threat match. During the match, Edge used two look-alikes to distract Batista and The Undertaker. At both the Rumble and No Way Out, Edge successfully retained the title after spearing Mysterio in mid-air. At WrestleMania XXIV, Edge lost the World Heavyweight Championship to The Undertaker when he tapped out to The Undertaker's new submission hold.

His next title reign came at One Night Stand in a Tables, Ladders, and Chairs match. The first match ended with a countout victory for The Undertaker but no champion was crowned due to the circumstances. he second match at One Night Stand saw Edge walk away champion, which also meant Undertaker was banished from the entire WWE. The next night The rated R Superstar, Lost the WHC to CM Punk after Batista handed his ass to him, And Punk hit the GTS to pin him.

at Survivor Series, Edge returned to WWE after an introduction by SmackDown General Manager, replacing Jeff Hardy in the Triple Threat match for the WWE Championship involving the champion Triple H and SmackDown newcomer Vladimir Kozlov. He pinned Triple H to become the WWE Champion for the third time in his career. This title reign was short lived as Edge lost the WWE Championship to Jeff Hardy at the 2008 Armageddon, And slung Jeff Hardy into a main event player.

All this happened whi;e Edge was champion, Does it sound like the resume of a fluke champion?

I think not.
First, good job SPINC on an excellent and very detailed post. Now, I would never call Edge a fluke champion. Edge's character is that of an ultimate opportunist and he always has some sort of plan to win the Heavyweight title, and he always follows through with it. Edge has no problems at all in winning the title so in that sense now he is not a fluke champion, he did not stumble and fall on the guy for the pin and suddenly he's champion.

What Edge is however is a poor weak or poor champion. As you pointed out, the man has never had a reign longer than four months. He was supposed to have one after he beat the Undertaker after cashing in MITB that he won off Kennedy (just more scheming and planning by Edge), but an injury curbed that idea. Couple in the fact that he also wins those titles by putting in the least amount of effort to win, i.e. the two MITB cash ins when the champs were at their weakest and Survivor Series when he finally came in after his opponents had fought for a good long while. Even in the other three matches where Edge participated entirely in, he still took measures and made sure he'd win, i.e. using the belt on Cena to pin RVD, making sure Batista retained the title at Survivor Series to win in a 3-way at Armagendon (I'd imagine it be easier to get the title of Batista than the Undertaker), and having La Familia with him in his feud with Taker.

What does this make Edge, not a fluke champion, but a person who just can't seem to hold onto anything. He has no problem winning the damn belts, but when he's the one suddenly being pursued, he can't keep the title. Edge is in an era where WWE wants their faces to have long reigns, because there desperate for ratings. So Edge is the perfect guy to put the belt on because he has been one of, if not the, top heels in the company so hence a good heel to carry the belt to Wrestlemania or another big PPV to lose to. If Edge was big around during the Game era (2000-04), he'd so already have a long title reign. Edge is a perfect description of a heel, a wrestler who does the least amount he can to win his matches. If Edge continues with his current streak of title reigns you should, he could be looked back at as a poor or even a transitional champion, but I wouldn't call him a fluke. Edge knew how to win them, he just couldn't keep them. Hardy, if he loses at Royal Rumble, will be considered a fluke champion. But I do agree, Edge does need at least one long reign to shed himself of this title as a person who can't keep a belt.
No. This is the first time that the WWE or really any promotion has really used a wrestler and a gimmick like this. They've pushed Edge for the better part of 3 years now with being the ultimate opportunist, and he has really single handedly established Money in the Bank as a solid thing to look forward to. Again, we've never seen a move like this in the business where a guy can literally strike from nowhere to take the title off of a champion, it's a great gimmick.

Short title reigns, yes, but the Rock didn't have a title reign among his 9 that were memorable either. Edge is a six time, count em, six time world champion, and very likely it will be seven within the next 48 hours. That's a huge accomplishment. Look at the list of guys that were world champions while employeed under the WWF/E flag, only Triple H and the Rock will have more with 12 and 9 respectedly. Folks, When Edge wins number 7, he'll pass guys like Austin, Taker and Hogan, that speaks unto itself.

