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Why Hulk Hogan chose Abyss...


I'm all out of bubble gum!
For months now we have been subjected to a terrible angle in which Abyss is trying in vain to become the 2nd coming of Hulk Hogan. There have been many theories on why Hogan handpicked Abyss to get the "Hogan rub". My theory is that Hogan picked Abyss because he knew that there was no way in hell he was going to be upstaged by Abyss. That's right, Hogan chose Abyss because he knew Abyssamania was going to flop, and Hogan would still look good next to him. Hogan could have went the logical route and picked Matt Morgan to get the rub, but Morgan might upstage the mighty Hulkster. We all know Hogan is somewhat of an egomaniac and I believe Hogan was afraid to be upstaged by a young powerhouse that may make him look weak. With Abyss there is no reason to worry because Abyss was, is, and always will be a stiff. Hogan still looks mighty next to Abyss mainly cause Abyss is such a suckhole. What do you guys think? Do I have something here or am I way off base?
For months now we have been subjected to a terrible angle in which Abyss is trying in vain to become the 2nd coming of Hulk Hogan. There have been many theories on why Hogan handpicked Abyss to get the "Hogan rub". My theory is that Hogan picked Abyss because he knew that there was no way in hell he was going to be upstaged by Abyss. That's right, Hogan chose Abyss because he knew Abyssamania was going to flop, and Hogan would still look good next to him. Hogan could have went the logical route and picked Matt Morgan to get the rub, but Morgan might upstage the mighty Hulkster. We all know Hogan is somewhat of an egomaniac and I believe Hogan was afraid to be upstaged by a young powerhouse that may make him look weak. With Abyss there is no reason to worry because Abyss was, is, and always will be a stiff. Hogan still looks mighty next to Abyss mainly cause Abyss is such a suckhole. What do you guys think? Do I have something here or am I way off base?

You're way off base aside from the drawn out and tired "Hogan is an egomaniac" argument, the current creative plan is for Abyss to turn heel and go back to being the monster. The current story hasn't been that interesting but, at some point, I assume Hogan will get frustrated with Abyss for not seizing the opportunity hulk gave him, leading Abyss to snap and go back to being the monster. Possibly bring back James Mitchell, to enhance the turn.
I don't know... I really think Hogan sees something in Abyss, he even wears the damn Abyss shirt on TV all the time... I mean, in reality, it makes Hogan look bad that he passed the torch to a guy who isn't going anywhere... I'm not going to say Abyss sucks, because when he is used right, he can be entertaining... But, he is in no way the new Cena/Hogan that they want him to be... He was a good heel monster that never should have been turned into a comedy act...

Morgan, actually has everything to be a star... A friend of mine was actually in OVW with Morgan and when he got released and came home... He told me, way before Morgan made TV, that this guy named Matt Morgan had the size and charisma to be the next Hogan... So, I always expected Morgan to be great... But, I don't think it would have worked well to have Morgan trying to be a Hogan wanabe and he is a good heel...

But, back to topic... I really think Hogan saw/sees something in Abyss, but they screwed whatever vision they had up... I mean, if he did it for ego, wouldn't he want someone that people actually liked on TV kissing his ass every week... I mean look how much better Flair looks by being AJ mentor... Hogan looks stupid for sticking himself with Abyss and saying the he's the next Cena... Flair looks like a genious because he is aligned with four of the best young guys in the business today...
I would guess that Hogan picked Abyss because he wasn't going anywhere and to give him a boost. I can't say I was particularly pleased about it at first though. Abyss's character was supposed to be shrouded in mystery and violence. Of course, that's no longer the case and Abyss became a big crybaby who tried to protect his "girlfriend" Lauren.

However, I will admit that I have been fairly entertained by the direction Abyss has been going. I can't say I like the music but I can endure it. At least, he's being used and has been in the main event much more frequently. That, I like.
Well that's ONE reason, but then again Hulk has been subjected to so many conspiracy theories that it seems "his whole life is a work" - Ultimate Warriyah

First and foremost, Abyss was at one point the best monster heel in the business. BAR NONE. Remember his feud with AJ and that epic match at Lockdown 2005.
One of the best ever, with some of the best spots and it's the fact that even for a big guy Abyss has great tempo in the ring which makes him so very good and unique.
But now he's turning into this watered down, baby-kissing, fat girl-hugging (thank you Batista:lmao:) super babyface and I HATE IT!!!

He was such a fantastic monster heel and he's just being used and abused so wrong, it's criminal.
I hope he turns on Hogan, beats the day lights outta him and returns to being the MONSTER ABYSS, and when that does happen I'm pretty sure he's still gonna get pops and Hogan's gonna get booed!

