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Why Hasn't Matt Hardy Gotten THE push?


Dark Match Winner
I really don't understand it. He has been with WWE for a long time, and he is so over every time he comes out the crowd just erupts(no homo). So what do you guys think about this does Matt Hardy deserve the Main Event Push jeff got because I would say yes.
While Matt *may* be a good World Champion, in my opinion he's always been viewed as second best when being a part of The Hardys and seems to be a midcarder for life. However, he doesn't need THE push to be over. Do you not remember his ECW title reign? It's treated as a midcard title *but still classified as a "world" title*, but he's been insanely over. He's over just by standing in the ring, alone or with Jeff. I think he's fine where he is.
Personally, despite the awesomeness of edge v matt, I dont think that was the best time for him to take this push. I reckon if after wrestlemania 24 they gave a title push instead of throwing him on ECW it would have worked, and they somewhat did, straight after WM 24 he went after Orton for one episode of Raw and i thought he did a tremendous job at taking it to Orton and making it believable. It was just to bad the business with him and MVP wasn't over. The thing I see about Matt is that he really can't be involved with Jeff. What I'm trying to say is that no matter how high he goes people are gonna wanna see Jeff and being his brother, it really pressures his character to help him in all of his fights which we've seen him do in countless occasions (I really dont think I need to give an example). Which is why I think he had to stick it out in ECW instead of reaching the top, it's because the people wanted Jeff to get to the top more. When Matt went Hell and turned on Jeff, I saw this as his opportunity because instead of it being why isnt he helping Jeff? it was He hates Jeff he doesnt want anything to do with Jeff! therefore the seperation between the brothers happened. But unfortunately due to A) the Brothers loving each other to much they found it to difficult to even simulate hatred toward one another. B) Matt get injured. C) Matt get Drafted to Raw. This just didnt happen, and yet again due to Jeff leaving Matt as forced to go back to being a face losing a massive amount of momentum along the way. Now Jeff is gone, which could have been a blessing to Matt Hardy, he could have gone on a feud with Punk and challenged for the title (of course not winning it just yet) this would have pretty much restored him to his former glory, but no he ends up gettin ass raped by the WWE, he taps out to punk, misses a couple weeks of Smackdown, loses to Mcintyre and Esobar. The thing about Matt is, he seems like the average guy, he doesn't look like a born to be athlete. This works for him its a strong reason why both the Hardys are so popular. But now Matt wheres tights, the tights worked for a heel character, but Face version of Matt Hardy shouldn't where tights. I believe that Matts best chance of making it into the main event is now while Jeff isnt in the business. but because of the mega burial due to Jeff yet again, i't just might not happen =(
Because he's not good enough. He's average in every respect, he's been with the company 11 years and has barely improved. His time is gone

Well that's pretty ridiculous, Matt is one of the better in-ring performers in the entire company, and he's perfectly fine on the microphone. He's vastly improved in that regard over the last few years.

With Jeff gone, now would seem to be the perfect time to push Matt. I thought it was the perfect time to push Matt right after Jeff left, Matt could have stepped into that rivalry with CM Punk perfectly and we wouldn't have had Punk jobbing to 'Taker too soon. But, this is the WWE we're talking about, so you know logic can just be thrown right out the window when discussing their booking.

Matt needs to get a real main event feud, it's time. Put him against CM Punk, those two would likely work well together. But as of now, he's just being fucking buried, I threw my hands up in disbelief and disgust when he was immediately jobbed out to the new Escobar guy. Absolutely ridiculous, the WWE apparently isn't interested in making money, because if they were they'd realize that Matt is an extremely marketable wrestler. Without Jeff, the fans will be eager for any Hardy whatsoever. But no, clearly he's better jobbing off to people who will likely be gone in a few months anyways back to Florida.

Matt Hardy is being buried, and it needs to stop.
One of Matt's biggest problems is that he currently doesn't have any real gimmick to speak of. In the past, he has had some decent personas such as Version 1.0, the 'Phoenix' type feud with Edge and the one-upmanship contests with MVP but in the main he is remembered more for being Jeff's brother or Lita's boyfriend and that is a shame.

Having said that, being know for being Jeff's brother and with Punk as champion was in my opinion the only way for Matt to ever get a main event level feud.

