Why does it HAVE to be a war?


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All the recent talk of the 'new Monday Night Wars' has left me thinking, why does it have to be a war?

I have been a big fan of WWE for a long time, and have only started watching TNA about a year ago (while still watching RAW and Smackdown.) but I actually enjoy both shows. Of course I like and dislike certain things about them both but not enough to make me want to stop watching either of them.

I think it is great to have two bigger wrestling companies with their own positives and negatives and I don't understand the need for there to be a war in order for them to be successful. Surely I am not the only one who can watch both shows each week and enjoy them with 'choosing a side'?

Also, if I am correct, now they are removing the repeat of impact so are basically forcing people to choose directly between the two. Why is this needed? By all means go head to head to see where you stand when people can choose, but forcing a choice is a bad move.

I am sure there are plenty of WWE fans who will have been attracted to watch impact by Hardy and RVD joining, but they are are not going to decide to watch a whole new show just for two people.

There is plenty more room for TNA to grow and co exist with WWE, to increase their viewers, fan base and revune, so why does it HAVE to be a war?

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