Why is Brad Maddox a ref now?


(DISCLAIMER: This is not a complaint thread, it's a thread I made because of a rumor I've heard)

So since Brad Maddox got called up to the main roster, he's been a controversial referee for the WWE. This is absolutely fine by me, but why is he a ref now? Did he get tired of being a wrestler? I've heard he was too beat up to continue full time but if anyone knows exactly why he's a ref now I'd be thankful, I know some members of this forum are fairly clued up on this sort of stuff.
I was wondering the same thing, I used to see Brad wrestle at all the local FCW shows (and on FCW TV, when it existed) and thought he really was starting to come in to his own and show a lot of potential. Then all of a sudden he shows up on Raw as a crooked ref.

Maybe it's possible that this is just their way of transitioning him to the main roster, he'll get involved in a big story line, eventually get put in a match where everyone will think he's gonna get the crap beat out of him and then he will surprise everyone by actually being a competent wrestler. Then he'll just start wrestling every week and we'll pretend the whole ref business didn't ever happen, classic WWE.
Indeed he is a talented wrestler who had a decent cocky young heel vibe and an innovative finish in the Deal Breaker. I hope this isn't the end of his wrestling career and hope that this will be a deal similar to Danny Davis in the 80's (Crooked heel ref/part time wrestler)

The only reason other than that I can think of is that they have plenty of midcard heels physically bigger than him already on the roster.
From everything I've heard since he appeared as a ref, it's because he was too beat up to continue wrestling. Same thing happened with Bret DiBiase, if I remember correctly. Though Bret didn't want to ref/got tired of reffing so he just quit.

I'd be interested to see if Maddox did end up competing, assuming he's not injured where he can no longer wrestle. I've only seen a bit of him, but I'd like to see what he can do on the main roster.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this story line acctually ends up being good, because right now I have no more confidence in WWE.
I was actually wondering this same question after watching HIAC last sunday. Storyline wise I know he was hired by ex-RAW GM A.J. Lee to assist the other referees and to ref matches once RAW went to 3 Hours. He has refereed 3 matches since appearing on RAW:

1.) August 20, 2012 - Divas Contenders Match (The RAW after SummerSlam)

2.) September 17, 2012 - Sheamus/John Cena vs. CM Punk/ADR

3.) Last Sunday - CM Punk vs. Ryback (HIAC)

According to his Wikipedia page, Maddox is currently a referee in the WWE and is listed as a heel. It says he was a former FCW (now WWE NXT) wrestler, who won the FCW 15 Championship (I don't know what that means), and FCW Tag-Team Champion. It says Maddox retired after the conclusion of FCW which led into the WWE NXT.

So yeah, Mr. Brad Maddox is currently a referee. It seems as if the WWE didn't want to get rid of him after his retirement.

Brad Maddox's Wikipedia Bio:

@ Mr Scissors Kick Actually Maddox has been reffing fairly regular on RAW the past few months if you pay attention. The FCW 15 Championship was FCWs secondary title which was contested in 15 minute time limit ironman matches.

I hope you find my post more useful than I found yours :)
the FCW 15 Championship (I don't know what that means)

The FCW 15 championship was a gimmick title that had to be defended only in fifteen minute iron man matches. Interesting idea.

Didnt know about the injury, though I also cant find evidence to support it! Sounds legit. He's not unskilled though, especially on the mic. But his future may be forever marred.
I actually laughed when I saw the words "talented wrestler" and the name Brad Maddox in the same sentence.

I don't know how many of you frequently viewed Florida Championship Wrestling but Brad Maddox was as average a wrestler you can find in WWE. He played the generic cocky heel and during his time in development asides from being more-or-less handed the FCW 15 Championship weeks before it was deactivated had little to no success. Nu Sexier Noun/Kotre watched Florida Championship Wrestling religiously and will know much more about his flaws than I would, but from what I know and from the opinions of several people I've read, he was made a referee because he was going nowhere as a wrestler.

And this isn't going based off a Wikipedia page, this is from viewing his work, which can be found on YouTube.
Nu Sexier Noun/Kotre watched Florida Championship Wrestling religiously and will know much more about his flaws than I would

Kotre has said nothing other than a desire to punch the guys face in recently.

I thought he was decent on the mic though, got me wanting to punch him too.
Don't read too much into this. WWE needed a referee who was young and inexperienced(at least in storyline), who had some ability to talk, and who could take a bump. Maddox fit all of the above. Maybe he had prior experience as a referee. Maybe they were going to cut a bunch of people and asked who was willing to stick around as a ref and he was the first that volunteered. Or maybe this is their way of transitioning him into a full time wrestling role...maybe this is an audition to see if he's deserving of a full time wrestling role.

Point being, I wouldn't automatically assume this means he's a full time referee now and always will be. It might just be a temporary thing for the duration of this storyline.
I know this might be a little off the subject but Sylvain Grenier was the ref for the Rock vs Hulk Hogan match at Wrestlemania 18. You have to start somewhere before you can make it anywhere.

I'd see Brad Maddox do a few matches as a ref against Ryback before being repackage as a whole new person.
So, if a referee did what he did in a championship match, wouldn't the GM or a member of the board come out and say you're FIRED!
The fact that this has not been discussed by Vicki Guerrero or Booker T or anyone in WWE (on air) kind of gives a sense of unreal-ism (obviously it is done to further a storyline).
But, in any business, if a blatant attempt of corruption happened like this, say good-bye to someone!

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