I do respect his in-ring ability but I have never being a big fan of Matt (or Jeff for that matter) although I can't quite explain why. Perhaps he just lacks that X factor or je ne sais quoi
To me, Matt Hardy just doesn't have IT, that X-factor that can propel somebody to main event status. Hardy is a pretty good in-ring worker, but I just don't feel any charisma from the guy. His work on the mic is just plain deplorable, that's all I can say about it really. His brother was certainly no prize on the mic either, but Jeff...well I dunno really. I'm not really sure why Jeff Hardy was so popular, maybe it was just the energy he put off and gave out.

Matt...I dunno, he just seems kinda blah to me, especially since his latest return. He just doesn't have that much of a spark to me. When I think back over Matt's career, what I've always seen is a pretty good tag team wrestler and a decent singles wrestler. I've got no interest in seeing Matt Hardy in a tag team, unless they're able to tweak him a little and put him with the right partner. So, that leaves the singles ranks and Matt just doesn't have what it takes to be in the main event.
the main reason Matt hasn't been given the main event push is the same reason Christian hasn't had a proper main event push, their former tag partners.

Think about it in every tag team one is going too succed more than the other, Jeff over Matt, Edge over Christian, HBK over Jannety etc

the reason is WWE feels one has more of the IT factor which is a few things, phisique, mic skills etc. Since both Hardyz have the same phisique and both their mic skills are average, it was all gonna come down to who the fans preffered and that was Jeff because of his ring style and clothing style. Jeff had the rock star thing going and rock stars are one of most peoples idols, Jeff's ring style was more high-flying I mean he can mat wrestle but people want to see him jump off stuff. Matt looks like the average wrestler, the combats gave him a bit of a difference but switching to the tights has made him more 'normal', Matt can do everything Jeff can do but he prefers mat wrestling as opposed to high-flying

What Matt needs to do is change his attire to a hybrid of his current one to his past one with the combats (tights design on some combats maybe) and maybe go back to using the leg drop from the top rope with a few more WOW moves

Hopefully with Jeff gone Matt can finally get that push and become a world champion
When Jeff said in his farewell speech/promo he said "Guys theres still one Hardy on this show". Sure this meant Matt was the only Hardy left,but when people see Matt they go "I miss jeff,I wonder what Jeffs doing,Jeff is so much more entertaining".
Its harsh but true.

Maybe after wrestlemania when feuds have settled down and when Matt isnt hoping around the ring like hes just had a big meal and woken up,then we will know. Matt still looks under 100% ,his knee and abdomen are still giving him trouble (you can notice in his matches ,he stands up and it looks like he has to push himself up like a push up).

I love matt ,he has aweome Mic skills ,hes charasmatic (at times) and is built more heavily then Jeff ,but the wwe noticed one small thing and dont want that superstar to run with the ball.
Hes a top face on smackdown right now,and with Batista ,Punk,Morrison and the deadman on top of things right now ,where would Matt fit into a feud with anyone right now.
Matt Hardy just isn't main even material. He is not a great wrestler, he is not great on the mic, and his look is not all that good. His is pretty good at a lot of things, but not really great at anything. He will stick around for a long time because he is popular and is pretty good at most things, but he will probably never win a world title. I think he can remain in the upper mid-card for the rest of his career and also possibly get a few title matches. He could be like a guy that it plugged into the main event when they need to switch things up a bit. He would be kind of like Mark Henry in that he can be in title matches but won't win the belt.
Matt Hardy has always been one of those guys I rooted for. I liked his ECW championship reign, and I do wish he would be put into the WHC picture, but that's just not going to happen. Jeff Hardy, CM punk, and The Undertaker have all held the WHC this year. One thing all those guys have in common is that they have that "IT" factor that Matt just doesn't have. But still he is one of the best in-ring preformers WWE has, and shouldn't be getting buried like this.
Too fat.

I never thought too highly of his wrestling ability, but the lean & mean Matt Hardy used to move around the ring much better than he does now. I swear that he seems to waddle when he moves from side-to-side.