I think Edge is a success. That character adn long title reigns simply don't work. The character has been made to be smarter and a striking snake, waiting for his opportunity, but as a true heel, when push comes to shove, the face will beat him in a straight one on one match. That is what wrestling is all about.
Edge has won the title far too many times be considered a fluke champion. If anyone's a fluke champion, it's Rey Mysterio.

What Edge is, is a transitional champion. But that certainly isn't going to overshadow what he has done in this business which is alot. I think when his career is over, people are going to remember him for what he accomplished, not by how long is title reigns are. Look at Bret Hart. He had the title for one day, but whenever folks talk about how great of a wrestler he is, it is simply forgotten.

I know this may sound weird, but Edges short title reigns is one of the reason why I admire him not only as a wrestler but as a person also. It just comes to show that he has no problem putting over other wrestlers. The guy loves to do his job and he does a darn good job at doing it. There are never reports of him complaining about not being treated as a real main eventer or whatever. He has incredible work ethic. And I do think that he deserves to have one lengthy title reign before he hangs up his boots because he deserves it.
These belts are just ground work for greater things to come. Triple H had similar reigns before he became recognized as a main event staple. It's a rite of passage that some wrestlers are forced to take before being considered 'main event'. Fact is, we've paid to see Edge getting the title taken from him, on numerous occasions I'm sure, ie. Royal Rumble 06, SS 06, Unforgiven 06, RR 07, Wrestlemania 24, etc...
I'd argue that he's a champion that can draw (but first I'd have to compare buyrates).

Exactly HHH and Rock had similar reigns before becoming staple in main events... Edge havin reigns that dont last that long doesnt take away his credibility at all, cus in this day and age its very common....
Even from a championship point of view, Edge brings nothing but value to the belt because of his heel character and the fans desire to see it off the man! The multiple, albeit short, title reigns prove that the WWE feel they have a solid main eventer [to be] in Mr. Adam Copeland. Some here have stated that these short reigns are a set up for something monumental, and I hope so. I have been an Edge-Head since his WWF debut in 1998 and he is one of the reasons I tune into SmackDown on a more than occasional basis.

I would love for Edge to have a reign that equals that of Cena in length, if not right now than soon. Edge surely deserves such a reign, and such treatment. He is always top notch in the ring, he is always top notch on the mic, and has been nothing but quality in all of his career, I think. The only dilemma is that he is running out of people to face, much like all established main event players. How many times can we see Hardy/Edge and not proverbially call it? I will grant that the chemistry between [a] Hardy and Edge is awesome, and it is always a pleasure to watch two young and skilled workers give it their best and their all.

I think it is easy to look at Edge as a fluke champion, but I also think doing so would be wrong. Those terms apply to two different kinds of wrestling fans, you know what I mean? "We" look at Edge and realize why he is getting these short reigns, analyze his ring work, etc. The "Average Fan" could most likely care less. We also realize the difference between a 'fluke champion' and a 'transitional champion,' or 'set-up title reigns' (at least what we hope are). I think it's safe to say 'fluke' is more of a misnomer for what Edge does, and his title reigns.
Edge is not a fluke champion, neither is he a transitional champion. Transitional champs hold the belt so that a bigger star could take it from them. Transitional champs hold the belt to keep the title picture interesting. After 7 times winning the title, Edge is definitely not a transitional champion. His second reign (after defeating RVD and Cena on Raw) was not a transitional reign. Edge was the most watched champ in the past 5 years at that point. They knew that he would be great as champion.

As for a fluke.......well........wrestling's scripted, so nothing is a fluke. The correct terminology would be a paper champion, something that Edge is definitely not.
When you ultimately think about it, Edge has only become better as a champion. Allow me to explain.

-When he first became champion, it was the "he does not deserve it" kind of reign. Storyline wise, Cena took the title right back. Edge was furious. Som we get to the 3 way match between himself, RVD and Cena and Edge becomes champion.

