Why Is Del Rio Still Not Getting A Loud Crowd Reaction?

1: He has been booked poorly, and made to look very weak

2: His promos are one dimensional, the same promos Jericho did a few years back were copy->pasted and given to him, he says the same inane things again and again "I AM THE...BEST of...THE BEST!" its just dull.

His promos are the same ones Miz does, the same one every heel does these days, the dull, generic "please boo me for the love of god!" type.
I agree that he hasn't been properly booked. I mean his character is a heel, who only cares about winning the gold, and has millions of dollars. The guy should buy a stable(giving low carders TV time) that can handle most of his dirty work. He can win the title and always have help defending it. He should have interference when the ref is distracted by Ricardo. He should be using brass knucks slipped to him from Ricard. He should be doing anything to get the job done. People are really going to hate him. He could have the interim GM in his back pocket and even bribe referees. We would see referees either giving him a fast count or intentionally turning the other direction or tie their shoes when Del Rio brings in a chair or something. He'd be like the kingpin of wrestling lol. After a lengthy title reign and fans hating his guts, the board of directors appoints the new GM who will not take the bribes. Then to alleviate the refs being in his back pocket, the new GM schedules a special guest referee title match. Someone like Foley or Austin I guess. His demise after a long title run would really get a huge pop. After he loses the title he can start "firing" his stable members like Farooq started doing in the NOD.
The problem is he just doesn't seem like a credible threat to the faces anymore. I don't just mean like a Mark Henry going to injure them threat which he did have when he broke Rey's arm, I mean there's just very little doubt he's going to end up losing in the end. A heel needs to win sometimes in order to come across as being a challenge to the face.
He hasnt really done anything to get some heel heat. Looking back his debut went great, taking out Christian and feuding with Edge. Then they just dropped the strap on him, didnt give him a propper opponent to fit his style, then made him look weak by losing to Punk all the damn time. Imo, they should've left him on SD for at least one or two more years. Instead of having Orton as the face of SD they could've had Del Rio vs Christian as the main attraction for a couple more months then had Orton come over to SD and feud with Del Rio. Also a Big Show/Del Rio feud would've been more suited for SD. And theres a chance that his match with Rey wouldnt even had happened and so Rey would've never gotten injured and WWE would've had both former enemies headlining both shows.
I agree that he hasn't been properly booked. I mean his character is a heel, who only cares about winning the gold, and has millions of dollars. The guy should buy a stable(giving low carders TV time) that can handle most of his dirty work. He can win the title and always have help defending it. He should have interference when the ref is distracted by Ricardo. He should be using brass knucks slipped to him from Ricard. He should be doing anything to get the job done. People are really going to hate him. He could have the interim GM in his back pocket and even bribe referees. We would see referees either giving him a fast count or intentionally turning the other direction or tie their shoes when Del Rio brings in a chair or something. He'd be like the kingpin of wrestling lol. After a lengthy title reign and fans hating his guts, the board of directors appoints the new GM who will not take the bribes. Then to alleviate the refs being in his back pocket, the new GM schedules a special guest referee title match. Someone like Foley or Austin I guess. His demise after a long title run would really get a huge pop. After he loses the title he can start "firing" his stable members like Farooq started doing in the NOD.

Dude, this is great. You'd be a WAY better booker than the clowns who are ironically known as "Creative" these days. Doing this sh!t would get him over big time as a majorly hated heel. Then you can build a face (ala John Cena in 2005) who goes over HUGE when he knocks off Del Rio.

It's probably no surprise that you're a long-time wrestling fan like me. If it's true that Vince hires Hollywood writers for "Creative" who really don't have any wrestling background, that might be why the storylines are absolute garbage these days, and don't get any of their current talent over.
It's obvious that they are trying to recreate the "Million dollar man Ted Dibiase" type of charachter, and Del Rio is and will never be on his level.
Dude, this is great. You'd be a WAY better booker than the clowns who are ironically known as "Creative" these days. Doing this sh!t would get him over big time as a majorly hated heel. Then you can build a face (ala John Cena in 2005) who goes over HUGE when he knocks off Del Rio.

It's probably no surprise that you're a long-time wrestling fan like me. If it's true that Vince hires Hollywood writers for "Creative" who really don't have any wrestling background, that might be why the storylines are absolute garbage these days, and don't get any of their current talent over.

