Who's Your Top 5?

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Nj Fan 04

Dark Match Winner
Simple enough: What five wrestlers are your favorite. It could be for any reason, as long as you tell us why.

My top five (in no particular order):

1. Matt Hardy: He is great as a tag team wrestler, and has really come into his own as a singles star. He improves every match and does a great job putting himself and his opponent over, no matter which person wins. Also, he's learning how to cut promos and really can see him finally taking that next step to the headlines.

2. HBK: He is just a great face, without being too sappy and boring. There is no denying his amazing in ring skills and he can cut a promo better than most. I also love his finisher, that it can come at any time or have a slow, exciting build up.

3. Randy Orton:
Many reasons here: -He's good as a face against an heel HHH.
-He's a great heel against say HBK, Cena, Kennedy is he turned, or against anybody really.
-He has a good physique that doesn't look like steroids or a bodybuilder.
-He can actually wrestle
-His finisher looks like it really hurts and can be built up or come out of nowhere like Sweet Chin Music.

4. Edge: Great in the ring and on the mic. He is an unbelievable heel that still has fans of his own. He puts on great matches and really makes the viewer care about who wins.

5. London + Kendrick (tag team counts as one): They are just a fun tag team, and I think they can be the guys to save the tag team division if they are used right. If only they had a long fued with the WGTT, I would love the WWE again. Because of how I would book them and their honest talent, they crack my Top 5 as the only tag team.

Who are your TOP 5 and WHY?

1. HBK: Amazing on the mic, amazing in the ring, more over than Thelma & Louise went, and he helped issue not only the New Generation but the Attitude Era as well. You can ALWAYS count on HBK to deliver in a match, no matter who it is, and you can see every time he comes out that he's doing what he absolutely loves. I miss the old Michaels from 96 and 97, but he's still the best. Its really a shame he and Bret Hart had such a bad relationship, cause these two are two of the three best guys in the history of the WWE in my opinion, with the third being...

2. Undertaker: Ever since his debut, he's been a huge draw and a perfectionist non-stop. The guy is just amazingly entertaining, has an awesome gimmick that hasn't grown stale, and he always delivers in the ring. Plus, his backstage attitude has been praised to the rooftop. I have a ton of respect for him as a performer and one of the best that professional wrestling has ever produced.

3. Edge: Easily the most gifted wrestler in the WWE right now. I stopped watching around the end of 99, where Edge was still green, but holy shit am I surprised and happy at how good he's gotten. From what I've been seeing while catching up ever since, he's great as a face, but he's even better as a heel. He puts on great shows and he's a wonderful entertainer. Well-deserved of all his title reigns and deserving of a lot more in the future as he'll become the man holding the strings in the locker room in a few years.

4. Mr. Kennedy: Though Kennedy is still a little clumsy in his ring performance, he's outstanding on the mic and once he fixes a few of his glitches, watch out, cause this guy's a ball of fire waiting to spark. Barring some unforeseen incident or injury, its well within his grasps to become the top man in the company by a year or two from now.

5. HHH: Though he isn't as great as #1, 2, or 3, HHH has done a lot of great things in his career. My favorite career section of his was when he was the leader of DX after HBK's injury, but he's gotten better in the ring since then. I dislike how easily he gets pushed nowadays, but he's definitely one of the top men in the company and he's a future hall of famer.

Worth Mentioning #6. MVP / John Morrison / Jeff Hardy: The reason I mention these guys is because I feel I shouldn't take them out of this, even though they aren't good enough to replace HHH as #5. For MVP, he's got a great hold on things, and he's better on the mic than in the ring, so as soon as he starts adding a little bit more flair to his actual wrestling, he'll be big on the scene. The opposite goes to Morrison, who is ridiculously entertaining in the ring, but is slowly and surely working on improving his mic skills. Then there is Hardy, who I'm a big fan of and I hope he continues to push himself to the limit like he's been these past few weeks, because if he keeps this up, he may very well be a legitimate WWE title challenger even within the next few months.
first poster
Randy Orton
-He has a good physique that doesn't look like steroids or a bodybuilder.

wtf are you smoking? he got caught with steroids twice i believe.