He has a good 3 month title reign until Cena begins his year long title reign. That honestly was only because the writers did not know how write for Cena at the time without him being the champion. We would call Edge a supporting actor as he supported Cena throughout that storyline.

Edge would finally get his 3rd title by stealing it from Undertaker. Again, that was a great move and built more heat on Edge. Now I truly believe Edge would have had a long reign had he not gotten injured but alas things happen for a reason. Edge comes back at Survivor Series and one month later, he is champ.

He would have a good 3 month reign until Wrestlemania where he lost the title to Undertaker. Again, Edge was just supporting the streak that will not end. Undertaker's moment. Therefore, Edge did his part as the top heel.

He gets the title back from the deadman only to lose it to CM Punk after Batista beat the shit out of him. Therefore, we move on to the next opportunity, here comes Survivor Series. Edge is added to the match and pandamonium as Edge will now face off with HHH and Kozlov. He loses it to Jeff Hardy because the writers wanted Jeff to have his first title reign to set up the Hardy Boys feud with the "jealousy" angle.

Finally he takes back the title tonight and I am sure he will hold it until Wrestlemania. But Edge does what he needs to do. He is the heel that supports the face that is trying to bring home the gold.
Edge is not a fluke champion, neither is he a transitional champion. Transitional champs hold the belt so that a bigger star could take it from them. Transitional champs hold the belt to keep the title picture interesting. After 7 times winning the title, Edge is definitely not a transitional champion. His second reign (after defeating RVD and Cena on Raw) was not a transitional reign. Edge was the most watched champ in the past 5 years at that point. They knew that he would be great as champion.

As for a fluke.......well........wrestling's scripted, so nothing is a fluke. The correct terminology would be a paper champion, something that Edge is definitely not.

If we're looking at it in terms of correct terminology (taking into account the scripted elements), then Edge is definitely not a transition nor fluke nor paper champion. Edge's character compliments the ways he has won the title, and like I said earlier -- he brings nothing but value to the belt because of a) how he wins and b) his character's major "heel-ness."

I am fascinated with terminology, truthfully, and to me there is even a slight difference in the terms Transitional Champion and Transition Champion. to me Transitional implies a longer reign and a legitimate drop of the title, while Transition means a one week reign, a boot to the head by Orton and a job to HHH. (I guess it's the "al" that adds the 'resepct,' but I might be just blowing smoke up the wrestling world's ass here, although the terms Fluke and Paper also mean similar things with slight differences that are incredibly minor, so maybe not lol)

Edge, of course, has had the "longer" reigns and has dropped the title at the end of them legitimately and understandably. Edge is awesome as champion, he draws and excites and challenges the viewers and the standard. And that is why he continually wins the title.

But ultimately, I think it is the length and quality of the title reign that determines if one is a Fluke Champion, Paper Champion or even Transition/al Champion, as well as to whom the title is dropped at the end of the reign and how. So only time will tell what Edge's role is this time around...
So, basically, because of Edge's character, the WWE title is worth high in value for being tossed around like hot potato between one-month reigns? I don't see this any differently than the WWF Hardcore Championship (minus the 24/7 theatrics). Edge deserves to hold the WWE title for MORE than one month, regardless of his "heel" character. At least make it three tops, please. Because right now, collecting a large amount of WWE Championship reigns that don't even last three months is making it harder for me to accept him as a good Champion. If he's a heel, he should use heel tactics to not only win the title, but to retain it. Otherwise, it's so predictable that the next guy that walks into the ring to challenge Edge for the title will be the winner.
i gotta agree with trance metaphor. everytime i see edge as champ, i think about who he's gonna lose the title to, because that's the trend. remember, JBL had a long ass title reign. it works for heels too. i hope this reign will finally be edge's long-term reign, albeit any injuries. if he's champ until 2009 survivor series, i'll be a happy camper.
No way. His title reigns wern't the longest, but he won big, important matches to get them and has some great fueds along the way. If this keeps up, he will have almost as many reigns as Triple H. Which is some acomplishment if you're not married to the bosses daughter. Edge will be remembered not for his reigns, but for his wins to get the title. A fluke champion is someone who gets fluke wins.

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