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Why Don't Young, Relevant Wrestlers Present TNA With A Package Deal?


Getting Noticed By Management
The idea of a union has been mentioned before, not just by me. However, this would be more of a no-brainer type of Hollywood deal that TNA couldn't refuse. Why doesn't a group consisting of Paul Heyman, Chris Jericho, John Morrison, Brock Lesnar (and maybe some others like Colt Cabana) present a package deal to TNA? They're approached or expressed extreme interest in almost all of them to date, why not present TNA with the idea of working for a greatly reduced rate in exchange for almost complete control and a reasonable but significant percentage of the company?

With Heyman comes his business connections and his creative genius. With Jericho comes instant star-power, experience and crossover appeal. Morrison brings athleticism, a huge upside, and the hottest free agency on the market soon. Lesnar's involvement brings national stardom, MMA cred, and the potential to see him perform again in a few years if he's done with UFC. Add to that, they'd be able to pursue any side project they want with a forum to promote it as they choose. Am I thinking too far outside the box?
TNA approached Paul Heyman about coming in and working for them, but he wanted the kind of control you were talking about and TNA weren't willing.

Also, Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff have come in since then and are TNA's go-to guys, despite producing no significant gain in the two years they've been there.
I'm sorry, but this is a ridiculous idea that will not happen. Jericho has said more than once he will not wrestle for anyone besides WWE. What makes you think any of those guys want to go to Impact? What on earth could Brock Lesnar gain from it? If he's gonna go back into wrestling it's gonna be on the biggest stage, WWE. This sounds like a ridiculous dream, much like the other threads like this.
TNA approached Paul Heyman about coming in and working for them, but he wanted the kind of control you were talking about and TNA weren't willing.

That's not entirely true. In an interview with Paul Heyman, he said control and money wasn't the problem, it was more about firing people. He said dixie didn't have the ruthless aggression needed to run the company and was to nice for her own good. She wasn't on board with Heyman firing people as she doesn't like to fire anyone so the deal fell through....sadly.

As for the people mentioned, Heyman would make a great addition but unless they are willing to hand things over completely to him, this is a moot discussion.

According to Dana White, Brock Lesner will never step into a wrestling ring as long as he is under contract with the UFC, and if he wouldn't bend for Vince McMahon and his Millions he's not gonna make an exception for Dixie. And once Brock is done with the UFC, I'm sure Vince can offer him more than the piece of TNA would be worth.

I like Jerrico and he would add star/crossover power, but for how long. TNA added that with Angle, Kennedy, Hardy, The Dudleys, RVD, etc.., but it didn't really seem to do much for them as a whole.

And as for Morrison, yes he is a great athlete but TNA has a lot of good athletes. To bad he's got the personality of a wet mop.
Sorry to pee on your parade, it was a nice Idea but I don't see any of this happening, especially with Hogan & Bishoff signed for 2 more years and no Heyman deal in sight.

On a bright and completely different note, Vince Russo is no longer at the helm for creative control, and I can see the difference in some of the writing. It's just a small change but you have to start somewhere (fingers crossed).
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
The idea of a union has been mentioned before, not just by me. However, this would be more of a no-brainer type of Hollywood deal that TNA couldn't refuse. Why doesn't a group consisting of Paul Heyman, Chris Jericho, John Morrison, Brock Lesnar (and maybe some others like Colt Cabana) present a package deal to TNA? They're approached or expressed extreme interest in almost all of them to date, why not present TNA with the idea of working for a greatly reduced rate in exchange for almost complete control and a reasonable but significant percentage of the company?

With Heyman comes his business connections and his creative genius. With Jericho comes instant star-power, experience and crossover appeal. Morrison brings athleticism, a huge upside, and the hottest free agency on the market soon. Lesnar's involvement brings national stardom, MMA cred, and the potential to see him perform again in a few years if he's done with UFC. Add to that, they'd be able to pursue any side project they want with a forum to promote it as they choose. Am I thinking too far outside the box?

