Why does TheOneBigWill hate Mike Knox so much??

Mighty NorCal

Which is obviously a microchosim for a Mike Knox push thread. Cant belive this hasnt been started yet.

I fucking LOVED his promo a few weeks back, and think this character has loads of potential. He is a huge, scary looking fuck, and has a pretty entertaining high impact move set. He is CERTAINLEY every last single thing the WWE is looking for in a monster heel these days, while trying to harken back to the kiddies. I would love for Knox to be the quintissental hardcore brawler type, of course manitaining they keep that character to one or two guys. I love it. I love the knox push, and think its a fine idea. Far better than some fuck like Dolph Ziggler.

So. what are peoples opinions on the sudden surgence of this burly monstorous, badass motherfucker. Do you like the character?? the look?? the push??
I liked Mike Knox even when he first debuted on ECW. He has a pretty good moveset which often doesn't get displayed enough. He has the look, the jury is still out on his mic skills, and he plays his character pretty well. I want to see him match up against Batista when he comes back cause that could be a good feud. They haven't built him big fast so it's a good start so I can see him in a good main-event feud by the end of the year if everything holds up.
Although I think it would be a mistake to push Knox into the typical monster main event feud stage, I think he'd be an absolute perfect choice for the monster heel of the midcard on Raw.

He's big, so that makes him credible for the power game, but he's not too big, so it allows him to work with a wider range of people as opposed to having Mark Henry go against people like Jamie Noble where you couldn't possibly think Noble has a chance. Think about Punk/Knox. Knox would be the tougher guy, Punk would be the faster guy, and they'd be able to put on some decent matches.

Mic-work, he's not that great, but he's fun to watch in the ring when they don't have him jobbing out to someone half his size (cough*Mysterio*cough). I'm pro-Knox. They'd just have to stop themselves from their over eagerness of booking him to dominate jobbers for 7 weeks in a row and then lose to Cena lol.
It's too early in his WWE career to get such a big push as he is getting now. He should at least win a mid-card title first, hold for a while, then face lower main eventers and work his way up from there, not get shot up straight into the main event picture. This could be one of the biggest mistakes.

I'm not such a big fan of his but he has potential. He has to start feuds with bigger guys not put over Rey Rey most of the time. He has to get into feud with bigger guys like Kane or someone.

That my opinion.
I still don't know what exactly to think about Knox. His look, despite how positively it has been described above is still that of a hard ass bum- big beard and all. As tough as one might imagine this might be, in fairness we would all believe that a seasoned trained fighter would easily dispose of him, he just doesn't seem disciplined or professional enough. Its like a direct comparison to the past, such a competitor might be a challenge to Hogan, but is he in fairness a true competitor to our modern wrestlers? Or is he simply meant to resonate as a more realistic fighter which we might see more often on a day to day basis than the Bastista's or Big Shows who can never be seen on our street corners?
I will be one of the people who say, I like Mike Knox. I think he is the WWE's dark horse and he won't die like other monster heels have in the past. I think his in-ring work is solid, and he has a wicked looking finisher. He is fast and athletic for his size, and he gets better every week. I am surprised that a Mike Knox push thread wasn't started earlier. This guy has what I am looking for in a monster heel from head to toe. I was sold when I saw him face Matt Hardy on ECW a few months back, and I like him even more now that he is on RAW. The match where he teamed with Kane to face Mysterio and Kofi was awesome, and he held his own very well.

I like the push, and I like the character. Give him some mic time, but not in the ring. Give him some backstage mic time so that he doesn't have to project his voice, because his voice isn't too intimidating. He can put on more believable promos if Todd Grishem asks him a question or two here or there.

As far as the look, it is awesome. It is big and scary, and I don't want to see that dude walking down my block, I am going to run the other way. The ONLY thing I want is for him to get a logo or something on his trunks. He still has on jobber tights, he needs something that says, "I'm in the main event."

