Why Do We Have This 2 - TMZ


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Hi folks, again, and welcome back to Why Do We Have This? Ok, so my first topic seemed to strike just a little but of conversation... I wasn't so sure my first debate was going to get nearly as much coverage as that did. Admittedly, I do know why people have strip clubs; basically, because we have money, and as long as we have money and "urges" that can't be satisfied (I have my doubts on the can't be satisfied part. I think it's just more, "would rather not have it satisfied"), and while many of you disagreed, you gotta remember... After all, I am trying to get conversation going. :)

Anyway, so this weeks subject is TMZ

Wikipedia said:
The letters TMZ stand for thirty-mile zone, referring to the "studio zone" within a thirty-mile (48.3 km) radius of the intersection of West Beverly Boulevard and North La Cienega Boulevard in Los Angeles.While positioning itself as an independent celebrity news site, the site is more widely regarded as a tabloid journal

Yes, and yet they forget to mention just how much of an invasion of privacy you're getting here. It's stuff like this that leads to the type of "journalism" that has people looking through peep holes at naked reporters, staring at windows to get images of people in their underwear, and other such things. Simply put, TMZ is nothing more than a complete invasion of privacy, and a rather poor one at that. All it attempts to do is "bring celebrities down a notch", and it happens to do so my sneaky, underhanded tactics.

So, again, it begs to be asked;

TMZ... Why do we have it? And furthermore, why does it get so much hooplah, for what amounts to a severe invasion of one's privacy?
Because as sad as it is, people LOVE reading about celebrity dirt and what-not. It's like WZ posting random pictures of Kelly Kelly and Y2J making out at clubs, we see it and go "ohhhh WOW, so this is what they're like when they're not on TV". Also, like Bischoff said, Controver$y Create$ Ca$h. You see videos of or read about one of your favourite movie stars making a drunken ass out of him/herself or whatever, you cant help but delve into it, which is what keeps TMZ successful.
Because as sad as it is, people LOVE reading about celebrity dirt and what-not. It's like WZ posting random pictures of Kelly Kelly and Y2J making out at clubs, we see it and go "ohhhh WOW, so this is what they're like when they're not on TV". Also, like Bischoff said, Controver$y Create$ Ca$h. You see videos of or read about one of your favourite movie stars making a drunken ass out of him/herself or whatever, you cant help but delve into it, which is what keeps TMZ successful.

There's a fine line between controversy, and "criminal". And trespassing is indeed criminal. I don't care who you are, or what your credentials are, but you don't have any right to stalk someone's back yard, and snap shots at them through a window. And yes, you can help it... Realize that it's an invasion of someone else's space, and realize that it's rude to do. That's how you combat it. Realize that you're only assisting and enabling what is otherwise criminal activity.

I draw the line of "controversy" at criminal charges
There's a fine line between controversy, and "criminal". And trespassing is indeed criminal. I don't care who you are, or what your credentials are, but you don't have any right to stalk someone's back yard, and snap shots at them through a window. And yes, you can help it... Realize that it's an invasion of someone else's space, and realize that it's rude to do. That's how you combat it. Realize that you're only assisting and enabling what is otherwise criminal activity.

I draw the line of "controversy" at criminal charges

I don't disagree with you at all, I do believe that it's highly immoral and pretty illegal, but it happens on such a mass scale and is glorified through the media that it seems OK to do after a while. If everyone thought like you and said to themselves, "hey maybe I shouldn't be doing this, let them have their privacy", then the world would be a much better place in many ways. But sadly, the majority of people don't think like that. They don't care if others are being hurt by what's going on, as long as they're getting their fix, and the media (especially tabloids) are the guiltiest parties here.

Edit: And I forgot to mention, as for the criminality of it all, it happens on such a mass scale that it cant help but be ignored. It's like downloading music or movies illegally, everyone does it but God knows nobody wants to go out there and cut down every single person for it. One guy takes a picture of Rihanna tanning in her backyard gets busted, there's another guy doing the same thing at Matthew McConaughey's house, you know?
TMZ... Why do we have it? And furthermore, why does it get so much hooplah, for what amounts to a severe invasion of one's privacy?

