Why Injure Christian?

My guess is that he's still injured. Unless I'm overlooking it he hasn't had a match since when, November? I don't think he's had one since he's been back. It doesn't make sense for them to take him out again unless there's a real life reason for him to be taken out. As for why they brought him back for Mania, maybe they thought he was going to get better and then he wasn't quite well enough to work a match at Mania. If so there was nothing else WWE can do. That's what I'd bet on at lelast.
Just a guess but he probably wasn't as ready to come back as first thought, so to give punk some credibility they had him "re injure" him to demonstrate some emotion from that cm punk is feeling
My guess is that he's still injured. Unless I'm overlooking it he hasn't had a match since when, November? I don't think he's had one since he's been back. It doesn't make sense for them to take him out again unless there's a real life reason for him to be taken out. As for why they brought him back for Mania, maybe they thought he was going to get better and then he wasn't quite well enough to work a match at Mania. If so there was nothing else WWE can do. That's what I'd bet on at lelast.

That's what I'm leaning towards. But why bring him back and put him in the WM match if he's still hurt? Shouldn't they have checked this before hand? If they didn't check, it's pretty irresponsible on WWE's part. They need to look after their wrestlers and not send out false promises about wrestlers being in events that they can't be in. :shrug:
* He wasn't fully recovered
* He won't interfere in Jericho/Punk at mania
* He'll play a role in Jericho/Punk or Whoever/Punk at Extreme Rules (aka THE CHRISTIAN PPV!)
* He'll fight for the championship, as Johnny promised, that he will get one more match.

It will be an awesome feud!
and they had hoped his ankle would of been 100% but it unfortunatly didn't end up that way. Christian has had some tough breaks recently. Hope he gets a decent title run in the Summer, he deserves it
My guess would be he is legitimately injured and unable to compete, whether that be not fully recovered from his earlier injury, or some sort of new injury.

I wonder as well if he is the one to induct Edge into the WWE Hall of Fame, that they would like to avoid any overtly heel activity so close to the ceremony? Maybe they don't want him functioning as a good guy on Saturday evening as he inducts his friend, then turning around and being a heel the very next night?
He and the WWE both probably thought that he'd be good to go by 'Mania, so they booked him to be in the match. However, a week beforehand, they probably re-evaluated him to be sure, and probably felt he wasn't able to put on a match just yet, so they pulled him out. They may have done it in this way not only to feul the Punk/Jericho feud, but also to possibly set up a post-Mania feud between Christian and Punk. Not a definite, but they could certainly go in that direction due to what transpired on Raw. They obviously wanted Christian in the match, this was a last-minute scratch due to non-kayfabe reasons. I highly doubt this was anything personal, so those blaming Vince are really doing so for no reason. This definitely has to do with Christian's lingering injury and nothing else.
That's what I'm leaning towards. But why bring him back and put him in the WM match if he's still hurt? Shouldn't they have checked this before hand? If they didn't check, it's pretty irresponsible on WWE's part. They need to look after their wrestlers and not send out false promises about wrestlers being in events that they can't be in. :shrug:

Most likely they were told he'd be cleared in time for WM, so they put him in the match, then when it was made cleared he he wouldn't be fully healed in time they needed an out, cue angry CM Punk. It's pretty smart by WWE actually not only does this get Christian out of the 12 man tag, but it furthers the Punk/Jericho angle as well, on top of that it sets up a Punk/Christian feud for down the road when he's fully recovered & ready to return, & who doesn't want to see that?
Seems ironic that if a guy is still too badly injured to compete that they would write him out by having him suffer a beating like that, no? Surely they could have come up with a less violent way of telling us he can't yet get physically involved!

As for his replacement: Man, I hope better times are ahead for Drew McIntyre. I'm glad he's in WM, but talk about going in ass-backwards. Was anything even said before we saw him appear with the rest of Team Johnny? Hell, at the least, I hope he winds up winning the match for his team and having the pleasure of rubbing it in Teddy Long's face that he cost the GM his job.
Seems ironic that if a guy is still too badly injured to compete that they would write him out by having him suffer a beating like that, no? Surely they could have come up with a less violent way of telling us he can't yet get physically involved!

As for his replacement: Man, I hope better times are ahead for Drew McIntyre. I'm glad he's in WM, but talk about going in ass-backwards. Was anything even said before we saw him appear with the rest of Team Johnny? Hell, at the least, I hope he winds up winning the match for his team and having the pleasure of rubbing it in Teddy Long's face that he cost the GM his job.

Yeah, but they do that all the time. There's been numerous examples of injured guys getting severely beat up in order to write them out of a match or storyline due to a real-life injury. A good example that comes to mind is when John Cena tore his shoulder, and they wrote him off for a while by him getting sent through a table. I'm sure that wasn't the safest nor the best thing for his injury, but they tend to do pretty extreme things like that. Kinda rough, but it is believable and serves a purpose. It's too bad, because he would have been a nice addition to the tag match. Drew is certainly a downgrade.
Well, according to Justin LaBar, Christian's ankle still isn't at 100 percent, so they scratched him. Since they brought him back and hyped him for the match, I guess they needed some way to take him out of the match without looking too weak... so why not have Punk snap after Jericho again verbally attacks him and his family... and why not have it be on Christian? Two birds killed with that same proverbial stone.

Christian needs something to bring him back into the minds of the fans, since he's been out for so long. They may even give Christian a run with Punk some time after Wrestlemania, if they end the Punk/Jericho feud after WM or shortly thereafter. That would be an interesting program.

