Why Legacy is here to stay...

Egg Salads

Dark Match Jobber
For a while now I have been noticing a recurring theme in people's posts about DiBiase turning face and Legacy splitting up. I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon and here is my reasons why:

1) They are finally involved in a storyline feud with DX and no longer spend airtime so much as Orton's help.

2) They have beaten DX as a team, and have done some serious damage on them as individuals.

3) They work better as a team right now than they would as individuals.

I could understand how people felt before that Ted would split the group, but we haven't really seen any indication of that lately. And the fact that they have gotten over on DX is awesome because it gives them a huge rub. It would be so stupid to just split them up right after that. As far as Cody and Ted being in singles competition, I just can't see that happening right now. Gimmick wise, what would work for Ted or Cody?
well if they do break up and dont stay together i feel like cody will just become a jobber adn will take a while for hime to get into any major story lines...as for ted i feel like bring back the one and only million dollar man for a year or so helping elevate ted jr career will help him out huge.
The thing is, they will definately break-up, but more around TLc or Survivor series!! WWE is too desperate to make money and promote their merch, that they are ruining perfectly good superstars.

Legacy could be one of the greatest tag teams ever, and if ted does turn face, i hope cody does too so they do it as a team, splitting them up is simply the most ridiculous move they ever make!!! If they do i simply stop watching, and i hope others do too, coz it's getting ridiculous in wwe's search for money, the show's are dying and they are too blind to notice!!!

i am personally a big legacy fan, and if the group ends everyone nows the 2 superstars won't make it big for at least another 3-4 years, unless they stick together!!!!!!!!!!!!! :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Maybe theyll both turn face on Orton, and remain a tag team. Monday made me enjoy these two guys even more. Their both talented (minus Ted not being able to cut a promo to save his life, but Cody makes up for it) Hopefully they'll continue to dominate HBK and Triple H to build them up even more as a tag team, and as major players so they can live up to the star power they have, rather than being lost in the shuffle of the middle card. Down the line they can break up and face each other, but for now they need to stay together
Well Legacy as a group will be splitting up and Dibiase turning face, maybe with Rhodes, so he can promote the movie he'll be filming soon, The Marine 2. And he can't promote the movie properly while he's still a heel can he? Think about it.
the movie has been done, it was filmed last year after Orton punted him in the scull. As far as turning him face to promote it, I think it sucks. He would work better establishing himself as a heel in the long run, rather than being rushed into the role of a face just because their releasing another movie, no one will give a shit about.

Remember when Orton was built up as a good heel in Evolution and won the Title vs Beniot, then was turned face on us entirely to fast to face Triple H, only to return to his heel roots soon after?(3-6 months down the line) Does anyone want to see this tragic misstep happen to Ted?
They have had heels promote movies before. Kane was heel when his came out. If I rember right i am pretty sure Kennedy was kind of a tweener when his came out. Anyway I have a fealing this will be a straight to DVD movie so they will not rewrite storylines just to promote. After all the wrestling aspect makes money and from what I hear the movie part loses tons of money. Legacy should stay together. Even if they split up the tag team Cody and Ted should remain allies. I cant belive DX is actually putting them over but I love it. I doubt they will win HIAC but it would be great if they did and it actually led to a DX split. A DX split would give better matches(honestly do you guys think Cody vs Ted would be worth watching?). Plus Cody and Ted are one of the freshest things the WWE has had in years. Baby I think they would both suck bad. Also it seems like everyone is claiming Ted is the chosen one. I agree Ted has the better look but lately Cody has been the one improving by leaps and bounds in the rings and on the mic. Hell I actually belive the little sissy looking boy could whip someones ass now. As far as Ted goes it seems to me that all he really has at the moment is his looks and the fact that he can latch onto Codys coat tails. Not that he sucks just Cody looks leaps and bounds better than him right now.
i think that cody and ted are exactly alike. and with randy orton as their mentor their going to end up just like him. eventually cody will win the wwe championship and that will break ortons record. then orton will do exactly what triple h did to him and legacy will break up going into a fued cody vs orton and ted will just be a singles compeditor unless he stays with cody. but i think ted would be better off as a singles wrestler and he could follow in the footsteps of his dad
I never said that Legacy will never break up. I just said I don't see it happening anytime soon. Not even for Ted to promote his movie. I don't believe that a superstar has to be a face just so people will buy the movie. Legacy, Orton and Jericho are heels but if you look on WWE shop their merch is in the top-selling category. Even though we are supposed to hate the heels, a decent chunk of the fan base still root for them (a lil bit of evil in us all).

But my point is it would be silly to split them up after this huge rub they are getting from DX. I really, really hope they win at HIAC and put an "end' to DX. A passing of the torch, so to speak. I know it probably won't happen that way, but hell I was pretty shocked to even see them win at Breaking Point so who knows!
i totally agree splitting up legacy would be dumb now i mean i personally dont think cody and ted would be more than ECW caliber stars as singles but what i can never understand is why they never use ted sr. more. Why nt have DX beat the crap out of cody and ted a few times then ted use his dad's money to buy their way to victory like maybe payin kane to take DX out. I also think WWE should expand legacy to smackdown and include the hart foundation hell have ted pay their way to raw and let them attack shawn for uncle bret. what do u think?
I like what you're sayin Zeric23, because I think what you mean is in the long-run and in the bigger picture, WWE needs to expand the tag-team division and spice things up with it. Think of how many fresh feuds we could see if they did that...Legacy, DX, Harts, Cryme Tyme, Jericho/Show, Kozlov/Ezekial, etc. Separate brands really limits the feuds and storylines that could otherwise be done, but I digress from the topic.
I have said a few times on here that I think when Legacy do split up that it should consist of Rhodes and Dibiase turning on Orton and remaining associated in some way, as opposed to your regular Orton turning on them at different points.