I hope the push continues, and I hope it leads to a mid card title. A feud with Punk will do wonders for them both. I am not interested in a Mike Knox/Mysterio feud, because it will hurt Knox and do nothing for Mysterio...and we just had Mysterio/Kane. Anyone see Mike Knox participating in MITB? Depending on his performance in the chamber its a strong possibility.
I'm not huge on Knox but I agree, the promo from a few weeks back was great. Or was it awful? You could take it as WWE saying they ahve no clue as to what they're doing with this guy so let's just say he's a bad guy for no good reason. He's a huge guy that has a very unique look to him, but I just can't see why he's being put in the chamber, unless he's on the verge of doing something big. I guess it's because there's absolutely no other heel to put in there. It could work I guess, but I'm very skeptical about him and his push.
I hate to break up the love fest here for Mike Knox but I strongly disagree with all of you so far. I see no truth in anything you've said about Mike Knox. Oh great another big useless guy that no one cares about. This guy hasn't even done anything notable yet. Don't try to bring up this one or that one, it doesn't matter which one you think it is, because none of them are it. He's beat up Rey Mysterio.....he's beat up Rey Mysterio???? That's it??? Well, what a feat when your almost 7 ft tall and about 300 pounds while Rey is like the size of a roided out 4th grader. Big deal. I have never liked the big brainless crazy guy routine with anybody. Not Meng, not The Warlord, not Vader, not anyone else in that category and certainly not Mike Knox. There is really nothing to me about him that stands out, a replacement of Snitsky, wow...great...just what we were better without. I mean seriously, it's like anytime some guy looking like Grizzly Adam's or something shows up they always act like he's a big deal and have him maul the shit out a bunch of guys you wouldn't think could beat him anyways. It's like Kozlov or Khali too. Wow, their some giant mentally irregular wrestler who never seem to have a real purpose but sticks around and never accomplishes anything for the show the fans or the company. Great ! let's see if we can shove him down the fans throats as much as possible and see if they just give in and begin to like the guy. It works sometimes I guess but never is actually necessary. His wrestling ability is nothing impressive for starters as well. His finisher is a joke too. It doesn't look very devastating to me but obviously you and I have different taste when it comes to wrestling ability and what makes a good move set. He doesn't talk either, like I said earlier don't try to give me that "One Time" story where he might have said something momentarily either. His character in general is not a talker and that makes him stupid right away. It's like what the fuck? Were you raised by wolves or something, never really formed those words or anything? you just grunt and make guttural noises a lot??? Ok, that sucks now get the out of here and into a phonics class. I have never liked that whole routine either, where someone just doesn't talk at all and that's supposed to make them crazy and bad ass or something, As explained already I disagree and believe in it firmly. There is nothing I feel you can say to change my mind on this one or prove otherwise what i have said. Mike Knox sucks, and now you that, thank you.
The look? Bruiser Brody, or seeing as this is WWE The Bezerker. Good look all he's missing is some big furry boots. I've seen them for £12.99 so there's no excuse for him to not have a pair.

The Character? What, you think I watch and listen to Raw? Nope I don't. From what I've seen he attacks Rey Mysterio. He's looking ok I guess, but the fans at Raw don't seem too intrested.

The Push? Snitzky was supposed to become somebody for Cena to feud with, I guess they're doing the same with Knox. Putting him in there with Rey Mysterio is a great star, as would having him dominate in the Elimination Chamber. I'm not convinced people will become attached to him. A manager would be the best thing for him. Where did they all go?
Until recently, I never took much notice of Mike Knox but I'll admit he helped put on an exciting tag team performance with Kane against Kofi and Rey. However, time will tell if Mike Knox is going to be successful...he hasn't really done much as yet and his feud with Mysterio was/is too similar to that of Kane/Mysterio and so it had that feeling that we had just seen it all before.

Creative needs to give the character a bit of development...I mean when Grisham asked Knox why he attacked Mysterio, his answer was that he didn't know. To me that isn't good enough, his answer just highlighted that creative couldn't come up with anything better for him to say. When a wrestler has a motive for attacking someone it's more beleivable in my view rather than a simple 'I don't know'.

Knox does have potential...he is scary looking with the over the top beard and everthing but for me he seems to be lacking a personality and charisma. Hopefully that will come with time.
my cables' been off can someone tell me what promo the topicmaster is referring to so I can youtube it? I have also dug knox's character for a while he was a good douche bag boyfriend type in ecw in the kelly kelly angle he just kinda treaded water during a bad time, now he's been called up to raw and appears to have juiced alot, sorry to say for his fans (wasn't there a deal where they found some steroids or hgh in a house he owned?) so that's both a liability and an asset to his long term potential(see william regal king of the ring/gm etc) I think he should get a good push though, but a slow one and not by fueding with kane,

for one I like kane and think that he should some day have a run w/the raw or smackdown title, he lost his steam with the whole snitsky thing, the year before in '03 he had been red hot and since then he's jobbed to so many guys to put them over, let's let kane regain his monster image please

two it's just formulaic by now to do that, I mean snitsky, umaga, khali(wm23),mark henry(even w/a bearhug once right?), all of these monsters and the effect did not last, except for with umaga, which brings me to my next point

give him an umaga style buildup, slower more dominant, let him defeat a monster other than kane maybe in an interpromotional match or something with a decent buildup at wrestlemania(stlill wondering where he and rey's thing is going), and then have a 2 to 3 pay per view main event fued with a champion, especially against cena where win or lose he comes off looking strong and maintains that main event status afterward ala umaga's push in '06-'07 and if in the process the mic skills come along more even better, just hope he doesn't get injured or fail a piss test, that is the main obstacle to any angle, storyline or push in the wwe in the past three years now-see the world title history since batista ended his first reign with a forefeit,eddy guerrero died, and the wellness policy was instituted just about every plan they had was changed from steroids or injury(likely steroid abuse related), or a wellnes policy violation

and yeah I hear ya on dolph ziggler, the damn spirit squad guys get another go and guys like sean o' haire or kizarny are just too wierd for tv and get like one shot and the door
to the game rage you missed some words in your post, and you gots to chill i mean what makes a good wrestler to you than huh?? triple h?? seriously?? he has a good moveset?? no he doesnt and his finisher does not even look painful anymore it just looks stupid please though tell me what makes a good wrestler cause if mike knox sucks and is just another dumb brainless guy than i'm really erick sermon


my cables' been off can someone tell me what promo the topicmaster is referring to so I can youtube it?

