Why wasn't Lawler ever pushed towards a title in WWE?

When Lawler first came in, it was to quite a big push but it got diminished as his accusations hit quite soon after. But when he first came in he was being touted as main event level and his first real feud being against Bret was quite important really as even guys like Perfect or Doink who could easily have gone into the Bret feud were fighting heel Luger.

I think Lawler/Bret would have worked better had Davey still been around - the original plan was for Davey to fight Doink and later Savage in the way Crush did but Diana screwed it by saying they were making him the clown. Bret and Davey v Lawler, Hakushi and Doink would have been a much more interesting feud and I think Lawler would have gotten over far more in 93 had Davey worked him a few times before getting Owen to turn on them both.
one reason and the only reason necessary. when he was hired, it was as a part time wrestler and full time Color Commentator
Interesting side note, when Flair left WCW for the WWF in the early 90s, WCW entered into a working agreement with the USWA. As part of this deal they were originally going to have Lawler win the NWA title and feud with Luger over the WCW title to unify them.

Eddie Gilbert blew it by ratting the storyline out to the dirt sheets when he was fired by WCW and the whole thing fell apart. There is also a rumor that Lawler said he didn't want the title because the long term plan was for him to put Luger over in the end.

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