Why is there no Pro Wrestlers Union?


I'm from Winnepeg you idiot!
I may be wrong, but to my knowledge pro wrestling does not have a union. Sorry if im using the wrong word but i cant think of anything else to call it.

Anyway what i mean is why isnt there a organization that make sure all wrestling organizations treat wrestlers well and pay them respectably amongst other things. Other sports and entertainment sectors have these so why not wrestling?

I realise im not making much sense but im having difficulty explaining. I hope you catch what im trying to say ha
Quite simply, because wrestling is all about the one person..the wrestler!

There have been a few times in history when people have tried to start a union but it's always been snuffed out by management...

For a union in wrestling to work it would take a top guy to stand up to management and lead the way but, as things stand, what do the top guys really gain from a union? They get 1st class travel, earn millions, have their health care paid for them, etc....Why risk jepordising that to help the lower guys out?

It's not nice but, when WCW and ECW folded, that was the last chance of a union being formed
There are so many talented wrestlers in the world that members associated with a Pro-Wrestling Union wouldn't be used.

Talent is easily replaceable, and because management of wrestling companies have hundreds of people that would jump at any chance to preform in their ring, management has control as to what talent they wish to you.

For example, If a Pro-Wrestling Union was formed today, lets say Sheamus, Christian, Mark Henry, Daniel Bryan, Randy Orton etc, chose to join or associate with the union, WWE management simply would have the option to not use the talent and could sign wrestlers that are non members of the union.
Interesting topic. I personally don't see why they can't belong to Equity.

As Muffin Top said you can get around this because everyone wants to be in WWE, so you get cheaper, yet more eager workhorses. It's the same reason immigration arguably causes job loss.

But if there were, say, a legal requirement that every pro-wrestler employed by the big companies (WWE, TNA) had to belong to a union ... different story. Someone should really see about getting that done. No-one could ignore the law.
Simple. Unions might show 'unity' amongst people, but they show weakness in the individual.

Unions are garbage to be quite honest. Real men aren't members of unions and fight for what they desire on their own.

If we have unions in wrestling, we'd never see another TLC match again.
Simple. Unions might show 'unity' amongst people, but they show weakness in the individual.

Unions are garbage to be quite honest. Real men aren't members of unions and fight for what they desire on their own.

If we have unions in wrestling, we'd never see another TLC match again.

That's not true at all. You're whole view on unions is clouded, but that's a discussion for a different thread.

A pro-wrestling union would have no say as to what matches can or cannot take place, but rather regulate things like the company has to reimburse the wrestler for time, travel, meals & minimum rate of pay, set number of days off, ensuring pay is given for appearances etc.
Simple. Unions might show 'unity' amongst people, but they show weakness in the individual.

Unions are garbage to be quite honest. Real men aren't members of unions and fight for what they desire on their own.

If we have unions in wrestling, we'd never see another TLC match again.

What the actual fuck, I mean, seriously? How is it in any way pragmatic to take that sensationalist overly-romantic approach? Your ideas sound don't sound like the kind of method that gets results.

Unions protect member rights and ensure, legally, that they get minimum wage, or whatever it is that they're promised, ensures basic kinds of insurance and if there were a wrestlers' union obviously you'd have to make allowances for the fact that injuries occur. There'd be clauses where you couldn't sue someone because of botches. People would actually think that shit through and you could still have all the ladder matches you wanted.

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