type in mike knox rey mysterio promo on youtube youll probly find it, pretty much they ask what his problem is with rey mysterio and he says "i dont have a problem with rey mysterio."
Mike Knox. Yeah, he's ok so far but hasn't done anything to really impress me yet. The only plus so far for me was his match with Kane agains Kofi and Rey. Yes, having Rey and Kofi take on Kane and Knox was kinda lame and i expected a really crappy jobbing match. But Knox did pretty well, i liked him catching Rey Rey's feet halfway through the 619 to save Kane's face, was done well.

Don't know if he should be in the main event yet, i dont think he will be. The chamber match is of course a test for him and Kofi really, Cena is winning this one and everyone knows it so why not throw in a couple of middy's to see how they go.

Knox wont mainevent again for a while i dont reckon, he'll be in a mid card fued first then maybe if he's good enough he'll be pushed up but i dont see this happening until at least the later half of the year.
I'm indifferent to Mike Knox. I don't like him, but he's not all that terrible. He is one guy who I can firmly say that he deserves to be a mid-carder for life. He just isn't main event material. He's been with the company since 2006, yet he's hardly improved at all in almost 3 years. His look is frightening, but it's not really marketable. I mean, just imagine if Mike Knox was a World Champion. He's fricking ugly. And could instantly give the WWE a bad reputation to people who don't watch wrestling. Kane is a monster heel, but he is a mid-carder, just like Knox should be.

Mike Knox is purely in the Elimination Chamber for a little test run. His feud with Mysterio has been boring and repetitive, and the guy is just plain average both on the mic and in the ring. I can see him feuding with CM Punk and winning the Intercontinental Title off him later in the year, but I just don't have much interest for Mike Knox in general. Knox works well as a monster heel, but I can't help but think that he's going to go down a route similar to Snitsky's, and look where he is right now.

Mike Knox just doesn't have the "it" factor, and most importantly he isn't very charasmatic. I can see him being a decent mid-carder, but I just don't think there is much growth for him as a superstar. Not to mention, he isn't very young. Meaning he has very little time if he ever wants to become a WWE main eventer, something I seriously doubt will ever happen. He doesn't deserve a big push, and I think he is exactly where he should be in terms of card position.
Lets just say this Mike Knox is boring as hell. Everytime he comes on TV I change the channel. His feud with Mysterio has become pointless and he just doesnt have the "it" factor in him either.
Lets just say this Mike Knox is boring as hell. Everytime he comes on TV I change the channel.
If you turn the channel every time he comes on, then how do you know he's boring? That makes no sense.

I must say that I was far more impressed with Knox in person than I ever have been on TV. In person, I was VERY impressed with him. He looks like a legitimate badass. The biggest problem I see with Knox is that he doesn't give enough matches. He needs more ring time, against jobbers that he can look impressive against.
Mike Knox is one of the better athletically big men around. His ring work is sure as hell better than Kozlov, Henry, Khali, JBL & other big men. I think he will be a mid carder but I am hoping that he breaks into the main event & stays there.
No harm in testing the waters with the guy thats for sure, the crowd dont seem to care much but they dont care about much outside of the main-event anyways, or at least so it seems sometimes.

When I first saw Knox I thought "oh good, a Snitsky clone" but ever since he's grown that frankly awesome beard I now think "it's Mike Knox" not really an improvement I know but he's still not shown me nothing. He seems to be getting the mini-push to the main-event now though so he's got the perfect opportunity to prove himself.
TheOneBigWill probabaly hates Mike Knox so much because Mike Knox sucks. Mike Knox looks like a guy who would wash my car for a dime at a stoplight. He looks like a goof quite frankly and hes shit in the ring as well. He has zero promo skills and is simply embarrasing to the WWE. When you look at Mike Knox he makes you want to look away, because hes fucking gross.
His look is unoriginal, and I think he deserves a stay in the WWE. Just some guy with a beard, and black tights. I hate when the WWE just puts some big guy in all black tights it is confusing. with sarcasm: "Glad to see stars like Kozlov breaking the trend with white trunks". Can we get some creativity around here? Give Knox a look that we can't forget that isn't over done, stereotyped, or lame. Hell, give him the old blue jeans, black biker boots, and metal shirt along with that beard. Add a cigar with a bit of an attittude, nickname him "cold blood" for short.
Can we get some creativity around here? Give Knox a look that we can't forget that isn't over done, stereotyped, or lame. Hell, give him the old blue jeans, black biker boots, and metal shirt along with that beard. Add a cigar with a bit of an attittude, nickname him "cold blood" for short.

Nice one, that's a good idea but might get old quickly. I reckon it'd be random for him to have tights with the kick pads (similar to edge). Keep the beard and dont do promos lol, his voice makes him seem like a widdle boy yesh he is, yes he is.... hehe:blush:

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