Why I feel Smackdown's getting better.


Championship Contender
Hello guys!

As I remember, many of you here had held that SDL had lost steam and much of its character after the Shakeup and I had felt the same.

The roster full of talented wrestlers has still been there, but a lot of things sort of sucked:-

The AJ Styles-Kevin Owens feud never clicked(just like the Wyatt-Balor feud on Raw right now)

Orton-Jinder was an awful feud as were the matches.

Nakamura-Jinder again, sucked.

The main reason obviously for a lot of us is that we've failed to connect with Jinder, see any potential in him, or haven't been hooked to him because of the Repetitive promos and a not-so-fabulous Xenophobia/Racism subplot.

But if we were to look at the bright side, I think SDL's getting a lot better, and it's not because a lot of superstars are being pushed(say Rusev, because he still isn't being pushed and probably won't be), not because of the talented wrestlers, but finally, because there's CHARACTERS, something fresh on the horizon.

And that is Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn.

I find Sami Zayn really good on the mic, his character, his expressions are just perfect, and basically I feel he's at the same level as Punk(although I'm by no means saying a Summer of Zayn revolution is impending, but it seems a possibility), and a better wrestler than Punk.

Kevin Owens obviously is Kevin Owens.

The matches have been solid, when you throw in guys like Nakamura and Orton.

In short, I feel much more connected to SDL now because there's something to connect to and look forward to, characters(and it's why I watched religiously in 2011 because of Punk).

One could say that it's Jericho and KO all over again but Zayn and KO have a different sort of history, and Zayn a totally different character and performer than Jericho, a young, promising performer(whereas Jericho was already a part-timer during his "Friendship" storyline with KO).

And just picture if AJ Styles were to become WWE champion by January(which I hope he does) SDL would be THE SHOW to watch.

The very fact that a brand's Heavyweight/main title division consists of AJ Styles, KO, Sami Zayn, Shinsuke Nakamura, Randy Orton, Rusev(potentially) and an absent John Cena is enough to make it an amazing show.

For once I feel the brand split is good regardless of the Cons because finally one can connect with a certain Show based on certain wrestlers and storylines.

On a side note- I feel they shouldn't do a complete Superstar Shakeup until August next year, in that they should only trade Women and Tag Teams and certain midcarders, and let the 6 heavyweight contenders I mentioned thrive and compete against each other, so as to maintain the consistency and the feel of SDL(just as Raw would, with its flavour of Reigns, Rollins, Ambrose, Joe, Strowman, Lesnar)

Your thoughts?
I swear you just live to fuck with my mind. You started a thread about a week ago proclaiming your abandonment of wrestling:

Hey guys.

I'm disconnected from wrestling pretty much, and I'm keeping busy with my major passions, starting a business, reading lots of books, meditation and such. So much so that I can't watch movies or shows or read Literature, let alone watch wrestling. But I like to keep up with what's happening by reading results.

How can you say SD is getting "better" when it appears that you watched for the first time in months?

And what is the difference between reading books and literature and why do you have time for these books but not the literature?

But on topic. I like the Owens/Zayn pairing and Zayn heel turn but it's basically only been two shows. In other words, it is still fresh out of the box and hasn't had a chance to spoil. They exploited the best subplot in WWE by picking on DB's condition. Seeing Zayn pin Orton was cool but we shouldn't get carried away since he used Chyna's finishing move to get the tag team win.

As someone who has watched SD more than once or twice in the last few months I do agree that the last two episodes were "better" than the average SD for the last few months but I'm not totally confident that it can last.
I agree, and it's almost entirely thanks to Kevin Owens. He and Zayn reuniting has been gold so far, no surprise as usually anything to do with Owens can't miss. I'm not sure where they'll go with him for Mania and it'll be hard to top his feud with Jericho, but I have faith in him. I'm sort of expecting another superstar shakeup between now and then and for someone like Balor to come over to the blue brand, kicking off a program with him. But if not, my money would be on Roode being his opponent - with the title possibly being involved. Owens deserved to go into WM 33 the Universal Champ, but that's neither here nor there. Wherever Ko goes, I tend to enjoy that program better.
Kevin Owens has consistently proven over the course of the near 2.5 years he's been on the main roster that he's one of the overall best on the roster. He's such a fun heel and can have entertaining matches with anybody. As a fan of Daniel Bryan, it made me slightly uncomfortable watching them tear into him last night just because it's such common knowledge how much he wishes he was still wrestling. Don't get me wrong, I loved it and thought it did exactly what it was supposed to do, namely make everyone there hate Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn, it's just that you can tell that the dismay Bryan displayed last night wasn't really acting.

SmackDown Live has been in a funk over the course of the summer. To be perfectly honest, it wouldn't surprise me if Vince was making decisions for the blue brand to bring its stock down since it was consistently so much better than Raw was almost every week since the brand split last year up through about a month or so into Jinder Mahal's WWE Championship run. I know, it sounds like some idiotic conspiracy theory and it may well be exactly that, I'm just saying that it wouldn't surprise me knowing what we know about Vince and his bizarre notions of quality sometimes.

