Why Should I Order TNA Slammiversary?


Dark Match Jobber
I love TNA,but i really need some reasons why i should order Slammiversary. I watched impact and really didn't get a reason to. Can any way sway me into buying it?
You should order it if you feel like watching it.

If you love TNA then surely you'd do it out of your attachment, questioning why you should order it kind of makes me think you don't really love TNA. I don't love TNA, I like professional wrestling, so I'll watch it based off that. Plus TNA has been consistently good for the past two months now. Are they blowing people out of the water? No, but WWE haven't been great the past couple of months while TNA have been out doing them on a weekly basis with the more entertaining product on show.

I'm not going to tell you why you should order, but if it helps, I'm ordering it because I've an interest in Sting versus Roode. I love Roode, his reign has been awesome, I love Sting and a part of me selfishly wants him to win the title. I'm ordering for Bully Ray versus Joseph Park. I want to see how they play off of it considering Joseph Park is Abyss and Abyss promised to show up to Slammiversary. It's one of the most intriguing storylines going. Plus Bully Ray is currently one of my favorite wrestlers, only makes sense.

Samoa Joe versus Austin Aries will be the match of the night, if they can put on half the show they did at Ring of Honor's Final Battle 2004. Daniels/Kazarian versus Angle/Styles has a lot of interesting factors to it, will Styles be all there, will Serg get involved, will Dixie get involved? A lot of possibilities and again, a good match to boot.

Plus there may be a few surprises, being the ten year anniversary of TNA and all. Joey Ryan could show up at some stage considering it has basically been confirmed that the entire charade is an angle. There are a lot of things that could happen, there are a lot of potential good matches. If you love it, you'll buy it, if you don't, you won't. Very simple.
You my friend have just swayed me! Even if not on purpose, im ordering this sure to be classic ppv. Can't wait!! Thank you man.
You my friend have just swayed me! Even if not on purpose, im ordering this sure to be classic ppv. Can't wait!! Thank you man.

No problem, any way I can help.

I also forgot the first inductee into the TNA Hall of Fame will be announced and could potentially be Jeff Jarrett, which means possible Jeff Jarrett return. Either way, any way you look at it, the card and show has potential to be very good. Has a lot of stuff going on so I assume things won't have large amount of allocated timeslots, but sometimes you have to take the sweet with the sour.
Ino, I say it will be Double J in the Hall of Fame to. I also thought that if they go with the Dixie/AJ storyline they would have it be AJ and have Dixie announce it, to add a twist to the storyline.
If you were intelligent you would spend 10 mins trying to find a free website.


1) TNA PPV are never worth the paper they are scripted on.
2) If you really wanna give 40 bucks away give it to me and I'll send you a link. it is win win. you get a crappy ppv and you get to spend hard earned money on nothing
3) you will not feel bad if the ppv sucks and you saw it free

oh you want reasons to buy it

1) you get to see aj v daniels for the 100th time
2) James Storms comes back lose
3) you get to watch RVD v Hardy V anderson ..Again to see hardy or Rvd challenge Roode to yet another title match where they lose.
4) Tna Knockouts... but the ugly ones.
5) Crimson gets to keep trying to be goldberg without title shots.
6) and lastly All your friends are going to out with girls and this way you will have something to do all alone.

Oh crap I missed one 7) You get to see the lamest Hall of fame ever created and a Inductee that deserves nothing. ( Jeff Jarrett did what started the company and sunk it, if it wasn't for Dixie being a daddy's girl and border line ******ed.....oh yeah and a Billion dollar oil tycoon daddy TNA would have died out years ago.) God Bless the rich and stupid.
If you were intelligent you would spend 10 mins trying to find a free website.


1) TNA PPV are never worth the paper they are scripted on.
2) If you really wanna give 40 bucks away give it to me and I'll send you a link. it is win win. you get a crappy ppv and you get to spend hard earned money on nothing
3) you will not feel bad if the ppv sucks and you saw it free

oh you want reasons to buy it

1) you get to see aj v daniels for the 100th time
2) James Storms comes back lose
3) you get to watch RVD v Hardy V anderson ..Again to see hardy or Rvd challenge Roode to yet another title match where they lose.
4) Tna Knockouts... but the ugly ones.
5) Crimson gets to keep trying to be goldberg without title shots.
6) and lastly All your friends are going to out with girls and this way you will have something to do all alone.

Oh crap I missed one 7) You get to see the lamest Hall of fame ever created and a Inductee that deserves nothing. ( Jeff Jarrett did what started the company and sunk it, if it wasn't for Dixie being a daddy's girl and border line ******ed.....oh yeah and a Billion dollar oil tycoon daddy TNA would have died out years ago.) God Bless the rich and stupid.

Well... it looks like someone is angry about something. Maybe you are the one who is stuck at home while all your friends are out with girls?

If you hate TNA so much, then why bother posting in a TNA thread?

