why can't faces talk?


Dark Match Winner
Ok so I was just thinking about who gets all the mic time...sure on the top of the card it is split 50-50 with face heel, be it edge-cena or orton-hhh or y2j-hbk

but on the mid card to me anyway it seems like I never hear any of the faces cut promos. ex when was the last time you heard mysterio, punk, kofi, or even mvp (since he turned face) have any mic time.

on the other side swagger, morrison, miz, or even ziggler seem to cut a promo every other week, you could add mvp and kennedy to this list when they were both heels not too long ago.

summarizing, i think this is kinda dumb that faces can't get any mic time, makes them seem 1 dimensional and not as interesting, therefore tougher to get behind them.
Aside from the guys who have exceptional mic skills - Hogan, Rock, Austin, Cena, etc... most heels use the mic to garner heat.

It's easy to get a great crowd reaction if your a face by simply kicking he shit out of a heel in the ring.

As a heel, you have to use all aspects of the business to reach and attain true heel status - i.e. promos & dirty tactics.

There's always an exception to my theory, but I'm not sure your perception of a face not receiving the same amount of mic time is a true perception.
cuz all the baby faces suck at doing promo's...the heels are the ones with the mic skills. I mean everytime cena gets a mic i wanna throw up cuz his promos are straight up wack. HBK as of late too. All the midcard guys have awful mic skills. MVP in my opinion should not have turned face cuz he is soo gay as a babyface. His character was more believible when he was heel. But other than that, all the midcard guys suck at promos (both heels and faces)...thats part of WWE's problem now, nowun can cut promos sept the top heels.
The reason is{ when faces talk they are limited with what wwe wants them to say which makes them look like kiss ass lol , I mean now these day because of the PG if faces hold the mic they will go ( Hi my name is Barnie I love you all i hate EDGE , lets have fun , YAY) .:headscratch:-_-!!!!!!!!!
seriously even the heels promo suck these days all they do is go out tell the fans ( YOU SUCK) make fun of there home town team and leave :blink:.}
So the fans get sick of these shitty promos which leads to low ratings which leads to wwe cutting down on them .
Heels get over by talking shit. Faces get over by beating the shit out of heels. Hence, mic time not essential. It's easy as a babyface to do the cheap pop (Foley made a career out of it) or call the bad guy a funny name (Cena is currently making a career out of it), cause it gets a positive reaction from all the marks, who make the most noise at shows. The art of the heel is more complex than the act of being a babyface...babyfaces are just told what to do, whereas a heel has to be creative with what he can do. Art vs. Act.

I mean, c'mon, all the best wrestlers were the best heels...Flair, HBK, Bret, Jericho, Edge...
because heels need to mic time.... if you send joe nobody out to the ring and say ok you're a heel.... how are the fans going to know that.... he cant exactly get in the ring and just flip the crowd the bird or anything like that because WWE is more 'family friendly' now... so the only way they can get the point across without wearing a t-shirt saying 'HEEL' on it, is to give them mic time... babyfaces have it easy all they have to do is come to the ring and kiss the ass of the crowd by slapping everyone and their mothers hand, waveing with a big smile on their faces... and throw their shirt or hat into the crowd... plus most of the development guys have limited mic skills anyway... Note: Jack Swagger.

on the subject of heel promos it also seems like WWE is killing the 'cool heels' aswell... witch is somthing im glad of as i never liked the cool heels like the nWo

(side note i think t-shirts with Babyface and Heel written on them are a good idea for TNA... maybe then we would know whos what)
The best promos are by Chris Jerico, Christian, and Edge. They don't need to be scripted. The younger guys do. Miz, Morrison and Santino cut more promos because they have more comfort with the mic. They have to be comfortable on the mic because of the Dirtsheet and Santino's Casa. The web videos help develop young talent on the mic. Besides Bourne, Ortiz, and Kofi need to compete more to earn mic time. Fans will listen to great competitors. Bourne and Punk gets over every match they has. Until a good rivalry develops ther have no need to promo.
The problem is that fans today are jerks. Used to, a babyface could cut a promo, say that he was looking forward to the match, would give it his all, and would beat the bad guy, and the crowd would love it.

