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Why Reigns needs to turn heel

Terry Gyimah

Championship Contender
If anything why should Reigns turn heel? Or why he needs to? Because of the fact that it will not only be beneficial to his character in the long run in terms of getting over with the fans finally in terms of them eventually embracing him but at the same time by turning Reigns heel it actually livens up his character gives his character a chance to actually get better not only on the mic but also his overall look demeanor screams heel

What I find ironic more than anything are the same idiot smark fans who are booing Reigns are the same fans who were up his ass loving his ass off when he was in The Shield and he was starting to get over those were the same fans cheering Roman Reigns then

And the moment he starts to gain success for himself as a singles star by winning the 2015 Royal Rumble Match is where all those fans who loved him in The Shield turned on him which is what I find ironic
I think that some have to start seeing the fact that when Reigns was with the Shield, and they were a faction fans cheered them as a whole, not as individual members. The Shield is no more and it's about time that the WWE and Reigns realize it. It was a gimmick for a faction not a single wrestler.

Ambrose and Rollins created new persona's and moved away from their days in the Shield, Reigns has not and he needs too. The WWE is looking for someone to replace an aging John Cena, and they've picked Reigns. Give him something new to work with to get fans on his side. It worked for the others and it will work for him as well. But as long as he's still stuck with the ghosts of the past he will be unable to form his own identity and fans can see that.

Personally I don't think he would make a great heel.
I think he could if given the right material but also a gimmick change in the sense of his character becoming more arrogant but also becoming more of a vicious heel in the sense of attacking superstars for no reason other than he feels like it or attacking his so called friends to the point of brutalizing them with weapons and then getting to the fans every chance he gets by badmouthing them a la Batista 2009-10
But we already have a heel like that in Bray Wyatt. He attacks others for no reason, as a matter of fact that's how most of his feuds start, and end with him on the losing end of the battle.

With the Shield you have three guys that could play off each other, both Rollins and Ambrose were gold on the mic, Reigns was the background silent type, but the muscle of the group. He was shielded (no pun intended) for the most part.

It was only when the Shield broke up fans began to see that other than a really hot look he didn't have much else to offer. Kind of bad on the mic, and his ring skills were pretty green. Now he's come leaps and bounds, because he's had too. When you're picked for the number one spot and learn nothing you won't be there for very long.

But the whole crux of this and the only hope left is to turn him heel. My opinion is he won't make a great heel. His moveset isn't a heel moveset, and that's pretty much all he has. He can't carry a match others do that for him, and he won't be able to carry a feud on the mic. Listen I like the guy, but turning him into another Seth Rollins won't happen, he just doesn't come off as that type.

Besides if you read others opinions of the matter, you'll see that a lot of fans while they have nothing personal against him, are just tired of seeing him in the main event for so long. For two years now they've have him thrown at them and if he hasn't connected by now, what is the point. I'm a fan of his, but shit even I can see that even turning him heel won't matter.
But the whole crux of this and the only hope left is to turn him heel.

I disagree that his only hope is to turn him heel. It's not a bad option, but it's definitely not the only option.

We don't have to look back any further than December to see that Roman Reigns can succeed as a face. His beat down of HHH after the main event of "TLC" and his title win the following night on RAW proved that when used correctly Reigns could be a massive face. He looks like a silent, angry bad ass, and that's how he was used on those two shows and it worked to perfection. Before and after, for whatever reason, he's been more of a John Cena type, and that just doesn't work for him.

I know this is far from an original thought or anything, but having Reigns kick ass in a convincing way and talk only when necessary would be the best way to use him. And it worked for those two nights in December.
These are turning into the new 'Turn John Cena Heel' threads.

People loved him in the Shield because he wasn't forced into a position. People felt like the Shield earned where they were.

Reigns has been pushed to this position and the fan's don't think he is fully deserving. This point will never change, and simply because he turns heel, if he is still pushed to the top, people won't like it.
I disagree that his only hope is to turn him heel. It's not a bad option, but it's definitely not the only option.

We don't have to look back any further than December to see that Roman Reigns can succeed as a face. His beat down of HHH after the main event of "TLC" and his title win the following night on RAW proved that when used correctly Reigns could be a massive face. He looks like a silent, angry bad ass, and that's how he was used on those two shows and it worked to perfection. Before and after, for whatever reason, he's been more of a John Cena type, and that just doesn't work for him.

