Whose "Attitude Adjustment" has a better impact- Luger v/s Cena??

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Tors Hall Rule

Straight Hedge(HOG)
Now I trust not many people will remember this, but Lex Luger once changed his finisher from the Torture Rack to Attitude Adjustment (A Piledriver), as against John Cena who used to call this move F-U (for mocking Lesnar) to AA (a more kid friendly name)..

So, a simple question, whose AA do you think was/is more impactful, given that both guys doing this were/are ripped to an extent..
Didn't watch wrestling during Luger's hey day, but to answer your question from an unqualified view point, I may suggest Luger.

In that era, the business wasn't exposed as it is today, and there was more of a believability factor. Today, everything is critiqued so hard compared to the way it was back then when Luger was in his prime. You also didn't have the more realistic UFC going after the same demographic.

I've often have wondered if the more realistic style showcased in UFC would affect how people (more so young kids) react to the move sets in WWE. While the AA is not horrible offensive to intelligence, unlike the Five Knuckle Shuffle, Hogan's leg drop of the People's Elbow, the AA isn't exactly the most devastating move. It certainly looked a lot more powerful coming from Lesnar.
Funny, I thought Lex's Attitude Adjustment was a brainbuster, my bad. Anyways, base on your question I would say Luger's was more impactful then Cena's.

Like the above poster stated the believability factor was there, hell I for a long time thought pro wrestling it was real growing up.
Luger's Attitude Adjustment is a completely different move so it could be argued that it's unfair to compare them... Luger's though. Piledrivers just generally look more impactful than what is essentially a glorified firemans carry.
Luger's hands down. Like was said above, in the day wrestling seemed more real so his move looked better. Now, well we all know its fake so when Cena hits his move it seems more fake.
Well of course Luger's, just because of the pile driver aspect.
Even today it would be seen as having more impact, because we don't see pile drivers in WWE much.

As for exposure, if you go that route then a simple Bruno punch has more impact then Luger's AA did.
lugars was 10 times better. as much as i like cenas AA i think lugars was more effective because as others said cause of the piledriver effect. I wish the piledriver was not banned cause i think cena might use that also
Hands down, no contest: Lex Luger's. Like someone already said, a fireman's carryover vs. a piledriver? A piledriver can legitimately end a career or even cripple someone. Ask Steve Austin or Paul Ordorff. Yeah, no doubt Luger's (though I didn't like him changing his finisher because it made no sense to me). Not to mention, he was "taught" to use this move by Harley Race (kayfabe), so that in itself made Luger's "Attitude Adjustment" far more brutal.
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