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Why the fuck did he…

Ultra Awesome

Im standing in Brooklyn/
I’m sure many have heard this particular phrase at one point or another. Usually, it’s said when someone makes a mistake and that person is either frowned upon or laughed at by a certain few. But that’s not what I’m referring to right now. What I am referring to is when one takes his (or her) own life. Yup. What I’m talking about is suicide…

In this day in age, the topic of suicide has been discussed by people all over the world all too often. “Did you hear so-and-so was found dead in her room?” “No way! Was she killed?!” “Nope. I heard it was suicide…” – these are but common phrases that are used when spreading the gossip around. Suicide is a touchy subject, no doubt. When one commits suicide, it not only affects the person themselves (obviously), but the persons around them such as their family, their friends – their loved ones.

As estimated, over 1 million people commit suicide a year making it the thirteenth leading cause of death in the world right now. In the United States alone, it is the sixth leading cause of death. Judging by these two statements alone, it’s safe to say that suicide is not something that can be taken lightly.

But often times when we are in the preseance of a suicide we find ourselves asking: Why? Why did he (or she) end up taking his life? Wasn't he happy with the life that he was already lving? Why the fuck did he commit suicide?!

Such an over-reaction is common in today's world. But this leads me to the questions I have laid out for today...

What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?

(If not explained already) What is your opinion on suicide in general?

We all know that there are factors that would lead one to commit suicide i.e. drugs and alcohol. But what I want to know is what is the initial reason for one to take his or her own life. Why on earth would they turn to such a decision?

It's great to be back...
What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

I'd say depression. It's simple enough, right? I mean, there are many different causes of depression. Not being accepted by your peers or society, being bullied, losing a loved one, and on and on. There are also illnesses that can lead to deep depression. Bi-polar disorder is such an illness.

I think it all boils down to depression. What causes said depression should be the question.

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?

I could never see myself committing suicide. I'm much to vain for that. However, what do I know? I've never been deeply depressed or ever had any reason to think about suicide. So I don't know.

(If not explained already) What is your opinion on suicide in general?

Suicide, to me, is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. What I mean is, it's not necessary for one to take there own life. There has to be another way. Now, I'm not saying that I look down on people who have these thoughts or people who have committed suicide in the past, not at all. I think it's tragic and there was, more often than not, a way to help that person. Suicide should never happen. But, again, what do I know? I've never been in that situation before.
So dark.

What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

Depression. Life screwing an individual one too many times. I believe people who commit suicide see no other way out of their problems such as a divorce, break up, loss of job, familty etc-- suicide is caused by a series of events. Basicaly saying suicide is caused by numerous different things, all which are equal to depression.

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?

Actually depending on the situation. If I'm having my balls chewed at in a small North Korean jail cell, I would probably coinsider suicide a very good way to get out of such pain. But with a loss of job or such, no. Something pretty dramatic would have to happen for me to commit suicide.

(If not explained already) What is your opinion on suicide in general?

I understand why someone would want to do it. For some people, there's nothing left to do. They feel as if the world would be a better place without them. I believe there's always some kind of alternative no matter how bad your situation is. I've always said "there are people who have it way worse". I say this a lot. Having your girlfriend leave or losing a job isn't the end of the world. There are people who have it way worse then you do. Truth is, if you have a family (kids, wife, mom, dad), making the decision to end your life is indeed selfish. There are people out there to help you and there are people who have it worse than you no matter the situation.

It's great to be back...

Bout damn time. :thumbsup:
What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

Depression man, I have manic depression. I'm either Riding it high, or down in the dumps 24/7. I've been at both ends of the spectrum so hard that its not even funny. You can be totally fine just enjoying life at one hour of the day, 20 minutes later you think nothings going right. Anything can set it off with that, trust me I've been in a depression state before for almost 2 months. I would go to school, come back and set in my room. Every day for almost 2 months. Depression is a real thing guys, people say oh just snap out of it. You can't you have to find your way through the forest back out to that green fun place. No amount of funny quotes or bullshit can bring you out of it.