I know this is far from an original thought or anything, but having Reigns kick ass in a convincing way and talk only when necessary would be the best way to use him. And it worked for those two nights in December.

I see what you're saying, but really two nights over a period of two years, really isn't anything to be happy about.

With the time and effort that they've put into getting this guy a fan favourite, he should be more popular than Daniel Bryan ever was, and it's just not happening. When Bryan was around and there were questions about him wrestling again, he and his fans were blamed because of Reign's problems. That was bull, then as it is now. You can have more than one favourite on the roster, so if you were a Daniel Bryan fan, nothing wrong with being a Reigns fan as well.

A lot of people from Heyman to Bryan himself, has tried to get Reigns over, God knows he's had the focus on him for the longest time now. Just think what the rest of the roster would look like if they had the time and effort put into it that Reigns has had.

There are reports that he won't be on RAW this week again. Maybe that's a good thing as it will keep him away from the smarky Chicago crowd, but when you have to keep your number one face away from certain cities, should he really be the number one face. I don't care if they keep putting Reigns out there I'm a fan, I just worry about what this will do do him in the long run. It's damaged him already and I'm afraid that more damage will be done.
To get him over as a face you almost need to make him turn heel. My plan....

Reigns loses at Mania
Ambrose wins title at Xtreme Rules vs. HHH
Reigns turns heel and defeats Ambrose for belt either at Summerslam or before
Roman Empire is created (Reigns, Rusev, Del Rio, & Sheamus)
Rollins returns as a face and pairs with Ambrose
WrestleMania 33 (Heel Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar for the WWE Title)
At Mania 33 - Rusev, Del Rio, & Sheamus are beating down Ambrose and Rollins when Reigns music hits and instead of helping the heels he turns face and saves his old Shield buddies and THE SHIELD REFORMS AT WRESTLEMANIA 33!!!
Then you just make Reigns a silent bad ass again. Keep him quiet and dominant like Goldberg was!!!
If anything why should Reigns turn heel? Or why he needs to? Because of the fact that it will not only be beneficial to his character in the long run in terms of getting over with the fans finally in terms of them eventually embracing him but at the same time by turning Reigns heel it actually livens up his character gives his character a chance to actually get better not only on the mic but also his overall look demeanor screams heel

I can buy that but it is easier said than done right now since Mania is around the corner and the card has painted WWE in to a corner.

What I find ironic more than anything are the same idiot smark fans who are booing Reigns are the same fans who were up his ass loving his ass off when he was in The Shield and he was starting to get over those were the same fans cheering Roman Reigns then

Just because those idiot smarks recognized over a year ago what you're suggesting now doesn't mean you have to insult them. If anything it makes you look slow.

And the moment he starts to gain success for himself as a singles star by winning the 2015 Royal Rumble Match is where all those fans who loved him in The Shield turned on him which is what I find ironic

The wheels were falling off before the Rumble. The Rumble had a multitude of problems. Reigns winning was just the icing on the cake.

You do realize The Shield character and what that character was accomplishing is very different from the solo act he portrayed since then?

I get and agree with the whole premise of this argument I just have no idea how you are supporting it. Here try this:

Roman Reigns has vast talent. Unfortunately there have been areas where he struggles. He is very similar to a young Randy Orton. Good looking guy with in ring ability and a pedigree. Also like Orton, Reigns struggles to come off as relateable or genuine when he speaks. He also has baby teeth. I believe Reigns could use more time as heel, maybe give him a mouthpiece or another faction to help protect him from his weaknesses. His solo push and injury were an unfortunate set back in 2014 and instead of pushing ahead I think WWE should have pushed the reset button and started over. With a decent heel run attached to Reigns in 2015 (maybe attached to The Authority as Rollins muscle) WWE could have been in a position where the fans don't pick up or reject Reigns' weaknesses and throw their full support in to him having a huge WM 32 main event.

That all being said, it is still not too late to tell a similar story.
I think Reigns would be over as a heel, think about it, The Rock was first hated as a babyface but after he turned heel he was over with the crowd.
It might actually help.
The deeper the depths he sinks to as a heel...the greater the redemption when he turns back to face.

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