Who's the next breakout star in ROH?


Dark Match Winner
AJ Styles, CM Punk, Samoa Joe, and Nigel McGuiness to name a few ROH main event players that have left for bigger companies....and now we have Tyler Black. So who's gonna be the next ROH guy that develops, shows star potential, and then leaves for TNA or WWE?

I'm going with Chris Hero. Hero has been steadily moving up the ROH ladder since 2006 and the Kings of Wrestling gimmick has gone a long way towards legitimizing him as a potential main-event guy. Hero's always had the mic skills and seems to keep getting better and perfecting the ability as time goes on, essentially he's the mouthpiece that gets the Kings of Wrestling over.

Also, Hero isn't the most exciting in-ring wrestler, but certainly he's experienced and knows how to put on a good match. His loaded elbow pad gimmick adds depth to his matches and provides good heel heat.

I could see Castagnoli getting a heel run with the world title down the road and that could potentially set up a face push for Hero. I'd like to hope. =) But I know that Hero's age is a big drawback. He's nearly 31, and if the WWE was really interested they'd probably have knocked on Hero's door by now, but I could easily see TNA making good use of him.

Anyway, what do you think? Think I'm crazy for being such a Chris Hero mark?

Who do you think is the next ROH star that will make "the jump" so to speak? Davey Richards probably? Anyone else?
There is nothing crazy about "That Young Knockout Kid" being the next ROH star to break away from the independents and making his way to the real show (and no I don't mean TNA) WWE is on a surge of snatching up every top draw from the independant scene they can get. And considering the first two they decided on were Brian Danielson (29) and Low Ki (31) I don't see the man who "Can concuss with his kicks and KO with his Elbow" having a problem of age with WWE. I personally see Hero, Castagnoli, and possibly Austin Aries if he loses the pink vest, pipe, and stupid fucking facial hair all in WWE within the next year or two. To focus on Hero though, this is a guy who has great promo skills, has the look WWE loves, tells great storys in the ring, generates good head (great heat with the loaded elbow pad) has never been known to hurt people (even though he does work stiff which he may have to work on) and more importantly than all of that (hint hint at what WWE is chasing ATM) has a CULT like following in the IWC. People love Hero, if you have gone to a independant show featuring chris hero you have heard the chants (and probabley were chanting yourself)...."CHRIS IS AWESOME...clap..clap...clap clap clap" "He's My Hero....clap clap clap clap clap" It's no coincidence WWE grabbed up Danielson and Low Ki first...they have the biggest IWC following...they bring credibility...would you have watched NXT season 1 if not for Danielson? (I wouldn't have) So in simplicity yes...very soon (hopefully) we will see "The Master of the Roaring Elbow" in the big leagues.

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