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?
No and I'm going to take a lot of flack for this one, but suicide is not a man way out of it. I Alex Bowen, will never fall so far into that black hole that I fall down on thinking or committing suicide Ever again. To me I've had to many people in my life, and to many things invested on me to tell everyone that fuck you, everything you've done for me meant nothing. That’s what committing suicide to me tells each and everyone of your friends, your family, your former or current teachers, EVERYONE.

Some people are going to say that so and so committed suicide, and they we're a real man. Yes they were in life, but in death they weren’t. A real man or woman asks for help when they know that black hole is eating away at them. Trust me I've been in that black hole, when I was 13 my father died, my whole family wouldn't talk to each other, and I had just lost a shit ton of friends for stupid 13 year old reasons.

I was so far into depression that I thought suicide was the right way out of it, I went and told someone. Talking about your feelings isn't wrong people. You don't need to have the mentality that no one understands, or what have they done that’s as bad as my situation. People hearing your story helps you along. People relating helps YOU!

Suicide hotlines help, Cops help, RANDOM PEOPLE that will set and listen to you, set and help you. You want to know who I went and talked to? A preacher, I'm not a member of any church, never met that man before in my life. He set down and talked to me, their wasn't any Jesus loves you talk, or any church mumbo jumbo. It was man to I, no one was better than the other.

That’s what people need to do when they are so far down in that thinking. Talk about it, get it out, You may have to spend some money on medications or a hospital visit. But trust me its better than putting that mental picture in everyone’s heads for the rest of your life. The what of, what If I would have talked to him, or what If I was a better friend. No one deserves that, and you can be the toughest man or the best woman on the face of the planet. If your son, or daughter, or friend, or family member commits suicide, that will forever be on your mind. What If?

You can make it out of that, nothing is wrong with asking for help. You aren't to far along into depression unless your actually committing suicide. Everything will pan out in the end, if you make that choice to get help.
I think suicide is alright when you are already dying, and you want to be in control of your own destiny. I think it should be done in a way that's planned, not a surprise to your friends and family who have to clean up the mess you leave behind.

Other than that, I think it's a selfish, unforgivable act. It's mainly used as a tool these days for attention ****es to sacrifice themselves to get the ultimate amount of attention they can possibly get. The guys that show off their cutting scars, the people that tell everyone who shitty their lives are -- those are the people that generally commit suicide when people stop putting up with their shit.

Not saying serious situations don't exist. But I don't think there's ever a point in someone's life where they should consider committing suicide. Ever.
What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

People in general are a sensitive species and there could be various factors that could drive on to kill oneself. Lost an old school mate to suicide not to long ago, Nobody could understand why he would do such a horrible thing. He was beloved by all his peers and his close friends say that he was the kind of person they last expect this from. Things happen and sometimes people can't help but feel they need a way out and sometimes see death as a means for salvation for all the pain and suffering they have been through.

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?

At one time, yes I was seriously contemplating death, I've even attempted. Sometimes like I said, life can lead you to a very dark place in both mind and spirit. I felt I needed to get away but thankfully I have very loving and supporting friends who help me go through those dark times and I have now moved away from that. I would like to think it won't happen again but I can't see the future.

(If not explained already) What is your opinion on suicide in general?

You know, I'm torn on this subject. I feel people have the right to choice whether or not life is for them or not as you don't have the right to live, its not a law, its more of a privilege really. Also at the same time I feel its wrong to take your life as I see it as a very selfish act. As you pointed out, there are going to be many people effected by such an act, it hardly seems fair or right for that matter to put them through all that. Its taking the easy way out. However people are free to decide. Its not like if a friend of mine told me they were going to jump of a bridge, I wouldn't enable it and say "oh well..just be sure you come back alive" I would take it very seriously and do all I can to prevent such a tragedy from ever occurring.

Bottom line, under the right circumstances, people will commit suicide for a number of reasons. Is it wrong? Well, yes but people are free to decide. Its not something I'll enforce though.

Good topic.
What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

Depression. Maybe, a mental instability? To prove a point. To protest something, what was it.. the burning monk? He killed himself to prove a point, to protest.

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?

I have thought about it. Last year my Mom died. Cancer took her life. Then I lost my job. My life was in such a down spiral that I wished I could end it. I just never had the balls to do it, plus it wouldn't have helped my family out any, so it would be selfish.

(If not explained already) What is your opinion on suicide in general?

