Why did Teddy do it?


doesn't know REAL wrestling...
On Smackdown! this past week we had Teddy Long apologise for screwing 'Taker out of the World Heavyweight title at Breaking Point. However, reminiscent of a Lost episode, we are left asking WHY? Both Long and the referee Scott Armstrong claimed that their jobs were on the line but yet the only logical person with such power, Vince McMahon, has distanced himself from collusion in the fiasco. Of course, Mr. McMahon has been known to stretch the truth from time to time...

What did anyone else think of this?

To me this looks like a rehash of the "Higher Power" storyline from the Austin vs McMahon feud. If it is, this begs perhaps a more important question than "Who is threatening to fire Long and Armstrong?"

What happens to CM Punk? If Taker gets caught up in a feud with whomever is pulling Long's strings, I think that the World Heavyweight Champion needs to be detached from the feud ASAP. For Punk and the title to be secondary to Taker vs ??? would be damaging to both the title and the momentum that Punk has built in the past three months.

I think signs of this were evident on Smackdown! Punk had another decent promo but it seemed a little more aimless than his previous outings. Fair enough, he was bragging to the crowd about beating the Undertaker but it quickly became a diatribe about how he was better than them. Even with the great dialogue that Punk comes out with, it could get old very quickly if it does not evolve.

I still fully expected Punk vs Taker inside the cell at Hell In A Cell but perhaps now with an ending similar to Kane's interference at the end of the first HIAC match to help Punk retain.
Don't really understand what the whole point of this was. Maybe it was just because Long felt the pressure from McMahon to do something drastic that he decided to screw Undertaker, although I don't really see the point of that at all. It might have just been so we could get a cool shot of Undertaker driving Teddy Long to hell in a limo.

I don't think this will do anything to the Punk/Taker feud either. It seems like they are set on going with this, and some stupid Teddy Long thing isn't going to stop them. I think it's just another hurdle that a face has to get throught in a feud like this.
The Long (excuse the pun) and short of it is that the screwjob happened to keep the belt on Punk while making sure that Undertaker didn't tap out.

I think the faux 'explanation' on Smackdown this week has potential to be expanded. I didn't particularly like it, but it could go one of two ways:
1) Teddy is never seen again, and Taker returns in a few weeks to seek revemge on Punk, while Vince takes a more prominent role in charge of Smackdown. The fact that Vince didn't seem to be impressed with the screwjob makes me think this is more likely, although I wouldn't be too happy with this frankly piss-poor explanation of yet another Montreal Screwjob-rehash to worm their way out of over-booking.

2) Vince reveals himself to be the one who screwed taker, and shoots a promo about how The Undertaker is too old, and is never really a big draw when he's champion anyway. He could enlist help from the likes of Punk, Knox and Ziggler (and a reluctant Teddy Long) to feud with the Undertaker, leading to a possible Vince V Taker match at Wrestlemania. Obviously, Taker would win.

I like the idea of option 2, it's only downside being that while Taker was busy with Vince, Batista would be free to challenge Punk for the WHC. I really don't think those two would go well together.

Sadly I dont think WWE will do anything like it and probably stick with option 1.
It's all going to come down to Vince being the one pulling the strings...he's been surfacing way too much on Smackdown in recent weeks and messing with Teddy Long and what not.

When Vince and Teddy were backstage, they made it seem like there was something else Teddy was trying to say, but Vince kept cutting him off...I HOPE that Vince is the one that is pulling the strings (he's really the only one that would make any sense). But Vince has been trying to get rid of Teddy Long on Smackdown for awhile, so he decided to get the ref in on it, have Teddy take the fall, then have Teddy take the backlash from Undertaker while Vince gets to be in control of Smackdown (since he doesn't have any kind of power on Raw with all the special guest hosts)...however, Vince is the chairman and could do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, so there's a big flaw in the story.....but it's not like WWE expects us to notice those things.

