Why Doesn't WWE Like To Use "Jr." In Wrestlers Names?


Dark Match Winner
Something that I have wondered for a while. Why doesn't WWE like to use Jr. in peoples names? When he was in WCW and everywhere else, it was Rey Mysterio Jr. Ted Dibiase Jr. is his given name, but they simply call him Ted Dibiase, and honestly can be confusing with someone as Ted Jr. because his dad was such a huge personality from WWE's past. I almost think if you are going to drop the Jr. you might as well just change their first name altogether. I am sure there are others that have had this happen, and I just wonder why WWE is so against using Jr. in peoples ring names? Maybe its just a copyright issue (i.e. maybe Rey owns "Rey Mysterio Jr." but WWE owns "Rey Mysterio") but if so, why not change their first name to give them their own identity? (and I am more talking about people like Ted Jr. who's dad was a big star, I think Rey is fine... most WWE fans have probably never seen a "Rey Mysterio Senior" match and I wouldnt expect them to call him something like Bob Mysterio. Same goes for someone like Richie Steamboat. I would much prefer they stick with Richie, and not call him Ricky when he comes in.) ;)
I believe Rey was given the right to drop the Jr. from his name by the original Rey Mysterio. Or something like that. A sign of honor or something. And other than he and Ted DiBiase, I can't really think of anyone else, so I don't really get your argument.
As far as Ted Dibiase I dont know of any other juniors in the WWE...main roster or developmental.

As evident by Ted Dibiase, WWE doesn't really shy away from using junior in names. He used it for awhile to get introduced, then he dropped it. Rey Mysterio dropped it after Mysterio senior retired.
Because not having an extra title when the senior isn't relevant makes that superstar that much more relevant.

Ted Dibiase Sr. isn't on air enough to force Ted Jr to have an extra 2 syllables added to his name EVERY SINGLE time he's mentioned. This is slightly hyperbolic though, as those 2 syllables don't matter.
they did it with Chavo Guerrero Jr. when he came in originally back in the day.

as for Rey..when WCW shut down and he came to WWE Vince wanted him to put the mask back on. but by Mexican traditions once you lose your mask you can never put it on again. His Uncle has retired and the two decided that Oscar(Rey Jr) would hence forth be known by Rey Misterio instead of Jr. and allowed him to go back into the mask.

why they do it I am not sure. most likely though it is for trademarking purposes. then WWE owns the Jr less name while the talent keeps the rights to Jr.
Because it sounds kind of dumb? I'm sorry, but i cant take anyone seriously with "junior" in his name. It sounds like an 8 year old boy's name. Obviously, if a superstar debuts with the same name as his father (Ted DiBiase, Chavo Guerroro<sorry for awful spelling) they would use it to distinguish between the two of them.
When Rey's uncle retired he dropped the Jr. There was no further need to distinguish between the 2.
Generally speaking I'd imagine that they don't promote Jr's because either

a) Senior never worked or isn't currently working for WWE
b) It's irrelevant to the character
c) That's the bottom line because the Marketing Department said so.

C is the safe answer..
Because it makes him sound like a little kid. WWE want's stars, calling someone junior doesn't help that.

Look at the Chavos, when they were in WWE Chavo Jr. was just referred to as Chavo, while his father was called Chavo Sr. and then later Chavo classic.

Being called Teddy Jr. would make him seem like a boy in a locker room of men. It's just marketing.
Then they would have to acknowledge who the Snr was. WWE likes to write its own version of wrestling history. It sucks, but its fact. Example, I watched the new Orton dvd last night, and you would think one of the matches that would be on their would be his first World title win. But its not, because he won it from Benoit. WWE have decided he never existed. Idiots. Sure what he did was despicable but to ignore what he did for the business the 18 years previous is kind of lame.
What I heard before is that the reason why "Jr." isn't used is because of Vince McMahon. He of course is also a Junior and hated being called it to the point where wrestlers in the 'E that have Junior in their real name don't use it in their ring name.

Granted, I read this off somewhere online and have no idea if it's true, but it is likely.
Then they would have to acknowledge who the Snr was. WWE likes to write its own version of wrestling history. It sucks, but its fact. Example, I watched the new Orton dvd last night, and you would think one of the matches that would be on their would be his first World title win. But its not, because he won it from Benoit. WWE have decided he never existed. Idiots. Sure what he did was despicable but to ignore what he did for the business the 18 years previous is kind of lame.

The WWE are idiots because they don't want to associate themselves with a murderer? Then I guess I'm an idiot as well for agreeing with them.

As for the whole Jr thing, it's about having a good in ring name. That's why you don't see someone like Michael Mcgillicutty being taken seriously.
That's why you don't see someone like Michael Mcgillicutty being taken seriously.

Good point, especially since his first name isn't even Michael. Why he felt the need to abandon the good wrestling name of Hennig is a mystery to me.