I'm going to get anthropologist on you for a bit. Apologies before hand. ;)

We're highly inquisitive primates, for one. It's a trait many of our primate cousins share. Gorillas, chimps, the like. We all naturally investigate what is going on. So it follows that we would want to know what really important meet our celebrity is attending in the month of May, for instance.

Bad thing is; as much as humans are apt to investigate, they are equally as likely to over-react. To take things too far. So instead of simply saying "Oh, Morgan Freeman was in a car accident a few months ago, but he survived. That's cool. I really liked Morgan Freeman, and it's handy to know that information," it's morphed into "So. Freeman is in the hospital. Who visited him?! What color are his bed sheets?!!?!" Maybe I'm exaggerating in the case of Morgan Freeman, but we all know that if Angelina Jolie goes to the hospital tomorrow people will be sneaking in or paying hundreds of dollars for her fucking used syringe.

This translates into TMZ's popularity. While people want to know these things they almost never have the means to find them out. So, as the adept humans we are, we figure out ways to find the information out. And luckily for us, TMZ has that information for us. Simple as.
Tenta, I made this into a new thread because it deserves this. If you're going to make this a weekly thing, then every week, it gets a new thread.

Most of the answers to this question can be found in the Celebrity thread, but I will reiterate some of them.

First of all, the answer to every one of these you're going to make will be: Because someone pays to see it. Simply put, there is a demand for this trash, and people will pay for it.

I would separate it from other tabloids because it actually breaks news. The Carrie Prejean catastrophe is one one example. Many of the stories in the Anna Nicole saga were broken by TMZ. The Chris Brown beating was also a product of Harvey Levin.

American has always been fascinated by celebrity. Marilyn Maonroe was one of the first to exploit American's desire for celebrity news. She constantly kept her name out there, which increased her value to the movie studios that hire her. The Kennedy's exploited celebrity status for political gain.

Celebrities have known how to use the media to their advantage longer than politicians. TMZ falls right into that trap. A lot of the stories they "break" are contrived events to get a B list celebrity's name into the news, which helps them. Remember, no press is bad press.
TMZ is bullshit.

Whether or not the people they harrass are considered a celebrity or not, these are human beings that they are exploiting. Turning the personal goings on and personal tragedies of peoples lives into punchlines so that you can make a living is disgusting in my opinion. It really is no business of anyone's who is cheating on who, who is drunk at the club every night and who is getting out of a limo without panties on. How would the TMZ reporters deal with pictures of them hanging out being posted publically for everyone to see??

Sensationalism and subsequent ridicule of people who are either being handed or are making a shit sandwich out of their lives is despicable behaviour and should be replaced a sense of wanting to help these people. Like I said, they are considered celebrities, yes, but they are human also and capable of feeling loss, sorrow, regret and are in need a of a helping hand. Who wouldn't be driven to drink or do drugs or shave their head and go insane if every day of their life all they heard on the news or read in the paper that they were a fuck up? That's just cruelty!

TMZ should have a special team of people following them around with cameras asking them personal questions and taking embarrassing photos of them. Then they can have a taste of what it feels like.
We have it because our lives are boring and we like to see what more "interesting" people do. What's more interesting about any given celebrity? Their fame, that's it. We see them on TV and in movies so we automatically think that they're more interesting. People freak out when anything happens to someone famous, down to the point where I wouldn't be surprised to see a report on them sneezing. TMZ leads the charge of this, as they make money off of people more famous than they are. It's the evolution of things like the National Enquirer an there's no point in paying attention to it. It's mindless rubbish half the time and while they do get a decent amount of stuff right, what's the point in reading it?
TMZ... Why do we have it? And furthermore, why does it get so much hooplah, for what amounts to a severe invasion of one's privacy?