As far as Drew McIntyre being named the replacement, I think that was either of two things - a way to put McIntyre back into people's minds b/c of his feud with Teddy (kinda like Christian)... or... a last-minute filler b/c of Christian's status. Either way, Drew's another one that needs some kind of spark. This may be it.
I don't completely understand why they would book him, and then take him out. But, I have to agree with the rest and say it is because he is still injured because that is the only reason I can think of. I mean, it could be because he failed a drug test, but I don't want to think that. I just hope he is ready for Extreme Rules, the event where he one his first world title.
i have read reports that his ankle is still not 100% and he tweaked his neck against punk on raw!! So i guess thats what happened! Christian is still injured when was the last time he was actually in the ring? October maybe november? So IMO he is still injured and healing up
He's 100% not medically cleared there is nothing more to look into. By doing this to a upper mid carder like Christian it makes Punk look strong and dangerous going into WM28 they accomplished 2 things by doing this. I don't see it as a Christian is in the doghouse or he's going back to TNA. There is nothing moo ore to read into...
I think the ankle is just cover. After Punk's feud with Jericho ends, we'll have Christian come in to feud with Punk for a couple months. Whereas before there was no background, no there is.

Creative is planning in advance IMO
I'm glad the reason is simply he's not fully ready to wrestle yet, hopefully WWE will use that angle with Punk to lead into a title feud between them post-Mania.
Pretty much what's been said. WWE thought Christian would be good to go by Wrestlemania but it turned out he hasn't fully recovered from whatever injury put him on the shelf in the first place. It's a shame, really. I thought after missing out on his Survivor Series match he'd be able to bounce back in this match. I do love me some Christian, after all. Ah well. It would still be nice to have him appear at Wrestlemania in a backstage promo capacity or something. Just as long as he doesn't play any part whatsoever in the Punk/Jericho match in some attempt to get retribution. I'm pretty sure WWE would be smart enough to not book that but you don't always know for sure with them.

Hopefully, this benefits his replacement Drew McIntyre in the future. I admit, I was surprised he actually wasn't added to this match sooner. Good for him.
As far as Drew McIntyre being named the replacement, I think that was either of two things - a way to put McIntyre back into people's minds b/c of his feud with Teddy (kinda like Christian)... or... a last-minute filler b/c of Christian's status. Either way, Drew's another one that needs some kind of spark. This may be it.
A bit of both I guess, but yeah he should have been named in it sooner as he was the one in the storyline with Teddy for the past few months!
But I'm glad Mcintyre is at WM and hopefully can get a little more over with a stellar performance......no pressure Drew, It's not as if you were the The Chosen One or something! :p
I haven't read the other replies so forgive me if this has already been said on here.

I believe he was pulled from the match legitimately not because of an injury as such but just because like they said, he wasn't quite ready to go.

Why they were so easy with making the switch and not just limiting his involvement in the match I think is going to feature in a future story line...

Christian had Johnny promise to give him a title match if Team Johnny wins at 'Mania.

My belief is that Team Johnny will win, and Christian will then demand "One more match", possibly against CM Punk because of how WWE has angled this to look like it was CM Punk who cost Christian his Wrestlemania spot.
Nothing else to add to the news aspect of the threat, but I gotta say, Christian sold the shit out of that beating. Props to him for making the spot look as good as it did.
Who knows whats going on with Christian. WWE is so unpredictable. I bet nobody thought Booker T would be the last member of Team Teddy. I thought to myself "why is Booker announcing on Raw? he doesn't usually" Then when he saved TL that answered that thought.

I got a feeling Christian isn't really injured. WWE are just making out he is, and come WM he will somehow win the GM match for Lauranitis. But who knows like i said WWE is becoming very unpredictable which isn't a bad thing i guess.

Because injuring someone is so much fun!



But see with Christian it maybe a little more complex. Maybe he wasn't actually 100% ready but to still keep his name afloat around the main angles they just brought him in for some due spotlight. Now Christian's shadow hangs over Team Long as he can still interfere. But I do think that he will be drafted to Raw and start something with Punk. As it is Christian can work a good match with a good hand so it could be fun. So basically I do think he was not all ready, to sort of keep him bopping around he was brought and then subsequently steel molested. It's a good move and now gives impetus for a Punk angle down the road.
He probably was never ready to go, but ready enough to do light work.

Think about it.

Christian is a name, but not THAT much of a name. The road to Wrestlemania gets a ton of views, having him involved in a storyline refreshes him in people's minds before the dog days of summer. He gets put in the match, he gets "re-injured" and it makes Punk look awesome. Now he can fully heal before he comes back. His comeback will be more potent than otherwise because of the mini-comeback. It all works out.

Basically either WWE is incredibly smart to be this intricate, or they're incredibly smart to pull it off this way when dealing with something they might not have seen coming. These are real people putting on several shows EVERY WEEK in front of a live audience you know.
I read an article a few days ago, I think it was on wrestlinginc.com that did say that word backstage is that Christian is still dealing with issues with his ankle and isn't 100%. It's the only logical explanation I can think of for having Punk "injure" him, but this outcome can have some positive effects overall.

For one thing, Punk looked like a badass beating Christian down. It'll rally fans behind him all the more and make them want to see Jericho get his comeuppance. Also, with Christian being replaced by Drew McIntyre on Team Johnny and Booker T being the last guy on Team Teddy, it does even things out slightly. None of the wrestlers on either team has been white hot as of late but Johnny is definitely ahead in terms of overall ability.

Another potential positive here is that this suggests that this match isn't going to be some 3 to 5 minute comedy match. If that was the plan, then there'd be no need to take Christian out as he'd have lots of talented wrestlers around to pick up the slack and cover for him. So, I'm thinking that this points to that's match being an actual match that's given a good amount of time with everyone in the match getting a chance to show their stuff.

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