Why Do Most Fans Hate Miz? I Don't, and Here's Why...

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-First and foremost, his mic skills. Some people don't see what the big deal is with his mic skills. One thing that has impressed me is his ability to work the crowd. Ever since day one, he's been able to get the crowd to sing-a-long with whatever catchphrase he was using. Whether it's "I'm Awesome", "Really?", or even "Hoo-Rah", he's always gotten the crowd to sing-a-long. How many other wrestlers can do that? The only ones that immediately come to mind are The Rock, Steve Austin, Ric Flair, John Cena, and DX. I'd say that's not a bad group to be included in.

-Next is The Miz's in-ring ability. His in-ring ability is constantly criticized but I don't get why. He has a different style than someone like, John Morrison, but that doesn't mean that he's a worse wrestler. He puts on quality matches on a consistent basis. He's also had several matches that, in my opinion, hit the high range. Those include the ones against Daniel Bryan last year, the one against John Morrison this year, and then the one with John Cena and John Morrison in the steel cage this year. Plus, how many other wrestlers can sell moves the way he can? The injury from Money in the Bank is a work yet it fooled many people with the way he sold it on RAW. He's improved. Saying that The Miz can't wrestle is so...boring.

-His ability to get others over. Don't tell me that Miz's feud with Daniel Bryan last year didn't do wonders for Bryan. Don't tell me that Miz's match with Morrison earlier this year didn't get Morrison over with the way Miz sold all of Morrison's moves. Don't tell me that Alex Riley isn't at a career-high right now because of The Miz. Hell, even Michael Cole who was borderline unbearable in 2009 got his character freshened up when he associated himself with The Miz. Numbers don't lie. That's four people he's helped get over.

-His ability to get himself over. Many wrestlers have gotten a run in the main event scene and then fallen into obscurity. On the other hand, whether he's in a tag team with Morrison, in a feud with Alex Riley, the United States Champion, or WWE Champion, Miz seems to always somehow stay relevant.

-his character outside of the ring: he is actually very nice with the fans and is a media sensation,that's why he is called the most " must see " superstar
Here are my views on Mike Mizanin.

Mic skills: I personally don't see what people are trippin' all over their balls for. He's not great. However, I gotta give him credit. He's one of the guys that seem real comfortable with a microphone in his hand. On occasion, the "Really?" phrase makes me chuckle. He's alright, but doesn't deserve all the credit he get's in my book.

Ring work: Once again, not a horrible wrestler, but I don't think he should be in the main event. The upper midcard seems great for someone like him. I see him do most of what I saw him do a couple of years ago. He can sell quite well in the ring. His offense in unorthodox, which I kinda like about it. To me, it depends on who he works with. His matches with say, Daniel Bryan, were pretty good. Matches with say, Cena, not so good(In my opinion, that match he had with Cena at Wrestlemania 27 was one of the worst main events in 'Mania history).

Getting others over: I can admit he's pretty damn good at that. Just look at Daniel Bryan and Michael Cole alone. Daniel Bryan won his first title off of Miz, and half of the hate Cole gets comes purely for his love for the Miz. Also, Alex Riley; after he went face and attacked Miz, people were starting to see him more as a solid midcarder.

Getting himself over: 5/5. Period. Think about it, the Miz went from being some random dork on reality tv, to a WWE superstar, to a tag-team champion, to a United States champion, to healining Wrestlemania with the face of the whole damn company and beating him to retain the WWE title! Miz deserves props in that category absolutely.