Hey Randy...it was Christian Bale on the phone, he said he wants his expressions back!
Morgan, actually has everything to be a star... A friend of mine was actually in OVW with Morgan and when he got released and came home... He told me, way before Morgan made TV, that this guy named Matt Morgan had the size and charisma to be the next Hogan... So, I always expected Morgan to be great... But, I don't think it would have worked well to have Morgan trying to be a Hogan wanabe and he is a good heel...

I saw Morgan in person as well here in this cheap ass piece of rural crap I call home. I agree, he has everything needed to be big. As for Abyss, you people are making too much of a fuzz about it. I actually like whats being done here. From a mark point of view, he's working. Not as well as he should, but for that, I blame the look. He looks like a hobo. He's there on a preliminary basis only. To fill the spot until guys like D' Angelo, Anderson and Morgan can take over. Another thing I like about this is that Hulk picked a TNA "Original" rather than going with an already established "outsider" like Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy or any other former WWE major. I think Hulks move here was a positive one with no down side. Right now Abyss is doing his job. Not too well, but if it hits any lower, they are ready to flip the heel switch and bring back The Monster. As I said, I think this was a positive move.
I saw Morgan in person as well here in this cheap ass piece of rural crap I call home. I agree, he has everything needed to be big. As for Abyss, you people are making too much of a fuzz about it. I actually like whats being done here. From a mark point of view, he's working. Not as well as he should, but for that, I blame the look. He looks like a hobo. He's there on a preliminary basis only. To fill the spot until guys like D' Angelo, Anderson and Morgan can take over. Another thing I like about this is that Hulk picked a TNA "Original" rather than going with an already established "outsider" like Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy or any other former WWE major. I think Hulks move here was a positive one with no down side. Right now Abyss is doing his job. Not too well, but if it hits any lower, they are ready to flip the heel switch and bring back The Monster. As I said, I think this was a positive move.

I agree with the point of he used a TNA original there. But comeon, because of the boredom of the fans, he was downgraded to before main event, and do you know what he does. He fights great superstars with big potential, but they job to him to try and sell the point of Abbysmaniacs.
I agree with the point of he used a TNA original there. But comeon, because of the boredom of the fans, he was downgraded to before main event, and do you know what he does. He fights great superstars with big potential, but they job to him to try and sell the point of Abbysmaniacs.

I see what you mean but there isn't much to the whole Abysamania thing. Since getting the ring he hasn't done much in the ring. Lose to AJ for the title, Lethal Lockdown, the rematch, beat Ric Flair and then Desmond Wolfe. Desmond Wolfe has jobbed to just about everyone so it makes your point a bit irrelevant. Not to mention its only been one time.
totally. As soon as I saw the title of this thread the thought was "Cause Abyss could never upstage Hogan".
The "tired" arguement of Hogan being an egomaniac isn't tired, just true. Does anyone REALLY believe that Hogan is working for the betterment of TNA and not Hogan? If you do I got some bridges and skyscrapers to sell to you....CHEAP!
Abyssamania is one of the worst gimmicks/storylines I've ever seen in pro-wrestling.

Why anyone would think it's a good idea is beyond me.

He get's less than 1% in the fan polls, which just proves it isn't working. And the boo's at Sacrifice proved that even more.

Abyss is one of the worst wrestlers they could have chosen to become Hogan 2.0. I've got no idea why he was picked by Hogan.
totally. As soon as I saw the title of this thread the thought was "Cause Abyss could never upstage Hogan".
The "tired" arguement of Hogan being an egomaniac isn't tired, just true. Does anyone REALLY believe that Hogan is working for the betterment of TNA and not Hogan? If you do I got some bridges and skyscrapers to sell to you....CHEAP!

Really, so you know Hogan personally? You've had a 1 on 1s with Hogan? Have you been on the phone with Hogan? Have you been to his house? Where do you come off judging a man based on hearsay? Really, why does the IWC judge people they only know from a distance? You don't know the man except what you've heard about him from others BACKSTAGE! Hogan haters are so ridiculous and the conspiracy theories are ridiculous.

First of all, lets get this out the way. Abyss was ruined long before Hogan so no one should blame Hulk for anything. In fact, all Hogan has done is helped elevate him being that Abyss is now uppercard and is no longer wrestling hardcore matches exclusively wrestling the likes of Jethro Holiday and Dr.Stevie while wearing Foley's blue flannel vest-like shirt/jacket.

And lol at the argument that Hogan doesn't care for TNA. Why would Hogan not care for his reputation? If TNA goes belly up right now, do you realize his name will be associated with that? You make it seem as if the man has come to TNA to solely kill it. Why would he do that? You act like Hogan can't try to better TNA and himself all at once. This man has been in the business for over 30 yrs and has made a huge name from it. If you don't think he has any love for his current job, then kill yourself immediately!
The original theory is stupid to say the least. If Hulk really wanted to use someone to make himself look good, he would've used Brother Ray, that fat fucker.

