Ya know, I've been thinking a lot lately about the state of pro wrestling. This thread isn't about if WWE or TNA is better, or how one sucks and one is good. This is about pro wrestling as a whole.
Many people say that modern pro wrestling sucks, but I don't really agree with that. That could be a topic of discussion here, but I feel it will just be taken over with nostalgic memories of how old wrestling is better. Which is completely possible, especially with most people's enhanced memories of stuff like the Attitude Era and such. But anyways, this is more concerned with main questions involving pro wrestling's popularity and if it will ever see the day of light in the mainstream again, the possible death of pro wrestling, and where you see the art of pro wrestling in 15-20 years.
Personally I don't think we will see pro wrestling as a mainstream hit ever again. Maybe im a cynical bastard and I have been reading too many of Tenta's posts
but hear me out : Think about the two booms of pro wrestling - 1. The 80's Boom and 2. Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars.
The 80's were largely popular from guys like Hogan of course, but mainly because this was something the masses had never seen before. It was entertainment like nothing before it. Hell, Wrestlemania used to be one of the bigger mainstream entertainment events of the year, and the whole nation would cover it
Then think about the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars. Once again, this was something that had never been seen before. It changed everything you knew and thought about pro wrestling. It brought in a whole new demographic and fan base. Like the 80's, it was popular due to stars like Austin and Rock, but it was shock TV, which was huge in the 90's but again, it was something new and innovative people hadn't seen.
Im kind of getting off topic here, but mainly what im trying to say is that I don't really think pro wrestling can have another revolution. I mean, what else can they do? The Attitude Era was really the last big bang for pro wrestling imo, but I hope im wrong. I don't really see it dieing anytime soon though, because the fanbase is too loyal. I think it will just slowly fade out eventually, kind of how boxing is doing right now due to UFC pretty much murdering it by itself.
So mainly what im asking here is : Where do you see pro wrestling in 15-20 years? And will pro wrestling ever be cool again? Will it ever die?
Probably not a very original thread idea, as im sure it's been done plenty before, but I've been thinking about it lately and im curious as to what you guys think.
Many people say that modern pro wrestling sucks, but I don't really agree with that. That could be a topic of discussion here, but I feel it will just be taken over with nostalgic memories of how old wrestling is better. Which is completely possible, especially with most people's enhanced memories of stuff like the Attitude Era and such. But anyways, this is more concerned with main questions involving pro wrestling's popularity and if it will ever see the day of light in the mainstream again, the possible death of pro wrestling, and where you see the art of pro wrestling in 15-20 years.
Personally I don't think we will see pro wrestling as a mainstream hit ever again. Maybe im a cynical bastard and I have been reading too many of Tenta's posts

The 80's were largely popular from guys like Hogan of course, but mainly because this was something the masses had never seen before. It was entertainment like nothing before it. Hell, Wrestlemania used to be one of the bigger mainstream entertainment events of the year, and the whole nation would cover it
Then think about the Attitude Era/Monday Night Wars. Once again, this was something that had never been seen before. It changed everything you knew and thought about pro wrestling. It brought in a whole new demographic and fan base. Like the 80's, it was popular due to stars like Austin and Rock, but it was shock TV, which was huge in the 90's but again, it was something new and innovative people hadn't seen.
Im kind of getting off topic here, but mainly what im trying to say is that I don't really think pro wrestling can have another revolution. I mean, what else can they do? The Attitude Era was really the last big bang for pro wrestling imo, but I hope im wrong. I don't really see it dieing anytime soon though, because the fanbase is too loyal. I think it will just slowly fade out eventually, kind of how boxing is doing right now due to UFC pretty much murdering it by itself.
So mainly what im asking here is : Where do you see pro wrestling in 15-20 years? And will pro wrestling ever be cool again? Will it ever die?
Probably not a very original thread idea, as im sure it's been done plenty before, but I've been thinking about it lately and im curious as to what you guys think.