Nowadays wrestling fans, in their infinite quest to be "cool", would actually boo a guy like that.
I think the question we need to ask, is why do you want to hear a CM Punk promo? Those things are brutal. Rey is the same way. Rey stays over because he flips around and hugs the kids. He doesn't need to get on the mic and tell everyone why he wants to fight Chavo.
Ok so I was just thinking about who gets all the mic time...sure on the top of the card it is split 50-50 with face heel, be it edge-cena or orton-hhh or y2j-hbk

but on the mid card to me anyway it seems like I never hear any of the faces cut promos. ex when was the last time you heard mysterio, punk, kofi, or even mvp (since he turned face) have any mic time.

on the other side swagger, morrison, miz, or even ziggler seem to cut a promo every other week, you could add mvp and kennedy to this list when they were both heels not too long ago.

summarizing, i think this is kinda dumb that faces can't get any mic time, makes them seem 1 dimensional and not as interesting, therefore tougher to get behind them.

Well take a look at the list there. Mysterio isn't that great on the mic and doesn't need to cut a promo because he'll get a huge pop when he comes out regardless. Kofi they haven't had him in any sort of proper feud for a good while now, so whom or what is he going to cut a promo on? I guess he speak for about 2 minutes on ECW when they hyped the MITB match. Now Punk I can agree on, they need to have him talk more on the mic if they want to actually make something of him. But it's obvious they don't have that much faith in his mic skills. Not sure what to tell you on MVP, we'll see if that changes when he gets to Raw.

The thing is with the mid card, is they don't want to give them as much time on the mic as they do the main event people. So the best way to build a feud up is have the heel come out and talk down to the face, face comes out, knocks heel around and receives face pop, or heel beats down face and receives heel pop. It's a pretty cut and dry method to continue a feud, not my favorite or necessarily the best, but I think that goes to show you how much they want to develop the mid card. What bothers me the most is they give Santino more mic time then even the heels do, all for a comedic purpose. It's obvious he won't be going anyway other than a comedic jobber, so why waste all that time on him when they could be giving more time to the younger mid carders so they can develop mic skills and learn how to develop feuds properly.
What bothers me the most is they give Santino more mic time then even the heels do, all for a comedic purpose. It's obvious he won't be going anyway other than a comedic jobber, so why waste all that time on him when they could be giving more time to the younger mid carders so they can develop mic skills and learn how to develop feuds properly.

He gets mic time because he will do matterial that no one else would do. He also has great mic skills and gets one hell of a reaction. Its like we love to hate Vickie Guerreo. She gets a reaction. She gets more mic time.
He gets mic time because he will do matterial that no one else would do. He also has great mic skills and gets one hell of a reaction. Its like we love to hate Vickie Guerreo. She gets a reaction. She gets more mic time.

So in 5 years time and we have no one worth a shit to take over the main event scene because they never had as much time to develop as the old guard did, we can rely on Santino coming out and generally doing the same boring ass shit over and over again? Yeah I believe that will get old real quick.

Let me give you an example. Why in the living hell did they give damn near 20-30 minutes for that shit Santina/Khali angle? What was the damn point? We could have taken care of that on Raw or Smackdown in 10 minutes at most. In it's place we could have had a match of some sorts.

But we are getting off topic here. The point is, is that they need to relegate more time for the midcarders, especially those that are seen as the future main eventers. Without that time and exposure, the main event scene may look pretty poor in a few years.
The problem is that fans today are jerks. Used to, a babyface could cut a promo, say that he was looking forward to the match, would give it his all, and would beat the bad guy, and the crowd would love it.

Nowadays wrestling fans, in their infinite quest to be "cool", would actually boo a guy like that.

Maybe they're not trying to be "cool", maybe they just don't liek the wholesome good guy image now as most people are itnelligent to realsie that very few peopel are liek that in real life. Of coruse you get cartoonish heels but someone being a selfish egomaniac is mroe believable than a guy who kisses everyone's ass and won't break the rules even if he's beating beaten on by 3 other guys or whatever. Those Superman characters aren't that popular anymore, people wanna see soemthing mroe akin to a Batman or Wolverine or at least have a choice between the two...so basically no one is trying to be cool, they just don't have the same tastes or morals as a 60 year old church going grandma.

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