I think, it should be legal for a person to want to kill themselves if they're sick, and they're dying. Like if they know they're going to suffer a horrible last few days, or be ravaged by whatever injury or disease. I don't advocate suicide, but I think ONLY in that situation would it be acceptable to want to kill yourself, maybe have someone kill you. Assisted suicide.
Suicide is such a delicate topic, it's seen on crisis. A society in crisis (the great American depression) or a personal one.

What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

I'm kind of familiar with suicide, little late on why. Suicide is always a way to end things. You see it as the only answer, the only escape to this dead end road. There is one reason and one reason only for suicide: depression. Obviously depression can be for TONES of reasons, but from a psichological point of view, depression could end in suicide. There a levels (if you will) of depression, and the most critical point is when suicide is being considered.

However, there is this one other theory, the philosophical/political one. I should note that the percentage most be under 1%, but yet it is a theory. Life course is:to born, to grow to reproduce and to die (obviously for humans there are alot of things between and takes decades to do each part). That being said, we can say that we ALL have one common fate: to die. Therefore, how can you say you are the master of your fate, if you are damned to the same end. Well, this theory says that the only way to prove that you are your true master of your life is to decide WHEN your life is going to end. In this case, suicide is a way to prove you are your own master and you decide when to leave this earth. However there is a big flaw right there, because at the end death always win. You die, no matter when, no matter how, it doesn't matter if it was "your choice" cause at the end, your are dead, therefore you can't escape your fate. It is an interesting theory that some "crazy people" have done.

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?
Now I know about this subject cause 3 or 4 years ago I was depressed almost clinical. It is irrevelant why plus looking back I know that it was completely stupid, however I was in this depression for two years. My life hadn't any sense, nothing was worth it, it was horrible, I didn't sleep at night, in the morning I threw up, I couldn't even look myself in the mirror. So it hit me, the only way to end the source of my pain was to end life, my life. I started to considered it, but then I met my girlfriend (yeah I know awwww :blush:) and I discovered a new sense in life. Since then I bet on life, I understood what was life: pain, joy, tears, laughs, friends, foes it is EVERYTHING. Since that day, 3 years ago, I have never considered suicide again, or fall in a depression that was beyond one week.

(If not explained already) What is your opinion on suicide in general?

Since for me it's a personal experience, I honestly can say that suicide isn't the answer. Suicide is the way a coward thinks, acts. I think that a true free man is the man who isn't afraid. Suicide is directly linked to fear, the fear of feeling pain and therefore the fear of living your life completely.
What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?
When you kill yourself , It means that You don't want to be in this world anymore.Or in other words,No hope.Lots of things can lead to that.

For example losing your loved ones , Or being unsuccessful at something you really care about ,being afraid of rest of your life or being really scared of what you konw is going to happen to you.Or just simply hating your life.

I think when someone commits suicide , they find no point in being alive simple as that.

However,The interesting fact is that I know lots of people that they don't find any positive thing in their lives but they never even think about killing themselves , so there must be something ectra that pushes these people to do that and I don't know what it is.I think you should really be on that people's mind to realize.

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?

No I don't.There has been times that I'd reached to a point which I wished I was dead but I don't think I ever think about suicide.

The reason , I don't know.maybe because I think we are created to be fighters , not quitters.
(If not explained already) What is your opinion on suicide in general?

I think it's just the most violent form of giving up.

I mean , when someone ends their their lif with their very own hands , It means they just quit.

And the other thing is , I think it's a wrong thing to do.Although I'm a religious guy , I don't say it because it's in my religion.I say it because i think if I kill myself , then It means I'm a worthless being,It means that i think there are things in this world that are bigger or more important than I being alive,which is false.

People who do this are selfish.What if someone really likes you and you ruin their life.What if someone rally needs you to help him or her?What if your action lead more people to kill themselves.

i can understand why someone doesn't wanna be alive , because I was there and i know why you feel like that,But I think if you do a little more hesitating , you'll find out It's stupid to carry that idea and it's stupid to kill yourself.
What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?

I'm going to answer these two together.

