Why the fuck


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Do people know they have to go somewhere then go next door and fucking talk for two hour? or even worse sit on the mother fucking phone. Gosh that pisses me off. I should be getting a brand new ATV right now but my Mother (Who's signing for it) is sitting next door talking about fuck knows what. Seriosiously? Cant ignorant shit like that wait a few hours untill she can go sign her name on a paper.


Edit: Shit like this happens to me all the time. The woman cant go anywhere without stopping and talking to someone for fucking hours. It's very frustrating.
That seems...inconsiderate. I mean, it is nice that your mother seems to be a social creature, but if she has agreed to do something with you beforehand, etiquette dictates she follow through on her word.

Sorry to hear about your dilemma. Sounds like you need to have a talk with her.
wow I am sorry that your mother who is getting you an ATV feels the need to talk to someone. For fuck sake man, grow up.
Mom, do a favor for me now or I am going to get pissed. If you don't do something for me soon, I will be very upset.

But you use the Batista avatar, so you're still cool.

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