The reason Hogan picked Abyss is pretty simple, the way I look at it. He's huge. Hulk is a big guys, he came from a company that favors big guys, he wrestled a bunch of big guys. Obviously, he thinks size does matter.

Remember, this whole this whole thing isn't that crazy. Abyss has been a big part of TNA before. He was even the World Champion before. It's not like Hogan chose Brother Devon, or someone like that.
To put it bluntly Hogan chose Abyss because he likes big guys and Abyss was doing nothing when Hogan came in. Morgan was in a tag team with Hernandeaz and the British Invasion (which Rob Terry was still part of) so it's only logical that Hogan would choose the big guy that was doing nothing to give him a rub.
I think that Hogan truly believes that he's currently helping Abyss. I don't buy into the idea that The Hulkster's trying to sabotage Chris Parks so that he won't be upstaged.

Ultimately, I think that Hogan can see how bad Chris Parks wants "it". I can see it too: Parks works so hard for TNA, and wants to be the best damn wrestler he can be. You can feel how much he loves what he does, and how much he wants the fans to fully embrace his character. Parks is a loyal guy, works for TNA for all the right reasons, and Hogan knows it.

Unfortunately, all the hard-work that Chris Parks is contributing isn't paying off for Abyss the way it used to. That's not necessarily his fault though, his character just isn't over the way it was a couple of years ago. I feel bad for Parks, and if I was in Hogan's position I would want to help him too.

Unfortunately, caring about Chris Parks doesn't easily translate to caring about Abyss.

Even if it isn't working, at least Hogan is trying to help. Hogan must see a spark in Chris Parks' eye that Hogan himself used to have. You can tell that Abyss is starting to get more confident with his promos (even if they're not 100% yet), and is starting to believe in himself more. The horrible angle he's in now has got to be going somewhere (FUCK let's hope so), and as bad as it is it's still better than the ******ed monster Abyss was before Hogan & Bischoff arrived.

The best thing for Abyss at this point is for Chris Parks to LOSE WEIGHT. If the sole reason for the Hogan-rub is to boost Parks' confidence, think of how confident he would be if he worked on his look and got his weight down. Abyss could become the major-draw that TNA (and Parks himself) wants him to be if he lost some of that baby-fat. It would do wonders for his confidence alone, and also make him quicker in the ring. He could be how Kane was when he first debuted, except Parks cares more.
actually, it may not be so far fetched of a theory, it's always been obvious that Hogan never wanted to "pass the torch" so to speak, and you don't have to know him personally or go to his house or whatever to see that....so who's to say he would not pick someone he thought could never go over, to give the big push to in TNA? I wouldn't put it past him...
Abyss is clearly going to be turned heel. The whole point of being associated with HOgan is because HOgan is so ridiculously over no matter what he does, and so well thought of by most fans, that when Abyss DOES turn on Hogan, and leaves him lying in a pool of blood, he will get INSANE heat. Insane. HOgan knows that big guys are almost always better as heels, and he knows he (Hogan) is an exception of a big man being a mega face. He also knows Abyss the character is a natural heel. It's coming. It just can't be done right away because then it looks dumb.

actually, it may not be so far fetched of a theory, it's always been obvious that Hogan never wanted to "pass the torch" so to speak, and you don't have to know him personally or go to his house or whatever to see that....so who's to say he would not pick someone he thought could never go over, to give the big push to in TNA? I wouldn't put it past him...

Except for all those time he passed the torch. Like it's his fault that Ultimate Warrior, Rock, Lesnar, Goldberg, etc. all left the sport early. As I've said, Hogan came from a different era, and he's put more guys over while beating them then most guys do by losing to them. How many Hogan matches can you remember that were squash matches? Almost none. He always gives his opponent offense, and he sold the fuck out of it, like the guy was hitting him with a sledgehammer. This kind of stuff made people look hella strong, unlike say, Triple H and Sheamus.
Whatever the reason, Abyss is officially ruined

Honestly what I think would be best, is if they set up a storyline over a few months where Abyss slowly starts to lose it because his career isn't furthering with Hogan. Then, he snaps and turns back into The Monster we all know and love.

