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Why So Many BFG's???

Spidey Revivey

Porn is okay here long as it ain't dudes.
This isn't a complaint thread. I am merely curious on the fact that just about every large superstar in the WWE is a face, and why there aren't any monster heels. Monster heels were pretty much a WWE mainstay ever since its inception. Now let me run by some stars here that aren't so big and bad at the moment:

The Great Khali: His debut was possibly the best any rookie could have asked for; he took Undertaker down in one swipe of his hand. No one to my knowledge was ever capable of that. He had the perfect monster heel gimmick working for him until it was dropped and he became the "Punjabi Playboy" and started doing mildly funny things like this:


Mark Henry: As a heel, he was a legitimate threat to anyone holding the World Championship. He had a bad attitude and made it real. He took out Batista on one occasion and just screamed "World Champion" years ago. Somehow that cooled off when he went to Raw and became all but forgotten. He teamed with MVP for a short stint and sometimes entered a segment with a Guest Host along with Khali, Santino, and Hornswoggle.

Big Show: He was a monster back in the day, but to his credit I believe he makes a better face then a heel anyways. Much much more believable. Just throwin a big guy's name out there.

Kane: Yes, I am glad with this Undertaker storyline he is getting the push that he deserves. Yes, he makes an okay face I think. But lest we forget the man was once labelled "The Big Red Machine" before he was "The Big Red Monster". He was what Jason Vorhees probably had nightmares over. Possible the most perfect example of a monster heel ever to come out of WWE, as a face he hasn't done much but job to younger talent.

Vladimir Koslov: I don't know exactly what he is anymore. I think he's doing entertainment with Santino but I haven't kept up with him. I just remember he was a Russian monster guy that was feuding with the likes of Triple H before he went to ECW and then Raw to do just about nothing until his weird storyline with Marella.

So what are your thoughts on this strange BFG trend? Should WWE continue to pursue a comical big-man gimmick with its large superstars? If not, then who would you like to see return as an actual monster heel?

Could I be forgetting someone who is in WWE and still uses the monster heel gimmick? From my recollection this is perhaps the only time I have ever watched WWE and there wasn't a monster heel lurking somewhere in the background.

For the folks at home who don't know what BFG is, it's Big Friendly Giant.
Mark Henry: As a heel, he was a legitimate threat to anyone holding the World Championship. He had a bad attitude and made it real. He took out Batista on one occasion and just screamed "World Champion" years ago.

Dude... Mark Henry sucks, he always has and he always will! He was better as a heel, but nothing about him ever screamed "World Champion"! If Mark Henry ever won the WWE title, I would stop watching there and then!

Now, Kane....there is a guy who should have been a multi-time world champ as a heel. The original Kane character was fantastic back in the late 90s, and its a crime that he is only a 1 time (1 day infact) World Champion! Kane is much better as a heel, although during the Invasion in 2001 he was pretty awesome as a face in the tag team with Taker

Ive never been a fan of the comedy giant character. Khali is better doing comedy than as a heel, but thats not saying much, I would rather he wasnt on WWE tv at all, Koslov isnt good enough to be a monster heel, and Big Show just sucks as well. There is only Kane who can play the monster heel role to perfection, and I hope he returns to it soon.

Abyss in TNA would have been a great addition to WWE a couple of years ago, he could play a great monster, but as usual TNA have completely fked up his character and ruined him
This has happened before. Remember the very late 80s and very early 90s? Undertaker is the only one that can be a consideration and he was only a newbie still. Don't worry. Wrestling goes in cycles. It's just not time yet.
Kane does make a MUCH better heel. He is a getting a push (and deservedly so) but I think we all know he is the man behind Undertakers attack. I see Kane vs Undertaker on the horizon...come on, its always good and its being 5/6 years since they last fueded!

Agree about Big Show being better as a face. He cuts better promos as a face (thats an art in my eyes). As for Khali, he needs to go back to being a heel. A monster heel like he was 3 years ago. I do think they need to build him up a face first and foremost...then turn. The NXT Rookies could mainly enlist his help...extra muscle.
Aren't you sick of seeing monster heels come in and destroy everyone? They need to cool off that one for a while. I do agree though that it is rather unusual that every big guy is face just now, if I was a big guy I'd take what I wanted when I wanted so it's strange half them are playing to the crowd and the other half are doing comedy, same thing I spose. Look for the Kane heel turn though, how can it be anyone but him that took out taker?! Taker fights his own battles and it would be stupid if he and Kane went after whoever took him out because unless it was the team of big show and khali, they would out power them.
BFG? Could someone explain this acronym? (as if there isn't enough in the world already)

as far as i know its 'big friendly giant"

now to the monster heel thing, i'd like to see one or two maybe within a few months but whats needed with it is a lengthy title reign to actually make them look good instead of just destroying the world champ and losing the title match my pick is kane, if he held the title for at least 6 months dominating all competition he could really help put a younger guy over by then dropping the title to whoever it may be that 'finally beats him'
HAHA..i thought BFG stood for Bound For Glory, i didn't know what section is was in because it was on the homepage..but i was like huh??