So in my opinion, Miz doesn't deserve all of the hate he gets, but doesn't deserve all the grandeur he recieves from his fans either. However, he works his ass off and I can most certainly appreciate that. Just my two cents.
i liked the miz from the very get go, for the reason most dislike him. i really have respect for him cause my girl watched real world back in the day and i saw the season with him in it. he was always wrestling people in the house and doing self promos and talking about how he was going to be a WWE superstar one day. that was his dream, and he grabbed it and ran with it. most people used to say, "oh, he only got the job cause of the real world" which may be partially true, but he has came so far and now has accomplished his dream. im sure even him never thought that not only could he make it, but be the WWE champion one day. you could see it on his face when he won the title. like the first time since HBK that i felt like, wow this means everything to him when he took the belt. add that to how good he has become on the mic and in the ring, and how can you not respect the man. he has worked so hard to get where he is today.
I agree with you OP. I think it's just that like to hate anything that is popular. The Miz was fresh, he went over Cena at Mania last year, he had one of the longest reigns as WWE champion in awhile, he was doing well so people started bagging on him so as to not go with what everyone else likes. He helped get people over and I know at least one person is going to say, "Morrison is on his way out," or, "Riley is in total obscurity," and things like that but while they were going up against The Miz, you're right, they were at an all time high. I like The Miz, I hope he wins the WWE title again someday and I am pulling for him and Truth to go over Punk and Trips tonight in order to build some momentum and get some of his credibility back.
I love to hate The Miz...which means I really do like him. He reminds me of what I used to like about wrestling so much when I was younger. If you don't love to hate a heel, he's not doing his job right. Think of guys like Rick Rude, Mr. Perfect, Bobby Heenan and Roddy Piper. They emoted that same effect for me before I understood the idea of these people being characters.

The Miz is obviously someone that was a hard worker who wants to bring back that old time feeling of loving to hate the bad guys.

If people hate The Miz for reasons outside of his character then they are misled and don't appreciate the idea of what he's supposed to be.
I didn't think it was too hard to get the crowd to sing-a-long, ask Cryme Tyme. I think the miz, even when straining his talents, sounds like garbage on the mic though, his inability to shut up shouldn't make him "great".
His in ring moves aren't anything to look forward to in a match for me, seems bland to me actually. I've personally never seen a good match from him though, a couple of alright one's but nothing special, nothing WWE title worthy in my opinion.
I wouldn't exactly call Micheal Cole "over" either, just forced into our televisions. Daniel Bryan got himself over, no doubt. Aleix Riley and Morrison though, yes you can credit the miz for their current slight success, I bet they are going somewhere soon...like TNA.
I also admit he is in a bunch of storylines, Ill still credit that to his John Cena ass kissery skills. Someone up high is definitely high on him somewhere, lucky him.
Im sure he is a nice guy, but as a wrestler, I dislike him in about every sense so far.
You mean why do people see The Miz as a heel... Like he's playing? Hmmm maybe because that is his character. I don't think I know of any person who legitimately hates The Miz, and if there are some on the forum who actually hate him then they are staying pretty damn quiet about it.

The Miz has improved a lot since his original escapades in WWE. When he originally joined I remember people hated him. I remember on various forums I posted on, there were people who thought he was a joke, thought the WWE were ******ed for giving him time on-air and who legitimately hated The Miz. These days; hell, for the past two years I have not seen one person actually hate The Miz; especially not people or "peoples" as you put it.

The Miz is good on the stick, good look, has good in-ring skills which get him by and his persona is what makes him. If you made this thread maybe four year ago, I could see it making sense, but this is 2011 and The Miz isn't really hated by anyone, if anything he is respected.

P.S. Once I posted I read the comment above me, just saying, he doesn't count because he doesn't seem to have any idea what he's on about. Proceed.
I guess I'm the one man wolf-pack here... I hate The Miz.

I just don't think he has "it." I don't think he's anything above competent on the mic, and as far as his in-ring ability, I think he's an equal to Cena; good matches against the right opponent, but they're few and far between.

Yes, he's good at playing ONE CHARACTER. He can never evolve as a performer because he's not likeable, nor could I buy him as a badass or a tough guy. He's forever going to be as he is now.

The IWC respects improvement, and I won't deny, Miz has improved the hell out of himself, but he's gone as far as he's going to go and in my opinion, it's just not good enough.
Personally I'm split.

I respect how his in ring work has developed and I understand that his articulation is good on the mic.

There are a lot of things that bug me though. Firstly some superficial reasons; both the tone of his voice and his face annoy me.

Deeper than that because of his background a lot more is known about the Miz's real life character outside of WWE than is known about most wrestlers. From that knowledge I know that the Miz someone who I genuinely would never be able to get along with at all.

