Who's The Toughest Guy In Pro Wrestling?


Getting Noticed By Management
The question I'm posing is who is the toughes guy in pro wrestling? I watched a shoot interview with Scott Steiner for RF Videos I think it was and he made mention that HHH couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag or something along those lines. Then I remember seeing HHH on Tough Enough and he admitted that he wasn't that tough. So, who is? Two of the guys that would've immediately come to mind were Batista and Goldberg but I heard that they got their asses kicked by Booker T and Jericho respectively. Steve Austin is a bad ass but if you hear Steve Williams, he seems like the nicest guy in the world and did you see The Rock on Punk'd? He was about the only celebrity that was going to do something to the guy that was "punking" him but you wouldn't think he was that tough in real life, even T.I. was scared on his episode My money is on 'Taker because of the occupation he had before he became a pro wrestler and the fact that there's a story going around that he was going to put his hands on HBK if he didn't job to Austin at WM 14. BTW, I don't mean "Mick Foley" tough, I'm talking about the guy you would take with you into a brawl.
Lol no joke... I would pick Mark Henry. The guy can drag a parked bus a whole mile... Who in their right mind would mess with him?
I'm not sure who the toughest of the tough would be, but I can tell you that William Regal is certainly no joke, and neither is Kurt Angle or Wade Barrett.

Goldberg, the Rock, etc. are all no longer wrestling, and haven't been for years, so I'm not sure why they're even being discussed – same goes for Steiner, too, seeing as he's not in any major promotion right now either.

While I'm at it though, I'd probably also throw Vladimir Kozlov, The Undertaker and Kaval into the mix of guys you wouldn't want to legitimately get into beef with either.
I am not totally sure who would be tough but I guess you put Awesome Kong in there since she beat up Buba but really almost anyone can beat up Buba so thats not a big accomplishment.

But I also would Koslav Regal Barrett and maybe Samoa Joe they all seem like the kind of people that you just don't want to get on there bad side.
A few years ago I would have said Brock Lesnar and then before that Ken Shamrock- their UFC success shows that

But now? hmmmmmm Low-Ki (Kaval) looks like he'd kill you without thinking, or Mark Henry just cos he is ridiculously strong
Hands down, Brian Danielson this guy wrestled a whole match with a broken eye socket and puts his body on the line just to entertain us. This guy is a machine and has been bloodied many times and still finished the match.
Undertaker because he is one big scary looking dude, with a very high pain threshold.
Kurt Angle is another guy you'd want on your side in a fight.
Hardcore Holly was always a tough guy, well more bully, i suppose if you were fighting Rene Dupree. . .
A guy who knows submissions can be good, just slap a hold on them til they give or pass out. I'm trying to think, i suppose Bryan Danielson.
Going more into the who would you want in a fight territory, Jeff Hardy because if you're in trouble he'd be likely to just throw himself off of a building or something onto the other guy. LOL
If I was in a bar brawl and could pick one wrestler to have my back I am picking SHAD GASPARD. He has a amateur boxing background and a record of 57and 26. He was even a bodyguard for Mike Tyson. I do not know if he it the toughest guy in pro wrestling, but he is one I would want having my back in a fight.
The Undertaker. The guy wrestles through all sorts of injuries all the time. He will stand up to anyone backstage. The guy even took a fireball to the face and chest and still competed. And hes just a big guy as it is
I say the toughest "guy" in wrestling is Beth Phoenix.

Not only did she wrestle her last match with a serious leg injury, she lifted two girls on her back and slammed them.

If I'm stuck in a dark alley, I'm taking her for protection.
BAsed on the number of matches i've seen Taker wrestle with a legitimate injury, PLUS the fact the he used to be a bouncer before he started taking bumps, PLUS the fact that he's well up on his MMA AND is a behemouth of a man in his stature, i'd say Taker's probably the all round toughest.

But the guy who'll kill you without breaking a sweat is obviously Big Show. The guy can swing Rey Mysterio around like he's a 2x4, and isn't going to get on one knee so you can have your 1 free shot. Would you want to fuck with him?
Kurt Angle. In a legit fight the only people I'd see beating him would've been Brock and Shamrock and since Kurt's the only one still active as a wrestler it's gotta be him.
Honestly I'm disappointed that I haven't seen this guy yet. Everyone that has been mentioned is a complete pussy compared to this guy. Listen to these stories:

In 1987, Haku had a backstage fight with Jesse Barr (who wrestled at the WWF as Jimmy Jack Funk) which allegedly resulted in Fifita gouging one of Barr's eyeballs out, causing Barr to later wear a glass eye. After this fight, Fifita had a reputation that steered wrestlers away from backstage confrontations.