Shit gets to be too much sometimes. Some may suffer from deppresion, but for me it was shit just piling on top of me and I wasn't strong enough to deal with it at that point in my life. I never tried to kill myself, but the thought was definantly there. I was only 17 at the time and had such an easy life up until that point, that I didn't know what it meant to go through tough trials or that shit could be so bad. I just wanted shit to go away and didn't want to deal with it anymore.

I think it is the same for most people.

(If not explained already) What is your opinion on suicide in general?

I don't hold it against someone if they killed themselves, but nothing is worth killing yourself over. Looking back now , all the shit that was troubling me was really so trivial in the grand scheme of things, and I'm so glad that I was able to rise above and not kill myself. Life is hard, we all know that or at least will eventually learn it, and some people just can't handle it. I'm not going to frown upon them for that. However, I don't think anyone should resort to suicide. There are too many great things in life to let the bad ones take you down.
What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?

(If not explained already) What is your opinion on suicide in general?

1. Many things leading up to that one irreversible moment. It's not USUALLY just that one event. Usually, the person would be dealing with some depressing moments in their minds/lives, obviously. However, I feel it's likely beyond just that.

It have a lot to do with not feeling support. It'd have a lot to do with feeling alone and that they have nothing else going for them or to live for.

2. HIGHLY UNLIKELY. I'm not interested in it simply for the fact that I think highly of myself. Not conceited, by any means, but I know I'm worth more than just throwing it away. I don't feel it's within my DNA to quit on myself like that. Just me, though.

3. I have two ways of looking at suicide. Legally, I feel someone should have the right to kill themselves if they so choose. It's not my life. I should have no say in the matter. If they have kids, the kids should be dealt with beforehand. They should be given to a family member, what have you. However, they should still have the right.

It's not pretty, but they should have that right.

However, I don't agree with the decisions some people make. If you're dying of cancer, I understand wanting to end it early. However, I don't feel that you should just kill yourself in general. I think that's rather weak and short-sighted of a person.

Still.... with that being said... they should have the right to do it if they so choose.
What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?
It all depends on the person. some people can handle alot of shit and then one day something so tiny can cause you to do it/try to do it. but the people who have tried to do it or have done it that's around me either, was gay and people gave them shit for it, or they had depression because they had lost somebody close to them.

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?
:headscratch: I'm not sure I could answer that. I have bi polar at the moment, Yes I do think I would. but when I'm in a high, there is no way in hell I would think of that.

(If not explained already) What is your opinion on suicide in general?

Again it's something that changes at least once every two days So I can't really answer that but, when it all comes down to it, It's something that's done when you can't do anything else.
What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

A person can only think of suicide when he is not thinking straight. Shit happens in life but some people can take a lot of shit while some people can't even take a small amount of it. When shit happens it clouds your judgement. Every problem seems unsolvable and that is when the thought of suicide enters into a person's head. Not having a positive attitude towards life and a lack of self belief only 'help' you reach this decision.

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?

I don't think so. I love life too much and I don't think that any problem is unsolvable. Also I believe suicide does nothing for you. So apparently quitting means you don't have to face those problems, no? Well the problem is the legacy you'll leave behind. You'll always be remembered as someone who quit, who did not have the guts to face the world, and maybe in afterlife you will realize that your problems were not unsolvable after all but now you have come across a problem that is unsolvable, that being changing your legacy of a quitter. And that is not taking into account what your loved ones will have to face. To hear that your son or daughter did not have the spine to carry on must be very painful.

What is your opinion on suicide in general?

Explained above but in short I would say that comitting suicide is not worth it. If you face your problems head on maybe a few people will respect you. If you commit suicide you will earn the sympathy of some, the mirth of most and eventually the ignorance of everyone but your loved ones who will suffer a lot.
And that is not taking into account what your loved ones will have to face. To hear that your son or daughter did not have the spine to carry on must be very painful.
Wait what? you're saying don't kill you're self because your parents will be ashamed of you? Wow, that's great advice. as I said before, people just give up. Sometimes life is fucking hard and to battle on is near impossible. Committing Suicide don't mean you're weak. it mean's you're either a) sick of hurting, or b) can't handle life anymore.