But yeah, it's a little too soon to tell if the blue brand has gotten its mojo back but they've been putting on significantly better shows, overall, the past few weeks than they have all summer. For the most part, I'm okay where things look to be heading but I think some work needs to happen in some areas. Owens and Zayn are an immediate hit, it's good to see Zayn FINALLY look as though he's heading for brighter things. I'm perfectly fine with Baron Corbin as US Champion. The tag team scene has been a real source of strength for the blue brand these past months as New Day & The Usos were just tearing it up, here's hoping Gable & Benjamin can keep things going. Breezango has so much untapped potential that they could be built into a strong team, I'm excited to see Harper & Rowan as a team again, even Aiden English and Rusev might have something worthwhile. On the downside, I think some heat needs to be injected into Natalya's feud with Charlotte and, unfortunately, there's this ever present feeling that Natalya will just drop the title back to Charlotte at any time; they can put on great matches, but it can be hard to get the most out of things if you don't buy into the champ being able to retain. The WWE Championship scene is pure shit right now and that's going to continue, in my opinion, at least until WrestleMania; we're about to see AJ Styles fed to Jinder and there are rumors that Jinder will drop the title at WrestleMania to John Cena so that Cena can officially have 17 World Championship reigns.
I swear you just live to fuck with my mind. You started a thread about a week ago proclaiming your abandonment of wrestling:

How can you say SD is getting "better" when it appears that you watched for the first time in months?


Ever heard of how fathers sometimes say, "My daughter(or son) has grown so much. Why did I not notice?" And that's throughout them having lived together.

But a friend or cousin who visits the family after a few years or even a few months would say "Your son/daughter has grown quite a bit!" to which the father would say, "oh, didn't notice".

I did tell you I read the results regularly, and also glimpse through the show every few weeks.

And what is the difference between reading books and literature and why do you have time for these books but not the literature?

Glad you asked.

Other books include academic texts on humanities, popular science, linguistics, but I'm primarily reading books on Yoga, Meditation, Tantra, Buddhism, Wayne Dyer from the Self-improvement genre, Anthony Robbins, and so on.

Oh and just yesterday I took out an anthology of Carl Jung's stuff, edited by Joseph Campbell.

So that's the difference.

But on topic. I like the Owens/Zayn pairing and Zayn heel turn but it's basically only been two shows. In other words, it is still fresh out of the box and hasn't had a chance to spoil. They exploited the best subplot in WWE by picking on DB's condition. Seeing Zayn pin Orton was cool but we shouldn't get carried away since he used Chyna's finishing move to get the tag team win.

As someone who has watched SD more than once or twice in the last few months I do agree that the last two episodes were "better" than the average SD for the last few months but I'm not totally confident that it can last.


The WWE Championship scene is pure shit right now and that's going to continue, in my opinion, at least until WrestleMania; we're about to see AJ Styles fed to Jinder and there are rumors that Jinder will drop the title at WrestleMania to John Cena so that Cena can officially have 17 World Championship reigns.

That sounds awful.

I'd have wished they had AJ Styles go into Wrestlemania as champion, and anyone as challenger- especially Cena or Nakamura.

I guess they find Jinder's physique so impressive that they're now giving him Lesnar, and would consider Jinder vs Cena some sort of a "big match" or clash of behemoths, a la Cena vs Batista.

The problem however though is Jinder Mahal's in-ring abilities or big-match record isn't nearly as good as Batista's.

And AJ Styles then might probably have a one-on-one with Nakamura at WM, or worse, be featured in some sort of a multi-man Ladder match.
Smackdown has indeed been getting better. It took a downward turn in quality ever since Jinder won the World Heavyweight Championship but things are turning around and Smackdown remains the more fun brand to watch. While I still strongly disagree with Jinder's push Smackdown has a great roster and I rarely find myself fast forwarding very much content on it. Raw's a whole other story. I DVR it each week so that I can start late enough to skip all the stupid stuff. The red brand has a stronger women's division although I prefer Smackdown in everything else. Despite Jinder sucking, he's a World Champion who actually shows up to defend the belt as he should. They also don't have Roman Reigns on Smackdown. If the Jinder push is to continue until Wrestlemania so Cena can break Flair's record then so be it. I am fine with that. Smackdown's great at most everything else. Styles, Owens, Sami along with his recent character shift, Nakamura, and more all provide a lot of entertainment to Smackdown. More than enough for me to prefer it over Raw more often than not.
Smackdown is getting better. I do wonder why Vince sabotaged them with the superstar shakeup. Miz was way over on Smackdown and would be a much more credible world champ than Mahal right now. Here is my fix post Mania to balance the rosters and give each show more of an identity.

To Raw
1) Charlotte Flair (she should be on the #1 show to feud with Asuka & Bliss)
2) Jinder Mahal (The big guys need to be on the same show)
3) Baron Corbin (Same reason as Mahal)
4) Naomi (great entertaining entrance, should be on Raw)
5) The Uso's (way over give them a nice heel run on Raw)
6) Rowan & Harper (put them on Raw, reform Wyatt Family with Bo Dallas)
7) Singh Brothers (need to be with Mahal)

To Smackdown
1) Finn Balor (he needs a chance to be the guy)
2) Anderson & Gallows (very mis-used on Raw)
3) Sasha Banks (should be top heel on the Blue Brand)
3) Bailey (a reset on Smackdown would be great for her to)
4) Drew McIntyre (He's ready to move up now)
5) Authors of Pain (Big guys but would be lost on Raw)
6) Adam Cole (Reform the Club with Cole, Styles, Anderson, & Gallows)
7) Neville (give him the push he deserves (maybe face turn to)

Then you have this for Smackdown
Main Eventers - Orton, Styles, Balor, Nakamura, Owens, & B. Roode
High Mid Card - New Day, McIntyre, Neville, Zayn, Cole, Rusev, Sin Cara, Dillinger, & English
Tag Only - American Alpha 2.0, Authors of Pain, Anderson & Gallows, Breezango, Hype Brothers, & Primo & Epico
Women's Division - Banks, Bailey, B. Lynch, Natalyia, Carmella, Lana, & PAIGE

Raw can focus on storylines and big guy clashes
Smackdown can focus on the high flying technical matches

Imagine a Chamber match with Orton, Styles, Balor, Nakamura, Owens, & Zayn for the World Title???

Maybe build a heel anti-establishment group (Owens, Zayn, Neville, & Rusev)

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