Probably because no one involved would be interested in this kind of deal. It would be like the Miami Dolphins handing over the keys to their organization to Bill Parcells just to get paid, do nothing and ultimately F*** them over in the end. And then you'd be bringing in talent who you wouldn't be able to fire because you've given them ownership in your company? And for what? All Heyman wanted was the ability to re-shape the roster and they laughed at that. Yes, all of the talent you named has some value but they also have one thing in common. They're not interested in TNA.
The idea of a wrestlers union is nothing new. This has been talked about for ages, mostly among the wrestlers themselves. I don't think the OP's application of said idea is exactly the way to do it, but the idea in and of itself of having a wrestlers union is a good one. So many other athletes have these for their protection and to ensure them benefits of some kind, and in a business like wrestling where it is so greatly needed you would think that at some point by now it would have happened. I think a really good question to look at here is WHY this hasn't happened.
Those people are above TNA with the exception of Jomo, who actually fits in pretty well in their uppermidcard without repackaging much.

Heyman was offered a deal with TNA he counter offered for a ridiculous amount (I think it was 12mil over 3 years) that he intentionally didn't expect them to accept because it was how much his free time meant to him.

Lesnar doesn't want to wrestle professionally anymore, he used WWE for the exposure so he could jump sports with popularity.

Jericho has said he doesn't want to work minor leagues anymore.

Btw, Jericho isn't young by any definition.

TNA already has an inflated roster, they really need to just work their talent, which they have tons of, rather than constantly grab ex-WWE or WWF guys to bury their talent with.
It will NEVER happen. Pro wrestlers=contractors which is pretty much the exact same as any actor or music artist. They get paid to do something and if they dont do it, they get fined/sued/fired etc.

Imagine if random hipster music artist just said fuck it...argh...you get the point...gtg.
The idea of a union has been mentioned before, not just by me. However, this would be more of a no-brainer type of Hollywood deal that TNA couldn't refuse. Why doesn't a group consisting of Paul Heyman, Chris Jericho, John Morrison, Brock Lesnar (and maybe some others like Colt Cabana) present a package deal to TNA? They're approached or expressed extreme interest in almost all of them to date, why not present TNA with the idea of working for a greatly reduced rate in exchange for almost complete control and a reasonable but significant percentage of the company?
That kind of gambit drove WCW to it's knees. Do you really think it's such a good idea to grant those kinds of controls to people who get exposed on TV? Do you realize the kind of damage a conflict of interest by guys who are active on Impact Wrestling would cause? Did you never hear about Kevin Nash's "If someone gets payed more than me, my payroll goes up" deal?

With Heyman comes his business connections and his creative genius.
Brother Love, Vince Russo and the rest of TNA's creative team put up a good enough effort. They don't need Paul Heyman. And even so, Paul isn't worth so much as to give him shares and the rights to fire people.
With Jericho comes instant star-power, experience and crossover appeal.
Hogan has that covered. And the TNA roster can to well enough without him. He's an expendable figure in the wrestling world.

Morrison brings athleticism, a huge upside, and the hottest free agency on the market soon.
I do like the idea of him and Austin Aries going at it. But granting him any kind of control would mean handing control to Melina. I think WWE can tell you why that's a bad idea.
Lesnar's involvement brings national stardom, MMA cred, and the potential to see him perform again in a few years if he's done with UFC.
Then contact him when he's done with UFC. Which is pretty far away.
Add to that, they'd be able to pursue any side project they want with a forum to promote it as they choose. Am I thinking too far outside the box?
Yes. Yes you are. You basically want wrestlers to work for small gain, which is small already given the fact that it's TNA, wager the rest of the compensation by granting creative control and STOCK from TNA all for 4 or 5 guys to come in and do what others that are under payment can do. What's TNA gonna gain from that? Jericho is not that big a star no matter how you paint it. Brock can go to WWE if he left UFC get more benefits with more pay. Morrison would be a nice pick up, but he ain't above an average contract. And Paul Heyman is not gonna turn TNA in a raging success any faster than Brother Love could right now. So said offer, in my eyes, is not worth it.
I'm sorry, but this is a ridiculous idea that will not happen.

Will it happen? Probably not. Ridiculous? Hardly

Jericho has said more than once he will not wrestle for anyone besides WWE.

Wrestlers say lots of things.

What makes you think any of those guys want to go to Impact?

Pay attention.

What on earth could Brock Lesnar gain from it?

Money and an opportunity to do something big.

If he's gonna go back into wrestling it's gonna be on the biggest stage, WWE.

You his agent? If they were to implement this plan, it could mean alot more than a Wrestlemania payday and some short term glory.

TNA approached Paul Heyman about coming in and working for them, but he wanted the kind of control you were talking about and TNA weren't willing.