If you face your problems head on maybe a few people will respect you.
How can they respect you when they have no idea what they're going through?
If you commit suicide you will earn the sympathy of some,
you know that most of the people that actually attempt to kill themself properly or actually do it, are not doing it for sympathy right?
the mirth of most and eventually the ignorance of everyone
What does the opinion of strangers have to do with you killing yourself? why would they give a shit if somebody died from suicide or from natural causes?
but your loved ones who will suffer a lot.
I love it when people say this. most of the time suicide can be prevented. but other people have their heads too far up their arse to actually notice somebody is on the brink of suicide. family members included. if they didn't give a shit that you was on the brink, they have no right to get upset if you actually go through it.
What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

I've discussed this before, and Ill bring it up again again in this post. The mentally ill are so looked down on for most parts, and often rediculed by society on most fronts. Ive seen it happen many times within this very forum, which disapoints me, because its an intelligent group of people here. It shows a lack of undersandin, and often pathologizes the mentall ill as being "at fault" for their problems. So while suicide may be triggered by terrible life circumstances that happen all of a sudden, it also is a case where the ill feel alone and looked down on, and feel they must kill themselves and die alone, leading people around them to give the same reaction you described. Most suicidal people bury their feelings and emotions because people truly do not understand them, which leads to people thinking it "came out of nowhere."

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?

No, I couldn't do it, and that's based upon my faith, personally. I don't believe that taking my own life should be a decision I personally could ever get to, no matter the circumstances. I couldn't do it to my wife, my family, or my friends. Nor do I believe it's my life to take. Further, I always feel that I could be open enough about my problems if they got bad enough, which would allow me the opportunity to get whatever help I would need, if the circumstance arose. They never have, thankfully, but Ive seen it happen in others.....

What is your opinion on suicide in general?

Originally Posted by Superthrust Mozerella
Other than that, I think it's a selfish, unforgivable act. It's mainly used as a tool these days for attention ****es to sacrifice themselves to get the ultimate amount of attention they can possibly get. The guys that show off their cutting scars, the people that tell everyone who shitty their lives are -- those are the people that generally commit suicide when people stop putting up with their shit.

I respect you Mozz, but I couldn't disagree more. Most clients Ive run into in my experience in the mental health field(6 years) who have been attention ****es generally DON'T commit suicide. Because they are looking for attention, nothing more. The people I find who commit suicide have buried their issues because they are looked down on for having a mental illness, or don't feel like they can share their feelings with anyone. Because of this, they often swallow a bunch of pills, write a note, and die alone. Wha type of attention are they truly grabbing in death? They're already dead, Mozz, I don't think they are getting attention, their loved ones are dealing with a terrible aftermath. You can't get attention dead.

I feel that people who commit suicide are quite justified in doing so. So many of them are dealing with dehabilitating mental conditions from which they'll never get better. All the medication and talk therapy in the world can' help them overcome this. I feel those who are so mentally ill shouldn't be forced to suffer more then they already are, and the idea of "active euthanasia" should be something that should be present for them if their condition is dehabilitating. I know this isn't a popular view, but Ive had cliens who've commied suicide that I never thought would go there, and they never dropped hints. I just found out about it in the paper, or through a loved one. Why? Because the mentally ill are looked down own as "crazy", "insane" "socially inept" and "pathetic." Who would want to live with not only the idea of having people being against them, but also their own illness? Its a hard slope to navigate, I would imagine myself. I think that most people who commit suicide fall into this class, so its hard for me to look down on them. I wish there were more ways to give them the help they need, honestly, and I dont look down whatsoever on the person who commits suicide.

Its good to be back myself! ;)
Wait what? you're saying don't kill you're self because your parents will be ashamed of you? Wow, that's great advice. as I said before, people just give up. Sometimes life is fucking hard and to battle on is near impossible. Committing Suicide don't mean you're weak. it mean's you're either a) sick of hurting, or b) can't handle life anymore.

Sparky, there might be some cases where suicide is almost justified. I can never see myself ever commiting suicide but there might be a situation or two like say The Great Depression where suicide was perhaps explainable.

However if you read the OP, he has written that over 1 million people commit suicide every year. Do you think everyone faces those same problems? Some guys commit suicide simly when they get rejected by a girl who simply did not care for them. Heck why take something so random. Lord Sidious here contemplated suicide because of some gay insults on an internet wrestling forum. If that is not the definition of being weak willed, then I do not know what is.

you know that most of the people that actually attempt to kill themself properly or actually do it, are not doing it for sympathy right?

