Why Don't You Take A Seat Right Over There... Next To Your Mistress.

Dr. Stinger A. Zoidberg

Stay in school and don't litter.
In a story in which irony took a seat right over there, NBC anchor Chris Hansen, who has spent many years shaming people with hidden-camera justice on Dateline and To Catch A Predator, has been shamed by a hidden camera that allegedly caught him cheating on his wife with a woman who is 21 years his junior. The National Enquirer says that it has secretly filmed Hansen on a date with a Florida news reporter he’s said to have been meeting with for the past four months, leaving his wife and two sons behind to pay her frequent visits as he continued to send her flowers and otherwise maintain their illicit long-distance relationship. Actually, we have the chat logs right here:
Or no, we don’t have the chat logs. But they would no doubt be damning, especially if they were read aloud in an incredulous voice then followed by a pitying smirk. Of course, no one besides the most reactionary is suggesting that Hansen is guilty of hypocrisy or OMG PEDOPHILIA for dating a 30-year-old woman, and fortunately the Enquirer’s cameras failed to catch him with anything truly embarrassing, like a trunk full of wine coolers and condoms. But considering Hansen built his career around catching people in embarrassing situations with hidden cameras, it seems like this could, I don’t know, maybe take some of the fun out of that. If only he’d paused in Florida to have a nice glass of lemonade and asked himself, “So... What am I doing here?”

Epic win for National Enquirer.
Heard about this about an hour or two ago. Still has me in stitches. Wonder if he had a bag containing condoms and booze?
What a hypocritical cuntbag. He has no problem entrapping people on national television and consequently ruining their lives but can't live up to an ethical standard set by his program. NBC needs to do either one of two things: get rid of To Catch A Predator and issue an apology along the lines of "we're all human" or keep the program but terminate Hansen's employment immediately.

Edit: All right, To Catch A Predator hasn't been on in 4 years, but Hansen still does a lot of other sting operation-oriented programming. He should no longer be involved with any of these.
What a hypocritical cuntbag. He has no problem entrapping people on national television and consequently ruining their lives but can't live up to an ethical standard set by his program. NBC needs to do either one of two things: get rid of To Catch A Predator and issue an apology along the lines of "we're all human" or keep the program but terminate Hansen's employment immediately.

Of course, it's the National Enquirer breaking the story....so take it for what it's worth.

Not saying it's not true...but also not saying it is.
Of course, it's the National Enquirer breaking the story....so take it for what it's worth.

Not saying it's not true...but also not saying it is.

The National Enquirer is now a respectable publication, at least when it comes to scandals. They did, after all, break the Edwards/Hunter affair.
It's the National Enquirer, of course this is pure bullshit. This is the publication that has been sued about a hundred times by the various celebrities it slanders and lies about to sell copies to bored housewives at the supermarket check out. I respect them for their entertainment value, but not for their journalistic integrity.

I'd be willing to bet a pretty penny that this is all pure bullshit.
If I was going to lie about a story I do not think I would claim to have video evidence, although that is an important part of making this an amusing story.
If you claim to have video evidence and you don't actually have it, though, it's going to look REALLY bad when you're inevitably taken to court.
You do realize that all the money they make from printing this stuff, more than pays for the lawsuits, when they get sued?

They can afford to print the scandalous truth about celebrities, and then give them a cut of the profits, and say "Oops!".

This is the only place I've ever heard of Chris Hansen, and judging by what Trey & Matt said, he's a douche.

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