Why don't you just go watch John Cena vs John Laurinaitis from that last "stellar", five star, greatest ppv ever again... and don't forget to put your "Rise Above Hate" t-shirt on.
honestly, there dont seem to be many reasons. there's a few interesting storys going on though. what will happen with the Park and Bully Ray match. how will they pull this off. how's Abyss and Park going to be there at the same time?? watching Roode win will be good even if the match wont be great, the one match that COULD steal the show is the Austin Aries and Samoa Joe match. the tag team title match also could be interesting as well due to great wrestling and a story that they are telling. after that there isnt much to like, but it doesnt sound like an awful ppv, if the Aries and Joe match is the show stealer that i think it could be, then that will make the ppv an interesting show.
If you hate TNA so much, then why bother posting in a TNA thread?

The guy asked a question I was trying to assist.

Why don't you just go watch John Cena vs John Laurinaitis from that last "stellar", five star, greatest ppv ever again... and don't forget to put your "Rise Above Hate" t-shirt on.

This shows how stupid people can be obviously if I bash TNA then I must love everything that WWE has to offer. Trust me the list that WWE has doubles that of TNA. However WWE does some good things, I can't say the same about TNA. I tried and struggle through it each week to stay relevant but some times a bottle of Tequila is needs to with stand the torture.
The guy asked a question I was trying to assist.

There is a BIG difference between "trying to assist", and being a troll. You were not trying to be constructive. You were only spewing out hate speech.

This shows how stupid people can be obviously if I bash TNA then I must love everything that WWE has to offer

You did not "bash" TNA... what you did was vehemently attack TNA and added ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to this discussion.

However WWE does some good things, I can't say the same about TNA

If you cannot find anything positive about TNA, then you are not a professional wrestling fan. There are plenty of good things happening in TNA, and if you are unwilling to acknowledge them then you are a loyal WWE fan.

I tried and struggle through it each week to stay relevant but some times a bottle of Tequila is needs to with stand the torture

Why would you "torture" yourself to watch a freaking tv show? This might be the most idiotic statement I have ever seen! If you don't like something then TURN THE CHANNEL!
There is a BIG difference between "trying to assist", and being a troll. You were not trying to be constructive. You were only spewing out hate speech.

You did not "bash" TNA... what you did was vehemently attack TNA and added ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to this discussion.

If you cannot find anything positive about TNA, then you are not a professional wrestling fan. There are plenty of good things happening in TNA, and if you are unwilling to acknowledge them then you are a loyal WWE fan.

Why would you "torture" yourself to watch a freaking tv show? This might be the most idiotic statement I have ever seen! If you don't like something then TURN THE CHANNEL!

Goodness yes, how dare anybody say anything negative about TNA? So a wrestling fan must like every single promotion and like every one of them or else they aren't a fan?
There is a BIG difference between "trying to assist", and being a troll. You were not trying to be constructive. You were only spewing out hate speech.

You did not "bash" TNA... what you did was vehemently attack TNA and added ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to this discussion.

If you cannot find anything positive about TNA, then you are not a professional wrestling fan. There are plenty of good things happening in TNA, and if you are unwilling to acknowledge them then you are a loyal WWE fan.

Why would you "torture" yourself to watch a freaking tv show? This might be the most idiotic statement I have ever seen! If you don't like something then TURN THE CHANNEL!

Alright let's do this dance again.

1) I was assisting I gave the guy a chance to save money and still watch the PPV..that seems like help to me.

2) he asked why should he I gave him reason why not to.

3) and 4) these got together nicely you screw the pooch there proving my point exactly. I torture myself watching it because I am a true fan, I watch it even when I think it is sucking. Telling me your OPINION that TNA is doing good things doesn't change MY OPINION that I don't like it.

A true fan doesn't turn his back on his "Team" when they are not playing well you man up and support them. You go ahead and turn your back when you dislike what they do, you can go be a fair weather fan. A true wrestling fan watches as much wrestling from everywhere they can to learn more and understand it better. Not just selecting one company and pretending that they are the greatest around even when their stories suck.
I wanted to know what draws people to tna.
or draws them away.
i feel that tna has a better tag team divison & knockout divison.
but i believe that wwe has better storylines
Goodness yes, how dare anybody say anything negative about TNA? So a wrestling fan must like every single promotion and like every one of them or else they aren't a fan?

There are threads for pointing out grievances that one might have with TNA... This is not one of those threads. This thread was about why the OP should order Slammiversary. This thread was NOT about "hating" on TNA.

This is very simple to understand...
Alright let's do this dance again.

1) I was assisting I gave the guy a chance to save money and still watch the PPV..that seems like help to me.

2) he asked why should he I gave him reason why not to.

3) and 4) these got together nicely you screw the pooch there proving my point exactly. I torture myself watching it because I am a true fan, I watch it even when I think it is sucking. Telling me your OPINION that TNA is doing good things doesn't change MY OPINION that I don't like it.

A true fan doesn't turn his back on his "Team" when they are not playing well you man up and support them. You go ahead and turn your back when you dislike what they do, you can go be a fair weather fan. A true wrestling fan watches as much wrestling from everywhere they can to learn more and understand it better. Not just selecting one company and pretending that they are the greatest around even when their stories suck.

There is not a dance here to do...:banghead:

This thread is NOT about hating on TNA. All of the things that you have brought up are POINTLESS in this thread. There are threads for "bashing" on TNA; go post in one of those.

Slammiversary was one of the best ppvs of the year in any wrestling promotion. Hopefully the OP ordered it...

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