I think it means Big f'kin Guys...but I don't know...

I think because they are PG, it may have a thing where all their giants are friendly?? That's what I think, and the kids can think these giants can scare the monsters in their closet...

I think WWE needs more monster heels..someone new would be good..the old ones, you just can't take them seriously anymore..
Khali wrestles for a few months, and then his knees are shot. Koslov needs mic work, but would be make a hell of a heel. Big Show is funny as a face and I think most people enjoy him as a face. Henry is on the decline, and him as a face is just a nice way to send him out I guess. Kane should have been a heel his entire career. While he's decent as a face, his gimmick screams heel. the big guys and monster heels will come around again. Yes, these are faces, but monster heels will return.

Out of this group, I'd prefer Khali. He came in and took out Taker. Who else did that in their debut? He kinda looks creepy when he smiles, so I don't see him being face forever. Kozlov too and these two could really tear it down on Raw if given a chance.
Dude... Mark Henry sucks, he always has and he always will! He was better as a heel, but nothing about him ever screamed "World Champion"! If Mark Henry ever won the WWE title, I would stop watching there and then!

Now, Kane....there is a guy who should have been a multi-time world champ as a heel. The original Kane character was fantastic back in the late 90s, and its a crime that he is only a 1 time (1 day infact) World Champion! Kane is much better as a heel, although during the Invasion in 2001 he was pretty awesome as a face in the tag team with Taker

Ive never been a fan of the comedy giant character. Khali is better doing comedy than as a heel, but thats not saying much, I would rather he wasnt on WWE tv at all, Koslov isnt good enough to be a monster heel, and Big Show just sucks as well. There is only Kane who can play the monster heel role to perfection, and I hope he returns to it soon.

Abyss in TNA would have been a great addition to WWE a couple of years ago, he could play a great monster, but as usual TNA have completely fked up his character and ruined him
the big show sucks? did i read that right?

show is the reason to fear big guys. he is, and has always been one of the greatest 'big men' in wrestling. as a face we get to see the funnier side of his real personality, but he is still one of the last guys any superstar wants to piss off. at any given time in his career he has taken out the biggest stars at will, with little effort. khali sucks, not the show.

kozlov had a great chance as a heel b\c he can actually wrestle and didnt need mic skills, but now definately needs to step up in that dept. but as a face he is just irritating.
I enjoy having one or two (max) BFG's during about 9:45 so I can get a drink, go to the bathroom and have a good laugh. I personally only think Kane and Big Zeke could be a scary big guy.

Heck, I was scared of Kane when he did that promo last week on RAW. He is even scary as a face.

I hate having too many BFG's, one comedy skit only
Because for some reason the PG Era is afraid to let loose scary monsters on children's television. WWE has really taken what is considered a Parental Guidance and turned it into a child's act; all the big people doing blunderous big-funny-people things makes kids happy. Khali gets a laugh now and then and Big Show is just awesome as a face in my opinion.

Maybe they are trying to show its younger viewers you don't have to be scared of the big guys; that they can be good, gentle creatures with a heart of gold. Henry to me was a great heel years ago and was pushed to his limit; but there's nothing to fear with him being a comedy guy like the rest of the larger superstars.

Anyways, I really wished Khali would slam Santino or 'Swoggle through a table to end that BFG shit. WWE needs a monster heel in my opinion too; that's always been their thing. Khali brought down Taker, and now he is this BFG funny guy? Screw that I want him to scare children and give them more reason to root for the good guys like Cena.
When Ezekiel Jackson comes back, I think he'll be the guy to bring back the monster heel role to the BFG's. Big Zeke has the potential to be a wicked awesome monster heel as he just looks like the last guy you want to piss off. It would be pretty cool if he came back with a manager with the gimmick of "being the guy that can control him, but don't piss me off cause that'll piss Big Zeke off".
BFGs....Babyface Gimmicks or Babyface Giants

No. Okay people that don't bother reading my Original Post this is what BFG means:

BIG. FRIENDLY. GIANT. That's it. It isn't rocket science it's crystal clear in my last sentence what I meant by BFG for those who had no clue :rolleyes: BFG also happens to be a book by Roald Dahl where I took the name from because it is pretty well-known to the reading public (especially children) and features a big guy who is also nice. Thought it had a better ring to it than "Giant Face".
Some of this is changing. Lately Khali has just been jobbing when he used to be invincible. And yeah Big Show did make a face turn recently, Undertaker is a face, Triple H, Cena, and for the time being Kane are a lot of big faces. However, Sheamus is a big dude, and he is a heel. And Kane will be making a heel turn this summer when he is revealed as the one who took out the Undertaker. The WWE usually evens things out well.
They need a monster heel that can actually win a match or 2 clean, they never do that stuff. and by clean, i don't mean dominating some scrub i mean winning the title in a clean match. Heels have so much more credibility when they can win fair.

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