Why do i click on the *SPOILER* links?

HonkyDong Man

Dark Match Jobber
Every time there is an "Exclusive *SPOILER*" link on the main page I find myself clicking it by default. I wan't to know. Why wait for the actual show/PPV or whatever, when I can get instant satisfaction by clicking the tempting link.

Then after a while I regret doing so. Wouldn't the said show or PPV be a lot more entertaining if I didn't know what was going to happen in advance.

I just clicked on the *SPOILER* link regarding the rumored suprise Royal Rumble entrants this year. So now I know that wrestler A, B and C (whom I always enjoyed) probably will make a "shocking and surprising" return at the RR. So, I beg the question, will this prior knowledge make me more or less likely to buy the PPV? I honestly don't know.

And - and this is important, Im not saying that the dirt sheets shouldn't be reporting on all the rumors in the business. After all it's soley up to each and every one of us if we want to click that link or not.

So my questions to the board must be:

1 Are you as ambivalent as me when it comes to clicking those *SPOILER*-links?
2. Do the spoilers make you more or less likely to watch the show or buy the PPV?
3. Are the dirt sheets ruining the very business they are covering by all these *SPOILERS*?

Best regards
HonkyDong Man
My roomates don't watch wrestling so I read spoilers to keep up to date. They suck. They make a show sound worse then what the show can really be.

Other then that, I just would watch wrestling vs reading it on the internet.
I try to avoid spoilers as much as possible. What makes live shows like Raw so great is that we don't always know what's going to happen. I avoid spoilers for Smackdown or Impact so that I will be more surprised by any "spoiler" when it happens onscreen. Would you enjoy Wrestlemania 3 as much if someone told you Hogan was going to slam Andre? No. The same can be said for spoiling a huge return or title win today.

Human beings are a very curious species. When we know that some interesting information is waiting for us, just a click away, it's very difficult to not give in to that temptation and find out what it is. The websites draw us in by telling us that the link contains a "SPOILER". I'm usually able to ignore it unless it says "huge spoiler", because those tend to legitimately be something shocking such as Edge cashing in on Taker in 2007. I don't mind "huge spoilers" being spoiled, I still get an enjoyment out of watching it happen despite knowing what's coming. "Mick Foley's about to win their world title, that'll put some butts in the seats" is a perfect example. People still wanted to see it regardless of having it spoiled.

It doesn't "ruin" the business for sites like Wrestlezone to post these things. Posting articles is their job and they do warn people by placing SPOILER tags if something has not aired yet. People have to make up their own mind if they want to wait it out or spoil it. No one is forcing you to click on that article. I personally prefer to wait it out and see things onscreen without it being spoiled by reading about it first. Seeing it happen without knowing about it is more enjoyable!
I am guilty of reading spoilers, then again is that really something to be condemned for being impeachable of?

The big warning SPOILER* tag is what not only warns us to be conscious of what we are doing but also magnetizes us into doing it. Human nature is what causes to break rules right? We as humans are by heart a rebellious species that love to go against what "we are supposed to do". Now that can't be said for all human beings but a majority of us have at least a little urge to break rules.

Back to the spoiler sign. In my opinion it acts as if to say "you are not supposed to know what's happening" thus alluring people to view. It draws you in and your subconsciousness agrees to view it. All psychological aspects out of the way, does it ruin wrestling? Not at all, if you have the will power to avoid that oh so attractive and informative article, well then good for you. I don't avoid spoilers because it ruins nothing for me. In fact spoilers are sometimes the deciding factor in my decision to watch Smackdown that week. If something big goes down I tune in to see the crowd reaction or maybe because I am legitimately interested to see it. Spoilers don't have any say in my decision to tune into PPVs (even though I use "alternative means" to access them). If the build up is good whether or not I look at spoilers I will watch the PPV.

They don't ruin wrestling either. I am willing to bet that only a small percentage of the WWE universe reads these things. Sure kids have more assess to the computer but other than WWE.com I am sure there are very few things relating to wrestling that a majority of the audience takes the time to look up online. Hell if they were ruining wrestling I am pretty sure WWE would find a way to track down and disclose reporters to prevent them form even reporting the shows events.

Spoilers only ruin wrestling for those that click on them without being sure if they are satisfied the risks that accompany them.

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