At the end of the day they're not particular faults that make me think horrible things about him, I just know I'll never particularly care and that his good points aren't enough to sway my opinion at all. They balance out pretty well and leave me just not caring.
I don't dislike the person, because I don't know him. I just think he is an awful professional wrestler. His level of in-ring ability is near the bottom of WWE superstars, & he is overrated on the mic. Can he deliver a scripted promo? Sure. But he doesn't do it with that much charisma, and many times he sounds scripted. He's had 1 memorable promo-the "JBL" promo-and I give him credit for delivering it well. It was his peak moment in the WWE in my opinion. But his matches are forgettable and often very poor. His matches with Cena earlier this year were not entertaining for me at all.

Ultimately, I think he personifies what is wrong with today's WWE-wrestling ability is not important. All that matters is being able to avoid embarrassing yourself on a talk show. Well, let me ask this question: if The Miz is so great on talk shows & such a great salesman for the company, why are TV ratings & PPV buyrates so low? Why is the company losing money? I'm not suggesting it's all his fault, but he certainly isn't helping.

The Miz is no better than a mid-carder. The fact that he is in the main event scene speaks volumes about the current WWE product.
i like the miz and i think he is very over the only thing i dont like is his ability in the ring...hes john cena esque...he really is if u dont agree u should watch his matches he doesnt do much..he has gotten a lot better than wen he first started on ecw but hes no cm punk...or randy orton or even christian in the ring.
You mean why do people see The Miz as a heel... Like he's playing? Hmmm maybe because that is his character. I don't think I know of any person who legitimately hates The Miz, and if there are some on the forum who actually hate him then they are staying pretty damn quiet about it.

The Miz has improved a lot since his original escapades in WWE. When he originally joined I remember people hated him. I remember on various forums I posted on, there were people who thought he was a joke, thought the WWE were ******ed for giving him time on-air and who legitimately hated The Miz. These days; hell, for the past two years I have not seen one person actually hate The Miz; especially not people or "peoples" as you put it.

The Miz is good on the stick, good look, has good in-ring skills which get him by and his persona is what makes him. If you made this thread maybe four year ago, I could see it making sense, but this is 2011 and The Miz isn't really hated by anyone, if anything he is respected.

P.S. Once I posted I read the comment above me, just saying, he doesn't count because he doesn't seem to have any idea what he's on about. Proceed.

I literally hate Miz.. and I'm not quiet about saying so either.. I've never liked him, ever since he debuted with "hoo-rah" I've hated him.. he just annoys the crap out of me with his horse faced smile.. his mic skills are ok, but not great either.. his wrestling skills are terrible, i can't stand it when he's in the corner and bobs around like a jack ass to run to the other corner for that clothesline or whatever.. Miz just irritates me so bad, it's not even funny.. and i don't hate him just cause he's "heel." I also don't think he was ever ready to be a world champ.. he seriously should be midcarder for life.. i think the only reason he got the world title was because his reality show friends laughed at him when he said he would one day be world champ in WWE.. so they gave it to him to prove them wrong :)

and I don't see how the OP can say "why does everyone hate Miz" because when i come to these forums, everyone seems to be on a Miz bandwagon, loving him to death.. every so often i see someone that doesn't like him..
i dont hate The Miz as a character. i like him. in fact, i WANT to see the Mania Main Event as Miz vs CM Punk for the WWE title. NOW i am not a huge fan of Truth as a main event heel, but Miz, he's great. my only issue is Cole's kissing up is too over the top for my liking, but oh well. Miz is a great heel and a Punk/Miz feud for the title would be great.
Here are my views on Mike Mizanin.

Mic skills: I personally don't see what people are trippin' all over their balls for. He's not great. However, I gotta give him credit. He's one of the guys that seem real comfortable with a microphone in his hand. On occasion, the "Really?" phrase makes me chuckle. He's alright, but doesn't deserve all the credit he get's in my book.