Oh, and bring back James Mitchell
As an outsider looking in (I haven't been watching wrestling lately) here's my guess:

Hogan picked Abyss so that Abyss can eventually turn on Hogan and become a monster heel. Similar to Andre and Savage. Abyss' current storyline seems to support this.
Hogan saw the same thing that Sting and Mick Foley did. All three have given Abyss the legend rub at one point in time. Abyss is simply the best monster/big man around. He can talk, act, wrestle, and he's willing to take huge bumps. Abyss isn't Hulk Hogan, he's the type of guy that Hogan always fought but he's better at it than them. In my opinion Hulk Hogan is grooming a monster heel but in order to get there you need a huge turn. What can be bigger than turning on Hulk Hogan who is their man in charge at the moment? This story should end up with Abyss being a top line scary heel and that's when he's at his best.
For months now we have been subjected to a terrible angle in which Abyss is trying in vain to become the 2nd coming of Hulk Hogan. There have been many theories on why Hogan handpicked Abyss to get the "Hogan rub". My theory is that Hogan picked Abyss because he knew that there was no way in hell he was going to be upstaged by Abyss. That's right, Hogan chose Abyss because he knew Abyssamania was going to flop, and Hogan would still look good next to him. Hogan could have went the logical route and picked Matt Morgan to get the rub, but Morgan might upstage the mighty Hulkster. We all know Hogan is somewhat of an egomaniac and I believe Hogan was afraid to be upstaged by a young powerhouse that may make him look weak. With Abyss there is no reason to worry because Abyss was, is, and always will be a stiff. Hogan still looks mighty next to Abyss mainly cause Abyss is such a suckhole. What do you guys think? Do I have something here or am I way off base?

The guy who commented after you was right about one thing. The "Hogan is an Egomaniac" dead horse has been beaten too many times. Why drag the bones back out for further beatings?

Secondly, I think that's one of the most ridiculous nonsensical arguments I've ever read/heard. I actually think you just dug the dead horse back up because you saw that the majority of the posts have people hating on Hogan...and perhaps you (ironically) felt a need to boost your own self-esteem (or ego)? I don't know. All I know is that I can't rationally come up with any reason why you would choose that scenario out of any other extremely more logical one.

If you look at Abyss, there really isn't much you can do with him. He's basically an amalgam rip off of Mankind and Kane. He's been done before and his gimmick is tired and borderline pointless. Almost everybody else in TNA can change gimmicks at the toss of a hat...but Abyss would take some time. He's only established as "Abyss" and if you remove the mask and put some boring regular name on a big guy (boring regular name like everybody else these days)...he'll rapidly fall into irrelevancy and disappear. I personally believe they created this (failed) gimmick to try something new with Abyss since there really isn't much you can do with the guy. That being said, I entirely disagree with it and thought it was a terrible idea...but that's the more logical explanation...rather than...Hogan came in and created a gimmick based on his character in which he wanted it to fail so he chose a guy he knew it would fail with. Why create the gimmick in the first place then?? Doesn't make sense...
Its different to that i think. Its not for the 2nd coming of heel abyss that will be worse than ever, then its Abyss v Hulk at BFG to save TNA from Abyss because hes been on an unforgiving rampage etc. He might even shelf a face of say Jay Lethal calibre to have the impact desired.
Its different to that i think. Its not for the 2nd coming of heel abyss that will be worse than ever, then its Abyss v Hulk at BFG to save TNA from Abyss because hes been on an unforgiving rampage etc. He might even shelf a face of say Jay Lethal calibre to have the impact desired.

Anybody who represents a deranged lunatic with a bondage mask on...who pours thumb tacks and barbwire on the ring in a further attempt to hurt people...shouldn't ever be a face. IMO. Perhaps if he made a name for himself like The Undertaker and had some longevity and some character...but he doesn't. And he won't.

A deranged lunatic wearing a bondage mask pouring tacks on the rings in order to hurt people - as a "good guy" is like Big Bird suddenly slandering the children on an episode of Sesame Street in order to spike the ratings...

There are some things you just probably shouldn't do. Common sense will help prevent a lot of these.
LOL, i know what you mean.
Plus he oddly attaches himself to people ie Sting, Foley, Borash. That is wierd too.
He also has the problem, of many in TNA that he is face then heel then face then heel and it becomes meaningless. Thats the problem of booking though.
It would have been better to have Abyss do the Batista style role with Flair and AJ be with Hulk, it defies simple booking logic to have the guy who has the advantage of being a monster align himself with the guy in charge, and it stacks against the smaller heel having to use his talent etc thing.
I think Hogan just thinks a big guy is what the crowd wants. Look back at his history as a wrestler and the guys he's wanted to work with: King Kong Bundy, Andre the Giant, Big Bossman, Akeem the African Dream, Earthquake, Tugboat/Typhoon, Yokozuna, the Giant/Big Show, etc. In his mind, Abyss was the closest person in TNA to those guys.
As an outsider looking in (I haven't been watching wrestling lately) here's my guess:

Hogan picked Abyss so that Abyss can eventually turn on Hogan and become a monster heel. Similar to Andre and Savage. Abyss' current storyline seems to support this.

As I said, I haven't been watching much wrestling lately but it looks like I was the only in this thread that got it right. I'm thinking you guys have to let go of your conspiracy theories. Either that or schizophrenia is running rampant on these boards.

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