Why Is Jim Ross So Loyal To WWE?


I'm from Winnepeg you idiot!
So i was wondering....why the heck is good ole JR so damn loyal to WWE.

For years and years he has been made a laughing stock pretty much any chance WWE get. He had to kiss Vince's ass on tv, He is constantly made fun of about his weight and bell palsy, Heck he has been released twice because of it and the second time round they did that awful JR/VKM surgery skit which had vince pulling random objects out of a fake JR's ass...This was the same time that JR was in hospital dealing with life threatening surgery.

JR is one of the many guys to thank for WWE's success in the 1990s and was the guy that brought in many top stars such as Stone Cold Steve Austin. Does he deserve the kind of treatment he recieves? i don't think so.

And let's face it, it isnt like JR only has one option open to him. Im sure he could do many different things but still he keeps going back just to be ridiculed the majority of the time.

What do you guys think?
Well, I'm sure JR has some say by now in how the WWE books him, so I don't think JR has that big of a problem with if he keeps going back for more. Hell, who knows? Maybe HE'S the one coming up with ways to make himself look silly? You never really know what gets said between everyone.

... did you expect something else? Look, put yourself in his shoes. Most people can't find a decent job to save their dicks. The ones who do are humiliated even more than J.R ever has and on top of that they don't make as much money. Not even close.

Ross on the other hand has a job for life - that's what the WWE is. A job for life. He's running his own business, he's doing something he can do in his sleep and I'm sure he gets payed quite a lot to do it. Why would he quit? Because the boss made him do something he didn't want to do? EXTRA EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT: that's life, bucko.

What other choice does he have? Impact Wrestling? I love TNA with everything I've got, but the minute J.R quits the WWE for TNA will be the day I lose all my respect for the guy. Sure, he'll help TNA a ton but that is not a smart career move. I don't like stupid people. It would be if WWE was legit sinking and J.R jumped ship before it became fish food, but that is not the case, is it?

Good money, stable position, job for life, enjoys to do it for the most part. How many of us can lay such a claim? Less than 0.1%. Case closed.
I think there are a couple of reasons. Firstly, as has already been pointed out, its a very well paid job doing something he loves, how many people in this world would give their right arm to not only work in an industry they love but also be paid extremely well to do so. Also, I cant be the only person in the world who has worked a job where the boss is an a** but you stay because of the people you work with, JR is good friends with Lawler and his relationship with SCSA is well documented, im sure there are others (Mick Foley always has nice things to say about JR).
I do feel sorry for him sometimes and part of me knows that if he had the desire to do so he could make a massive difference to Impact, given creative control, but JR is a WWE man and I would be shocked if he chose to go anywhere else.
I'm not too sure why, but they have made a laughing stock out of J.R. He's been there for EVERYTHING! I think he has to be the most loyal, non-wrestling employee of WWE. And Jim Ross is so over with the fans, it's not even funny. His announcing skills are phenomenal! He can make Khali vs. Nash seem like Savage vs Steamboat. He's that good! He has to be one of the most valuable employees. So why all of the hoopla, IDK!
as i recall from watching john cenas old dvd, J.R was the one who scouted him and brought wwe's biggest draw in the last 7+ years. And dont forget jim ross even got put on fire on TV by Kane
I really don't see what the big deal is. At the end of the day, pro-wrestlers (or Sports Entertainers) and the announce crew, are, exactly as Vince McMahon says, "ENTERTAINERS" and some of these skits (while I personally find them unfunny) are their way of entertaining.

Put it this way: I guess all the actors in Hollywood who only play random henchman in movies/tv shows and always get their asses handed to them by a hero should stop being actors because they never "win."

I guess every actor on this list should quit Hollywood (the list is of Defense Attorneys on Law and Order who routinely get slaughtered in court) because...these actors suck because they never win fake cases on a "fictional" TV show.