Ring work: Once again, not a horrible wrestler, but I don't think he should be in the main event. The upper midcard seems great for someone like him. I see him do most of what I saw him do a couple of years ago. He can sell quite well in the ring. His offense in unorthodox, which I kinda like about it. To me, it depends on who he works with. His matches with say, Daniel Bryan, were pretty good. Matches with say, Cena, not so good(In my opinion, that match he had with Cena at Wrestlemania 27 was one of the worst main events in 'Mania history).

Getting others over: I can admit he's pretty damn good at that. Just look at Daniel Bryan and Michael Cole alone. Daniel Bryan won his first title off of Miz, and half of the hate Cole gets comes purely for his love for the Miz. Also, Alex Riley; after he went face and attacked Miz, people were starting to see him more as a solid midcarder.

Getting himself over: 5/5. Period. Think about it, the Miz went from being some random dork on reality tv, to a WWE superstar, to a tag-team champion, to a United States champion, to healining Wrestlemania with the face of the whole damn company and beating him to retain the WWE title! Miz deserves props in that category absolutely.

So in my opinion, Miz doesn't deserve all of the hate he gets, but doesn't deserve all the grandeur he recieves from his fans either. However, he works his ass off and I can most certainly appreciate that. Just my two cents.

i still consider miz to be a normal guy but his accomplishments in wwe are phenomenal. Alberto Del Rio has more of my concept of what a wwe top guy should be...miz needs to go face and be cool and down to earth for me to see him as a top guy and shed the annoying gimmick he has going.
I've honestly never liked The Miz. In my opinion, his mic work is okay, but it's quite a bit of yelling sometimes and occasionally he'll rely on cheap heat. However, I do have to commend him for making something out of a WWE career that at first appeared to be going nowhere. And when you say he had great matches with Daniel Bryan and John Morrsion, think about those two wrestlers. Both are fantastic in the ring (more so Daniel Bryan), but I also have to admit that Miz did help get Bryan over, and same with Alex Riley, but his push has really been derailed because of Ryder and Mason Ryan coming in a midcard faces. His WM match with Cena definitely wasn't as great as some people may think it was.

My biggest problem with The Miz is his ring work. I feel as though the majority of his moves look like they have no impact on his opponent at all, like his back/neckbreaker combo, his jumping clothesline in the corner for example, even the SCF at times. I think the maneuvers done in the ring should at least look like they have some sort of impact on the opponent. I also would have to agree with jobesukulele, his face does kind of annoy me.
The simple fact that the Miz is in the main event scene speaks volumes about how bad the WWE product is right now. He has a horse face and also the dumbest facial expressions I have ever seen from a human being. Let me put it this way... R-Truth, the Miz, and the Nexus were the biggest reasons that I stopped watching the WWE in September of 2010. There were a LOT of other reasons that I quite watching but those are the main reasons. The only time I have tuned in to watch was when the Rock came back.

Obviously his in ring work is horrible. His scripted promos are horrible. The fact that he won a WWE title is down right laughable. However, the biggest problem I have with the Miz is this... He is not believable! He is sooooo generic and bland and does not even look like someone who could beat anyone up. I could beat up the Miz. Hell my 10 year old nephew could probably beat up the Miz. How am I suppose to believe that John Cena or Triple H couldn't beat the Miz in less than 2 minutes? The Miz... worst world champion EVER!!!
Yeah, I hate Miz because he is a heel. And heels are supposed to be hated. But in reality, I liked what he has done lately. He is a complete package actually - great in ring skills and mic skills. He even shows up on other shows and he is actually hilarious when he is doing that. He has great appeal to the crowd.
miz is one of my top 5 easily, he is brilliant on the mic, cuts very good promos, honestly i am big miz fan and big r-truth fan, but i dont like them together, i think it hurts both of their overall stock, both were great heels as single wrestlers, i understand there's a heel champion right now so there's no need for miz and r truth in much of the single's picture for a title right now, but i feel both miz and truth cut better promos on their own than this whole "you suck" rap they always do, by the way no white guy like miz should be rapping on his way out to the ring.
You know, the Miz has converted me, and I don't convert easily. It is rare that I change my opinion of wrestlers, but he has done it for me. And, unlike Cena, who I like more now only because everyone seems to hate on the guy, and I feel sorry for him for that, the Miz made me grow to like him by being the Miz.

