Why the fuck has this never happened...

hahah, everytime i went to climb i'd get knocked off. one time i was down for like 15 minutes, like seriously 15 minutes, and for like 5 of em everyone else was laying down. Ladder Matches suck in that game, and so do HIAC matches.

I had a good Ladder match with Hart when i was facing Rey Mysterio.

That's cause Rey carried the match, LOL;)

I hate how I can hit someone in the head with a barbwire bat ina first blood match, and they don't bleed, also hate six man tag matches, I can never get a danm pin ever!!!
actually I'd knock mysterio out but when the meter was about to run out he'd pop up and knock me off.

I always pin in a 6 man tag match.

I always beat the head off the steps and it takes like 20 shots before it bleeds.

I did an elbow drop off the HIAC and landed on Matt Hardy and in like 3 seconds he got up and then almost got the pin on me. Gosh i hate those game.
A multi-man Iron Man match sounds like total overkill to me and just the bastardation of one of the few matches still left in WWE that has not been tarnished. There have only been a few, and they have all been good. Do you honestly want it to turn into Hell in a Cell or the Elimination Chamber? Leave it as a one on one concept, I say. Let it only be done every few years between two competitors who can really go. If there was one in this day and age, it would definitely be between Orton (if he wasn't injured) and Benjamin.

Jericho is past his prime to have a really GREAT one. He's still good, sure, but it would be nowhere near as good as it would have been with 2000/2001 Jericho.
Edge is too much like Orton and in the ring, Orton is superior so I went with him.
Michaels has done enough Iron Man matches for his career.
Punk would probably botch it, I don't think he can go an hour. Maybe thirty minutes.
A multi-man Iron Man match sounds like total overkill to me and just the bastardation of one of the few matches still left in WWE that has not been tarnished. There have only been a few, and they have all been good. Do you honestly want it to turn into Hell in a Cell or the Elimination Chamber? Leave it as a one on one concept, I say. Let it only be done every few years between two competitors who can really go. If there was one in this day and age, it would definitely be between Orton (if he wasn't injured) and Benjamin.

Jericho is past his prime to have a really GREAT one. He's still good, sure, but it would be nowhere near as good as it would have been with 2000/2001 Jericho.
Edge is too much like Orton and in the ring, Orton is superior so I went with him.
Michaels has done enough Iron Man matches for his career.
Punk would probably botch it, I don't think he can go an hour. Maybe thirty minutes.

You don't think Punk could go for one hour?
Have you ever seen his two one hour draws with Joe in ROH?
I feel Punk could go longer than that if needed
to me he looks like he is in better shape than when he was in ROH
Yeah I remember that ladder match with Piper in 24/7 mode. Supposedly what I read online was that you aren't supposed to win that match. Yeah I called bullshit on that. Either I'm the first one to ever win that match, or people didn't know how to play it right. I didn't touch the briefcase once the whole match until there was no meter left, suplexed piper out of the ring and grabbed the briefcase.

Anyways, back to the topic at hand. A multi person Ironman match would be awesome. A dream matchup would be HBK v. Kurt Angle V. Chris Jericho v. Chris Benoit. Maybe substitue Benoit for Bret Hart, or have Hart as special guest ref for it.
The reason it hasn't happened exists on two levels I imagine.

1) Multiman matches generally exist as a gimmick match, designed to boost buys for a PPV. The same goes for Iron Man matches. There's no reason to combine the two gimmicks as its not likely to get you any more buys, but kind of kills the novelty of both gimmicks. You're better off having a Triple Threat and an Iron Man match on the card in two different slots. Better buys.

2) Iron man matches are usually used in the same regard that a Hell in a Cell match, and a TLC match are. As definitive feud enders, something special to end a grudge. It's hard to have a hard grudge between more than two wrestlers, and tag teams bear no significance anymore.

You don't think Punk could go for one hour?
Have you ever seen his two one hour draws with Joe in ROH?
Yes, which is why I would agree that Punk can't go for one hour. Those matches were atrocious.
yea your right, I also think it would be pretty difficult to book.

i think it would be fucking sick though. And I think if they didnt one time only, it wouldnt ruin it. say a WM main event. with three guys who are all battling for the belt for months, interfereing in each other's matches. ALA Trips-Cena-Orton (althoug I probably wouldnt use those specific guys for the match)

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