He was also by himself at the time. This deal would strengthen his position considerably.

According to Dana White, Brock Lesner will never step into a wrestling ring as long as he is under contract with the UFC, and if he wouldn't bend for Vince McMahon and his Millions he's not gonna make an exception for Dixie. And once Brock is done with the UFC, I'm sure Vince can offer him more than the piece of TNA would be worth.

Who said anything about stepping into a TNA ring? He would be part owner, possibly put up some revenue, definitely put his name up and do interviews. His contribution is not wrestling.....yet. Nobody said he can't run a wrestling business. As far as Vince's money, I'm not sure.

I like Jerrico and he would add star/crossover power, but for how long. TNA added that with Angle, Kennedy, Hardy, The Dudleys, RVD, etc.., but it didn't really seem to do much for them as a whole.

That's where Heyman comes in. Heyman could make a wrestling goat look good, he can definitely promote and use the talent the right way.

You people are looking at the idea in pieces instead of as a whole.

That kind of gambit drove WCW to it's knees. Do you really think it's such a good idea to grant those kinds of controls to people who get exposed on TV? Do you realize the kind of damage a conflict of interest by guys who are active on Impact Wrestling would cause? Did you never hear about Kevin Nash's "If someone gets payed more than me, my payroll goes up" deal?

Again, you're looking at it the wrong way.

Chris Jericho and Paul Heyman are experienced veterans. Chris would know that it's in his best interests to put over young guys the right way. There are no Nash-type deals in the equation. They'd be minor shareholders, with a guaranteed interest in making the company work, not getting themselves over. The other wrestlers are a moot point. If they can't get on board, then they're outta there. Plain and simple.

Brother Love, Vince Russo and the rest of TNA's creative team put up a good enough effort. They don't need Paul Heyman. And even so, Paul isn't worth so much as to give him shares and the rights to fire people.

Good enough effort? Depends on who you ask.

Furthermore, they're writers. There's only so much they can do. Heyman wouldn't be coming on as a writer. He'd be the MAN. Hire, fire, promote, AND book.
Again, you're looking at it the wrong way.
Sorry, but an internet fan's opinion isn't quite as potent as one who buys the tickets. We're blackmarked, so our opinions won't go far. Especially one's on contractual issues and such.

Chris Jericho and Paul Heyman are experienced veterans. Chris would know that it's in his best interests to put over young guys the right way.
Then that makes hiring Jericho a bit pointless because Kurt Angle, Sting, Rob Van Dam and such are there for the same reasons. I don't see how Heyman can do it though. If it's by the booking what you mean, it's still no different than what Prichard does now.
There are no Nash-type deals in the equation. They'd be minor shareholders, with a guaranteed interest in making the company work, not getting themselves over. The other wrestlers are a moot point. If they can't get on board, then they're outta there. Plain and simple.
Seems simple enough, but it would only work if their only intentions are to push TNA ahead with little gain for themselves. Not a very good business deal for guys who've made more for less.

Good enough effort? Depends on who you ask.
Spike TV. The crowds in attendance. Shareholders.
Furthermore, they're writers. There's only so much they can do. Heyman wouldn't be coming on as a writer. He'd be the MAN. Hire, fire, promote, AND book.
Heyman may have been a good mind, but he's personally admitted that when it comes to finance, he's no good. Giving him that kind of control could put things on the same level as ECW and WCW. Spending and not really gaining. Yeah, he might clean up the roster and maybe make the product more appealing. But at the same time he may not make the proper deals when it comes to hiring and such. Again, it's basically taking a risk. Gain some or lose a lot. Not smart business to leave your comfort zone under the hopes of gaining from a total overhaul due to the intake of these talents when there's isn't so much to gain from it.

In the end, if they aren't willing to commit to regular contracts, then it's best not to pursue them. In this day and age, a few name can't change the landscape of a wrestling company.
This idea is pretty far fetched and unrealistic. TNA appears to already be profitable without signing away control of the company to a group of wrestlers, and I severely doubt any of those guys would be willing to work on commission like you suggest.

Possibly with the exception of Lesnar, TNA could have all those guys if they were willing to shell out enough money, without giving away the company.
Sorry, but an internet fan's opinion isn't quite as potent as one who buys the tickets. We're blackmarked, so our opinions won't go far. Especially one's on contractual issues and such.