I was a big critic of the Miz when he first came in. I saw him as skinny and a short-ass, who had nothing but a mouth. He came across as the kid in the playground who insulted you, and when you went to hit him, he ran away. But I don't think I have ever done a 180 turnaround of opinion like I have the Miz.

His stickwork has improved remarkably. I remember when he first came in, and hosted the Diva Search one year. He had his lines written on his wrist and he still messed them up. He froze on stage, and I, along with many others, probably ridiculed him and thought that he only got the spot because of his reality show connections. That night, I picked he would be future endeavoured within a year. Boy, did he prove me wrong!

I remember when Miz turned on Morrison on Draft Night one year. The two had been a tag-team, but I saw more in Morrison at the time. They seemed to push Miz, but I saw him as too small and came across as a mid-carder. Morrison sunk, but Miz got in better feuds and started to grow.

I think that his stickwork, his in-ring work and his all-round character has gone through the roof in the last two years. He seems to get better and better. I remember a few years ago, Miz had a title match against Cena, and Cena beat him easily. Many people here said that Cena "buried" Miz that night. I didn't agree. Miz wasn't ready for the title then, and hadn't convinced me he was up to it. When they fought at WM27, I wanted him to retain, because he was ready.

I think the Miz is the perfect example of the "slow build". He took time to get to the top. Once, top-liners started with the IC belt , and had to climb their way up, like "Stone Cold" and the Rock. These days, they fast-track and main-event guys less than six months after debut (e.g. Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Alberto Del Rio). The Miz had to earn his way to the top, and he deserved it. Nothing was given to him.

I find it funny how Miz is not liked by some here, and yet no-one asks if Alberto Del Rio is ready. Granted, ADR's last two matches (HIAC, Vengeance),have been sensational (funny how Cena was in them too), and yet, I don't get the love for him. He is incomprehensible on the mike, other than "It's my destiny!", and his in-ring work is good but not world-class. The Miz runs rings around ADR, because the Miz has had time to develop into a main-eventer, not being fast-tracked as one.

Also, I find myself saying "Really? Really?" all the time now, even in conversation and without meaning to. When someone's catchphrase has such an effect that you use it without meaning to, then they have made an impression.

Thought I don't think he will ever reach this guy's heights, Miz most reminds me of Chris Jericho (the swagger, the cockiness, the way he goes about things). If Y2J ever returns a war between Jericho and Miz would rock, just on the promo war alone.

So, I saw him once as skinny, geeky, short, reality show star, but now he is a funny, cocky, interesting heel who is a contender.

I'm with d_henderson1810 on this one, I have to disagree strongly with the title of this thread, too. For the most part you tend to hear/see people give Miz his due props around these parts. To be completely honest I've not a damn clue where the OP got that silly notion from. Sure the majority used to hate The Miz, but these days it's generally recognised that he's in the position he's in because he's a dedicated work-horse. Personally I began to start liking Miz when he had that completely one-sided feud with John Cena, just before he ditched the hat and got all serious, that was when he fiirst genuinely entertained me and I believed he could do great things in the 'E.

Also, to the ass-clown who joined a wrestling forum and decided to use his second post to remind us all that wrestling is fake, what the fuck is wrong with you dude? Generally, people on these sorts of forums are all too aware of the fact that results are predetermined, it doesn't need shouting incredulously when people decide to take on a wrestling related topic. You brought nothing to the table and thoroughly deserve this scorn.

