Why did wwe have Rated RKo squashed?


Celtic Warrior
would it not have made more sense for rated rko 2 win the match , orton bein the last survivor and then they could take out michaels so he can go and have his knee surgery?
like cmon wwe have an excellent feud on ther hands here with rated rko and dx and then they make rated rko look piss weak? what the hells up with that? i hope rated rko do something big tonight on raw to make up for that travesty at survivor series.
anybody agree ?
I think they are going to carry the feud on for a few more weeks Rated RKO was
just returning the job from last month.This will lead to a rematch
Well, think about it...basically the only reason Rated RKO have the tag team titles is because Piper had to go out for surgery. The rest of the team was Mike Knox (yawn), Gregory Helms...seriously, defend the title!!! and Johnny Nitro. DX is being pushed huge...they were publicizing the Hardy's reunion up the wazoo, and cM Punk, like it or not is the future. Why wouldn't they have Rated RKO get stomped?
That match was way to fast to begin with yes mike knox and cm punk are ecw stars but come on now mike was elimanated not even 2 minutes into the match and seriously that dx angle has to go already its just gettin boring also with wrestlemania around the corner i'm seriously wonderin if there gonna drag it there or TEAM RKO vs DX for the titles at the next big PPV.
randy orton is good but edge is a bad wrestler and has bad mic skills. They maybe see that so they to act like they got rid of them now they can get a better fued. Maybe like nwo vs. dx
maybe also dx could go to a heel
dboy1373 said:
randy orton is good but edge is a bad wrestler and has bad mic skills. They maybe see that so they to act like they got rid of them now they can get a better fued. Maybe like nwo vs. dx
maybe also dx could go to a heel

Edge is one of the best guys on the mic, he gets the crowds attention and draws great heat from the crowd, he also puts on some good matches.
Satan's Hockey said:
Edge is one of the best guys on the mic, he gets the crowds attention and draws great heat from the crowd, he also puts on some good matches.

yeah thats only because he's a stupid asshole no one wants to here or see wrestle.

Plenty of people want to see him wrestle. "No one" is a major exaggeration.

tha420dgnr8 said:
Well, think about it...basically the only reason Rated RKO have the tag team titles is because Piper had to go out for surgery.

It's the only reason that they won them at that point in time, but it's not necessarily mean that they wouldn't have won them at some point in time regardless.

tha420dgnr8 said:
Why wouldn't they have Rated RKO get stomped?

Losing, with the faces looking great in the end, and being "stomped" are two different things.
dboy1373 said:
yeah thats only because he's a stupid asshole no one wants to here or see wrestle.

Edge is a great wrestler and one of the best heels on Raw unless you got very good reason for why he is such an asshole:blink:

On topic: Yeah i do agree the match was very short and i think this is not over but it may end at wrestlemania
Dysturbed said:

Plenty of people want to see him wrestle. "No one" is a major exaggeration.

It's the only reason that they won them at that point in time, but it's not necessarily mean that they wouldn't have won them at some point in time regardless.

Losing, with the faces looking great in the end, and being "stomped" are two different things.

yeah som
"no one wants to here or see wrestle.", by dboy1373
Are you crazy? Do you even know what wrestling is? Edge is the best guy in the wwe: he is both great on the mic and in the ring. Did you ever seen one of his matches... I seriously recommend that you do.
As for the subject, Rated RKO got squashed because they didn't want to break the momentum of the guys on team dx. And you will probably see edge & orton blame the other 3 guys for their loss.
i think Edge or Orton will turn on one another after they get mad cause they cant take out DX. Who would be a better Heel Edge or Orton?

Team DX had the most dominate team at SS and not really surprise they whooped on team Rated RKO. but still i wonder who will be the guy to take out HBK so he can go get his knee surgery done, cause i doubt Edge or Orton can get the Job done witch will lead them to feuding with each other.:wwf:
The match just made Orton and Edge look so weak it was one of the matches i was really looking foward to why the hell would wwe put on a squash match in a major match format and ppv. Orton and Edge should've won the match and given some others on their team credibility. Instead they pissed away Ortons wins at survivor series and just pushed those who don't need a push.
i think the match within itself was just a letdown. however, i dont think it makes rated rko look bad. it makes the other three look bad. when it came down to 5 on 2 its not like the heels are suppose to make an underdog comeback.
Are You Ready? said:
I noticed it was a squash. Also did anybody know that Orton's sole survivor streak ended?

That's what made me so damn mad about the match! not only did they basically ruin rated RKO's legitamacy against dx but they ruined Orton's ss streak which they made 1 reference to, right before the match and even that lasted for like 5 seconds. I genuinely thought Orton would continue his streak and pin triple H last as the last 3 years he has pinned HBK, HHH, then HBK again.
Godammit WWE there was no need for that match whatsoever.
dboy1373 said:
yeah thats only because he's a stupid asshole no one wants to here or see wrestle.

Yeah dude i know. I hate watching good wrestlers wrestle. Its total BS! I'd rather go watch a thrity second Match with Umaga vs. John Cena.

Yessie420 said:
i think Edge or Orton will turn on one another after they get mad cause they cant take out DX. Who would be a better Heel Edge or Orton?

Edge is the better heel by far and i think orton was better when he was face.

And the Team DX vs Team Rated RKO match was way too short. they could have at least had CM Punk and the Hardy Boyz eliminated so it wud be DX vs Rated RKO in the end.
The whole show disspointed me last night.. THis match had potential to be a classic! Only reason it was a squash is because it go CM Punk over even more and I think is setting him up to win the ECW title the pop he got last night was tremndous! Plus The Hardy Boyz are more over then I have ever seen them and DX is the hottest thing right now. Not to mention Rated RKO just have the tag titles becasue Piper had to leave and I would not be surprised if the Hardyz win them tonight and go defend them next sunday at Decemember To Dismember. So the Squash makes sense in a storyline kind of way.... But never the less disspointing!
dboy1373 said:
yeah thats only because he's a stupid asshole no one wants to here or see wrestle.
Fuck you, I like watching Edge wrestle, your a fucking dumbass for makeing that stupid ass comment, Edge is one of the best things on Raw right now, and just because you don't like him doesn't mean everybody else hates him too, as for his mic skills they're pretty good IMO, better then alot of guys granted they're not as good as rocks,HHH, HBK, Y2J or others but they're still pretty danm good, oh and by the way he's a heel, that means he's a bad guy and your supposed to hate him, if you do then that means he's doing a good job at what he's supposed to do.
Chill justinsane,its clearly obvoius thast our friend here Mr. dboy1373 is probably only 11 years old.He's yet to fully understand the concept of Sports Entertainment.Give him a few more years dude
Ar first I was confused about how the match happened but now it makes sense. All 5 of the faces are receiving huge pushes. They couldn't have any of them lose. Vince wants ratings. Hardy Boyz, CM Punk, and DX are some of the main guys who can get him ratings. He was most likely afraid that having any of them pinned could partially ruin the roll that they're on. Do you think Vince is worried about what wrestling purests think? Hell no ... Vince is worried about his wallet and his wallet only. Having those heels squashed could help him put some money in his pocket.

All that dboy kid does is post shit that makes him look fucking ignorant and immature.

Edge is quite frankly, the best heel on Raw micwise since HHH was a heel. His matches are also great to watch. I dunno if I'm the only one here but I thought he was even able to make Cena look good in that TLC match at Unforgiven, that match was just amazing. One of the better ends to a PPV in a long time WWE...

Oh not that Cena won, just the match and the ending to it.


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