It's a scripted activity, if you don't like don't watch it. If JR doesn't like what's happening he can quit. It's not hard to understand.
I also agree that JR probably has some say in how he's used. Hell, if he didn't want to, then he could leave. JR's been with the WWE for such a long time. I agree with Zeven_Zion; It would be one thing to jump ship if it's sinking, but jumping a ship that pays you, ensures job security and sells your OWN business products in their highly trafficked market place would look a little... Er, stupid. JR is probably not nearly as abused as it appears on TV. Did it ever occur to you guys that maybe he's booked that way to spark these kinds of feelings from the viewers, and that he may play a part in the booking?
Jim Ross is the man....period.
He was my favorite announcer during the horrid WCW days back in the 80's, and made every bad match watchable back then.
The reason he stays and puts up with Vince and all the BS he throws at him, simple, he LOVES the business, makes great money, simple scheduel, and knows he is more over then half the roster.
The fans love JR, Vince knows it, The wrestlers want JR to call there matches, Vince knows it, Vince can try to tear him down, make fun of his face, speech, weight, fans love him even more, Vince has not figured that part out yet, and the announce team of Booker/Cole is god awful, JR knows it.
It is a win/win for JR, put up with Vince, but still maintain Legend status, now
thats AWSOME!
I'm sure the main reason Ross remains loyal to WWE is b/c they are the only big game wrestling fed in town. TNA is still virtually a company in obscurity, and ROH is just starting to become on the average fan's radar. Neither TNA or ROH are viable options for Ross to receive the kind of exposure he gets currently in WWE. Sure, he could have major roles in making either fed better, but I think Ross is smart enough to know he'd be making signifigantly less and with fewer benefits. In these hard economic times, it's smart to consider your options before you make a bad decision and leave a job you are happy with. While WWE may take shots at JR despite his loyalty, he's smart for doing what's right for him personally.

Alot of fans may wonder why he would stay with WWE for insulting him so regularly, but I can see why he would do it. Making $300-400,000 a year for doing commentary is a very good job that allows him to travel alot and call the action for a business that it is apparent he loves. Several of us fans would love to do it, but instead are stuck in worse jobs or no job at all. I'd say it's common sense as to why he is loyal to WWE, and that's b/c it's a guaranteed job for him, which is rare these days.
To all the people saying that he is a WWE guy and he would not go to TNA and what not, well when i said do other things i didnt mean wrestling. The guy even said his dream job would be to call Oklahoma U football games. He has a big passion for MMA also and seems to know quite a bit about it. There are many things im sure he would fully enjoy doing outside of wrestling.

I guess it's a double edged sword. You can say it's all part of wrestling but why would you want to do some of those things to such a valuable employee who has always done nothing but good for you and made you a ton of money? I know vince can be a ass but alot say he is also a really nice guy but lets face it...whilst JR was fighting for his life in hospital, Vince was on tv making fun of the situation.

IMO getting released twice and getting humiliated on TV because of a serious life threatening bell palsy attack that could have killed you is a big enough reason for anyone to walk away. What would you do if this happened to your father?

Yes it may be TV. Yes it may be entertainment but ethically and morally it is completely wrong.
Probably because he enjoys his job in WWE and he gets good money from it. It's not about loyalty, that implies that his decision to stay in WWE for so long is motivated by emotion and nothing else. Where else would he go? ROH, and not earn much money? TNA, and be controlled by fuckheads? If he wanted to pursue something outside of wrestling, he would have done it or he would be doing it. JR is smart, I really doubt that he feels any sense of blind loyalty towards the company.

He's worked his way up to an enviable position in WWE, too. One where he's both revered and respected, and allowed to peddle his barbecue sauce on wweshop.com. It's a win/win situation.
JR is loyal to wrestling not WWE.

Its (the wwe) something that has been a part of his life for 20 years or so.

He is also an old man.

Old man likes wrestling and all his friends are at wwe. The best place to be involved in wrestling is under the wwe umbrella.

I would still find it logical if he worked there and hated 80% of the people there.
Everything you said was true. They treat Jim Ross so badly and ridicule him all the time. I'm sure he doesn't appreciate it at all and it probably does bother him a lot. But the fact is this: He loves the WWE and is paid very well. Does he like being made fun of? Obviously not, no one does. Does he have a good job that allows him to travel the world and make money? Yes. That's probably the only reason he puts up with the ridicule. And Vince McMahon is not stupid. He knows that JR really has nowhere else to go, and at this point VKM is just pushing his buttons because HE CAN. He knows JR isn't going anywhere.
Yes, Jim Ross is an "entertainer" and employee of the WWE. He can make his own choices and if he wanted, he could quit his job. But on the other hand I don't think it's right for an employer to constantly make fun of someone who's doing a job for them, just because they can. Vince McMahon does treat JR very poorly, but JR is loyal because he likes the money & the overall job.
To me JR reminds me of a battered wife....No matter how much nasty shit Vince pulls (and it is so Vince & Kevin Dunn that pull out the nasty shit on him) he finds a way to put up with it and carry on (even though he knows he's going to get more of the same).

