Will Carlito Ever be WWE Champion Material?


Dark Match Jobber
I think carlito has everything it takes to be a top superstar on the raw or smackdown brands. Firstly he has the in ring ability which is not always key to be a top player in wwe but is still helpful. He is great on the mic and can rival the big stars of raw. Also he has the history because he is the son of former wrestling great Carlos Colon which helps his credibility. He has the capacity to be major heel on raw if they would give him a chance instead of trying to make the great khali a big monster heel and it would be a great match if him and Cena had a feud over the summer. But I know you all will say the one thing that holds him back is a good finisher but in fareness roddy piper had a poor finisher and he became a legend in the wwe. So can I get your opinions on Carlito please.
Well to be fair, Roddy Piper came from an era where finishers weren't extremely important. But I don't think it's Carlito's finisher that's holding him back, anyway. For one, I think he was blasting WWE in media interviews which probably didn't sit too well with management. Aside from that, the main event scene is just too crowded right now, and it's not that Carlito isn't talented but only so many people can be in the WWE title picture, so Carlito is just gonna have to stick around for a while and if he does, then he really has a chance to eventually be in the main event scene.
Well, I think he needs a new song first lol. Carlito is a great wrestler, but I don't think he really is over enough for a title run. What he needs is a really hot feud that will shoot him into the stratusphere, a lot like what Mick Foley did for Randy Orton and Triple H, and Flair with Sting. Flair isn't over enough now to put someone else over, but if Carlito got into a feud with someone like The Rock, if he ever comes back, then he might be catapulted.
At first when Carlito started to get pushed on RAW i really thought he could go over well, but after seeing the fued with him an Flar I don't think he'll be anything moret hen a mid carder. WWE specifically asked Flair to get on Carlito because he was slacking off so to speak, and that was supposed to spark him to do better, but as we've seen it really hasn't done much for him. Sure he's added a few moves here and there but he's just not really going all out with it like everyone hoped he would.
I hope not. Carlito has never shown me anything in the ring or on the mic. He has charisma but he talks so slow it doesn't really show. His matches are boring. Seriously name me one memorable Carlito match since his debut. I cant. He's had ok matches but then again so has Viscera. He jumps about which gives people the impression that he's athletic. But he moves in slow motion. It's like he has strings attached.

As for becoming a world champ. Yeah I imagine so. But he will get his one shot and blow it. He's not somebody like Kennedy or MVP who I feel will run with the ball and really try there best.
You have to think some point down the line that they will give a little run with it. But i'm with Jake that he will fail with his run and that be it for him. I know his gimmick in all just doesnt work for me as WWE champion material as his mic work is ok at best and ring work is nothing great. He just a guy that has some talent but with no heart and can be dull in the ring. But like most he will get a chance and fail if not he can look forward to jobber status in the title picture.
Also tagging a character as cool never works. It actually draws to the fact that the Carlito character is hilariously un-cool. Austin was cool, Undertaker is cool, Kennedy is cool. But Carlito has a toilet brush hair do. Shit shirts, crap trunks and an apple. What's cool about an apple? And spitting is gross. My point is that headliners need a natural cool, and Carlito doesn't have it.
Carlito does not have what it takes to be WWE Champion, or even be a serious main eventer for the title. People are sick of his attitude, and despite being put with Ric Flair for a while it did not matter. His iron only got mildly hot with his face turn against Chris Masters, but to be honest I don't think reforming that team would be a terrible idea.

There are other guys I would see in that elevated role long before Carlito. Either Hardy Boy. CM Punk. Johnny Nitro. Whomever. But Carlito is not polarizing, he is not interesting. He is good in the ring, but his storytelling ability is only as good as his opponent.
But we all have to remember, Triple H used to be in the same position as Carlito, back when he was Hunter Hearst Helmsley. No one thought he be main event material, but look at him now. All it takes is one good feud, and one good gimmick.
I think Carlito has what it takes to main event. Come on guys -- THE GREAT KHALI WAS IN THE MAIN EVENT-- you have to be kidding.. Carlito is a WAAAAAY better wrestler than Khali or Lashley and has better Mic Skills than Lashley, Khali, Nitro, Kane, ect. Why wouldn't they put him up against Cena for the title... EVERYBODY TELL THE TRUH...From all the Cena bashing I see in here, If he takes the title from Cena.. you guys would throw a victory party.. RIGHT???? RIGHT????? Thought So

His Back Stabber is a great finishing move and people hate his character.. all they have to do is make him DOMINATE a superface and he will be over as a heel.
Carlito will never be a WWE champion if he keeps having matches like the one he had with Ric Flair the other night where it seemed like he attempted to pin the man 15-20 times. A please cut the hair it will never work, even The Rock got a haircut before his big run at the top. As far as mic skills that can always be worked.
I think Carlito could pull off a title run, although probably not a long one. I think the best thing to do is drop the hair and the apple, and have him team with Orton as...stalkers, for lack of a better word, against Cena. This gives them the opportunity for several things: the title changes hands to Orton or Carlito, Orton/Carlito thinks the other cost him the title, or my favorite: Orton wins title, Carlito wins title shortly after. There's a good triple threat in the making.
My plain and simple answer is no. Not that an explaination is needed but I will offer one.

1. Carlito was too closely mimiced towards Razor Ramon which, while is brought about some nostalgia, only tagged him as being a pale comparison. There was only ONE bad guy and Carlito was unable to fill those shoes from the start.

2. Carlito has too clownish a look. While the whole "Sideshow Bob" hairdo may set him apart from everybody (now that Eugene has shaved his head), it has done nothing to give him any credibility as a heel or as a face. Just when you think he's truly done something evil, you start snickering at the hair.