Thanks. I would love to be a writer for WWE and would do it for a fraction of what they pay their writers. It seems that the writers now are taking generic storylines and plugging in names. Vince tells em to develop a low carder and they just say "ok lets have him attack(heel) or challenge(face) the mid card champion of their show."

Each wrestler on the roster needs to have some type of character or personality and should have an actual storyline. Alberto Del Rio having a destiny to be champ isn't a story nor a character. By itself it means about nothing and therefore fans don't care. Him being rich is a gimmick, sure, but the gimmick needs to be used to mold the character. We have a rich bad guy who feels he should have the built....why not turn that into a story?
JohnJohnson has had the best suggestion for Del Rio's character. That would work wonders for his career.

As stated multiple time before, the problem is that his character has no depth to it. "Es mi destino! It's my destiny to be the WWE Champion!", Ricardo (who is a heat magnet and is why he gets some heat at all IMO) and his armbar is all his character has. There is nothing wrong with recycling a character (Million Dollar Man and JBL in this case) but you have to put a twist on it to make it work. He hasn't shown any semblance of change in who he is, or change in his tenacity or his need to win. (Look at Austin throughout 2001 to see what I mean by change in need to win.)

However, IMO he is on the right track to this if he comes back like he said he would in the promo he cut on Raw last week. He could show up and start attacking people left and right, "breaking" their arms and not showing any remorse. They could start playing up his family history to explain his wealth, his legit MMA past if necessary to explain the arm breaking, and have him say that his destiny being shattered caused him to just not care about anyone at all, and he would run through everyone on the roster to get to the title if need be. He could "hurt" some lower tier faces like Santino first, and move up to other guys later, culminating in the night after Wrestlemania with hurting Cena. With that, you have a full fledged heel with a scary gimmick that people can buy and a reason to hate his guts.

Anything that gives him a different kind of identity and a reason for people to hate him would work. The paragraph above is just my take on it and my "story" if you will if I could book it.
My response to the topic of this thread, is simple, its what CM Punk said late last year.


He is repetitive, i feel like i am watching a repeat every time he talks, and others can tell to. I swear to god the destiny gimmick is never a good one, epically how Del Rio has been pushed, he looks like a idiot.
I gotta say I love Del Rio in the ring. I like how he attacks the arm the whole match to set up for his finisher submission. You could tell he is a bit rough and he actually beats the guys up a little. I think he needs POWER. He needs to have some sort of authority. His money like JohnJohnson said, that would be perfect. Imagine if even faces couldnt resist his bribes and offers. imagine if he had a year long title reign and never won clean. Del Rio has got something man but they just aren't getting it done and the result is what you've seen which is yawns.
Along with the average responses, the reason Del Rio is not getting a loud crowd reaction is because of his poor mic work. Since last year's Royal Rumble, every feud he's been in, he's been verbally destroyed on the mic.

Perfect example is this segment right after Summerslam:

Things that segment proves:
1) Alberto's character is overly REPETITIVE.
2) Cena actually has a point about him being "Captain 3rd wheel" in an overall look at the main-event scene in WWE right now.
3) It makes him look like probably the weakest WWE Champion of all time.

And most of all, even after segments following this, both Cena and Punk have pointed it out during the segments how his character says the same things and does the same things. It just doesn't help his character when Cena AND Punk have buried his character in segments with Del Rio. It makes him look like he can't even compete with them, let alone be a main-eventer.

Plain and simple, Del Rio needs a major character overhaul. No more of this Million Dollar Man/JBL, Mexican Aristocrat crap. :disappointed:
Well the answer in my opinion is actually simple.

1.If you have seen one of his matches then you have seen pretty much all his matches. The guy has no other plan. I would recommend to see Bret Hart's matches to see how someone works the same body part almost every match and still keeps it entertaining.

2.His mick skills are... I don't want to say pathetic but that's the only word that comes to mind. It just looks like he memorized a speech and then spills it out week after week. And after sometime it just becomes boring.