In the book Arn Anderson: 4 Ever, Arn Anderson cites an event where Fifita pushed a cowboy through two sets of doors with one hand.

He also had an altercation with Brutus Beefcake after Beefcake complained to WWF management that Tonga slapped him too hard during a match. After WWF management informed Tonga, he immediately went to the locker room and grabbed Beefcake out of the shower, and began choking him, lifting him two feet off the floor. Other wrestlers were hesitant to break it up, so finally Hulk Hogan (who Tonga respected) was called in and was able to calm Tonga down.

From the wikipedia page of Tonga Fifita, otherwise known as Meng. This man could kill anyone mentioned if he really wanted to.
Well, I was gonna slap my tuppenceworth on Big Show, but Megatron there has convinced me to go google this Tonga dude and if we can have any grappler from time, i'll go with him, if not, i'm walking into that dark alley with Mr Big Show!
Well since the thread is toughest in wrestling and not ever, I would have to say Big Show. Yeah he might be a little slow, but the size of his fists are bigger than probably 9 out of 10 times a person's head. Plus given the fact that he is damn near 500lbs, I don't think you would have much of a chance getting him off of you, if he were to be on top. I think it would be safe to say that if he starts swinging people would fall, or they would just run at the shear size of him.
duh there is a similar thread going on in the old school section


i have already given my answer there but i forgot to add one guy.

d'angelo dinero-yeah the pope.isnt this guy a legit amateur boxer with a record of 103 wins and 1 loss.he says he had problems throwing worked punches earlier in his career.plus he was also a law enforcement officer.sure wouldnt like to mess with this kid

also i heard austin broke some mma fighter's nose while shooting for the damage.im sure he didnt do it on purpose but dude this guy is strong man.wouldnt like to pick fights with him either
toughest currently in wrestling, few names come to mind, Big Show ofcourse, Taker ofcourse, Big Zeke and Rob Terry, they both jacked, and Zeke just has a look on his face like he wants to cause you bodily harm.... all the time, as for Rob paint him green put him in a marvel comic =)
toughest currently in wrestling, few names come to mind, Big Show ofcourse, Taker ofcourse, Big Zeke and Rob Terry, they both jacked, and Zeke just has a look on his face like he wants to cause you bodily harm.... all the time, as for Rob paint him green put him in a marvel comic =)

Hehe Rob Terry! If he walked down a street in Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch

(yes that's a place - ask Tastycles) he'd get his ass kicked for lookin like a wuss! I've seen harder Welshmen out on a Tuesday night =)

Totally with you on Big Zeke though - and after today's Raw I'd not like to mess with Tarver...
Well that's a tough one well I am going with anyone with a mixed martial arts background.

C.M Punk simply because he was train in Muiy which is kicks I am guessing so I guess he is kind of tough.

Undertaker because he is trained in kick boxing and is massive so I would not go into a dark alley with him without some kind of weapon just in case he turned on me.

Big Show well this guy is seven foot, weighs 500 pounds and can deliver a big right hand and it's also reported that boxing was going to sign him but he did not want to go.

Stone Cold Steve Austin well this guy broke Stallone massive neck with a head butt when they were filming the expendables so he must be tough .
duh there is a similar thread going on in the old school section


Right now, not of all time.

Kurt Angle or the Big Show.

Kurt Angle is an Olympic Gold medalist. That means much more than some training in kickboxing or jiu jitsu (however it's spelled). This was the BEST in the world. I'm sure he could absolutely break down (just about) anyone he felt like...

Except for maybe the Big Show. He's just too damn big. I have always agreed it's as much about the size of the fight in the dog as it is about the size of the dog in the fight. I get that. But, not in this case. He's like 500 lbs., and he can box. Probably the toughest guy to handle in a fight.
I would love to see any wrestler get in a legit fight with The Undertaker backstage. Undertaker is a huge fan of MMA and by the look of things, he could kick some serious ass. Look at his stance at the begining of all his matches. He's got perfect form. Bent knees, fist ready to jab and the other ready to protect his chin from any shot. His punches look real and he's got AMAZING speed. No other wrestler looks as good as Undertaker in a fighting stance. No to mention, the guy is fucking 7 foot (approx.) And 299 pounds. Id hate to start anything with 'Taker. I think another would be Ric Flair believe it or not. The guy feels little pain and seems like one of those old crazy dudes that'll take on 5 guys at a time and won't stay down. Anyways, Undertaker hands down.

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