Why no female commentators on RAW/SMACKDOWN/NXT?


Mrs. John Constantine
Has anyone else watched and wondered why the lack of females doing commentating at the booths on Raw, NXT, and Smackdown? Is it maybe a sexist thing, or something else? We see female ring announcers and 'correspondents' but I know I'd be able to call a match, and with as many screw ups as you see some of the play by play people make, especially with Vince and creative in their ear, it makes you wonder how hard it can be?
I concur with Stinger i think that its also because...

The lack of ovens at ringside, which would explain the mess ups the female ring annoucers make and the botches in diva's matches

I'm just kidding, who knows, i wouldn't be fussed either way, but i'd be mightly fucked off if they did put a women commentator in and gave her a ditzy blonde gimmick, which is kind of vince's thing
For those of us who don't have to serve anyone though, can certainly dream. :icon_neutral: Best be glad I never made a sandwich for ya, woulda got the 'special' treatment courtesy of the Shenangianz wait staff.
My guess would be wrestling is supposed to be manly and therefore Vince wants men out there talking about it.
I agree with Stinger. But seriously, look at NXT. The ring announcer and the backstage girl are both females. I think its just because most viewers are used to having a male announcer. I can't think of a single female announcer that is actually announcing, not just a sideline person.
Has anyone else watched and wondered why the lack of females doing commentating at the booths on Raw, NXT, and Smackdown? Is it maybe a sexist thing, or something else? We see female ring announcers and 'correspondents' but I know I'd be able to call a match, and with as many screw ups as you see some of the play by play people make, especially with Vince and creative in their ear, it makes you wonder how hard it can be?

It probably is a sexist thing. I'm sure that the only reason why there are female ring announcers is because you can look at them in between matches. You can't really stare at somebody's body when they are sitting behind a desk for two hours so I bet they assume that there is no point to having a woman on commentary

it kinda sucks
Did you see the white txt, its hard to miss. Anyway its as KB said, wrestling is manly so you need men commenting on what is manly, and women wouldn't be able to do it. Its hard, i don't know if i remember any wrestling company i've seen, which albeit is limited, where there are female commentators. Who would you suggest as a female commentator within the WWE, cause i couldn't think of anyone who'd fit in.
I wasn't saying anyone in the WWE right now. I just meant, what would be SO wrong with having a woman do commentating on matches? Seriously, if Chyna and Beth Phoenix can compete in Royal Rumbles or against men, couldn't there be a precedent for a woman to do announcing? If women can do reporting on ESPN where its REAL sports, a woman could be allowed the same thing. I'm probably just on a soapbox here..aah...:banghead:
It worked for JR and his BBQ biz, why not let a woman give it a try? Can't be any worse than some of Michael Cole's commentary...I know I've done commentating for local wrestling shows in my area...
I vaguely remember Ivory doing some commenting on Heat/Velocity toward the end of her tenure I thought....:confused: And she wasn't bad actually.
It makes you wonder since WWE calls it all 'entertainment' if the refs are really even licensed to practice, since we've seen Charles Robinson have to wrestle in matches, and other refs have to wrestle before...ala the Invasion storyline, like Earl Hebner, etc.
Besides, if it takes 4 guys to commentate on a PPV, I'm sure it'd only take 2 women to commentate on the same show. Never send a woman to do a man's job, as the saying goes.
Because, and follow me, Vince McMahon is sexist.

Ever see his wife? She is butt-fugly. His daughter? Hot. But married off to a man who has got to be absolutely horrid to look at up close and personal in the morning.

Every female who has worked as a ring announcer? Called a horse face and quit in humongous embarrassment that stained their place in this righteous world for years to come.

How about the women's division? Never mind those people who "understand" what is going on and that the Women's Division is there to attract the 18-25 demographic. Never mind that for every call that the WWE is mistreating their women as sex-slaves there are, you know, the very women in that division that willingly draw a paycheck for wrestling in a wrestling ring in front of millions of viewers every time they step onto screen.

Nope. Vince McMahon is a racist-sexist. Got to be. Fucking asshole, not allowing women to be commentators. Someone should show him what we really think by boycotting WWE television until there is a woman announcer.

I wouldn't go so far to say his daughter is f-ugly. But yeah, I'm sure McMahon does tend to objectify women a little more than usual.
here is something a real answer lol. The reason for no female announcers. Even if McMahon and friends have denied any aspect of sport within pro wrestling (save the name sports entertainment) it is still viewed by many as a form of competition, combine this and the fact the the majority audience (or at least those who matter, i.e. buy's tickets and merchandise) are all men ages 17-35 and there you have it. many women watch football but will a female ever commentate football, not very likely because it is centered around males. The backstage "interviewers" however have primarily been female (with the recent exception of Josh Matthews).
here is something a real answer lol. The reason for no female announcers. Even if McMahon and friends have denied any aspect of sport within pro wrestling (save the name sports entertainment) it is still viewed by many as a form of competition, combine this and the fact the the majority audience (or at least those who matter, i.e. buy's tickets and merchandise) are all men ages 17-35 and there you have it. many women watch football but will a female ever commentate football, not very likely because it is centered around males. The backstage "interviewers" however have primarily been female (with the recent exception of Josh Matthews).

So if a female can't commentate on football, explain the presence of the female reporters/commentators for some of the bigger companies like CBS, ABC, ESPN. Even if a hot female were to be announcing...surely Vince could even find a way to milk it for all its worth...?

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