3. The Apple Gimmick. Now unless your name is Punkin and have slept with Flavor Flav, spittin aint gonna get you over. And even in THAT case, it's only a one trick pony. So the apple spitting thing is so lame it's not even funny. Who ever heard of bad guys that ate apples anyways?

4. He's never had the physique to get himself over. When he first came in, he was all flabby and crap. And now, he has (just short of the hairdo) that whole "indy" wrestler look. I mean seriously, how can you put over a guy who has a worse look than the jobbers that you hired for HEAT matches?

And last but most importantly... 5. Or as I like to call it, "The Christian Rule". And that rule states that if the WWE has pushed you as too cartoonish or a joke, then the chances of you getting over are slim to none. Now while you can point out guys like Orton (when he did his "Orton Injury Update" reports) and Kurt Angle(when he was dorky) the fact of the matter is that they were pushed as more annoying than jokes. They still held up their visiousness and and heel bite through it all. So they seemed dangerous in the end.

I think that the huge decline in Carlito as a legit heel came when they let John Cena whoop his ass all over the arena. Now beating him badly would have been one thing. But to have Cena totally destroy you? That would taint anybody's credibility. Pretty much the only thing left is to have him do the "Vader Shuffle" every time he gets in the ring because he's nothing more than an overblow jobber these days. Period.
i sont think that carlito has it.to be quite honest i never really liked him they havent really built him up well enough with the intercontinentel or us titles maybe a move to ecw would be his only chance of heanyweight gold
I don't think that he will ever reach there just because the stuff he says backstage just screws him over.

And I don't really want to see him main eventing.He has never amazed me or really shown me a great match.Except for Vengeance in the Triple Threat.
carlito is scott hall basically and not in a bad way scott hall in his prime was one of the best acts there was carlito in my eyes after being trained by legends growing up he will be there infact i beleive his talent and mic skills already got him there but the wwe doghouse stays intact for awhile but just wait
Barring a major change Carlito is not WWE Champion/World Heavyweight Champion Material. I'm not saying 'never' because who really thought Edge and Randy Orton would become World Heavyweight Champs? It would take a major change to his apperance and\or gimmick for him to become champion. He'd have to do something that really turns the fans completely for him or against him, because the crowd decides more often than not if you're top contender material.

By the way, I think Spawn was right about the Christian rule, especially about the exceptions. With Randy Orton, he was still booked as a serious wrestler before that, and his entry into Evolution made him a serious contender by association. As for Kurt Angle, even though he was a dork, he was always still a strong contender because of his credentials. It was obvious he would be WWE champ. Although Edge and Gangrel were vampires, they were quiet vampires who were excellent in the ring and didn't embarass themselves by trying to suck on people's necks and fly and other crap. Guys like Christian (that tantrum gimmick was shit), Papa Shango/The Godfather, King Mabel, Road Dogg, and Billy Gunn, all guys who had silly gimmicks who got moderate pushes but no serious shot to be the top guys.
Carlito will never be champ because hell never be able to keep the crowd intrested in a good 10 minute plus main event match.
At least Batista and Cena, I know their all not the best wrestlers but at least given the right opponents and a gimic match they can put on a watchable 10 minute plus match.

I just cant see Carlito been able to do that no matter who the opponent is.
Best way to see if hes main event materials, put him in a match with Regal or Finlay, if the 2 best in the business cant pull a good match out of him then hes obivously never gonna be a main eventer.
Drop his gimmick, lose the accent (which I think he doesn't have in reality), cut the hair and put him in a real fued/angle with someone people care about.

If I recall correctly, the Rock was terrible until he got put into the nation - and his return where he took out bret hart set him up. Carlito is just coasting along with fake fueds.
For some reason: Matches from Carlito don't interest me.
If Carlito removes the cartoonisch apple stuff, haircut, throws more phsychology in his matches and uses a better looking finisher then he may be worth WWE champion material
To tell you the truth, I was hoping he was going to get drafted to Smackdown, because I could totally see him being moved to main event status on there...or especially ecw....If he was ever to get a title run i think the best place for it to be would be Smackdown, you can't give a guy like carlito with a bad backstage attitude a run on the A show....
The thing is that Carlito is not that good at being a main event wrestler. This is just one mans opinion. The only good big match that he had was and Unforgiven 2006 with Randy orton. Also When Carlito had his I.C. title run it was a little dule. Through out his career Carlito has had only two good feuds. The first is the U.S. tilte rivalry from 2004 with John Cena and the second is The short lived one with Randy Orton. What i think they should do is put Carlito in ECW and he Might be some what of a Contender for the ECW title.
I don't see Carlito as a main event guy. He just doesn't have that larger than life feel. A better idea might be to put him as part of a tag team. He's a solid worker with decent mic skills. I don't see him as the next Ric Flair, but I could see him as the next Bobby Eaton
I think Carlito has what it takes to be a main eventer but he just hasn't reached his potential. Watching him some nights you can tell his heart is just not in there. Until he can fix his attitude towards the business and put all he has into each and everyone of his matches, then we will continue to discuss what if with him. I personally hope he does because I like his character and think he can be a good heel.
I don't think he will ever be top dog, for one reason.

He lacks the passion for the business. he is more talented that cena, yes, but cena makes up for talent with passion. no1 can deny that cena is very passionate about the business an carlito jus lacks that fire.

apparently he also has a very bad attitued back stage, so unless he can change these two very important factors, the in my personal opnion, no he won't

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