Why Should John Cena Turn Heel? WHY?!

OK, I'll play devil's advocate here. Don't get me wrong, I don't think John Cena should turn heel, nor do I think he will any time soon. But I don't think it would hurt him to act a little more "heelish" every now and then. I like Cena the best when he gets intense and passionate like he did talking to ADR last night. A heel turn last night would have been ridiculous, but I wouldn't mind seeing a pissed off Cena with a little edgier side, acting a little more like a heel every now and then, to freshen him up a little, without the full fledged TNA-ish heel turn.

Also, I don't think it is correct to suggest that he will never turn heel because of his relationship with the younger audience and the fact that it would be bad financially for the company. That's IWC generated nonsense. Fact of the matter is, lots of faces before him have undergone heel turns, with varying degrees of success. Stone Cold, the Rock, Bret Hart, Hulk Hogan, and others have seen heel turns in their days, and I think these guys may have sold a T-shirt or two. To be clear, I neither want nor expect to see a Cena heel turn anytime soon, but I think people are too quick to totally dismiss the possibility, for all of the wrong reasons.

Your point isn't simply black or white. Therefore, it is impossible to understand.

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