5 - Orton

I just liked the physco character

4 - Morrison

most versatile wrestler in the WWE

3 - Jimmy Wang Yang

watch one of his matches, then come back to me

2 - Undertaker

'nuff said. his entrances are too drawn out i believe. but every match is main event material

1 - Kane

from bad blood 97, to now, the most dominating force when used correctly. what 330 pound man flies from the top rope? he's an athlete, and USED to play a sick character.

why does everyone keep saying HBK? Yeah he's a hall of famer. but he's no where near what he used to be, and McMahon is putting him in these main event matches. i thought the cyber sunday rko/hbk match was pretty cheap to be honest.
1. Kane-from when he made is debut, to when when he lost his mask, to his rivalry with Shane, you never know what he is gonna do, but you know it will be entertaining and he puts on great matches.
2. Jeff Hardy-its simple he is a great wrestler/performer.
3. Randy Orton-he has always been one of my favorite performers every since he left evolution, he is in great shape, and i loved when he kicked ppl's skulls in.
4. HHH-he is one of the top performers in WWE and can play a great heel or face. When DX returned he was hilarious and has always put on pretty good matches. The last man standing match vs. Orton was great.
5. Cena-you can hate him all you want because he had the title so long, but he is great on the mic and puts on decent matches, everyone says he cant wrestle, but he really isnt that bad, anyone who holds the title for that long deserves a spot in my top 5.

Worth mentioning-JBL although he doesn't wrestle anymore i really hope he returns to the ring, he his great on the mic and puts on decent matches, Christian Cage, although he is in TNA he is still a great personality, he was one of my favorites when he was with WWE and is one of the only reasons i ever think about watching TNA
ok my top five are.

1. jeff hardy. i just find him so entertaining. i like his finsher, i have actually trried doing this and it's pretty hard to do. i also like the way he takes pain, he has that never say die attitude since he has came back. but the most reason i like him is because of the steel cage match at sumemrslam against the dudleys. he had the best match ever then goes for the swanton bomb of the cage i mean that is syco.

2. m.v.p. i find him entertaining. i also like his mic and charisma skills, it's just perfect to watch him

3. randy orton. he just does every ove to perfection and actually tries his hardest to do the move he is about to do like his drop kick is just oustanding. i also think he is a great heeel and when he was face, i thought he was the best wrestler in the business.

4. shelton benjiman. i also like him beacause he is entertaining and he can do any thing from any where. just like a hardy basically.

5. d genration x. i find these to superstars just one of the best wrestlers of al time. i mean they got that don't give a shit attitude. they are also one of the million best wrestlers this business has ever had. i really do hope these to reform and join smackdown and help smackdown become big again.

but my favourite of all time is sting. he is all of the things above. no more i have to say.
5. Rey Mysterio - the man loves the business and it shows. Hes got an awesome relationship with the fans (you can tell by his entrance) and he straight up gets it done in the ring.

4. Batista - Big guy whos exciting in the ring. I personally don't care about promos.

3. Randy Orton - Best heel in years, he has good skills and when he's on you focus your attention on him.

2. Jeff Hardy - THE showman in the WWE, the fans give him a huge pop wherever he is and he gives it up for the fans. Gotta respect it.

1. Matt Hardy - My guy Matt is the most under appreciated guy in the locker room. Years of blood, sweat, layoffs and tears and he still can't get a singles title! I can only hope they'll give him his props one day. Hes a great wrestler and has the skills and fanbase to be a great champion.
Well this is in no type of order.

5. Rey Mysterio~ he is just amazing and revolutionized the Cruiserweight division since he first started on SD. He can put on an amazing match, and is a fan favorite and he can work a crowd and he can still wrestle with the actual heavyweights.

4. MVP~ he has improved drastically since he debut on SD. His MIC work is exceptional, he can put on a good match and gets mad heat from the crowd. His feud with Matt Hardy is bringing out the best in each wrestler. MVP is very charismatic, has good MIC work and can wrestle, he is a complete *wrestler* who has a bright future.

3. Santino Marella~ Don't ask. But the guy is just straight up hilarious, he gets instant heat and is tremendous on the MIC. He has never impressed me in the ring but we never get a chance to see him go. I was impressed with his match against MVP during the draft but that's it. He is just a great heel character because of his mic work and is charismatic.

2. Undertaker~ the man has done everything in the business and at his age he can still go. He is 15-0 at WM and can still compete in a good match, he can make the not so great wrestlers look good, and is just an all around great character.

1. John Cena~ the man is possibly the hardest working man in the business and it shows, he gives it his all every match and he can compete in some really good matches. He has good MIC work, charismatic and can handle his own with the best of them. He is an all around great wrestler in wrestling today and is one of the few reasons why i have gotten back into wrestling, even though this is before his injury.
There is a top 10 most talented wrestlers thread. Which people insist on putting there top 10 favorite wrestlers in.

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