Why is JTG a face?


Getting Noticed By Management
So I was watching Smackdown and I saw JTG doing his Straight Outta Brooklyn bit, and I couldn't help but think, "I'm supposed to be cheering for this guy?" The guy looks like a Cash Money Millionaire. Why would a wrestling fan cheer for that?

I'm sure some of you remember back in 1999, WCW had a gimmick where they had rapper wrestlers (The No Limit Soldiers) feuding with country wrestlers (West Texas Rednecks). The rappers were supposed to be the good guys, but fans booed them anyway and cheered for the bad guys. Now granted, the No Limit Soldiers were actual real-life rappers with no wrestling experience whatsoever, so that may have had something to do with their heat, but my point still stands. Why would WWE make a character with a gangster gimmick and expect people to cheer for him? Even with a PG rating, are little kids supposed to think he's cool?
Hmm... thats a good point.. i mean.. generally speaking, gangsters arent nice people... i reckon a sadistic cruel gangsta heel turn could be good for him.. may be a little too dark for WWE though to pull it off properly
More importantly, why does JTG have a job?

After Cryme Tyme split, I figured he was finished, fired. But no, he's stuck around and done absolutely nothing. I really enjoyed JTG and Shad as a tag team, but as a singles wrestler, he brings nothing to the table.

His matches stink, his character is something straight out of 1997, and he has no direction.

Being heel or face has nothing to do with his not getting over on either Raw or Smackdown. He's on Superstars 90% of the time because that's where he belongs. I'm not saying he should be fired, but Superstars is where he should stay.
I actually find this pretty interesting, and have never really thought of it like that, (Mainly because JTG is never on WWE TV enough for anybody to really notice him.) But i see where your coming from, a Brooklyn Rapper, in the PG era, influencing children. But i think it's a way of telling kids that people from all walks of life can achieve their dream, even a crook from Brooklyn, That's what i personally think anyway.
As far as the Cash Money Millionaire comparison goes, I don't think JTG has the bad guy vibe. His character is more of a down to earth guy who you could relate to. I can boo Alberto Del Rio, because he gloats about having more money than the Average Joe. He thinks he's better than everyone else, so it's easy to hate this guy.

JTG as heel wouldn't make a difference. He's just not that good, and I don't think the fans would care about him enough if he turned into a bad guy. JTG's matches are usually not worth looking forward to, and his mic work isn't that great. This guy isn't going anywhere on Smackdown. He won't be elevated above mid card status. Smackdown is loaded with younger guys who have more potential, and brighter futures. A heel turn wouldn't help him at all, because I seriously can't see WWE pushing this guy hard, ever.
His character and skits are comedic in the same way the Eddie and Chavo "lie, cheat and steal" skits were, there is no malice in the presentation.
Personally I think they should
1. Turn JTG heel and give him more of a "Street Gangster" gimmick
2. Fire R-Truth and give JTG his spot. Both are about the same just JTG is better in the ring and doesn't try to get me to sing when ever he enters the arena
3. Place him in the IC/US title picture. Now I'm not saying let him win, I'm just saying give him more exposure after turning him heel.
I love the assumption that an urban black man is a "gangster". Seriously, you must have one narrow view of the world to think so. The West Texas Rednecks went over the NLS because, well, WCW was based in the redneck backyard. JTG is crap, but suggesting that he can't be face simply because of your outdated opinion on what a "gangster" is or isn't is silly.
JTG is a face because he works well as a face. The fans LOVED his segments when he was in Cryme Tyme. When they had a "ho-sale" for Lita's WWE goodbye, the fans ate that shit up! Even as a singles competitor he has been able to interact with the crowd positively.

He doesn't really seem to have that mean streak in his character. Even some of the best faces have a bit of a heel side about them. When wrestling as a face, Eddie Guerrero used low blows and heel tactics to win. Edge would get that evil look on his face before delivering the spear. JTG doesn't seem to have an ounce of evil in his character, and that doesn't make for great heel work.

And you're really using WCW as an example of good booking? Then can I use Matt Hardy as an example of great wrestling?

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