Summing up Punk said it best when he called him exactly what he is: one dimensional.
Because no one cares about del rio. He is the epitome of a midcarder, but they had to push him up because so many main eventers left. When people bitched that the wwe kept having the same people on top, and wanted them to step away, del rio was the wwe's answer to when they did. I hope your happy.
Maybe it's because like so many others superstars on the up and coming they just force feed us. Del Rio hasn't show any real distinguishing athleticism. His upper class better than you character has been done before and with more talent by JBL. You really want to hate him but he's so dull that even that feels like wasted energy.
He really hasn't done anything to make us want to boo him, besides have an annoying ring announcer, (who takes bumps real well!) Hopefully like he said, when he comes back he will release the aggressive side of himself, and start getting a better reaction.
Del Rio's mic work is what I think will hold him back in the long run. He's too repetitive and really could use a mouthpiece. Align Vickie with him or something. He needs a credible win and not by cheating over the top faces in the company. That would do him wonders and perhaps a new finisher would help.
I think they should seriously consider giving Ricardo more mic time. He's such a talented yet underutilized part of Del Rio's act. Even if that means Del Rio has to take a step back. I'd like to see them pattern themselves after the Ziggler/Vickie act. Vickie drew a ton of heat, and it allowed Ziggler to sit back and develop. Del Rio could really benefit from having Ricardo just spew ridiculousness to rile up the crowd and slowly regain some confidence to really buy into his character. Cause he does everything else extremely well. That's why he received such a massive push to begin with.
I agree with the problem being Alberto Del Rio's mic skills. I think that he has a lot of potential but his promos put me to sleep. Maybe they should utilize Ricardo a bit more, but then again we might end up having another Vickie situation where the non-wrestler gets more heat than the wrestler actually trying to obtain heat.
The reason he doesn't get a reaction is the same reason I barely have an interest in pointing out his shortcomings, they are obvious. Terrible mic skills, god awful promos, decent but repetitive in-ring work all translate into mediocre feuds that fans don't care about or can't emotionally invest in. He has been booked in 2011 to be the biggest heel in the company and he is way behind Rhodes and Ziggler who haven't been handed what ADR has.
I am just going to flat out say it...HE SUCKS! I dont care if he can wrestle better than Cena he still sucks. Even in the ring you know whats going to happen and also he was pushed to the moon. Rumble win, title shot a mania, money in the bank, wins wwe title. When Santino came back in the ring and got a better reaction then he did at the rumble i knew this guy was going to be a flop. Does anybody remeber this promo?
the fans did not care at all.
i really enjoy del rio's character. i really DO NOT know what the hell is up with the WWE 'universe' as to why they do give him the reaction he deserves.

the WWE pushed him to the moon by deafeating top guys, winning the rumble, winning the MITB, being world champ.....he should be gaining TONS of HEAT from the audience....for the life of me, i DO NOT know what is WRONG with the 'universe?!" give this guy some HEAT for pete's sake....he deserves it!!

i mean these people cheer for an over-rated, over-hyped NO talent in zack ryder and i rarely hear a reaction for del rio, a far more talented wrestler/entertainer???!!!! i don't get it!!!!

del rio has 'IT.' he's got the CHARISMA, the MIC SKILLS, the WRESTLING ABILITY, the FACIAL EXPRESSIONS / STORYTELLING ABILITY, the LOOK....what more do you need to be a 'SUPERSTAR?'

his promos are very entertaining, his ring announcer is hillarious, he has a cool gimmick, his wrestling is better than average.....these universe idiots need to get with the program. in today's 'SPORTS ENTERTAINMENT' landscape, del rio is the real deal

hopefully the WWE doesnt give up on del rio
"deafeating top guys, winning the rumble, winning the MITB, being world champ"

You missed to part where there were months between the last two and in which he was given nothing whatsoever to do.

He had a lot of momentum coming into WM 27, and they blew it right afterwards. He should have won the WWE there, not six months later.

His two title reigns were equally weakly booked.

His gimmick got ruined when he didn't win at WM 27, he just spun his wheels for months afterwards and by now his gimmick is stale and tiresome.

He's got the looks and the skills, in ring and on the mic, but he needs a gimmick overhaul now.
I'm a massive Del Rio fan, and I don't think his lack of crowd reaction will affect his main event status. I do however think him and The Miz will have to be on the very top of their game, maybe even up their game this year, as Ziggler, Barrett and Rhodes are also poised for main event status, and you can't have too many heels at the top, 1 or 2 will have to drop down to the mid card to make way for these guys

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