As for the rest of it, WWE isn't the only wrestling organization that seems to shy away from using "junior" in their performer's names. It just isn't done that often in the business. I'm sure people can quote a bunch of isolated examples, but the only one I can think of is Dory Funk Jr.
Yeah, I was not meaning this to be any kind of argument as one poster stated, it just always intrigued me. Yeah, Chavo Jr. is another example I left out. I can see why they drop it, and for most cases it makes sense, I was just saying with someone like Ted Jr. it is kinda confusing in everyday conversation, talking about wrestling with a friend. It's nothing that is gonna keep me up at night, I just wanted to see if anyone had an answer. Thanks for everyone who replied, good points, and I did not know that about Rey Jr. and Rey Senior, so kudos!
Then they would have to acknowledge who the Snr was. WWE likes to write its own version of wrestling history. It sucks, but its fact. Example, I watched the new Orton dvd last night, and you would think one of the matches that would be on their would be his first World title win. But its not, because he won it from Benoit. WWE have decided he never existed. Idiots. Sure what he did was despicable but to ignore what he did for the business the 18 years previous is kind of lame.

I know this isn't a popular opinion in the least but I pretty much agree with what you said. A lot of people can't make the distinction between what he did, and what he contributed to the business.. understandably so given the nature of the crime.

Back to the topic at hand, WWE's revisionist history practices need to stop. You should be proud to embrace your history, no change it to suit the current needs of today's product. Whether you are a junior or not, any 2nd and 3rd gen talent should be able to perform using the family name and like someone touched on, Joe Hennig would be in a MUCH better spot if he could just be himself. On the other hand if you have a talent like.. Teddy jr and you keep giving him crap to work with instead of simply being the new Million Dollar Man you aren't using them right. Both have big shoes to fill but it would be a hell of a lot easier WWE let nostalgia do their work for them. Chavo was a different story and shouldn't be lumped into this.
I think it is because even 2 simple letters and they could have a sitiaution similar to Cm Punk earlier this year. If the guy wants to leave and use the name somewhere else with the "JR" added to it i bet they can. WWE just wants to alter thier names (no matter to what extent) so they won the name and the wrestler can not profit from it outside the company.
I really don't think it's strictly for trademarking purposes. As one person said earlier, Vince McMahon himself is a junior, but the fact that he has never referred to himself as such shows that he doesn't like the 'junior' part of his name. I think Vince feels that it in a way devalues the person, sort of making them look "second best" compared to their pop. I can kind of see the point behind it, also considering that the name "junior" isn't really intimidating. What sounds better: "Coming to the ring, TED DIBIASE!" or "Coming to the ring, Ted Dibiase JUNIOR!!"
the problem is that there's nobody big enough in the WWE's past that putting a "Jr" label on would help. If Randy Savage or Hulk Hogan had a wrestling kid that was trying to get over, the Junior label would work. But Ted DiBiase? Mr. Perfect? We're looking at them with rose-colored glasses these days, but in their time, they were the Dolph Zigglers and Drew McIntyres.

Besides, "Jr" implies that they're going to follow in their father's footsteps, which I wouldn't want to happen. I want wrestlers to supersede their father's legacy, not reach a predetermined plateau. Imagine if The Rock were called Peter Maivia Jr. or Rocky Johnson Jr., it's unfathomable.
They probably keep the "Junior" out of names to keep the names sounding more intimidating. "Junior" doesn't exactly sound powerful or important. It's what male kids get stuck with when they are named after their fathers. A lifetime of inferiority unless you become more successful. Naming your kid (insert your name here) Junior is like saying "I want you to have the same name as me but I came first so I will always be better than you". Part of the reason that WWE takes the "Junior" out of some guys' names could be because of wanting to avoid the negative association and inferiority issues that the "Junior" title reminds people of.
Its basicly a wrestler leeching out of the success of the sucesor. Its better for them to create there own image buts it not to deny there parents existence but beyond that they should own there own legacy to create not the 1 made by there parents.
Ted Dibiase Jr. would have worked if they made him more dependent on his dad's money. The WWF should bring in Mike Dibiase and repacked the Dibiase kids as two brats who call in favors from Dad when things dont go there way.
Ted Dibiase Jr. would have worked if they made him more dependent on his dad's money. The WWF should bring in Mike Dibiase and repacked the Dibiase kids as two brats who call in favors from Dad when things dont go there way.

They really should bring in Brett or Mike DiBiase and create a new tag team with Ted. Otherwise I dont see n anything for Ted. I think Ted is a good wrestler but it's too bad that he lacks in other skills. They don;t have anything for him to do.
But with adding the name Jr. it helps to distinguish the man from his father because everyone would think that he is his father, so it is best to keep the Jr. in the name
But with adding the name Jr. it helps to distinguish the man from his father because everyone would think that he is his father, so it is best to keep the Jr. in the name

That's where Sr. comes into play... or you know calling them "Hall of Famer" Ted Dibiase. I seriously doubt there would be any confusion over which Ted is the hall of famer.

And to be honest, the main reasoning behind WWE's refusal to use the name Jr. is simple... they don't NEED to do so. If fans are going to compare the kids to their father, then it won't matter if there's Jr. attached to their name or even if they change the son's name all together. In the end, it's all going to be what they perceive the new generation as. Plus, I'm pretty sure that the sons of these legends (or in Rey's case, nephew) are honored to be using the same ring name as their fathers.

Besides, if Mike were in WWE, would you really want them calling him Mike DiBiase Jr. or just Mike DiBiase?
It's probably to benefit the wrestlers. Take a guy like DiBiase or McGuillicutty(?). WWE could want to build them into big stars one day. If their gonna be big, WWE probably wants those stars to branch out on their own, and they can't be huge stars if their forever stuck in the shadows of their predecessors.

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