If that's not enough, I think Matt doesn't get pushed because he's always the secondary attraction in the ring during a one-on-one match. In his feuds against MVP, Edge and Jeff, it was his opponents who forced the action and supplied the exciting pops, not Matt.

On the other hand, Matt was a good complement to those opponents. He fills the role of a jobber because he sells pretty well.

But I see him only as a jobber.
Too fat.

I never thought too highly of his wrestling ability, but the lean & mean Matt Hardy used to move around the ring much better than he does now. I swear that he seems to waddle when he moves from side-to-side.

If that's not enough, I think Matt doesn't get pushed because he's always the secondary attraction in the ring during a one-on-one match. In his feuds against MVP, Edge and Jeff, it was his opponents who forced the action and supplied the exciting pops, not Matt.

On the other hand, Matt was a good complement to those opponents. He fills the role of a jobber because he sells pretty well.

But I see him only as a jobber.

You're crazy.

First, Matt isn't AS fat as he was. And there have been fatter people as world champion. JBL. He was a fatass, and he was WWE champion for almost a year. Your 'slow' theory, Undertaker and Batista are slow as hell now, slower than Matt, and they're still getting pushes. In his feuds with Edge, Jeff, and MVP, he didn't supply exciting pops??? Are you serious??? Did you watch Matt v Edge in the steel cage????? Leg drop off the top of the cage, side-effect off the top rope, and on Raw he did a side-effect off the stage!!! And that was !!!!!!4!!!!!!! years ago!!!!!!! In his feud with MVP, what the HELL did MVP ever do?? He's a decent wrestler, but Matt is JUST as good. MVP's finisher is even worse, and you say he did more. In his feud with Jeff, I can see where you're coming from. All Matt did was sell Jeff's moves, but that's becasue Jeff is a big STUNT man when it comes to wrestling.... He can STILL wrestle. He's WAY more than a jobber.

Also, if people like Booker T and CM Punk can be World Champion, Matt sure as hell can.
I agree, Matt Hardy has put on too much weight, although what with having ab trouble and all that it's quite understandable. Should he lose that there really is no reason to not push the guy, he's over, mostly on his own merits, can put on good matches and is generally a good guy on the roster.

I think the main reason he's not getting pushed is because of Jeff's trial at the moment, I mean, if Matt's involved somehow then thats going to look shit for WWE, especially if they're giving him World Title shots, I reckon when this all blows over and if Matt comes out of this smelling of roses instead of shit then he'll be back up in the Main Event area.
matt hardy is not fat,he had sugery so he put on a few pounds

I don't think Hardy should win the world title but a push to the title would be nice,he doesn't have to win it,just the road getting there would help him,he's EXTREMELY OVER despite screwing Jeff a few months ago so that should tell them something,the CROWD LOVES MATT.Putting matt on the SD bragging rights team did help though,he's definitly 3rd in charge after kane and jericho
I don't know why Matt hasn't been pushed like Jeff has yet. He's over with the fans just like Jeff is, but his skills are far more superior. Jeff may take the risks, but Matt has always been the one to do most of the work. Matt has been loyal his entire career. He didn't go to TNA, he didn't leave because he was burned out. He comes in, does his job and doesn't complain. He may not look like the dominant champion or favorite everyone would like to see, but in my opinion, if the Great Khali can hold a world title, then there's no reason Matt can't.

Matt is a great wrestler and his mic skills have progressed so well, there's just no good reason why Matt hasn't gotten a push. It doesn't have to be the big push, but put a title around him. He did wonders with the U.S and ECW Championships. Put the I.C on him or make him a threat in the world title picture. He can be a good champion. Give him a chance.
Matt is a solid wrestler. He has decent mic skills, he has a unique moveset, and a good look (even if he is a bit chubby after surgery that will go away). I think he really should have stayed heel. His character with him being jealous of his brother Jeff was working well for him had he not gotten two serious injuries one after the other. With the younger Hardy gone Matt could have elevated close to main event status on Smackdown. They pulled the plug on his heel turn too soon and he is suffering because of it. He needs direction or just a big run of momentum. He could start that with the winning fall for Team Smackdown in this Sunday's Bragging Rights match.
it has to due with the fact that jeff hardy was arrested and is awaiting trial. because if

you remember, he was getting a good decent push until jeff was arrested. but why does

