Will CM Punk finally get his WM Main Event Match this Year?

Blue Chipper

Shapeshifting Humanoid
Punk said that one of his only goals left in the company is to main event a WM. Will he get it this year?

I don't think so. But a friend of mine is convinced that he will.
Well HHH matches at Mania always get a significant amount of time, even bumping some off the card. That's about as close as he might get.
It's all according to how you define "main event". For me, main eventing Wrestlemania means competing in the final match of the evening, assumed to be the highlight of the show and by this definition, then no, he will not main event the event this year. He will be in a high profile and entertaining match, likely with Triple H, or possibly Batista, but neither of these will be the main event.

The main event should be john Cena versus the Undertaker or if not, a title match which likely would not include CM Punk either.
I don't think punk will ever get a WM main event match. No with the current system of bringing guys back at least. Bad timing.
I don't think punk will ever get a WM main event match. No with the current system of bringing guys back at least. Bad timing.
Don't use that as an excuse. I've got Bryan vs Cena as the main event this year*.

*Or Lesnar vs Bryan. Or Cena vs Taker. Or Cena vs Bray. Or Cena vs Hogan... Okay, I've got nothing.
Not this year he won't. With Batista, Cena, Lesnar, Orton and The Undertaker around (and two of them playing big belt bingo), Punk gets pushed down the card.
Not this year he won't. With Batista, Cena, Lesnar, Orton and The Undertaker around (and two of them playing big belt bingo), Punk gets pushed down the card.

Alright, alright, we've all said a lot of things and maybe some of them we didn't mean. Let's not get crazy.
Not any more than he did last year, thats for sure.

Which is a real shame, since Him Vs Cena really SHOULD ME a mania, if not this one.
Don't use that as an excuse. I've got Bryan vs Cena as the main event this year*.

*Or Lesnar vs Bryan. Or Cena vs Taker. Or Cena vs Bray. Or Cena vs Hogan... Okay, I've got nothing.

I'll have give it to you that it's not much of an excuse, though I think he could have main evented any of the last three if not for the Rock. I wasn't watching wrestling the few years before that so I had forgotten that there were some decent main events. If the summer of punk was a year earlier the Miz would be out on his ass.

But I don't think punk has much chance when there are a lot of brand name big bads hanging around the mania season and there are TWO guys better suited to main event from the roster.
I thought that last Smackdown's Cena vs Rollins was better than Cena/Punk that one Raw.
I'll have give it to you that it's not much of an excuse, though I think he could have main evented any of the last three if not for the Rock. I wasn't watching wrestling the few years before that so I had forgotten that there were some decent main events. If the summer of punk was a year earlier the Miz would be out on his ass.

But I don't think punk has much chance when there are a lot of brand name big bads hanging around the mania season and there are TWO guys better suited to main event from the roster.

If it wasn't for Rock holding up Cena's time Punk wouldn't have had that title by Mania time. Unless they pulled the trigger on Cena/Taker I guess.
If it wasn't for Rock holding up Cena's time Punk wouldn't have had that title by Mania time. Unless they pulled the trigger on Cena/Taker I guess.

Maybe not, but I don't think there was anyone else they would have had going for the title than Punk. Assuming Cena had it. Undertaker doesn't want the title, Ortan wasn't doing great then. Who else did you have? Seamus? Henry? Big Show? Jericho? Not likely.
I have Bryan vs Cena and now buoyed by some egging, Bryan Vs Brock.

Last Mania's best match was Lesnar vs H really, and this year Punk gets H by the way things are going. Pretty sure this will be touted as the SEMI Main Event. (eyes now rolled)
Fourth from top behind the WWE Title match, whatever Undertaker is doing and whatever Lesnar is doing.
I don't think it's likely. Punk is facing Triple H (in as pointed out above a semi-urgh! main event).

The proper main is either gonna be:
Lesnar (c) vs. Batista
Lesnar (c) vs. Bryan
Lesnar (c) vs. Taker (unlikely, but as this is 30, they might go for title vs. streak).


el dandy (c) vs. la parka (this is money!)
Not this year he wont as others fairly noticed...

They would play "Punk vs Authority" game again. So that means Punk vs HHH almost for sure. And with

1. Wanting 70000 Yes chants
2. Brock and Batista
3. Belt match
4. Undertaker
5. Cena, Hogan and Piper

Cant see him maineventing this year and that match with HHH can be like 4th by importance...

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