Who in history is wrestlings toughest guy

Who Do You Think Is Wrestlings All Time Baddest Tough Guy

  • Bad News Brown

  • Cpl Kirtchner

  • Dynamite Kid

  • Paul Orndorff

  • Harley Race

  • Meng/Haku

  • Dick The Bruiser

  • Road Warrior Hawk

  • Hardcore Holly

  • Bruiser Brody

  • Andre The Giant

  • Other

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Although I have seen I had already commented in this thread back in 2010 before someone brought it back from the dad, voting Sabu and Terry Funk, I am going to have to make another couple of suggestions.

After reading many wrestling autobiographies, it is clear to me that Meng/Haku is one of the toughest men ever to step into a wrestling ring. Everyone has stories about how terrifying and tough he was (I am not going to list them as most of them are already mentioned in this thread by others). But yeah....Meng was tough as nails.

Most wrestlers out there are tough as hell, simply to continue while living every day in pain with stiffness, soreness and contantly nursing injuries. To do what those guys do on a daily basis you have to be tough. know I couldn't do it, and 99% of people wouldn't either.

Yea I have about 20 Bio books on wrestlers and 14 of them have story bout haku just doing some crazy stuff or guys knowing not to fuck wit him.
in the POP shoot interview, barbarian said haku's name instantly as the toughest Guy in the business.
Awesome thread topic. IMo there are way too many to mention and it wouldn't be right to give an overall #1..In terms of tough Sabu, Mick Foley, Terry Funk, and Harley Race are probably the toughest wrestlers of all time. Harley Race has severe spinal chord issues because of the signature swan dive head butt. Sabu, Foley and Funk all you have to do is watch any of their ECW stuff to see what I'm talking about. The baddest wrestling persona is without a doubt Stone Cold Steve Austin, that rise in popularity will never be matched again.
watch legends of wrestling roundtable, they have an episode dedicated to this specifically. Anyway according to the guys who were there, like Pat Patterson and JR, guys like Harley Race and Danny Hodge were the real deal, id have to say Kurt Angle too for the fact that he won a GOLD MEDAL with a broken neck at the olympics...if thats not tough i dunno what is....
watch legends of wrestling roundtable, they have an episode dedicated to this specifically. Anyway according to the guys who were there, like Pat Patterson and JR, guys like Harley Race and Danny Hodge were the real deal, id have to say Kurt Angle too for the fact that he won a GOLD MEDAL with a broken neck at the olympics...if thats not tough i dunno what is....

Yeah, Kurt Angle is one tough SOB. I have numerous article where it says his body is in such bad shape that he cannot turn his head to the side, and to look behind him he has to turn his whole body round. Also, to see him try and tie up his wrestling boots is meant to be really sad, he is a physical wreck but when the music hits and he comes out to the ring, his adrenaline kicks in, he feels no pain and still puts on the match of the night every single night.

I love Kurt Angle, but I am worried that he will end up in a wheelchair one day. To have that many operations on your neck and still continue to put your body through hell is really dangerous.

Talking of injuries, has anyone seen "Beyond The Mat" with Terry Funk, where the doctor tells him that he should not be able to walk even then (late 1990s) due to the damage in his knees, that they should be disabling to him and he needed knee replacements back then. Does anyone know whether he ended up getting these? It amazes me that Terry Funk still has any mobility, he was moonsaulting off balconies into his 60s. Unreal
meng... and only meng..... all of the books I have read have clearly stated that meng/haku/tonga is the most badass person in wrestling.... someone whom very few people would argue
you can put a lot of the names mentioned on this list into 2 groups i will show you what i mean.

LEGIT TOUGH GUYS: Haku, Harley Race, Rick Rude, Undertaker, Bart Gunn

BULLYS: Hardcore Holly, Dynamite Kid, Rick + Scott Steiner, tazz, Bruiser Brody

also i saw someone mention goldberg and the ultimate warrior as tough guys. are you having a laugh one was a jackked up knob that is still spouting garbage from his mouth today and the others record was 100% kayfabe. if that makes him a tough guy then i can go round saying im unbeaten in 500 matches so i must be LEGIT tough. doesnt mean i am
Only read the front page, but I can't believe the names people are saying.

Bruno Sammartino, was the toughest legit tough guy was. Backstage, he'd always take care of problems. I know when he was in his 50's he took on 6 professional football players by himself backstage at a show. He held his own until the Iron Sheik cam out of the showers and helped him finish them off.

Him and Gorilla Monsoon got into one time, with Bruno taking care of Monsoon with ease. Hands down, Sammartino is a legit tough guy.
It's pretty much obviously Meng surely? Everyone says it's him and the people on the inside know much better than us.

There's a lot of bullies in wrestling, but I reckon some of them are still tough. Dynamite Kid is, was, and always will be a dick, but he took a roll of coins to the face and never went down. Jacques Rougeau said although he was a bully, he was pretty fucking tough.

Also Rick Rude could be a bully from what I hear, but he was clearly one of the toughest men in wrestling. There are tons of stories about him battering people back in the day. I remember him absolutely beating the shit out of jobbers. I think there's a match on Youtube where he smacks Mark Starr around. But yeah, Rude was a tough guy.
Tom Jenkins was an old-school roughhouser who lived one of the harshest lives of perhaps any wrestler. He was almost killed by a malfunctioning fireworks cannon when still a child. Badly hurt by pieces of shrapnel, he lost one of his eyes as a result. He grew up on the streets, took an apprenticeship for metalworking, and was working a forge before he had reached his teens. By his mid teens, he was doing hard physical labor in the old steel mills.

As a wrestler, Jenkins had a hard, callused frame. While not technically a hooker in the classic sense, Jenkins was termed a roughhouser, a guy who enjoyed physically hurting individuals even in the controlled environment of the scripted match. He was a master of subtle dirty tricks. Among his favorite was rubbing his hands all over an opponent's face. As Jenkins had leathery, callused skin from his years as a millswright, wrestling him was like wrestling sandpaper.

Jenkins was a force to be reckoned with in the wrestling ring. In the arena of the private shoot, he was a terror. Frank Gotch faced Jenkins in one such private encounter very early in his career, and his experience left him unnerved for their first official public match, held years later.
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