Whose Career Would You Rather Have? Part 1

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Cena's Little Helper

Mid-Card Championship Winner
So, I'm going to try this new idea out. Essentially, I'm going to give you two actors who are connected in the following manner: one of them either turned down or left a role while the other assumed this role and became a breakout star. After I explain the connection and (maybe somewhat opinionated) outcome to you, you post why you'd choose the career of one actor over the other.

Tonight, we're going to do:




The Scenario: Adam Sandler is all set to play the role of the taxi driver Max in Collateral. However, he drops out to instead do James L. Brooks' new dramedy, Spanglish. Consequently, the role of Max goes to In Living Color alum and comedian Jaime Foxx.

The Outcome: Spanglish turns out to be one of the worst-reviewed movies of the year, while Collateral is one of the year's most well-received. Not only does Foxx's portrayal of Max get him a Best Supporting Actor nomination, but it also opens critics' eyes to the Best Actor Award-winning performance that he would give as Ray Charles in the eponymous biopic.

Personally, I'd take just about anyone's career over Adam Sandler's. Sure, he makes a shit ton of money making absolutely horrendous comedies, but he is nothing more than horrible as an actor. He will never be more than a low-brow humored comedian whose hypocrisy is apparent in almost any role he's in. Have you ever seen an actor try to preach so much about the things that really matter in life (e.g., family and friendship) while at the same time making sure he's both financially successful and romantically linked to a beautiful woman?

Anyway, I could go on and on about how horrible Adam Sandler is, but I want this thread to be about both him and Jaime Foxx. Ultimately, the choice boils down to one choice: would you rather be filthy rich, or would you rather be moderately rich with loads of acting talent?
Jaime Fox. The Oscar really seals the deal for me. Sandler was funny as hell in the early part of his career and if I could I would probably choose the 90's through 2001 portion of Sandler's career, but I can't so it would make most sense to just go with Fox. Also, the fact that Fox played Ray Charles out weighs any of Sandler's roles. Ray Charles is amazing and the fact that Fox played him makes him awesome by association. Jamie Fox has just had the better career, at least to this point. Adam Sandler can make you laugh but Jaime Fox has won big awards and played huge characters something that brings in the big dollars. Though I will say that being Adam Sandler would be a lot of fun.
Adam Sandler probably has boat loads more money than Jamie Foxx, but Foxx has the Oscar, which I would take over anything Sandler has accomplished in his career.

Yes, Foxx himself has put up some stinkers, but man... he's been in some great, great shit as well. I've been a fan of Jamie Foxx for years. From his role as Shaniqua on In Living Color, to his TREMENDOUS performance as Staff Sgt. Sykes in the movie Jarhead; he's really been in some awesome shit.

Sandler... Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, Punch-Drunk Love, and Click... four very good movies, but everything else he's been in sucked balls (with the exception of Reign Over Me, which is good, but it's not something you watch more than once), and none of these performances were as good as Foxx in Jarhead, or as funny as Foxx was on In Living Color.

Plus, Foxx can sing, and his stand-up is LOADS better than Sandler's. This is a very, very easy choice. Sandler may have the money, but Foxx has a shit load himself I'm sure, plus an Oscar. Seriously couldn't be an easier choice for me.
I take Foxx's career over Sandler's money any day. Like jmt said he has an Oscar and Sandler has Happy Gilmore. Then you look at roles for the future, Sandler will always be in dick and fart joke movies where as Jamie Foxx will get a wider array of roles, and better roles at that.
I'm going to go against the grain here and say I'd rather have Sandler's carreer. I like to think that Sandler has fun at least doing what he does, plus, he also makes lots of movies with his friends. I think it would be awesome to be able to work with good friends and make great money.
I would have to take Foxx's career. Like the others said he's an Academy Award winning actor which is a plus and I like the style of films he does more. I don't think I could stand making the same dry comedies time after time. At least Foxx gets to switch it up and play different characters who are put in different extreme situations. He also has a decently successful music career. And I bet he gets a lot more poon.
He will never be more than a low-brow humored comedian whose hypocrisy is apparent in almost any role he's in. Have you ever seen an actor try to preach so much about the things that really matter in life (e.g., family and friendship) while at the same time making sure he's both financially successful and romantically linked to a beautiful woman?

This reminds me of how his character was in Funny People.....

Anyway, I guess I'm going to go with Jamie Foxx. Now don't get me wrong, he's had his share of stinkers to. Bait, Miami Vice, and Law Abiding Citizen or just some of the films I can think of off of the top of my head. But Foxx has something that Sandler doesn't, two outstanding films under his belt. Ray was by far one of the best biopics I've ever seen, and his performance here was just amazing. I usually can't stand anything that comes from Michael Mann, but I won't deny that Collateral was one hell of a movie. Although, this one was driven by the very good performances of Tom Cruise and Foxx, but still, Collateral was a damn good movie.

Adam Sandler hasn't done anything of high quality ever since Anger Management(it pisses me off because I really liked that movie). I thought Mr.Deeds was terrible. Seriously, it didn't even look like Sandler was trying in that one. Spanglish was just a train wreck. I had no idea where that film was trying to go. That movie was an experiment gone horribly wrong. Reign Over Me was a very solid film, and I didn't think Click was anywhere near as bad as people made it out to be. But when you look at Sandler's career, the majority of it has been very mediocre. He really doesn't have that one film(or films) like Foxx does that stand out as a true gem.
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