Then that makes hiring Jericho a bit pointless because Kurt Angle, Sting, Rob Van Dam and such are there for the same reasons. I don't see how Heyman can do it though. If it's by the booking what you mean, it's still no different than what Prichard does now.

Seems simple enough, but it would only work if their only intentions are to push TNA ahead with little gain for themselves. Not a very good business deal for guys who've made more for less.

Spike TV. The crowds in attendance. Shareholders.

Heyman may have been a good mind, but he's personally admitted that when it comes to finance, he's no good. Giving him that kind of control could put things on the same level as ECW and WCW. Spending and not really gaining. Yeah, he might clean up the roster and maybe make the product more appealing. But at the same time he may not make the proper deals when it comes to hiring and such. Again, it's basically taking a risk. Gain some or lose a lot. Not smart business to leave your comfort zone under the hopes of gaining from a total overhaul due to the intake of these talents when there's isn't so much to gain from it.

In the end, if they aren't willing to commit to regular contracts, then it's best not to pursue them. In this day and age, a few name can't change the landscape of a wrestling company.

I appreciate your reasoned response.

Hell, I don't know that I'd even do it. I do think that the right package (possibly involving a larger group of wrestlers, agents, talent and maybe a hedge fund backing the proposal) could make it a better possibility with much less risk. Perhaps also the possiblity of providing new talent with very small stock options to sweeten future talent acquisition. Offer Angle, Sting, Flair and big WWE names ownership in wrestling's future.

You're right tho, it would be a big risk neither side would likely be willing to take.
As much as I'd love to witness Chris Jericho in Impact Wrestling versus having him back in WWE, let's face it, if Chris Jericho goes back to wrestling, he's going back to WWE.WWE hasn't gave Chris Jericho any reason to ally himself with the competition, in anyway, shape, or form.Chris Jericho is probably paid very well, he gets time off if he asks for it, & he gets to main event occasionally, winning championships every once in a while.Not only does Chris Jericho remain loyal to WWE, he also loves to help out the young guys, & put some young talent over when the time is appropriate.Take last year for instance, he lost to John Morrison a few weeks before his contract expired.Chris Jericho is a commodity to WWE, & he knows it, & as long as he remains loyal to WWE, they won't ever have a problem with re-signing him to a short term or long term contract, for a fair price, & he'll get a fair amount of opportunities.

With Impact Wrestling, he'll probably just get lost in the mix, because Impact Wrestling doesn't really know what they want to do_One minute a guy is face, the next he is heel.When you're getting used to that, he is switched back face.I can't count how many times Samoa Joe has had face/heel turns in the past two years.That doesn't include Mr. Anderson, Abyss, Team 3D, Beer Money, Motor City Machine Guns, & others.It's best that Chris Jericho remain loyal to WWE.
That's where Heyman comes in. Heyman could make a wrestling goat look good, he can definitely promote and use the talent the right way.

You people are looking at the idea in pieces instead of as a whole.

I did look at it as a whole, I just broke down the individual parts. The bottom line is it all comes down to one person, and that's Paul Heyman. Without him the rest of this conversation is a moot point. Without him Jerrico is just another WWE guy that will be used wrong. Without him Morrison is just another talented wrestler that gets lost in the shuffle.

And if Paul Heyman did get on board with this idea, he stated that he would get rid of everyone over 40 with the exception of 1 or maybe 2 big name older stars. Odds are 50/50 a 41 year old Jerrico would fit into Heymans plans. As for Brock...

Who said anything about stepping into a TNA ring? He would be part owner, possibly put up some revenue, definitely put his name up and do interviews. His contribution is not wrestling.....yet. Nobody said he can't run a wrestling business. As far as Vince's money, I'm not sure.

Yes his name does have value, but he would be a bigger asset if he wrestled. You say he could do interviews but think about how badly his interviews and his scriped in ring/back stage promos were in WWE. The guy may have the look and the talent but he can't talk. That's the main reason he was paired with Heyman in the WWE, he needed a mouth piece to get him over. Without Heyman he's just another big guy.
You also said he could put his name up and also bring in revenue. True, but how much and for how long. Hogan is the biggest name in the industry (like him or not), but even his name was just a drop in the bucket as far as revenue or even ratings go. I don't know much about him personally so I don't know if he can run a business or not, so I'll leave that alone.

Again, without Heyman, without a real captain at the helm, this ship isn't sailing. That's all I'm saying.

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