Plus I think he enjoys being in part of wrestling on such a grand scale and finding guys (like Cena, Orton, etc) that can become huge stars...
To me JR reminds me of a battered wife....No matter how much nasty shit Vince pulls (and it is so Vince & Kevin Dunn that pull out the nasty shit on him) he finds a way to put up with it and carry on (even though he knows he's going to get more of the same).

Plus I think he enjoys being in part of wrestling on such a grand scale and finding guys (like Cena, Orton, etc) that can become huge stars...

Well, he doesn't have to sleep with Vince for once, so your comparison is already inaccurate.

Also, you have to consider some facts (most of which have already been posted here):

1) WWE not only pays JR really well, but also promotes his BBQ business. That's a business opportunity most of the people here would grab at nearly any cost.

2) The nature of the job - JR gets paid for doing what he loves. Yes, he loves wrestling, believe it or not. Also, he mainly just sits and talks. Not that it doesn't requires amazing skills/charisma to commentate like JR, but it's also a physically easy job. It's rare he's actually involved in segments, and he hasn't taken any bumps since that Cole/JTKL feud.

3) JR is an old man already, even if they older fans still perceive him as his younger image. I doubt he'd want all the hassle of moving to another place of work, all the backstage politics anew, etc.. In WWE, has has his position set in stone, it's a secure job, he has his amount of control backstage and won't likely loose it.. plus, I think most of his friends work for the WWE. Why leave?
i think we have covered why he is so loyal to WWE now and i agree with everyones points.

But why would vince treat such a loyal hardworking guy like that? Is it because he knows he can get away with it? maybe but still why treat a geniune nice, hard working, loyal man so bad?
I think the main fact that lost on some of you guys is that every single announcer in WWE history has been made fun of and ridiculed repeatedly. Especially since the whole attitude era deal.

Think about it.

Michael Cole? He has been embarrassed dozens of times. It's been so recent that I know I don't even need to list it.

Jerry Lawler? Constantly made fun of by Cole on air, constantly getting squashed by heel wrestlers being pushed every few months, and even gets put in embarrassing gimmick matches.

Booker T? Made fun of on air by Cole every single week, Cody Rhodes gives him a bag to put over his head every week. He isn't ridiculed as much as the others, but he is not exempt from it either.

Josh Mathews: Constantly ridiculed by Cole on air every week. Does Cole's gopher work too.

JR: Made fun of just like everyone else. Occaisionally gets sent to the thing to be squashed by a heel just like Lawler, only it happens less often now.

Embarrassing the announcers is a common WWE hazing ritual that they all go through. It's basically a part of the deal at this point.
I think the main fact that lost on some of you guys is that every single announcer in WWE history has been made fun of and ridiculed repeatedly. Especially since the whole attitude era deal.

Think about it.

Michael Cole? He has been embarrassed dozens of times. It's been so recent that I know I don't even need to list it.

Jerry Lawler? Constantly made fun of by Cole on air, constantly getting squashed by heel wrestlers being pushed every few months, and even gets put in embarrassing gimmick matches.

Booker T? Made fun of on air by Cole every single week, Cody Rhodes gives him a bag to put over his head every week. He isn't ridiculed as much as the others, but he is not exempt from it either.

Josh Mathews: Constantly ridiculed by Cole on air every week. Does Cole's gopher work too.

JR: Made fun of just like everyone else. Occaisionally gets sent to the thing to be squashed by a heel just like Lawler, only it happens less often now.

Embarrassing the announcers is a common WWE hazing ritual that they all go through. It's basically a part of the deal at this point.

i see where you are coming from but we are not so much talking about the simple humilliating angles he was a part of but more the fact that vince realeased the guy twice after a bell palsy attack and even did a skit mocking JR's surgery whilst JR was in the hospital fighting for his life.
Have the slightest damn clue. AS earlier posters have said, he's been treated terribly and under appreciated for God knows how long. My guess is he loves the business that damn much to where he just doesn't care. That unusual quality is extremely rare to say the least.
When it comes down to it, JR is a wrestling fan. He has been ever since before most of us were born. The WWE is his favorite wrestling federation. Over the years he has to have turned down countless opportunities to go elsewhere. Ross never went anywhere else. It is obvious how much he likes WWE and working for them as a Hall of Famer that never truly left because otherwise he would have left ages ago. He loves the wrestling business and WWE is where he wants to be. Dealing with how much Vince disliked him all this time was worth it to him.

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