That is all.
I literally hate Miz.. and I'm not quiet about saying so either.. I've never liked him, ever since he debuted with "hoo-rah" I've hated him.. he just annoys the crap out of me with his horse faced smile.. his mic skills are ok, but not great either.. his wrestling skills are terrible, i can't stand it when he's in the corner and bobs around like a jack ass to run to the other corner for that clothesline or whatever.. Miz just irritates me so bad, it's not even funny.. and i don't hate him just cause he's "heel." I also don't think he was ever ready to be a world champ.. he seriously should be midcarder for life.. i think the only reason he got the world title was because his reality show friends laughed at him when he said he would one day be world champ in WWE.. so they gave it to him to prove them wrong :)

and I don't see how the OP can say "why does everyone hate Miz" because when i come to these forums, everyone seems to be on a Miz bandwagon, loving him to death.. every so often i see someone that doesn't like him..

ya know Evan Bourne INVENTED that corner closeline in his early 20s.
Miz proved a lot of people wrong, he got the championship because Vince likes him, Vince views a star in him, he's underatted in the ring
and great on the microphone{ I do improv comedy, he gets some lee-way dudes}. He's never been bad in the ring, he just lacked in ring pyschology. Jim Ross even talked supremely nice about Miz's in ring skills back when he debuted and ECW and everything. Miz is NOT horrible in the ring, David Otunga is and Miz is light years ahead of
People who dislike the Miz are the IWC, in other words, they don't understand business or pro wrestling.

They have a preconcieved notion that he doesn't love pro wrestling and was handed everything because he was a reality star first. they hate him because of that.

Reality is, Miz is very over and can cut a good promo on a sandwich (literally) and can have a good match with anyone because he understands staying in character the whole time and making each move mean something. No, he doesn't do a ton of crazy moves and flips, but that doesn't get you over.

You can really look at Miz and Morrison as a microcosm of the IWC.

Morrison is what the IWC makes a good wrestler (in general, there are more and more smart people every day). Flips, good looks, etc. The IWC (again, in general) is convinced that Morrison just needs a push despite him not getting an better over the past 4 years and never getting all that over and actually getting a ton of pushes.

Miz is the type of guy the IWC (in general) thinks kissed ass to get to where he is because they're too stupid to see why he's good. He keeps it simple in the ring but makes every move make sense, sells well, is always in character, and cuts great promos. In other words, people believe he's the Miz. He DOES get over and has made the most of his opportunities.

I will add that, as said, most people on here actually apprecaite Miz. Like I said, people are starting to wake up and realize that it's not about counting moves or flips, it's about getting over. Which explains why more and more people appreciate Cena and Miz every day.
I am a HUGE Miz fan. (Actually I just ordered one of his t-shirts!) As someone mentioned earlier, many people seem to have a problem with him because he was on the Real World, and followed that by the Real World/Road Rules Challenge. To that I say..HOW CARES! Everyone has to start somewhere nad he fell into a pretty sweet deal that for a few years, why not run with it? What was he suppose to do, say, "I want to be a wretler, I will do nothing but that...I don't care how much money they offer me?!?" Get real! He pretty much got paid to have a good time and hang out with hot chicks..what guy his age WOULDN'T had jumped on that deal?

Bottom line is his exposure on those shows may have helped him to get into the business, but when I see him on TV I do not think..."oh there is that guy from Real World"...actually the "Real World" never even crosses my mind! Instead I think there is THE MIZ and he is AWWEEESOMMMEEE! :icon_wink:
-First and foremost, his mic skills. Some people don't see what the big deal is with his mic skills. One thing that has impressed me is his ability to work the crowd. Ever since day one, he's been able to get the crowd to sing-a-long with whatever catchphrase he was using. Whether it's "I'm Awesome", "Really?", or even "Hoo-Rah", he's always gotten the crowd to sing-a-long. How many other wrestlers can do that? The only ones that immediately come to mind are The Rock, Steve Austin, Ric Flair, John Cena, and DX. I'd say that's not a bad group to be included in.

Anyone who has a catchphrase has experienced "sing-a-long" moments, it has nothing to do with the wrestler but merely the fact that crowds like familiarity. That list also has people like The Boogeyman, Matt Hardy, Al Snow, The Godfather, and Ted Dibiase jr. His mic skills are wildly overrated, he can cut a good promo but they all sound exactly the same and he has absolutely no versatility on the mic. He's not in the league of Cena, Punk, or even Sheamus on the mic.