In short, I was expecting Teddy Long to simply be the man behind the "screwjob" and go heel because he didn't want Undertaker to be the champion of his show, when he could have someone that everyone could look up to, like CM Punk.
I was disappointed to say the least when I heard Teddy's explantion. With Vince looking like he didn't have anything to do with it this was a poor explanation. But this could all be build up for the 20th anniversary show. Undertaker with Teddy doing evil stuff to him. All the while Vince is building up the 20th with surprises and what not. Then on the 20th when Vince is thanking everone for helping Smackdown be where its at today, the Undertaker comes out and confronts Vince. He says that he found out it actually was him that planned the whole thing. And then proceeds to tombstone him and we end the show with the true face of Smackdown for its majority doing his tounge evil thing haha.
I'm pretty sure that this will be the working of Mr. McMahon. Hence why Teddy kept saying "but, but, but, but", implying McMahon knew about something deeper, either that or it is one o the children, but I'm pretty sure it'll be Vince. The reason will be because Punk is a better face for the company because he is straight edge, etc etc. Either way, there is some sort of higher influence here that made Teddy and the ref do what they did. I imagine that eventually, Undertaker will engage in a feud with whoever it is, while Punk moves on to someone else, most probably Batista.
"But this could all be build up for the 20th anniversary show"

Really? 20th anniversary?


So you're claiming that the show that was named after one of The Rocks saying has been going for almost 20 years.....that would make The Rock...what......about 50 or so?

Smackdown has been around since 1989?........really!?

Check your facts there buddy.

anyways....i think it will probably end with Vince saying he wanted a straight edge champion because he was sick of the bad publicity of all of the failed drug tests etc.

But Vince is definitely behind this somehow.
As stated, Vince will be the one behind all this, with Long simply playing the part of the patsy and doing what he was told to do. You have both Armstrong and Long telling the audience that they have people they have to answer to and families to feed. So if it wasn't the fault of the GM of the show, then going up the ladder you get to Vince.

It is good to see Vince on Smackdown again. Obviously, his appearances on Raw have been worn out, and now the Guest GM concept serves as the draw of the show, to give fans something new to look forward to each week .... while Vince then relegates himself to Smackdown. I'm sure the technical wrestling fans aren't too thrilled with more storyline elements being introduced on Smackdown, though, and nor are they happy with Vince's appearances on the show.

Taker vs Vince has been done several times before, though. But hey, so has just about every other Main Event feud in WWE.

I would have definitely rather seen this drawn out, though, as opposed to basically telling the audience that Vince was responsible after just one show. I think they could have gotten a lot more mileage out of this. In my opinion, Vince should have been kept off the TV for several weeks, with Taker stalking Teddy ... and Teddy eventually buckling and singing like a bird ... which would result in him losing his job. If Vince wouldn't have appeared on TV for some time now since the first time he placed Long on probation, it would be a much bigger surprise to the audience to learn of his involvement down the road. Now, everyone simply expects it.
Vince has to be behind this and if so we just want to know why. Damn over booking lol! Punk just needs to stay out of this feud and keeping doing what he's been doing the past few months.
If this storyline is going somewhere, I'm really enjoying it. This is the most i've liked SD in a long time... but anyway back on topic. As to why Teddy did it, like some people here said, I think Vince is involved, especially since Teddy is 'on probation.' All that probably was leading up to this. I think Vince will admit it eventually, especially since Vince has had feuds like this, involving another superstar. I just hope this storyline with Teddy, Vince, and Taker continues, otherwise it's all for nothing...
I honestly don't see much coming out of this storyline. After Teddy's apology, it's either going to be Vince being the one who set Taker up, or no one; Teddy just did it to try to impress Vince and keep his job. Based on WWE storytelling as of late, I'm leaning more towards the latter.

As nice as it would be for the person behind this to not be Vince, and this were to become a big, drawn out mystery, I don't have enough faith in creative right now to think they'd put the effort into writing something like that. This will just be used as a way to give Taker a rematch against Punk at HIAC.