I never meant that. I am just saying that some people might look at people who commit suicide with sympathy, just like you are doing right now.

What does the opinion of strangers have to do with you killing yourself? why would they give a shit if somebody died from suicide or from natural causes?

Well there are people who look down upon people who commit suicide. Most people in this world are not that understanding. They will not understand what you were facing that led you to this situation. They will look at the end result: the fact that you quit. A fact that will be your only identity after you die. Think of it being like Bret Hart and The Montreal Screwjob.( And no that does not mean Bret Hart is dead)

I know when you are dead it probably does not matter much but I guess I am that type of a person who would really not like to be remembered in that manner.


In closing I would like to say that I agree on some points with Mozz and disagree on others. Attention ****es, I feel are more likely to feign suicide rather than actually go through and commit it.

But yes I do feel that only selfish people commit suicide. "A man is a social animal" is not just a cliched proverb. Your life is interwined with many other lives. It may be your parents, your spouse and a whole lot of other people. If you do encounter any problem, I can guarantee that there will be at least someone who will understand it from your point of view and try to help you through. There is no need to face the problem all by yourself and even sillier to think that suicide is the only way out.
What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

It's probably the feeling of there not being any way out. There are people who go through divorces, lose their house and kids, and just feel like there's nothing left to live for. They decide that if they go, all the pain and suffering they've been going through will all disappear. There are other people who have trouble at home. There are some that get harassed. There are millions of reasons as to why someone can commit suicide. It's that feeling of wanting out. That feeling of not having anything left to live for. That feeling of no way out.

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?

No. My life is very good the way it is. Should things ever take a turn for the worse one day, I know that there are people who get payed to help me. There are suicide clinics that one can go to, or they can see a therapist. I know that I would still have my wife, my friends, and if not them -- my family. So there would be no excuse for committing suicide because the people I love would be there to support me through the tough times I would be going through.

(If not explained already) What is your opinion on suicide in general?

Personally, I think suicide is a cowardly thing. It proves that the person has quit, and is unable to seek the treatment that they need. I understand that a person's life may have taken turns for the worse, but they need to realize that there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and things will get better. They just need to let some time pass. Now, if someone was dying already and was going to suffer miserably for their last few days, suicide should be a legal choice for them. That would mean that they don't want their families to see them in pain, and I can understand that. However, committing suicide for the sake of getting back at someone, is just morally wrong.
However if you read the OP, he has written that over 1 million people commit suicide every year. Do you think everyone faces those same problems?
Mental Illness, Rape, Loss of loved one, and Constant insults, threats. Yeah, I beliave that minus the people that do it while on drugs, or the ones that did it for attention but failed, Had at least one of those problems.
Some guys commit suicide simly when they get rejected by a girl who simply did not care for them.
Yeah... there is no proof at all to that now is there? even if you knew somebody that commited suicide for "that" reason, how do you know that that wasn't the final straw after a shit ton of things going wrong in his life?
Heck why take something so random. Lord Sidious here contemplated suicide because of some gay insults on an internet wrestling forum. If that is not the definition of being weak willed, then I do not know what is.
I'm sure that he only said that for attention, Or again, the shit that happened on here wasn't the only thing going on in his life.

I never meant that. I am just saying that some people might look at people who commit suicide with sympathy, just like you are doing right now.
I'm not looking at people that do it with sympathy. I'm saying that I know what it's like to be at that stage. it's not an easy way out, you actually think that it's the only option.