matt have to lose his push because his druggy lame bro has issues beyond matts

Well since im always late to anything may as well be late here too.Matt Hardy will get pushed,its just a matter of when will it happen,IMO he would've gotten a Morrison type push had he not injured himself twice in a 5 month span.If anyone says he hasn't paid his dues to get the big push i suggest you watch the Hardy Boys Twist Of Fate DVD then tell me otherwise,he's more talented then Jeff in most aspects except for the high flying and mic skills.My guess is he'll win either MITB at 26 or 27 and/or the Royal Rumble in 2011
People need to remember that Hardy just had Abdominal surgery. He doesn't have the look of a champion right now because he's still getting back in shape.

Furthermore, his brother's drug problems played a huge role in his relegation. After Jeff left but before he was arrested, Matt was attacking Punk and was involved in the main events on consecutive SD! episodes. Then the arrest came and the 'E' decided to scale things back with him.

Don't expect the guy to go any further up the ladder until he a) gets rid of the gut and b) Jeff's legal issues end.
Let's face the facts, he's matt hardy. He will always be compared to Jeff until he retires. They both have got major titles and have wrestled in big matches but what you remember from those matches are Jeff's swanton off the ladder while Matt was hurt on the floor. Since they debuted they he was destined to be the lower Hardy.

He got an ECW title reign but all I remember from that reign was Swagger beating him for it. He doesn't have the best mic skills and he's average in the ring. He should go back to the tag division and face Jerishow with some up-comer. He could add some needed power to finally get this tag division moving.
Matts not bad it just he is compared to Jeff, but most tag teams that break up the less successful one will ALWAYS be compared to the more successful one, its not Matts fault, hopefully WWE does something with him since Jeff is gone now
Matt Hardy has already been given some good pushes, but they have come at some inopportune times for him. When he was feuding with Edge a few years back, the whole rivalry was fueled by the real-life drama between he, Edge, and Lita. However, it was also overshadowed by it, and Matt didn't help himself by his actions outside of the company.

I was stoked when Matt was given a push before Mania, getting into a feud with Jeff and turning full-blown heel. He changed his persona and his ring attire, and it seemed he was starting anew. However, the main drawback on that whole feud was: it was with his brother. The immensely popular Jeff Hardy, whose fans would dress up as ridiculously as he did and would die if he even glanced their way. OMG, it's Jeff Hardy! Who cares who he's fighting!? Plus, if I remember right he had an abdominal injury which sidelined him for a few months.

And recently, he returned from that injury to help save his brother. Yeah, the one he attacked with the pyro, and ran off the road, and burned his house down with his dog inside, and the one he renounced. So all air was taken out of his character. Basically, he is stuck in the midcard unless Undertaker, Punk, Batista, and Edge all go down with injuries.
Matt Hardy has proven he cannot draw. Period. He's simply useless as a midcarder or main event prospect at this point. He's not in good health. His gimmick is stale, and there's no place for him. He has an epic feud with Jeff and now, it's boiled down to him 'regretting' what he did. Bullshit. Stick to your guns and grow a pair, Matt.

Matt's not giving a 100 percent and if he's not healthy, he's not really caring if he is or not. He's alienated the WWE marks to the point of them not even caring about his matches. He's a mark for himself and someone who is more than likely burned out with wrestling. Think about it. Since his feud with Jeff, he's done nothing of significance except hurt his arm and have bad matches. Sure he has a ruptured lower intestine or some shit, but does that mean he should bitch about the fans reaction to him? No one knew until he told us about it. We're not mind readers. Matt needs some time off, a revamped gimmick, and a renewed sense of gumption before he's relevant again.
Matt Hardy SUCKS. He is average in the ring at best, watching him on Smackdown last week he did not look good and actually looked out of shape. He is only a mid-carder because of Jeff and because he gets a pop for his last name being Hardy. The guy knows he wont be near the type of main eventer that Jeff was. The guys constantly posts updates on Jeff (including the status on his new new hair cut WTF by the way) on his Twitter account because he knows one of the only ways for him to get attention is to bring up Jeff and remind everyone they are brothers.

Never been a Matt Hardy fan..He sucks on the mic and he sucks in the ring.

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