Why So Serious??


King Of The Wasteland
I wasn't sure where to put this but it generally affects media so I'll put it here.

Everything nowadays seems to be gritty and serious. Films, games, television, they all have (or try to have) these elements and I blame this


Sure I could make a case for Batman Begins but I feel The Dark Knight was the catalyst because since then pretty much every type of media seems to want to copy it.

If you think about it recently rebooted films like The Amazing Spiderman have tried it as well as rebooted games like Tomb Raider and Devil May Cry and any television show that isn't a comedy seems to be doing it as well.

Now don't get me wrong I don't mind gritty and serious, but I like variety I don't want to watch five different films with not much to tell them apart.

I mean the original 1989 Batman was a serious film but it didn't act serious in my opinion, heck it managed to crack a joke which made it more interesting. Likewise the Raimi Spiderman films as well knew how to break up the seriousness. The original Devil May Cry series was also kind of serious but it to knew when to break up the serious moments.

I mean I get that because of The Dark Knight gritty and serious is in making people think it will sell, but if you do nothing but gritty and serious eventually people will be turned off. Spice it up, add some variety.
I think Hollywood and entertainment in general has a bad habit of being SHEEP; whenever one thing sells well, everyone wants to jump on the bandwagon. Zombies, vampires, grit, whatever's the current trend is THE thing to do! CONSUME! CONSUME! GIVE US YOUR MONEY

Sorry, got a bit off topic there. BUT YES, I totally agree.

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