Well there are people who look down upon people who commit suicide. Most people in this world are not that understanding.
Yet why should a bunch of people whom I have never met care about the way I died? It's no difference dieng by suicide, Drug overdose, reckless driving or doing something you love that's dangerous. you know the risks involved, when you do drugs do you think about other peoples well beings? and don't bring up the "they're addicted they can't help it topic, Because it's a crock of shit. if you enjoy a life threatening activity do you think about your family? No all you think about is the adrenelin rush. It's no different how you die. People get cancer, they never get riddiculed about how they got it, (If it was there doing, (smoking sunbaking ect...) Instead it's Sorry to hear about you having cancer. again, there is no difference.
A fact that will be your only identity after you die.
You really think? If I was to kill myself right now, My family would always remember me. the people that disaprove of suicide would forget about me in a few years.
Think of it being like Bret Hart and The Montreal Screwjob.( And no that does not mean Bret Hart is dead)
Lets keep the wrestling in the wrestling forums hey ;)
I know when you are dead it probably does not matter much but I guess I am that type of a person who would really not like to be remembered in that manner.
Another thing that goes out the window when you're suicidal. There is nothing that matters except to stop the hurt.

There is no need to face the problem all by yourself
Odds are, at least two people you know are depressed, and think of suicide at least once a week. think to yourself. do you know who they're? It's not as easy as talk to somebody and the sun comes out.
and even sillier to think that suicide is the only way out.
Spoken like somebody that has never been suicidal.
What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

The people that feel like they cannot cope, the demands of the life they lead being too much of a strain and it causing so much displeasure for them to continue that it's simply not worth it. But also if I can be so unkind the short-sighted. I feel like the highly impressionable are very at risk of manipulation, when seeing someone else do the same they have the idea that it will end any suffereing. That's true, and then again it isn't. See YOU stop suffering, you stop doing anything of any sort for that matter, and along with that you destroy the possibility of seeing where your life could have gone had you not done it. But your friends and family, then become burdened with your loss and all the associated displeasures, grief, guilt wondering if they could have done more, resentment because they weren't worth staying alive for and all other moral infections. See when your alive and suffereing, the worst thing that can happen to anyone is to do die. When you kill yourself, the ONLY thing that happens is you die.

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?

I'm fortunate in that I've never had the prorogative that I may want to end my life, but I have contemplated as to whether I would or could ever feel that way. When I was 16 I was pretty depressed, I got knocked-back by a girl I really liked and I got very anti-social. I made obvious efforts to sit by myself in school and interacted with other people as little as I could. When I came home I just generally put music on, lockt the door and sob into my pillow. And yet as I say I oddly never had thought so negative that I'd want to perform self-harm. You see for as long as I've pondered, I've always had one thought rise up pre-dominant over the rest. What if? What if I wake up tommorrow and life feels good again? What if all these ridiculous, irrational, bad intentions dissapate and I'm left the happy guy that was always waiting to come out? And Isn't that worth seeing it through the night to find out? I never could do something like that because I value my own life too much. Everything I have seen and am yet to see is laid out before me, if that gets ended pre-maturely I'll never know the things I could have done. For me it's always worth waiting to see, I'm not scared of living, I'm scared of dying.

(If not explained already) What is your opinion on suicide in general?

As estimated, over 1 million people commit suicide a year making it the thirteenth leading cause of death in the world right now. In the United States alone, it is the sixth leading cause of death. Judging by these two statements alone, it’s safe to say that suicide is not something that can be taken lightly.

I thought I'd just bring this little bit back up. That figure of a million people per year is harrowing. One million people feeling so bad that they cut short the only life they have! It's pretty shocking. It is clearly a major issue therefore and I think some suicides are unavoidable and some are avertable. I think young people in particular, when hormonal teenage and massively impressionable are susceptible to doing something the magnitude of which they really can't comprehend. In Wales, Britain a few years back, there was a group of 20 or so teenagers that made an online pact to kill themselves. Now is this because they hated their life on because fitting into a group at that age is so important, that it can actually conquer over common sense, I suspect the latter.

But often times when we are in the preseance of a suicide we find ourselves asking: Why? Why did he (or she) end up taking his life? Wasn't he happy with the life that he was already lving? Why the fuck did he commit suicide?!

Now this is the other side of it. Some people genuinely hate their lives to a point beyind repremand. Some people can't be saved an it is a shame but these people do exist and there is very little that can be done to help them. So although it's right to mourn, the death of a minority was unavoidable, they would have done anything until it became an obsession resisting waking up again. Therefore a majority of these people are saveable and these are the truly tragic. Some people try to cry out for help and feel like no-one listens, and when it seems there is no-one to live for, there is no point in living. The people that could be saved are the sad ones. So when it seems as if someone's mind is really drifting from objectivity and they aren't themselves someone should always be there to step in. It doesn't take something radical, generally just talking until the person is carthasised from negativity. The same way that drugs are the medicine for something painful physically, emotions are the perscription for neurotic disorders of the mind. Thankfully I've never been put in a situation where me or any of my friends has been in this situation, although my cousin who I didn't really know did commit suicide when she was 16, so I can't say i ahve any personal experience. But I'd like to think if someone I knew was feeling so bad I could convince them that things weren't how they first seemed.