We have TMZ and other trash celeb websites like this because people want to know about celebrities, plain and simply. People want to talk about celebrities, they want them to make mistakes, maybe to make them more human, maybe just because everyone knows them and it's good conversation. I personally hate these shit websites/ magazines full of celebrity trash, I don't give a shit about them, just let them get on with it, nothing bores me more than talking about celebrity affairs and such.

As for the invasion of ones privacy, yes it's wrong, but they have to expect it. If these companies can make money by getting info, their going to get it any way they can, often through invasion of privacy.
Yes, and yet they forget to mention just how much of an invasion of privacy you're getting here. It's stuff like this that leads to the type of "journalism" that has people looking through peep holes at naked reporters, staring at windows to get images of people in their underwear, and other such things. Simply put, TMZ is nothing more than a complete invasion of privacy, and a rather poor one at that. All it attempts to do is "bring celebrities down a notch", and it happens to do so my sneaky, underhanded tactics.

So, again, it begs to be asked;

TMZ... Why do we have it? And furthermore, why does it get so much hooplah, for what amounts to a severe invasion of one's privacy?

Because for ever person out there that despises it and refuses to be sucked in by the mass warphole that is celebrity worship, there's 2 more waiting outside a McDonalds to see if they can buy the melted piece of cheese Justin Timberlake DIDN'T eat. You can't deny the popularity of these sites, and it's not like it's a particularly new thing. Paparazzi has been around for as long as there have been celerities and you know what? People buy it. They buy the magazines and they watch the shows. There's your reason for TMZ. Supply and Demand, and apparently, the media can't supply enough drunken David Hasslehoff to sate anyones appetite.

But I understand where you're coming from. I mean we discussed it a bit in the "Celebrity Status" thread in this very Cigar Lounge. Why celebrities are not only revered as such, but why we invade their privacy to such an extent. The only problem wit hthe argument of "trespassing" is that I really don't think celebrities mind that much. Whether you love them or hate them, there is no doubting how attention starved every celebrity is, whether its good or bad publicity. Otherwise they wouldn't go out to fancy restaurants with other celebrities and smile for the cameras. If any celebrity really had a problem with it, they would stay out of the goddamn way. Proof?

When the last time you saw Tom Hanks in a photo? What about a panty shot of Kate Winslet? The fact of the matter is, that these aren't "boring" celebs. They just stay the hell out of the way like a regular person would and doesn't pose for the camera when it comes. TMZ isn't an invasion of privacy as such. It's an invasion of the fake veil famous people put up. They put up a facade, to say "oh no you caught me now" because that will get them on the cover of magazines. If TMZ was breaking into their houses and tying them up for risque pics I would care. But all I see is mugshots and people in SUV's.
Why do we have TMZ? Because there will always be people who watch it. As much as you and I hate it, there will always be someone else in America watching the show. For some reason, there are people who are curious what the latest thing their favorite celebrity did and what every other celebrity does. They are just so curious to know about the celebrities personal life so they will watch TMZ to find out the latest thing on them. It’s much easier to watch TMZ than to read about whatever they were trying to find on a magazine. I don’t know why it is that way but it just is that way. I’ll never understand the interest in what someone else does in their private life but as long as TMZ still has people watching their show then they will continue exploiting celebrities. I guess people are interested because their lives are boring like KB said and it interests them because there is nothing interesting in their own lives. I guess it could be that, but I guess you would have to do a poll to see why people watch the show for.
I guessing the OP is from the US.You should try living in the UK. People live and die by what tabloid media say. Most people views on politics come straight from the newspaper they read. The excuse is. "well this is what people want to read"!But is that true? Were people writing to papers saying "someone who is a bit famous, well thier dog died this week and your paper didn't report it why not?" No. The press saw if you put a story about someone famous,doing drugs,sleeping around,cheating etc sales went up. So they packed every edition with this nonsense down to the smallest detail"Already some c-lister has gone out with her wedding ring off only a week after getting married,things must be bad("or she's getting her ring resized but where's the fun in reporting that? how many extra copy's wiil that shift") As I understand it the tabolid press in the US is largely treated asa bit of a joke,here it controls our lives,tells us who to vote for and what to think. God bless the us!

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