I would also agree with those who say WWE shouldn't manipulate their storyline plans around Ted Dibiase's movie release come the end of the year, he doesn't need to be a face to promote a straight to DVD movie.

As Egg Salads has pointed out, Legacy (that is Rhodes and Dibiase) have got some great momentum going for them at the moment with the DX gig and to split them up prematurely could risk them losing what they have now and thus getting lost in the shuffle.

When the time does come to disband, then Rhodes and Dibiase should be given a chance to feud with Orton and then make the tranisition to singles stars from there in my opinion. Hopefully, a feud with Orton would be enough for them to break out on their own and for the general audience to accept them as serious singles wrestlers. However, for now, it is my belief that Rhodes and Dibiase work well together, they help each other and work well as a unit.
When and if it happens, I see Cody begin the path of Orton to be the next him. Ted will likely revive the Million Dollar Championship and grow just like Cody. I even see a reunion along the road. Those are just my thoughts.
I hope they stay together and turn on Orton together and then pursue their own "Legacy" and become tag team champions once again.
Reasons you need to know why this would be a disaster.

1.) Look at all the tv time they have put into these guys as a tag team.They get more tv time than any tag team in the E right now yes even more than Jerishow and they are the champs. So why would you split up a team who gets the most air time in a horrible tag division.
2.) They beat DX as a team which means hello big deal. Ted didnt beat tripple h (i can wish though) cody didnt beat shawn. they beat them as a tag team use that push them to the tag title picture.
3.) ok Eli Manning came out of the draft and started right away for the Giants Phillip Rivers sat 3 yrs behind Drew Brees which helped him learn and not be thrown to the dogs. Phillip Rivers is a better qb than Eli Manning even though Manning has a superbowl championship you put Rivers on that team he wins it to. My point is let them stay as a tag team develop everything a little while then turn them loose.
It irritates me that they would even consider turning Ted face just to promote a shitty movie. Face the facts, if John Cena cant put buts in the seats that what chance does a relative unknown have??

I think legacy need to spend at least another 5-8 months with Orton in feuds, first as a tag team then as singles stars. Have them win the tag belts and hold them for a while then drop them and push one for the midcard title and have one of them in an upper midcard feud.

That is how they got evolution over, by letting them be in Triple H's group at the same time as getting over in feuds themselves. Keep the group together, I think until WM 27 as long as they are in feuds with other people as well Legacy shouldn't get stale.

Then as soon as Legacy splits, after having so long to develop with each other they should each be instant main eventers/upper midcarders.

Just my Opinon.
I would prefer for Legacy to remain Heel and add to the stable, it has the potential to be a pretty dominant stable in the WWE.

However, I might be going out on a limb here, but I can see this happening after what occurred on Raw this past Monday.

We saw Orton work the program with Jerishow, and we now know that they will be working another program next Monday.

I can see after hell in a cell ppv, when Legacy cannot finish DX, Orton goes against them saying he found two proven stars who can take DX out for good. This can lead to the face turn for Legacy feuding with Jerishow for the titles and ultimately Orton.
I can see after hell in a cell ppv, when Legacy cannot finish DX, Orton goes against them saying he found two proven stars who can take DX out for good. This can lead to the face turn for Legacy feuding with Jerishow for the titles and ultimately Orton.

If this were to happen, wouldn't it make more sense for Jerishow to start feuding with DX for the titles? Since Jerishow would be like Orton's replacement for Ted and Cody.

On a separate note, I really feel like everything that will happen with Legacy really comes down to whether or not they will the upset at HIAC.
First, let's assume they win:

They have the bragging rights to having defeated DX at back to back PPVs. They have the bragging rights to having defeated DX in Satan's Structure, after HHH and HBK have boasted so much about how much experience they have in HIAC matches. A victory would easily propel them back into the tag-title picture. And this would cause them to remain as a team for a long time yet.

Now, if they lose:

What would happen? This feud can not continue any longer. If they lose are we going to be stuck with more DX airtime for the next two months? Will Orton abandon Ted and Cody? Will there be tension between Ted and Cody, causing them to split and feud amongst one another? Or will they just go back to being Randy's lackeys will he goes after the WWE Championsip?

I really hope creative does the right thing here and has Legacy win at HIAC, ending DX. Then they can go on and dominate the tag division for a while because it really needs a new spark to get going again.
I hope they do stay together, whether with Orton or without, to be honest with you. Neither member of Legacy is very over as individuals, and neither of them is the completed product. If they split now, whichever turned face would fall flat, because nobody would really give a shit.

If DiBiase does turn face, as the collective wisdom seems to suggest he will, I think it'll be a long while before we see himbuild himself back up. What they need is another year or so of tag feuds and to basically be as far away from Orton as possible whilst still being in the stable. This is why keeping Sim Snuka or Manu would have been good, because the could be the ones on the end of a beating, while the tag team build themselves up.
that would be dumb to split them up. cody and ted did so much to get where they are and they did it because they earned it and not because they cheated

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