I believe that all that can be done should be done, because suicide is just like a cancer. It can look bleak to begin with but if you catch someone at the right time it need not be terminal, you can get rid of it with hard work. When someone's outlook on life is nothing but bleak, it rarely has to stay that way.
Let me preface my response with something that is weighing heavy in my head and heart at the moment.

This morning at work, I received a call from my 60 year old father that my aunt & godmother was found dead from a self inflicted gun shot. My father was completely distraught and couldn't even drive himself from work. I had a pretty good breakdown, and the composed myself to try to comfort my family.

About an hour earlier, police had arrived at the house of my 91 year old grandmother's home to tell her the news. She was alone, and to be honest, I'm surprised that she didn't die from shock right there.

My aunt Carol was not right for the past 15 years or so. She suffered from deep depressions and could not find any happiness in her life. She was constantly medicated and had been through many treatment options including shock therapy. She tried to kill herself 4 years ago, in my grandmothers garage. She drank a bottle of booze, started the car, and shut the garage door. A neighbor had noticed something was off and notified my father and he made it in time to get her out and revive her. After that things never got better. Her mental illness worsened and no medication could give her any relief.

She had told my grandmother several times in the past week that she did not want to live like this anymore. She disappeared on Friday night, and was found this morning. At some point between Friday and this morning she had pulled her car onto a seldom used road 30 miles from our city, got out of her car, and shot herself in the stomach with a shotgun.

I can't begin to explain everything that my family had done to try to help her...in the end she just couldn't live with herself, or the pain, orall of it.

I apologize for saying so much here...I usually don't. Lately I have just been tooling around in the music & movie & wrestling forums. But I felt compelled to get these feelings out, and I couldn't earlier because I had to be strong for others.

What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

Ultimate sadness combined with either great depression, a chemical imbalance, a traumatic brain injury, indescrible pain, or utter desperation.

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?

No, even before this happened I wouldn't have done it. I have always been a problem solver. I have always tried to see things through, no matter how bad they got. BUT, I have never experienced anything so tragic that might make me rethink things. I would like to think that I wouldn't ever do this.

(If not explained already) What is your opinion on suicide in general?

Suicide is sad. It is the last resort for some, and it affects the people left behind forever. I am not an ultra religious person, but I know my aunt was catholic, and they believe suicide = hell. I hope this isn't the case, and got gives her slack because she was ill.

I'm going to bed. It has been a very long day.
What do you think would drive anyone to commit suicide in the first place?

To be honest, why the hell not? We're all dying anyway, everything we do is only bringing us closer to that point. In the moment you realise there is no grand meaning or point to any of this, why bother continuing. If you're suffering, even moreso.
Being a massive Albert Camus fan I should probably offer a counterpoint to what I've said about. Camus basically said that in that moment of horrible nihilistic realisation, you have to accept that nothing ever lasts, there are no answers and your fate is sealed. That life should be lived in a state of happy rebellion. Positive nihilism I guess

Do you think that you would ever commit suicide?

I have probably thought about it every day for the last... 16 years. I won't go through with it because

A) It's a pointless gesture
B) Death is the only thing I'm actually afraid of.
C) I think some people actually care about me and I don't like upsetting people

(If not explained already) What is your opinion on suicide in general?

I think it's pointless and somewhat selfish, but pointlessly wasting your life in an office is equally tragic.
I think depression, stress, and various other personal/mental issues are what would drive someone to commit suicide. It is not something that most people would ever think to do. It's an easy way out to someone who wants out of this life. I never would because of personal beliefs, and I know I am not alone when it comes to that value. My general opinion on suicide is that it's a terrible choice and never the right answer. Anyone who does do it is basically a quitter, they gave up on life itself.

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