Hmm, now that I think about it, what if Punk was behind the whole thing somehow???
Just so Long (again, pardon the pun) this isn't setting up the return of Stephanie to WWE TV, I'm okay with the Vince angle suggestion... even though I still find the whole Mr. McMahon character to be extremely burned out.

I'd be intrigued if Teddy turned heel... but, what's even more burned out than the Mr. McMahon character is the concept of the heel General Manager.

But the ideas above are still easier to tolerate compared to Stephanie McMahon in a power position role on WWE TV.
If it's going to progress anywhere then Vince will be behind it but I don't really have too much faith in creative to do something half decent like that. They probably just used it as a way to keep the title on Punk but keep Taker from tapping.

They will either forget about the whole thing or Vince will be revealed as the mastermind behind it and will begin a Vince/Taker feud after the HIAC PPV.
Very interesting storyline here and I'm looking forward to seeing where it goes. Really though, can we get a real explanation for why Undertaker was screwed out of the World Title Match.
i think they did this to get the fans minds off of the bret hart screw job and my prediction is that Vince Mcmahon is behind this also i think its so that bret hart will come back and no1 will remember hart screw job but instead the taker screwjob yea so Vince is behind the screw job not teddy just wait and see Taker vs Vince Wm 26 taker last match.

Vince McMahon to end the Streak
the most fucked up move that he made was by doing what he did to jeff by putting him in an match with cm where the loser would have to leave the wwe. if he wouldn't have done that jeff would not be in jail right now so i blame it all on ted for that match and having him leave the wwe:disappointed::icon_sad::icon_cry:
the most fucked up move that he made was by doing what he did to jeff by putting him in an match with cm where the loser would have to leave the wwe. if he wouldn't have done that jeff would not be in jail right now so i blame it all on ted for that match and having him leave the wwe:disappointed::icon_sad::icon_cry:

I really hope that that was a joke and that you don't think this stuff is real lol

The Teddy thing, well its clearly transitioning towards McMahon being the culprit, but I don't think WWE knows how they'll take the storyline yet. What's the payoff going to be? I don't think they have a clue. In my predictions, I said that I'm banking on someone (I'm assuming Mike Knox as a possibility) will screw Taker out of the HIAC match and start a feud with him, but how it ties into McMahon, I don't know. But yeah, Teddy "did it to keep his job" basically is what they'll go for.
i gotta say i don't see where they're going with this. If Long is behind it all because he feels his job is in danger, then how can they really play that out any longer past HIAC, without re-hashing the '97 HIAC Kane run in? If it's Vince, then why the hell is he appearing out of nowhere to fuck Taker over who just came back off the injured list?

It's not like Vince had any vested interest in Punk is it? We've never seen the two of them having a friendly chat have we? Nothing to suggest that Vince even cares who holds what title where anymore, so why would he suddenly want to mess with Taker by mucking about with his title matches?

And if it is going to turn out to be Vince, why would we want to see that again? Remember what happened in the last match Vince had with Taker? He bled like a pig following the first punch, got his ass handed to him for a further 15 minutes and then won thanks to a Kane run in. Vince threw dirt in Taker's face and hit him with a shovel, and that was the entirity of his offence in that match. I personally don't need to see that on another PPV and certainly not at WM as some people have suggested.

I think that Taker should win this HIAC match against Punk, have a match with Cena at Bragging Rights (i'm assuming it'll be champion vs champion) and then lose the title back to Punk at SSeries, and then move on to fueding with Jericho, who i'm assuming will have lost the tag titles by then. (PS he shouldn't lose on Sunday, Rey shouldn't come back from suspension and be given a title immediately).

Then Punk can have some throw away PPV matches with Matt or JoMo, have a proper one with Batista at the Royal Rumble where he loses again.

But yeah, comes across right now that the Screwjob part 4 was done because they couldn't think of anything better to end last month's PPV with.
After hell in a cell pay per view i wouldnt be supirsed to see something happen on smackdown.I think its a little strange strait after a screwjob undertaker wins clean no interference or anything a HIAC.But this is a good storyline hopefully VKM will be involved somehow this story is not over yet....

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