Next is The Miz's in-ring ability. His in-ring ability is constantly criticized but I don't get why. He has a different style than someone like, John Morrison, but that doesn't mean that he's a worse wrestler. He puts on quality matches on a consistent basis. He's also had several matches that, in my opinion, hit the high range. Those include the ones against Daniel Bryan last year, the one against John Morrison this year, and then the one with John Cena and John Morrison in the steel cage this year. Plus, how many other wrestlers can sell moves the way he can? The injury from Money in the Bank is a work yet it fooled many people with the way he sold it on RAW. He's improved. Saying that The Miz can't wrestle is so...boring.

IMO, in-ring ability is more than just selling moves and injury. It's also performing moves and selling other emotions as well as logical ring pyschology. I don't think he is anywhere near the top guys in the WWE in those categories but he's not the worst and he's definitely top 5 in selling, I'll give you that

His ability to get others over. Don't tell me that Miz's feud with Daniel Bryan last year didn't do wonders for Bryan. Don't tell me that Miz's match with Morrison earlier this year didn't get Morrison over with the way Miz sold all of Morrison's moves. Don't tell me that Alex Riley isn't at a career-high right now because of The Miz. Hell, even Michael Cole who was borderline unbearable in 2009 got his character freshened up when he associated himself with The Miz. Numbers don't lie. That's four people he's helped get over.

First off, commentators are commentators, it is completely irrelevant if they're over or not so Miz "rejuvenating Cole's career" doesn't mean shit for Miz's wrestling career. Where are Bryan, Morrison, and Riley right now? Losing to people doesn't mean Miz is getting them over, it's all about helping them get a good consistent reaction during and after the feud. Morrison was way more over before that feud than he ever was after, and Bryan was in limbo for a good year and a half after his feud with Miz until MitB saved him (temporarily). As for Riley, he beat Miz multiple times and hasn't seen since. Yeah, Miz really made them stars.

His ability to get himself over. Many wrestlers have gotten a run in the main event scene and then fallen into obscurity. On the other hand, whether he's in a tag team with Morrison, in a feud with Alex Riley, the United States Champion, or WWE Champion, Miz seems to always somehow stay relevant.

They give him a shitload of promo time every week. Even when he was fired we saw the clips of his firing multiple times in the same RAW. Of course he's relevant when he's seen every week and has always been given 5-10 minutes of promo time to do whatever he does.

his character outside of the ring: he is actually very nice with the fans and is a media sensation,that's why he is called the most " must see " superstar

I don't know how many people judge out-of-ring character, but I know I certainly do not when I judge a wrestler. I like to look at their work and how good or bad they are onscreen instead of whether or not they kiss babies outside the ring or not. If everyone did that, HBK would've been the top heel of the 90's, Orton would've never been face, and Ultimate Warrior probably would've been a jobber

All in all, I don't hate Miz, but I don't think he's gods gift to wrestling. I don't think he should be a main event player, but I think him (and Del Rio) could do wonders for the midcard and make those belts important again (like Miz almost did in 2009). Solid on the mic, decent in the ring but nothing more IMO
If the Miz didn't suck so much i'd be indifferent to him. So, if he was a little less grating then he'd have absolutely no worth. I agree with the posters who say he's one dimensional. He can't be a great face, he can't be a tough guy, he can't be a bad ass. The only role he can play is the guy who gets on fans nerves. Somebody here compared him to Ric Rude and that's disrespectful to Rude. Ric Rude could work a crowd into a frenzy where people hated him but he was funny the way he annoyed audiences by thrashing heir city. Unless you're a chick or a kid, The Miz isn't funny. The guy is lame. He doesn't wrestle particularly well, and i'm pretty certain very few new fans start tuning in to see what this carbon copy ass monkey has to whine about. The Miz reminds me of the Kanyon character in WCW a decade ago where his big catchphrase was "What about me, what about Kanyon." Except Kanyon might have been more over. Fans hated him with a passion but they mostly just wanted him out of the ring and off their TV sets because his gimmick sucked. The Miz is basically Kanyon 10 years later. That's how bad wrestling has become. When a guy like The Miz is Top 5 in any category besides sucking.

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