Who's the Most Obnoxious Hogan?

I hate ____________ the most...

  • Hulk Hogan

  • Linda Hogan

  • Brooke Hogan

  • Nick Hogan

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Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
With the Hogan family saga going on and on, I'd like to look at the four almost unbearable members of the dramarama family of wrestling, and ask - which one is the worst?

1. Hulk Hogan. Here today, gone tomorrow with the WWE. Extremely full of himself. Trying to be the next Sly Stallone, Gene Simmons, or Ozzy Osbourne in terms of marketing his own name. Fill in the blanks.

2. Linda Hogan. The first dippy blonde of the family. Leaving Hulk and demanding lots of money. Has had some hilarious and stupid run ins with traffic cops.

3. Brooke Hogan. The hot-bodied wanna be pop star won't shut up. While her career tanks and her family falls apart, she tans by the pool. Annoying, pretentious prima donna.

4. Nick Hogan. Go speed racer, GO! Jackass who raced his car, got his friend paralyzed, and lied about it is now in danger of serious criminal offenses.

Which one is the most UNBEARABLE!?
You just gotta hate the Hulkster. I do not like that man, he is way to full on himself. He is stuck in a world where he is "God". In and out of the ring the man is an ass. He is to stuck up to lose a match, and in real life he's markertting himself as if he's a rock star (Like IC25 said). I just hope he kicks the bucket soon.
As much as i despise them all, i gotta go for brooke. just cos i hate the attitude that cos someone has a famous parent they deserve to be famous. and they've even given them their own term - socialite (greek for unemployed rich girl with no ambition in life apart from parties). i'd rather see someone earn my respect by being talented at what they do rather than how many clubs they stagger out of/sex tapes they make/pounds they can lose/albums they can't sell.

Phew that felt good getting that out.

They each have their qualities that make them unbearable. and painful as it is to admit it cos i have no love for him...but at least hulk did something to deserve it. yeah he has the (unmerited) God complex to go with... but he did somethin to get it unlike the rest of the leeches.

IC25... what's your opinion on it since u posed the question?
I cannot stand any of them, but the one I most hate is probably Brooke. Yeah she's a total babe and all, but god she's so annoying not to mention a terrible dresser. She thinks she is a great singer, which she's not. She thinks she is old enough to be by herself, which she is so immature she'd call daddy and have him fight off the "bad guys".

My hate list goes in order:

1. Brooke (For previously mentioned reasons)

2. Hulk (He's a dick and he's still stuck in the era where he thinks he is still god)

3. Linda (She cares more about animals than her family. Douche)

4. Nick (He's immature and well that's it)

None of them deserve any of the things they have.
Jeez, talk about a hate thread if there ever was one. The Hogans are probably pompous asses, but it's probably are fault for paying the Hulkster money to put his family in that situation, I'll bite on this though.

1. Nick Hogan. The kid just doesn't get it. He's really just an undisciplined piece of crap that needs the strong arm of the law to lay it to him. He's reckless, obnoxious, completely undisciplined. He has zero respect for his father, and zero respect for anyone else.

2. Linda Hogan. Mother Hen is probably the problem. Say what you will about Hulk, but he did cut back wrestling to spend time with his family in the early 90's and moved to WCW to be closer to his family. The mother was at home the entire time, but probably wasn't disciplining her children like she should have, and now we have the results of that.

3. Brooke. I'm really not sure why people have a Brooke bashing thing going on. She's been told by her parents, and by agents that she has talent. How else is a 16 year old girl supposed to act? Everyone around her is telling her how great she is, of course she's going to get an ego, that's why she's was only 16 or so when she first started. If guys didn't download her pictures and she didn't have the last name of Hogan, then no one would care. The fact is, she's a hot young woman with a very marketable name and appearance. People that hate on her are kind of ridiculous in my book.

4. Hulk Hogan: Hogan bashing is back I guess. Let's see, the guy was only responsible for every single person on these forums enjoying the type of wrestling they watch today. He's only responsible for two of the biggest boom periods in the history of the business. He's only responsible for making Wrestlmania. It's like people that bash the Star Wars movies when they know damn well they watched them when they were kids, it's the cool thing to do to bash Hulk Hogan. People that mindlessly bash Hogan without reason are merely sheep in my opinion.
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